Apache and Sqlite3 issue - apache

I'm using ports only on this server. After restarting apache I got "segment fault (core dumped)" message. But apache is started at least... httpd-error.log shows this:
profiling:/usr/ports/databases/sqlite3/work/sqlite-3.7.3/.libs/sqlite3.gcda:Cannot open
profiling:/usr/ports/databases/sqlite3/work/sqlite-3.7.3/.libs/sqlite3.gcda:Cannot open
profiling:/usr/ports/databases/sqlite3/work/sqlite-3.7.3/.libs/sqlite3.gcda:Cannot open
profiling:/usr/ports/databases/sqlite3/work/sqlite-3.7.3/.libs/sqlite3.gcda:Cannot open
Listing of that dir:
baccy# ls /usr/ports/databases/sqlite3/work/sqlite-3.7.3/.libs/
libsqlite3.a libsqlite3.la libsqlite3.lai libsqlite3.so libsqlite3.so.8 sqlite3 sqlite3.gcno sqlite3.o
On this system I've got redmine installed, that's why sqlite is included in here.. now I installed django and I need sqlite3 so much..
It would be nice to know, WHY this error appears, and HOW to handle this =)

Just found an answer
it's GCONV param fault... just go to /usr/ports/databases/sqlite3 and then make config, and remove GCONV param.


Symfony 5 - "An exception occurred in driver: could not find driver"

I'm currently face to this problem. I am really new beginer at Symfony.
Problem :
When i create a new db with cli symfony console doctrine:database:create, i am getting these errors :
In AbstractPostgreSQLDriver.php line 102:
An exception occurred in driver: could not find driver
In Exception.php line 18:
could not find driver
In PDOConnection.php line 38:
could not find driver
Iam using php 7.4 with xampp and normaly pdo_sql is installed :
extension=exif ; Must be after mbstring as it depends on it
;extension=oci8_12c ; Use with Oracle Database 12c Instant Client
this is my .env file config :
###> doctrine/doctrine-bundle ###
# Format described at https://www.doctrine-project.org/projects/doctrine-dbal/en/latest/reference/configuration.html#connecting-using-a-url
# IMPORTANT: You MUST configure your server version, either here or in config/packages/doctrine.yaml
# DATABASE_URL="sqlite:///%kernel.project_dir%/var/data.db"
###< doctrine/doctrine-bundle ###
And this is my doctrine.yaml file config :
url: '%env(resolve:DATABASE_URL)%'
# IMPORTANT: You MUST configure your server version,
# either here or in the DATABASE_URL env var (see .env file)
#server_version: '13'
auto_generate_proxy_classes: true
naming_strategy: doctrine.orm.naming_strategy.underscore_number_aware
auto_mapping: true
is_bundle: false
type: annotation
dir: '%kernel.project_dir%/src/Entity'
prefix: 'App\Entity'
alias: App
I have been searching for hours but i cant get any solutions to solve my problem, someone has an idea ?
I'm on windows.
Thanks a lot !
If you want to use Mysql , comment this line DATABASE_URL="postgresql://db_user:db_password#"
If not comment the other line
if you are working in Linux, probably some extensions are missing,run those command
sudo apt-get install php-mysql php-pdo
I had the same problem, PHP 7.4.29, xampp, windows.
For the purpose of installing Xdebug I upgraded my PHP version to 7.4.29 (previously 7.4.18), and I guess this errror occured since then. Database connexion worked before. I copied the extensions from the old php.ini to the new one and the error remained.
What resolved the problem : added this line :
extension_dir = "D:\programs\xampp\php\ext"
And activated these extensions :
In my case, I got my .env.local file from a colleague and stupidly saved it without the leading dot, so Symfony was using the values from the .env file, which reads
DATABASE_URL="postgresql://symfony:ChangeMe#" rather than the correct DATABASE_URL="mysql://foo:bar#" from .env.local.
I'm running Homestead/vagrant on windows and my problem was, I wasn't able to execute this command php bin/console doctrine:database:create on windows even though I opened a terminal as administrator
As seen on these 2 pictures I tried Cmder and Git bash and both of them failed, saying an execption occured in driver: could not find driver
I then solved it by SSH into my vagrant box vagrant ssh navigated to the working symfony folder and ran the command from there php bin/console doctrine:database:create and for some reason that worked !
I wish there was an easier way to debug this stuff, but I guess that's how it is working with Windows. Hope this can help someone out there
copy path
find the file then open it
delete the ; in extension=mysqli
I also had this problem, just uncomment the DATABASE_URL that you have on your computer either (sqlite, mysql or postresql).
I had the same problem when I typed the following command:
symfony console make:user User
I solved the problem with the command:
php bin/console make:user User.
Wanting to create a user
step 1 => go to Xaamp control panel then click config of Apache
step 2 => click on PHP(php.ini).browse through the file. you can able to see these extensions.
remove ; from ;extension=pdo_pgsql and save it and close file
step 3 => now come back to your project.click on .env file and comment this line:
this works!
I had the same problem, I am runing a Symofny application with docker.
When you add doctrine-bundle to your app, in Dockerfile will appear this lines what will install drivers for postgres.
You have to remove it and add this line, this will install drivers for mysql
RUN docker-php-ext-install pdo pdo_mysql
I hope that helps to someone.
Delete or comment from .env file the line:
I had the same problem to solve the problem:
type php --ini to see the path to the file php.init
if you are on vscode do ctr + click on the path otherwise follow the path manually on your computer to the file php.init make sure your open php.init file with admin right !!
edit the file and uncomment extension=pdo_mysql
save and retry php bin/console doctrine:database:create
type php -m for check if your're in list pdo_mysql
here an illustration

