How can I make this code Pythonic - oop

So I have this code for an object. That object being a move you can make in a game of rock papers scissor.
Now, the object needs to be both an integer (for matching a protocol) and a string for convenience of writing and viewing.
class Move:
def __init__(self, setMove):
self.numToName = {0:"rock", 1:"paper",2:"scissors"}
self.nameToNum = dict(reversed(pairing) for pairing in self.numToName.items())
if setMove in self.numToName.keys():
self.mMove=self.nameToNum.get(setMove) #make it to a number
def defeats(self):
return Move((self.mMove-1)%3)
def losesTo(self):
return Move((self.mMove+1)%3)
def tiesWith(self):
return self
#Operator overloading
def __eq__(A,B):
return A.mMove==B.mMove
def __gt__(A,B):
return A.defeats(B)
def __lt__(A,B):
return A.losesTo(B)
def __ge__(A,B):
return A>B or A==B
def __le__(A,B):
return A<B or A==B
def __str__(self):
return self.numToName.get(self.mMove);
def __int__(self):
return self.mMove;
Now I'm kinda new to python, coming from a C and Java background.
A big thing in python is that there is only one correct way to do something.
Another thing is not worrying about type.
I'm pretty explicitly worrying about type here.
So I'm not sure what the correct way to handle these objects is.
At the moment I have an object which an be one of any 3 types (or more but I'm not sure what that would do)
Maybe instead I should be used the objects of different classes? and make them singletons?
Also my object are currently modifiable after creation, which is a bad thing in my mind.
So is this code Pythonic, and how can i make it more elegant?
(I figure this is a good example to use, to help me work out what makes good python code. Sorry if it seems a bit open ended)

To me, the concept of code being "pythonic" really comes down to the idea that once you understand what problem you're trying to solve, the code almost writes itself. In this case, without worrying about the deeper abstractions of players, games, throws, etc., you have the following problem: there are a certain number of types of moves, each with a name, with set rules for which moves beat which other moves, and you need to find a way to define moves and figure out which move wins in a comparison.
When I read your code, I don't immediately see this problem, I see a lot of extra thought that went into the code itself, finding type representations, doing arithmetic tricks, and generally forcing the problem into a code framework, rather than the other way around. So I'd suggest something like:
class Move:
TYPES = ['rock', 'paper', 'scissors']
'rock': ['scissors'],
'paper': ['rock'],
'scissors': ['paper']
def __init__(self, type):
if type not in self.TYPES:
raise Exception("Invalid move type")
self.type = type
def __str__(self):
return self.type
def __cmp__(self, other):
if other.type in self.BEATS[self.type]:
return 1
elif self.type in self.BEATS[other.type]:
return -1
return 0
And you're done. You can throw in all the other accessors, etc. but it's really just icing, the core problem is solved and the code is readable, flexible, easy to extend, etc. That's really what I think "pythonic" means.

Well, you have only three possible moves, right? Why not just represent them as strings? It seems like the only reason you have the numbers at all is to implement the comparisons (i.e. which defeats which) with some "clever" math, but honestly I don't think that's worth it. All you really need is a function to determine which one is the winner in each possible comparison:
def winner(move0, move1):
if move0 == move1:
return None
elif (move0 == 'rock' and move1 == 'scissors') or \
(...paper vs. rock...) or \
(...scissors vs. paper...):
return 0
return 1
I just made up the return values None, 0, and 1 as an example, you could use whatever is appropriate for your situation.
"Simple is better than complex," The Zen of Python line 3 ;-)

Here is a short version that verbalizes the result.
def winner(p1, p2):
actors = ['Paper', 'Scissors', 'Rock']
verbs = {'RoSc':'breaks', 'ScPa':'cut', 'PaRo':'covers'}
p1, p2 = actors.index(p1), actors.index(p2)
winner, looser = ((p1, p2), (p2, p1))[(1,0,1)[p1 - p2]]
return ' '.join([actors[winner],
verbs.get(actors[winner][0:2] + actors[looser][0:2],
The benefit of this structure is evident when expanded to cover Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock
def winner(p1, p2):
actors = ['Paper', 'Scissors', 'Spock', 'Lizard', 'Rock']
verbs = {'RoLi':'crushes', 'RoSc':'breaks', 'LiSp':'poisons',
'LiPa':'eats', 'SpSc':'smashes', 'SpRo':'vaporizes',
'ScPa':'cut', 'ScLi':'decapitate', 'PaRo':'covers',
p1, p2 = actors.index(p1), actors.index(p2)
winner, looser = ((p1, p2), (p2, p1))[(1,0,1,0,1)[p1 - p2]]
return ' '.join([actors[winner],
verbs.get(actors[winner][0:2] + actors[looser][0:2],
>>> winner("Rock", "Scissors")
'Rock breaks Scissors'
>>> winner("Rock", "Spock")
'Spock vaporizes Rock'
>>> winner("Spock", "Paper")
'Paper disproves Spock'
>>> winner("Lizard", "Scissors")
'Scissors decapitate Lizard'
>>> winner("Paper", "Paper")
'Paper ties Paper'

mv = {"Scissor":0, "Rock":1, "Paper":2}
def winner(m1, m2):
result = "Tie" if m1 == m2 else max(m1, m2) if abs(m1 - m2) != (len(mv) - 1) else min(m1, m2)
return mv.keys()[mv.values().index(result)] if result in mv.values() else result
I wrote this to prove the concept: with 5 lines and almost no object orientation you can achieve the stated result, paper; rock; scissor.
A dictionary of numbers/strings. If you pass the numbers in, your result will be the name of the winning string. The validity of the win is sequential (a < b < c < a) so you can simply do a distance check to determine the need to override the sequence. I have added "Tie" as that is an obvious case but really constructing the game with players and all is trivial with this method. Now if you want to play Paper, Rock, Scissors, Lizard, Spock we would need to refactor.

I am not sure the game is abstracted well enough. A move is an event which takes two players. In other words, a move is not a player, and player is not a move. What do you think about this:
# notice that the element k+1 defeats element k
THROWS = ['paper', 'scissors', 'rock']
class Player(object):
def __init__(self, name, throws):
# name the player = name
# the throws are contained a priori
self.throws = throws
def throw(self):
# a throw uses (and removes) the first element of the throws
# list
return self.throw_value(self.throws.pop(0))
def throw_value(self, what):
if what in [0,1,2]:
# if the throw is a legal int, return it
return what
if what in THROWS:
# if the throw is a legal str, return the
# corresponding int
return THROWS.index(what)
# if none of the above, raise error
raise ValueError('invalid throw')
class Game(object):
def __init__(self, player_1, player_2):
# a game has two players
self.player_1 = player_1
self.player_2 = player_2
def go(self, throws=3):
# a "go" of the game throws three times
for _ in range(throws):
print self.throw()
def throw(self):
# a throw contains the rules for winning
value_1 = self.player_1.throw()
value_2 = self.player_2.throw()
if value_1 == value_2:
return 'draw'
if value_1 > value_2:
if __name__ == "__main__":
juan = Player("Juan", ['rock', 0, 'scissors'])
jose = Player("Jose", [1, 'scissors', 2])
game = Game(juan, jose)


What does the # mean in this equation? [duplicate]

What does the # symbol do in Python?
An # symbol at the beginning of a line is used for class and function decorators:
PEP 318: Decorators
Python Decorators
The most common Python decorators are:
An # in the middle of a line is probably matrix multiplication:
# as a binary operator.
class Pizza(object):
def __init__(self):
self.toppings = []
def __call__(self, topping):
# When using '#instance_of_pizza' before a function definition
# the function gets passed onto 'topping'.
def __repr__(self):
return str(self.toppings)
pizza = Pizza()
def cheese():
return 'cheese'
def sauce():
return 'sauce'
print pizza
# ['cheese', 'sauce']
This shows that the function/method/class you're defining after a decorator is just basically passed on as an argument to the function/method immediately after the # sign.
First sighting
The microframework Flask introduces decorators from the very beginning in the following format:
from flask import Flask
app = Flask(__name__)
def hello():
return "Hello World!"
This in turn translates to:
rule = "/"
view_func = hello
# They go as arguments here in 'flask/'
def add_url_rule(self, rule, endpoint=None, view_func=None, **options):
Realizing this finally allowed me to feel at peace with Flask.
In Python 3.5 you can overload # as an operator. It is named as __matmul__, because it is designed to do matrix multiplication, but it can be anything you want. See PEP465 for details.
This is a simple implementation of matrix multiplication.
class Mat(list):
def __matmul__(self, B):
A = self
return Mat([[sum(A[i][k]*B[k][j] for k in range(len(B)))
for j in range(len(B[0])) ] for i in range(len(A))])
A = Mat([[1,3],[7,5]])
B = Mat([[6,8],[4,2]])
print(A # B)
This code yields:
[[18, 14], [62, 66]]
This code snippet:
def decorator(func):
return func
def some_func():
Is equivalent to this code:
def decorator(func):
return func
def some_func():
some_func = decorator(some_func)
In the definition of a decorator you can add some modified things that wouldn't be returned by a function normally.
What does the “at” (#) symbol do in Python?
In short, it is used in decorator syntax and for matrix multiplication.
In the context of decorators, this syntax:
def decorated_function():
"""this function is decorated"""
is equivalent to this:
def decorated_function():
"""this function is decorated"""
decorated_function = decorator(decorated_function)
In the context of matrix multiplication, a # b invokes a.__matmul__(b) - making this syntax:
a # b
equivalent to
dot(a, b)
a #= b
equivalent to
a = dot(a, b)
where dot is, for example, the numpy matrix multiplication function and a and b are matrices.
How could you discover this on your own?
I also do not know what to search for as searching Python docs or Google does not return relevant results when the # symbol is included.
If you want to have a rather complete view of what a particular piece of python syntax does, look directly at the grammar file. For the Python 3 branch:
~$ grep -C 1 "#" cpython/Grammar/Grammar
decorator: '#' dotted_name [ '(' [arglist] ')' ] NEWLINE
decorators: decorator+
testlist_star_expr: (test|star_expr) (',' (test|star_expr))* [',']
augassign: ('+=' | '-=' | '*=' | '#=' | '/=' | '%=' | '&=' | '|=' | '^=' |
'<<=' | '>>=' | '**=' | '//=')
arith_expr: term (('+'|'-') term)*
term: factor (('*'|'#'|'/'|'%'|'//') factor)*
factor: ('+'|'-'|'~') factor | power
We can see here that # is used in three contexts:
an operator between factors
an augmented assignment operator
Decorator Syntax:
A google search for "decorator python docs" gives as one of the top results, the "Compound Statements" section of the "Python Language Reference." Scrolling down to the section on function definitions, which we can find by searching for the word, "decorator", we see that... there's a lot to read. But the word, "decorator" is a link to the glossary, which tells us:
A function returning another function, usually applied as a function transformation using the #wrapper syntax. Common
examples for decorators are classmethod() and staticmethod().
The decorator syntax is merely syntactic sugar, the following two
function definitions are semantically equivalent:
def f(...):
f = staticmethod(f)
def f(...):
The same concept exists for classes, but is less commonly used there.
See the documentation for function definitions and class definitions
for more about decorators.
So, we see that
def bar():
is semantically the same as:
def bar():
bar = foo(bar)
They are not exactly the same because Python evaluates the foo expression (which could be a dotted lookup and a function call) before bar with the decorator (#) syntax, but evaluates the foo expression after bar in the other case.
(If this difference makes a difference in the meaning of your code, you should reconsider what you're doing with your life, because that would be pathological.)
Stacked Decorators
If we go back to the function definition syntax documentation, we see:
def func(): pass
is roughly equivalent to
def func(): pass
func = f1(arg)(f2(func))
This is a demonstration that we can call a function that's a decorator first, as well as stack decorators. Functions, in Python, are first class objects - which means you can pass a function as an argument to another function, and return functions. Decorators do both of these things.
If we stack decorators, the function, as defined, gets passed first to the decorator immediately above it, then the next, and so on.
That about sums up the usage for # in the context of decorators.
The Operator, #
In the lexical analysis section of the language reference, we have a section on operators, which includes #, which makes it also an operator:
