Getting Invalid Authsub Token Error 403 - api

I am trying to authenticate my application using Blogger API but when user grant access to the application and blogger api return the token and the token i use to exchange the by sending the request on it return an error called Error 403 Invalid AuthSub Token. Kindly help me in this regard to debug the problem and solve it. Thanks in Advance

after doing some experiment, here it is some advice :
change secure to zero
make sure you are requesting from http for and request in http again in future
it's worked like a charm for me...


Access Denied Error In Post Shipment APIs

I'm working on Restful API for Post shipment. When I am checking it on Postman It showing me Access Denied Error. Can Anyone Help me ?************
enter image description here
Most likely you are missing a session cookie / authentication at all to access this endpoint. Please check, if there is any authentication required and if so, if the user has enough rights to access this data.

info.context.user returns AnonymousUser when using JWT graphql authentication

I cannot replicate the example regarding the authentication with JWT using graphql and provided in the tutorial The "me" query does always fails cause we get the value AnonymousUser from info.context.user instead of the authenticated user by the JWT token in the http header.
Did anyone face this problem before?
Many thanks in advance,

eBay API request error: 'Invalid access token. Check the value of the Authorization HTTP request header.'

I've registered as a developer with eBay and created an app.
I generated an Oauth (not Auth'n'Auth)
Using Postman to generate a simple request (image) and recieving an error for token invalidity
Error: Invalid access token. Check the value of the Authorization HTTP request header.
What am I doing wrong here?
If your token is for "sandbox" environment, make sure you use sandbox API endpoints for your requests as well.
Instead of,
One of the issues which might have happened is:
The access token might have expired
Use the refresh token to refresh the access token when it expires — you know when to do this when your call to the API returns a status code of 401 and the above body you saw in Postman.

Chef API getting 401 Unauthorized error chef

Always getting 401 unauthorized error when I am trying to get the response from Chef API . I am giving the correct header values for Basic Authentication and Accept. I am trying to get the response with the help of Java Rest Template. Could you please anyone help on this..
Chef doesn't use Basic auth for API access so not sure what you think you're setting that to. shows the official authentication spec. I would recommend using jclouds-chef for API access from Java, though unfortunately its docs are rather sparse.

curl display folders content- Error 401 unauthorized

I have attached the screenshot of the error that occurred while trying to list the folder's content in box account using TERMINAL.Followed the link:
Help me to rectify the error.
Thanks in advance.
401 Unauthorizedindicates that the access_tokenyou have is invalid or expired. Based on the comments, it sounds like you're confusing the API key AKA client_id with the access_token. The API key identifies your app, but the access_token is necessary to actually access a user's account. The process for generating an access_token is outlined here: