Message Bridge - How to route messages from topic to queue - Glassfish - glassfish

Is it possible to configure a message bridge for GlassFish? The message is currently posted to a topic, and customer requirement is to "redirect" this message from a topic to a queue. (both are on the same GlassFish server). By redirect, I mean, the message will be posted on the topic and then copied to the queue. I cannot find much documentation about this, I have read about Open MQ, JMS broker and JMS bridge, but this does not seem to fit this requirement.
I understand, that I can implement a topic subscriber and then post a message to queue. But I would like to know, if it is possible to do this just by configuration or do I have to implement a bridge?
Thanks for your help, I do appreciate it.

You'll need to implement a bridge... or change the submitter to submit to both the queue and the topic.


what is exactly Publisher confirms in Rabbitmq?

I read the official document of Rabbitmq, it is not really clear for me what was that?
its something like Consumer Ack but with a difference that the Publisher Confirm is send by rabbitmq server to Publisher client when the server get the message from publisher client?
Can someone explain more about it?
thanks in advance.
its something like Consumer Ack but with a difference that the
Publisher Confirm is send by rabbitmq server to Publisher client when
the server get the message from publisher client?
Yes. When you enable publisher confirms, and your publisher receives acknowledgement that the message is published, you can be certain of it.
Without publisher confirms, you can lose messages in several cases. One example: your application could publish the data to the TCP buffer, but then crash, or the server itself could crash. Another example: a network device could fail mid-delivery. Another example: RabbitMQ itself could crash after receiving the TCP data containing your message.
NOTE: the RabbitMQ team monitors the rabbitmq-users mailing list and only sometimes answers questions on StackOverflow.

Can I know who send a certain message in RabbitMQ?

I've noticed that some apps send incorrect messages to a certain queue in RabbitMQ. Since lots of apps can access RabbitMQ in my environment, it's too difficult to identify the producers by reviewing codes.
Is there any way to find the producers? Do I need some monitoring tools?
Not without modifying the clients.
The AMQP protocol provides the app-id property exactly for that purpose. Message publishers should set the app-id when publishing messages to RabbitMQ so that consumers can infer the source of the message.

best way to transport messages between two different WSO2ESB

I'm new to WSO2 so please be forgiving.
My problem is how to connect two separates WSO2 ESB to transport messages between them (a particularly invoke web services seamlessly).
I know it is a very general question and the exact answer may be not possible, but I would like to know in which direction to go. Is it good idea to use JMS transport and e.g ActiveMQ as message broker? And how to test if that connection works?
Thanks in advance!
There is a lot of solutions, but I think you're right when you speak abour JMS and ActiveMQ. It's very simple to use, just "send" a message to a jms queue with an address endpoint and consume messages from that queue with a JMS proxy.

RabbitMQ - How to save message for new consumer

Working on a new chat project, We want to use RabbitMQ to transfer our message.
So can RabbitMQ save all the message in queue or some other place, when an new people(consumer) comes, the RabbitMQ can flush the saved message to the new people?
If you use a persistent queue, rabbitmq can store the messages (the messages are stored in the same mnesia-db path).
So suppose that each user has a own queue, when the user gets on line can download the messages.
Anyway I don’t think it is a good idea use rmq to push messages for chat. There are others appropriate technologies, like MQTT, XMPP.
I suggest to read this post:
using rabbitmq in android for chat
Please read the tutorial to understand what RabbitMQ is.
RabbitMQ is a message broker: it accepts and forwards messages. You can think about it as a post office: when you put the mail that you want posting in a post box, you can be sure that Mr. or Ms. Mailperson will eventually deliver the mail to your recipient. In this analogy, RabbitMQ is a post box, a post office and a postman.

RabbitMQ subscriber notification in .NET

We are using MSMQ right now with WCF activation feature, it enables us not to pull queue to read messages. It like push message to application.
As we are looking at porting from MSMQ to RabbitMQ going through what we need from message queue.
I can't anything regarding RabbitMQ .net client support for receiving message notification from subscribed queue?
Is there anything in RabbitMQ with .net which can do push notification to subscriber like MSMQ?
Or we need service running which constantly checks for message?
In AMQP (and RabbitMQ), there are two ways to retrieve messages: basic.get and basic.consume.
Basic.get is used to poll the server for a message. If one exists, it is returned to the client. If not, a get-empty is returned (the .NET method returns null).
Basic.consume sets the consumer for the queue. The broker pushes messages to the consumer as they arrive. You can either derive DefaultBasicConsumer, which gives you your own custom consumer, or you can use the Subscription Message Pattern, which gives you a blocking nextDelivery().
For more information, check out the API guide linked above and the .NET Client Userguide. Also, a great place to ask RabbitMQ-related questions is the rabbitmq-discuss mailing list.
I think you are after something like the EventingBasicConsumer. See also this question/answer
That is a feature provided by WAS (Windows Activation Service). Right now WAS has listener adapters for net.pipe, net.msmq and net.tcp (and its port sharing service). I guess you would need a specific AMQP listener adapter.
This may help