Improving performance of WCF services working with real time data - wcf

In my application I need to push notifications of real time events from server to clients. The amount of data to pass is very small, mostly and Id. The number of clients listening simultaneously can be around 100 and I may have to publish one notification every 2 - 3 seconds. Both the server and client are built using .Net and WCF.
Given these requirements I have built a set of WCF services which will be run on a load balanced server cluster. The Instance context mode is Per Call and there is no need for sessions etc.
I am currently using BasicHttpBinding. Will TCP binding be better? Does it run on IIS 5 or 6? If not why?
What configuration for serialization can work best?
What are the things I need to do to make sure I get maximum performance?
Edit - Adding more information based on some of the responses -
I host a small WCF service in the client process using manual hosting. The server just calls this service on each client to push the data to all of them.

Firstly have you considered using messaging for what you are trying to achieve?
In answer to will TCP binding work better than BasicHttpBinding- almost certainly yes. If you want to use TCP, you can't use IIS- look into WAS with Windows Server 2008. If you're stuck with Windows Server 2003, then you'll have to host in a windows service instead.
You've made a good choice by choosing per call- this is the preferred instance management mode for creating scalable WCF services.
Now you've update your question, I recommend you take a look at IDesign's Pub/Sub framework if you want to stick with WCF. I'd also look at Pub/Sub with MSMQ in WCF and also with "Vanilla" products such as Tibco RV.

If you need pushing data from service to clients you need sessions and you need duplex binding - NetTcpBinding or WSDualHttpBinding. It will not work with BasicHttpBinding because it allows only pulling data (client pools the service for changes). Push data means tha service sends data to clients when needed.
NetTcpBinding always crete session. It can't be hosted in IIS 6 or older. NetTcpBinding is allowed only in Windows Activation Service (WAS) which is extension of IIS 7.x. For older systems you need self hosting = windows service.
Based on your description you need Publish-Subscribe message exchange pattern.


Windows service Bus evaluation

My management is evaluating non-Azure Microsoft Windows Service Bus (Azure is out of consideration for security reasons). It will be used to setup topic/subscription model with a number of WCF services with netMessagingBinding that we building, so I just have a few basic questions about that.
Are there any specific hardware requirements like dedicated server, dedicated database etc. for WSB to run in production environment?
It's easy to configure WCF service to listen on a specific topic subscription. Is there any way for WCF service to listen to multiple subscriptions?
Appreciate the answers.
You can install the service components and the databases all on one server (that is the default). However, for a number of reasons, we installed the services on a dedicated app server and then created the Service bus databases on an existing database server. The install package allows you to specify a different db server. Check this article for the minimum server requirements
Yes you can get one WCF service to listen to multiple subscriptions. You would need to create two (or more) System.ServiceModel.ServiceHost instances and then run them inside one process. For example we had one windows service running two ServiceHost's. Each host listened at a different queue and therefore implemented a different contract. This meant where queues were logically grouped we didn't need a new windows service per queue. You could do the same with subscriptions.
For question one, you will have to go through the exercise of hardware sizing. the good news is that WCF services can scale vertically, so you can add up servers if there were issues in handling client load.
To do hardware sizing you will have to make an estimate the expected load and then do performance/scalablity testing to figure the load bearing capacity of your serviceBus/services .
you could find a lot of resources for load testing like this one
once you do load testing and come up with the numbers, you can then do sizing using references like this one

Is WCF Duplex a good choice?

After developing mini project with WCF duplex (Chat Service | Sms Service), I got a Point that maybe not be correct!!
I believed Duplex theory is good and useful but there is a lot problem about using Wcf Duplex. (like reliable session, Time-out exceptions, Client address-Management on server side, proxy management on Client Side)
am I think wrong ? am I miss something?
For more Information I Used wsDualHttpBinding not tcpBinding.
If you need bidirectional communication and you want to use WCF, duplex channels are the way to go. You just need to design your application correctly and correctly handle all problems you have described. If you feel that these problems are overhead and make things even worse you can always use network programming directly (sockets) or handle bidirectional communication by yourselves exposing separate service on server and another on client (where first call from client inform server about clients address) - this scenario will suffer from the same communication problems as WsDualHttpBinding.
WsDualHttpBinding itself is special kind of duplex communication. I personally don't like it because people very often misuse it. The problem is that this binding uses two separate connections - one from client to server and second from server to client. That is big difference to net.tcp where only connection initiated from client to server is used. Obviously using WsDualHttpBinding over internet (= you don't have control over client machines) becomes much more complicated because each client must configure its firewall (in computer, on home internet gateway, etc.) to allow connection on some port. Also if you want to run more then one instance of application on the same client machine, each instance must use its own port.