ClipGrab - Error downloading youtube-dl: SSL handshake failed

I have downloaded YouTube videos using ClipGrab before (v3.8.11), but after updating it (to v3.9.6) I get an error.
First I am informed that an additional dependency "youtube-dl" must be downloaded.
But when I try to do this I get: Error downloading youtube-dl: SSL handshake failed
I tried installing youtube-dl separately using brew install youtube-dl and it appears to have succeeded, but ClipGrab doesn't see this installation, and still gives the SSL error.
I tried going back to my old version of ClipGrab (v3.8.11) but it now gives a different error: Could not retrieve video link. So maybe there is some server issue or other problem not local to the app, that is preventing the old version from working too.
(1) Is there a way to get around the SSL error or make ClipGrab recognize my brew installation of youtube-dl? (2) If there is no way to get the current v3.9.6 working, is there a way to get an older version working?
Hopefully this will work for you (it worked for me). I'm on Kubuntu 22.04, I had to manually download yt-dlp:
mkdir -p ~/.local/share/ClipGrab/ClipGrab
wget -P ~/.local/share/ClipGrab/ClipGrab/ \
After that clipgrab started working
Not sure about Mac using homebrew but with Linux this was my solution.
Running kubuntu 22.04 Same SSL handshake error
Here is the fix that worked for me..
Download the yt-dlp file from:
The yt-dlp file found on that page it is the first file in the recommended listing column.
On your computer:
Allow your file manager to show invisible directories/files. Or navigate with the terminal.
Navigate to home/user/.local/share/ClipGrab/ClipGrab/yt-dlp
Overwrite the existing file which will be there but empty, with the file you downloaded from the above link.
Open ClipGrab and the SSL error will be gone and the app will function.

