How to upload mutiple files by FTP task in SSIS - file-upload

I like to upload multiple files, with different names, in a single FTP task to server in SSIS package.
I am only able to upload one file.
the file names are also different e.g
xyz, zbc, ced
is there any way to upload multiple file in a FTP task in SSIS.

just stumbled upon this and it was exactly what I was looking for. to elaborate on Faiz's answer:
create the Foreach Loop Container
edit "Collection" in the Foreach Loop Container
set the "Enumerator" to "Foreach File Enumerator"
select the Folder you want to check in
set "Files" to "." or whatever wildcard filter you'd like
select "Fully qualified" as the "Retrieve file name"
click "Variable Mappings" and create a variable named whatever you'd like
drop an "FTP Task" inside of the container
create an "FtpConnection"
click "File Transfer" and set "IsLocalPathVariable" to "True"
select your new variable under "LocalVariable"
set "Operation" to "Send Files"
set whatever remote parameters you'd like
That's it! The variable will automatically update itself with the full path+name of each file found, and then upload it.

Put all the files in the same folder. Use FTP task inside a ForEachLoop and update the connection string using an expression updated by the loop container. That will do the trick.


VBA store path including Environ("username") in a text file

I am trying to create a text file that stores a folder path. This text file is then referenced via a vba sub. The path I want to use is something like:
"C:\Users\" & Environ("username") & "\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Templates"
This works fine in the sub but I've tried all kinds of variations in the text file but none of them get recognised and trigger error 52 - bad file.
Is there a way to make this work? I'm trying to allow people to set a different file path without needing to modify the code.
If you are trying to provide a path to the folder where user templates are stored then you could try
as an alternative (returns the path to the folder where the current template is stored for the user).
Otherwise store the path template as something like
Which gives you a single string to retrieve. Then you can use the VBA Replace function to change the ###UserName### to the value of Environ("UserName)"
my_user_path = replace(my_path_template, Environ$("UserName"))
You might also want to explore using either a CustomDocumentProperty, or a Variables, to store your path template as this keeps the path template string as part of the Document or Template and not in a separate file.

applescript to move files in numeric order

i started a project for a friend, that involved moving large quantities of files into specific folders. i was using automator as I'm handling the project on my mac, however automator does not have a feature to move section of files that are numbered numerically. for instance i will have files that are say "this file 100" and ill have 100 files like that. and then files that say "That file 50" and ill have 200 files like that. the project is splitting these files into there own folder but in section. so ill need "This file" 1-25 in one folder 26-80 in anther and so on. same is true for the "THAT FILES" but there isn't a pattern just the requirement my friend has asked for.
is there a easy way to write a script that could grab 1-25 or any sequel ordering with the same file name? because moving each file one at a time with automator has been taking to long.
thank you so much in advanced
I am not sure tu fully understand your naming convention, but overall , yes, with Applescript, you can move files into folders based on names, eventually adding sequence numbers.
Because I am not sure about your requirements, at least, here are some sample of syntax for main operations :
Get list of files with names containing xxx in folder myFolder :
Tell Application "Finder" to set myList to every file of myFolder whose name contains "xxx"
Then you have to do a repeat / end repeat loop :
Repeat with aFile in myList
-- do something here with aFile : example with name of aFile
end repeat
In that loop you can extract name, parse it, add a counter,...
To move file to new folder, you must use "move" instruction in a tell "Finder" bloc. Instruction "make" can also be used to create new destination folder based on name or root names of files. You must remember that Applescript commands will give error if same file name already exists in destination folder : Finder is able to add "copy" in the name, but you must do it yourself in Applescript.
Last advice if about the number of files to handle. If that number is not so high (less than few hundreds) Applescript is still OK for speed. If your number of files is much higher, then you must use either shell command or, better, a mix of AS and shell commands. The shell commands can be called from AS with a "do shell script". For instance, getting the list of 1000 files from a folder is time consuming with AS, but much quicker with 'ls' command ! Same for a copy. here is an example of copy using shell 'cp' :
do shell script "cp " & quoted form of (POSIX path of (aFile as string)) & " " & quoted form of (POSIX path of DestFolder) & (quoted form of newFileName)
Note : "Posix path" converts the AS file path (Users:myName:Documents:File.txt) into shell path (Users/myName/Documents/File.txt)
I hope it helps.

Get name of file stored in SQL

I am modifying old application and I have to add functionality to allow user view a file from SQL. File needs to be saved in temporary folder and deleted after closing application. I've managed to do all above, but I have to get filename of downloaded file (now Im using a string variable filename = "TemporaryDoc").
How can I get a filename from a data that is stored in datagridview.Rows(0).Items(0) ?

SSIS Dynamic Excel Destination File Name

How can I configure a dataflow task that takes data from a MS SQL Server 2008 datasource and puts it in an Excel file where the filename looks like 'date filename'.xls?
Excel is the biggest pain to deal with in SSIS. Usually I store a template file that just has the column headers and nothing else. I start with a task to copy the template file to the processing directory. You can use variables to create the file name in an expression at this point. Alternatively, you can create the file in the dataflow and then rename the file in a step after the data flow. With text files, I have dynamically created the connection in an expression, but Excel seems to be funny about that.
Provided that your column definition don't change.... you can go to
Right Click on Excel Connection Manager
Select connectionstring
bulid expression (for Example : (DT_WSTR, 50) GETDATE() + #[user::FileName] +".xlsx")
Select the properties for Excel Connection Manager instance, Click on the ellipsis for 'Expressions 'property and set an expression for 'ExcelFilePath' to a variable with a valid path to an excel file, this takes cares of the connection string.
You do need a variable valid excel file at the design time, otherwise connection manager does not work, you can overwrite it at run time using a script task to point to the excel file that does not exist at design time.
HLGEM's answer certainly helps. As #sql-rookie requested, I'll provide a sample about how to copy the excel file to a new file named with current date. Hope this will help others with the same question in the future.
Basically you just need to add an additional File System Task after the Data Flow Task. And use a variable for the Destination File Path: "\\\\file\\"+SUBSTRING((DT_STR,30, 1252) GETDATE(), 1, 10) +".xlsx"

VBA How to get path to The Current Users Application data folder?

In general,
Using VBA, how do I determine where the Current users Application Data folder is?
The FileSystemObjects special folders only knows about 3 folders
Specifically, I need a Word Macro to copy a file to the a folder under the Application Data folder.
e.g. In VB.Net I can use My.Computer.FileSystem.SpecialDirectories.CurrentUserApplicationData to do this
You can use Environ("AppData") to get this path. Environ will pull any system variable, which can be found by using the set command at the DOS prompt.
Using advapi32.dll, you can get the USERPROFILE via
Connect this with the "Application Data" directory (which has a standard, specific name) to get what you want
CStr(Environ("USERPROFILE") & "\Application Data")
For more information, check out MSDN