4.0/WCF: Best approach for bi-idirectional message bus?

Just a technology update, now that .NET 4.0 is out.
I write an application that communicates to the server through what is basically a message bus (instead of method calls). This is based on the internal architecture of the application (which is multi threaded, passing the messages around).
There are a limited number of messages to go from the client to the server, quite a lot more from the server to the client. Most of those can be handled via a separate specialized mechanism, but at the end we talk of possibly 10-100 small messages per second going from the server to the client.
The client is supposed to operate under "internet conditions". THis means possibly home end users behind standard NAT devices (i.e. typical DSL routers) - a firewalled secure and thus "open" network can not be assumed.
I want to have as little latency and as little overhad for the communication as possible.
What is the technologally best way to handle the message bus callback? I Have no problem regularly calling to the server for message delivery if something needs to be sent...
...but what are my options to handle the messagtes from the server to the client?
WsDualHttp does work how? Especially under a NAT scenario?
Just as a note: polling is most likely out - the main problem here is that I would have a significant overhead OR a significant delay, both aren ot really wanted. Technically I would love some sort of streaming appraoch, where the server can write messags to a stream while he generates them and they get sent to the client as they come. Not esure this is doable with WCF, though (if not, I may acutally decide to handle the whole message part outside of WCF and just do control / login / setup / destruction via WCF).
For bidirectional communications, your best bet is NetTcpBinding, rather than the http bindings, if they're available.
This has the advantage of only requiring that the client can initiate a connection with the server.
I would go with Windows Azure Service Bus. See my answer in the following question:
WCF, 4.0, Bidirectional
Take a look at Windows AppFabric, good place to start is Here. It fundamentally wraps up WCF and WF into an application server, with WCF activation supported through WAS. Its where I would host this type of app. It offerd full duplex connection orientated, p2p or sessions between client and server. Don't confuse the Windows appfabric with Azure appfabric, (formely called Azure Service Bus).
As regards bindings above, both NetTcpBinding and WsDualHttp offer callbacks, but the ws binding you get a lot for your cash, especially if it's a mixed programming environment and you have to flatten the wsdl to make interop work. I also think that WsDual is easier on routers traversal, although I understand talking to friends, that Windows AppFabric mitigates this, with new Relay Services, (which i've not seen, and I think have now been renamed).
Hope that helps.

Needing guidelines about the use of Windows Communication Foundations (WCF)

I need to know if Windows Communication Foundations (WCF) can completely and easly help to solve the next scenario:
I need a server program which
constantly receives events that,
according to the content of the
signal, helps to trigger one or many
processes; this server program will
run as a Windows Service.
These events will be generated as
signals from many client WPF
programs and so, can be enqueued.
These events will be generated
according to the results of a timer
The communication between the client
and the server will be using an
exclusive port.
For security reasons the data
communication using the exclusive
port will need to be encrypted.
Finally, The clients will need to
monitor the results of the programa
If the answer is yes, please try to indicate me which libraries/classes should I consider for points:
1) The event management
2) The enqueue process
4) The setting, opening, use and closing of the port
5) The encryption process
6) Monitoring of the server program execution from the client.
Many, many thanks.
Rather than writing a Windows Service program from scratch, which will need to handle multithreaded queueing of incoming messages, why not make the server a web service? That way, IIS can worry about receiving, queueing, etc. and you can just write the code to process the requests.
From your description, I think a WCF service hosted in a NT Service seems like a great fit.
1) I need a server program which constantly receives events that,
Not a problem at all, the NT service will be up and running at all times, even without anyone being logged on.
2) These events will be generated as signals from many client WPF programs and so, can be enqueued.
Again, no problem for a WCF service - you can create a http, a net.tcp, a MSMQ queue endpoint - all in a single service, really. You get all the flexibility you might need.
4) The communication between the client and the server will be using an exclusive port.
Works just fine - if you self-host the WCF service in a NT service, you can completely control the endpoint addresses.
5) For security reasons the data communication using the exclusive port will need to be encrypted.
All WCF communication is encrypted by default, unless you turn it off.
6) Finally, The clients will need to monitor the results of the programa execution.
Again - not a problem.
For a MSMQ queue, you can create a number of response queues that clients can listen on. For HTTP or NetTCP, you can create a response message (if the processing is very quick) or create a "check for status" operation that allows clients to check for statuses. Or you can mix and match as needed.
All in all, I am convinced WCF will serve you very well indeed !