Elm install always fails with "ConnectionTimeout" error (in WSL)

I'm new to Elm. and I'm not good at English. So, if any ambiguous or wrong thing is there, please let me correct it.
----------- edit -----------
All my problem below is on WSL. when I'm trying on windows, all work fine. then... why elm install doesn't work on WSL? did you have any idea?
-------- problem --------
when I try to elm-test init, it doesn't work like below
$ elm-test init
Here is my plan:
elm/random 1.0.0
elm-explorations/test 1.2.2
Would you like me to update your elm.json accordingly? [Y/n]:
-- PROBLEM DOWNLOADING PACKAGE -------------------------------------------------
I was trying to download the source code for elm/random 1.0.0, so I tried to
But my HTTP library is giving me the following error message:
Are you somewhere with a slow internet connection? Or no internet? Does the link
I am trying to fetch work in your browser? Maybe the site is down? Does your
internet connection have a firewall that blocks certain domains? It is usually
something like that!
but my Browser(Chrome) is working beautifully, and even in WSL (the environment that I run elm-test init command at) is too.
$ curl https://github.com/elm/random/zipball/1.0.0/
https://codeload.github.com/elm/random/legacy.zip/1.0.0<body>You are being redirected.</body></html>
then I also try again to redirect the URL
$ curl https://codeload.github.com/elm/random/legacy.zip
Warning: Binary output can mess up your terminal. Use "--output -" to tell
Warning: curl to output it to your terminal anyway, or consider "--output
Warning: <FILE>" to save to a file.
I think there's no Network Problem. My PC can connect with the repo, and I think it will be downloaded well.
I lastly tried just elm install, and that throws the same error too. it seems like Elm can't connect with the repo, even if My PC can.
$ elm install elm/random
Here is my plan:
elm/random 1.0.0
Would you like me to update your elm.json accordingly? [Y/n]:
-- PROBLEM DOWNLOADING PACKAGE -------------------------------------------------
I was trying to download the source code for elm/random 1.0.0, so I tried to
But my HTTP library is giving me the following error message:
Are you somewhere with a slow internet connection? Or no internet? Does the link
I am trying to fetch work in your browser? Maybe the site is down? Does your
internet connection have a firewall that blocks certain domains? It is usually
something like that!
Please help me, what should I do?
I recently had reason to use WSL for elm development. It wasn't much fun and I'm glad to be back on Mac! What I found was that certain disk operations on WSL seemed to go very slowly and that could lead a variety of weird issues.
I was using Webstorm, which does not handle WSL well, so in the end I did everything on C: drive (rather than in /home/...) so that webstorm could run the windows version of elm-format, while my node development environment was run on the linux layer.
That's not a precise answer to your question but just to say that it can be done, but its not an ideal way to write Elm code in my experience
I had same issue and it was solved.
It was due to DNS server settings.
Create a file /etc/resolv.conf and write the following line.
Then WSL will refer to Google Public DNS and works fine.
However, when restart WSL, the settings revert back.
Therefore, the following settings are also required.
Create a file /etc/wsl.conf and write the following line.
generateResolvConf = false
wsl --shutdown and restart WSL.
Reference link

apache2.4 , where to setup mod_ssl, dont see any mod_ssl.so file

Problem is the plain vanila apache is working, the moment I say sslEngine ON
it gives error, I am not able to find where any ssl setup is?
it does not create any log as well..
How this ssl setup is done? will copying a mod_ssl.so file from outside will work?
Apache version : 2.4.29
Os is RHEL 6.7
If this Red Hat documentation is not wrong the RHEL 6.x releases include Apache/2.2. Since you have Apache/2.4 I'd say you probably have an unofficial binary. Such binaries could of course have been installed in any conceivable way so this answer can easily be wrong. Yet making the hopefully safe assumption that you're still using the package manager and you just switched to a third-party repository you can try this:
yum install mod_ssl
Then tweak /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf to your liking and restart the service:
service httpd graceful
After a lot of research, I found below command which can help you show the actual issue while restarting. when I ran this it told me that .csr which I was using were wrong. I could not get this when I normally started the Apache but this command helped.
replace below with location where apache is installed and conf file is located, this will print the error ( if any).
/xxx/app/xxx/apache22/0/bin/apachectl_worker -DSSL -k start -f /xxx/app/xxx/apache22/0/conf/xxx.conf

