I already know how to retrieve the blog data via the email and password of a user, but looking through the returned feed, I don't see the user's profile photo.
Is there any way to retrieve this?
Simple answer : No.
But probably you could do something with this URL, it will give you the profile picture of someone's Google Plus account
The Instagram Basic Display API "allows you to get a user's profile" though is there a way to retrieve the Full Name of the user?
The link above shows that you can return the username but cannot get anything meaningful such as their Name, website or Bio - though you are able to get all of their media.
I believe it is possible with the Graph API (which is for professional accounts) but is there a way to do so with the Basic Display API?
The easiest way would be to send a GET request to https://instagram.com/{username}/?__a=1. You'll find what you need inside ['graphql']['user']
I am trying to get all recent posts of a specific user using Instagram API. I know that I can make a request like this:
That being said, I do not know the user-id of a specific user. I would like to simply use the user's "username" instead of the user-id which I do not have. Can someone please help me to achieve this. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
There is no direct way to get user photos by username
First make a user search api request:
find the match for username in response and get the user-id, then make the recent media api request:
Is there a way to get the profile picture for a google+ account by using an URL ?
I know that we can get the photo by doing something like: https://plus.google.com/s2/photos/profile/1234567890?sz=200 and I need something similar to get the profile cover photo.
It depends on the URL you have, if you have the user's Google+ ID, you can then retrieve their profile, which contains a link to their profile. An example:
Api Explorer Demo of Retrieving a Cover Photo
Set the fields value to cover/coverPhoto/url if it's not getting added automatically.
There is not a link to access profile photos through the Google+ API. The best way to do this would be to make a GET request to the people.get API endpoint, as follows:
GET https://www.googleapis.com/plus/v1/people/{userId}
That will return a Person resource, which will contain the user's profile image under the id image.
In my app I want to show the Google+ profile picture for a user.
The only function, I found, in the API to get the profile picture needs a userId.
However, I only have their email adress and not their Google+ userID.
Moreover the person, whose image I want to get, should not be forced to log in and authorize my app, as this person is mostly not identical to the user of the app.
So I think I need to get their userId by email. I read through the Google+ API documentation but can't find a way to do this, but I can't believe that this is not possible.
So my question is:
How can I get the Google+ userID with only an email address?
Is there maybe an other Google API to get a profile picture?
There is an API provided by https://www.avatarapi.com/ which returns the user's name and profile pic from an email address based on Google's public info.
It can be called via SOAP or HTTP at this API endpoint:
One of the benefits of this API is that it does not require the user to be authenticated with Google via OAUTH, so this could be exactly what you are looking for.
You can't do this using just their email address, however, if they paste their Google+ url, you could parse the id from the URL string and then get their profile image (and cover image!) using the public data API. The url: https://plus.google.com/me will bring you to their profile.
I highly doubt this is possible. Any kind of querying against the Google Plus API requires OAUTH. What's more, I'm not aware of way to query for a user ID by email address in the first place.
This thread would seem to confirm that this is currently not possible.
You can use the people.search API to search by email address and without requesting the user to authenticate. However, that will only search the public profile fields, which email is not a public field by default.
The only API methods that require OAuth are those that access private data. For public data, you can use the more simple API key method.
To reliably achieve what you are describing, you'll want to use Oauth and the plus.me scope to get the information that you want. This does require authorizing your app however.
I am trying to get just the top rectangle (https://twitter.com/cnnbrk see this page to see what I am talking about) from twitter accounts using the twitter api and placing them on my site. I want users to be able to press follow to follow the user as well. Anyone know a way to do this? Thanks!
That's quite easy. Retrieve the user with the corresponding Twitter API endpoint, i.e. GET users/show (https://dev.twitter.com/docs/api/1/get/users/show). Then, do your own rectangle to display the information provided by Twitter.