Best host on Windows for UI-less processes

We're planning a system running on Windows/.Net 3.5 that has a number of "services" that need to run in the background. Some will be active all of the time, but some will only be called occassionally and can be stood-up on demand.
As far as I can see, my options are:
Windows Services - always running(?)
IIS hosted something - called on demand
COM+/ .Net Enterprise Sevices - most complex option, but most powerful?
Distributed transactions is not a requirement, these are mainly computation engines, rather than transaction processors.
Does anyone have any experience of working with all of these and what further pros & cons can be claimed for each technology?
Is suppose there are multiple ways of hosting code in IIS, web services, WCF (as pointed out below), any others? Relative pros/cons?
WCF feels like the right way to go. There are still many choices to make. WCF provides a number of communication mechanisms and hosting environments:
WCF combines the following technologies under one set of APIs-
So for instance you can use persistent messages from MSMQ for occassionaly connected clients or standard XML encoding SOAP messages over an HTTP transport layer. You can also use new features in 3.5 like binary encoding of XML or JSON encoding over HTTP.
Hosting environments include:
Console applications
Windows services
WCF services inside IIS 7.0
and on Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008 you can use WAS (Windows Activation Services) to host WCF services.
Different hosting environments have pros and cons. I suggest you look at MSDN for more details (e.g.
Because WCF encompasses a lot of functionality it is more difficult to learn than any one of the technologies it replaces. I still think it pays for itself in the long run.
It depends on what the software will do, and how (and if) users or systems need to interact with it. Depending on those things, there may be one more, often overlooked, option: set it up as a scheduled task. This is often a very good alternative to a windows service, if the software is of the kind that will act on certain time intervals (check for a change in a database, act on the changed data and send it somewhere, for instance).
If you will have other systems talking directly to your software, I would imagine that a WCF application hosted in IIS would be a rather straighforward way. We use both those approaches in my current assignment; WCF services for looking up and storing data, and scheduled tasks for data calculations that run on a regular basis.
The scheduled task has one upside compared to the others in one specific field; it uses system resources only when running.
You mentioned starting up a process "on demand". WAS - Windows Activation Service, or sometimes called Windows Process Activation Servvice, though it is never abbreviated "WPAS" - is the thing inside Windows that provides on-demand process activation. The way it works - when a message arrives, WAS can start a worker process to handle the message. WAS was, prior to IIS7, fairly tightly integrated into IIS. It was used primarily to activate processes that did web work - like an ASP.NET worker process. With IIS7, WAS is generalized so that it can activate worker processes based on non-HTTP as well as HTTP messages. If you write your app to receive messages through WCF, you can get activation essentially "for free". That applies if it is HTTP, TCP, MSMQ; SOAP or otherwise.
The key thing with this on-demand startup though, is that it is tied to the communication. In fact the process lifecycle model for WAS is tied to communication as well. By default if there are no incoming messages after a while, the process will be shut down by WAS. That may or may not be what you want.
As for process hosting - COM+ offers a hosting environment but it is primarily intended for use as a host for processes that communicate. This may not be the perfect fit for you.
If you have compute engines, you may just want to run a Windows Service. A service like that can be started and stopped either administratively or programmatically. In the latter case, you could imagine a WAS-activated worker process programmatically starting a windows service.
You could also imagine writing a simple Windows Service that watches a location (filesystem, message queue, etc) for a message, and when that file or message arrives, the Windows Service starts up a compute engine process, which itself is NOT a Windows Service, but is just a process.
Speaking of MSMQ - That is basically the same model as MSMQ triggers. You can configure MSMQ to start a process when a message arrives on a particular queue.
There are lots of options.