The local psql command could not be located

I'm following the instructions found here.
When I try to run $ heroku pg:psql or $ heroku pg:psql HEROKU POSTGRESQL_BROWN I recieve the following error message:
! The local psql command could not be located ! For help
installing psql, see local-postgresql
I can't find anything useful on the link it gives me (it just links to the instructions I was already using, but further down the page) nor can I find this error anywhere else.
If I've missed anything you need to know to answer this, just let me know. I'm rather new to all this and teaching myself as I go.
I had same error even after installing Postgres locally.
But after seeing this
I saw that "pqsl" was not in the PATH so I then did
PATH=%PATH%;C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.2\bin
which worked for me
I have since solved this myself. When I ran heroku pg:info it says the version number is 9.1.8, I was locally running 9.2
installing 9.1.8 and ensuring Path pointed to the appropriate folder solved the problem.
After you change the path, make sure to restart the terminal!
Set the PATH. To find out the PATH of your psql script (on mac) open the sql shell script from your finder in Applications/Postgres installation. This will give you a hint as to where it is installed. That opened a window which told me it is located here: /Library/PostgreSQL/8.4/scripts/runpsql.sh
Then, I set the PATH variable from the terminal window by typing:
$ PATH="/Library/PostgreSQL/8.4/bin:$PATH"
(depends on the location of your PostgreSQL installation, find your bin path first, another exp: /usr/local/Cellar/postgresql#9.6/9.6.8/bin)
You can also connect to the shell by opening the shell directly from your postgres installation folder. Then enter the credentials. If you don't know the credentials, here is how to find them out:
$ heroku pg:info
$ heroku pg:credentials HEROKU_POSTGRESQL_RED_URL
Top answer wouldn't work for me oddly, my system would not add the Path via cmd with administrator access (Not sure why).
So check this > Windows key > environment variables > system variables
And add the last line (your version may differ in the path)
Make sure you've installed the toolbelt as psql is installed by default.
However you also need to ensure you've installed a local copy of PostgreSQL; if you don't the toolbelt will be unable to find the native psql client.
Assuming you have installed a local copy of PostgreSQL, make sure you can execute psql from the command line directly (i.e make sure you PATH is set correctly ). If the command does not execute, check your PATH, if it does execute see if you can connect via the PSQL connection string provided in the Heroku control panel. If you can connect reinstall the toolbelt, if you are unable to connect provision another dev database and try again.
If there are still issues, I would suggest contacting Heroku support for assistance after verifying no API issues are listed on the status page located here.
I got rid if this annoying message on Windows by adding a path element without the spaces, i.e.
instead of
“C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.4\data”
I followed the instructions here: http://www.computerhope.com/issues/ch000549.htm, which worked for me if you prefer to go the point-and-click configuration of the PATH variable.
This type of error usually appears in the Windows environment, because if you do not update the PATH after installing Postgresql, heroku pg:psql command does not work.
So you need to update your PATH environment variable to add the bin directory of your Postgres installation. The directory will look like this:
C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\<VERSION>\bin.
For more information, go to the Heroku in Local setup website:
heroku-postgresql: Local setup
I had the same problem and discovered that Heroku doesn't seem to provision the latest version of PostgreSQL by default. Where the Heroku Getting Started instructions said
heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev
That provisioned a v10 database for some reason (which you can check by clicking on Heroku Postgres in the Add-ons tab of your dashboard). I deleted that database and provisioned a new database using the --version flag:
heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev --version 11
As of now, at least, you can find the latest version of Postgres supported by Heroku at this link: https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/heroku-postgresql#version-support-and-legacy-infrastructure
I'm writing this in early 2019, but according to the PostgreSQL website the next version (12) is "tentatively scheduled" for third quarter of 2019 so if you're reading this in late 2019 potentially the same problem will come up for v12 instead
On Mac you can use the following:
export PATH="/Library/PostgreSQL/12/bin/:$PATH"
The only solution that I found on Windows:
go to advanced system settings
go to environment variables
select Path variable and click Edit
add a new line and enter your bin directory path (C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL<version>\bin) and click ok
restart your terminal
enter your psql command (heroku pg:psql)