The following tokens are operators:
+ - * ** / // % #
<< >> & | ^ ~
< > <= >= == !=
and in the next page, the Data Model, we have the section Emulating Numeric Types,
object.__add__(self, other)
object.__sub__(self, other)
object.__mul__(self, other)
object.__matmul__(self, other)
object.__truediv__(self, other)
object.__floordiv__(self, other)
These methods are called to implement the binary arithmetic operations (+, -, *, #, /, //, [...]
And we see that __matmul__ corresponds to #. If we search the documentation for "matmul" we get a link to What's new in Python 3.5 with "matmul" under a heading "PEP 465 - A dedicated infix operator for matrix multiplication".
it can be implemented by defining __matmul__(), __rmatmul__(), and
__imatmul__() for regular, reflected, and in-place matrix multiplication.
(So now we learn that #= is the in-place version). It further explains:
Matrix multiplication is a notably common operation in many fields of
mathematics, science, engineering, and the addition of # allows
writing cleaner code:
S = (H # beta - r).T # inv(H # V # H.T) # (H # beta - r)
instead of:
S = dot((dot(H, beta) - r).T,
dot(inv(dot(dot(H, V), H.T)), dot(H, beta) - r))
While this operator can be overloaded to do almost anything, in numpy, for example, we would use this syntax to calculate the inner and outer product of arrays and matrices:
>>> from numpy import array, matrix
>>> array([[1,2,3]]).T # array([[1,2,3]])
array([[1, 2, 3],
[2, 4, 6],
[3, 6, 9]])
>>> array([[1,2,3]]) # array([[1,2,3]]).T
>>> matrix([1,2,3]).T # matrix([1,2,3])
matrix([[1, 2, 3],
[2, 4, 6],
[3, 6, 9]])
>>> matrix([1,2,3]) # matrix([1,2,3]).T
Inplace matrix multiplication: #=
While researching the prior usage, we learn that there is also the inplace matrix multiplication. If we attempt to use it, we may find it is not yet implemented for numpy:
>>> m = matrix([1,2,3])
>>> m #= m.T
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: In-place matrix multiplication is not (yet) supported. Use 'a = a # b' instead of 'a #= b'.
When it is implemented, I would expect the result to look like this:
>>> m = matrix([1,2,3])
>>> m #= m.T
>>> m
What does the “at” (#) symbol do in Python?
# symbol is a syntactic sugar python provides to utilize decorator,
to paraphrase the question, It's exactly about what does decorator do in Python?
Put it simple decorator allow you to modify a given function's definition without touch its innermost (it's closure).
It's the most case when you import wonderful package from third party. You can visualize it, you can use it, but you cannot touch its innermost and its heart.
Here is a quick example,
suppose I define a read_a_book function on Ipython
In [9]: def read_a_book():
...: return "I am reading the book: "
In [10]: read_a_book()
Out[10]: 'I am reading the book: '
You see, I forgot to add a name to it.
How to solve such a problem? Of course, I could re-define the function as:
def read_a_book():
return "I am reading the book: 'Python Cookbook'"
Nevertheless, what if I'm not allowed to manipulate the original function, or if there are thousands of such function to be handled.
Solve the problem by thinking different and define a new_function
def add_a_book(func):
def wrapper():
return func() + "Python Cookbook"
return wrapper
Then employ it.
In [14]: read_a_book = add_a_book(read_a_book)
In [15]: read_a_book()
Out[15]: 'I am reading the book: Python Cookbook'
Tada, you see, I amended read_a_book without touching it inner closure. Nothing stops me equipped with decorator.
What's about #
def read_a_book():
return "I am reading the book: "
In [17]: read_a_book()
Out[17]: 'I am reading the book: Python Cookbook'
#add_a_book is a fancy and handy way to say read_a_book = add_a_book(read_a_book), it's a syntactic sugar, there's nothing more fancier about it.
If you are referring to some code in a python notebook which is using Numpy library, then # operator means Matrix Multiplication. For example:
import numpy as np
def forward(xi, W1, b1, W2, b2):
z1 = W1 # xi + b1
a1 = sigma(z1)
z2 = W2 # a1 + b2
return z2, a1
Decorators were added in Python to make function and method wrapping (a function that receives a function and returns an enhanced one) easier to read and understand. The original use case was to be able to define the methods as class methods or static methods on the head of their definition. Without the decorator syntax, it would require a rather sparse and repetitive definition:
class WithoutDecorators:
def some_static_method():
print("this is static method")
some_static_method = staticmethod(some_static_method)
def some_class_method(cls):
print("this is class method")
some_class_method = classmethod(some_class_method)
If the decorator syntax is used for the same purpose, the code is shorter and easier to understand:
class WithDecorators:
def some_static_method():
print("this is static method")
def some_class_method(cls):
print("this is class method")
General syntax and possible implementations
The decorator is generally a named object ( lambda expressions are not allowed) that accepts a single argument when called (it will be the decorated function) and returns another callable object. "Callable" is used here instead of "function" with premeditation. While decorators are often discussed in the scope of methods and functions, they are not limited to them. In fact, anything that is callable (any object that implements the _call__ method is considered callable), can be used as a decorator and often objects returned by them are not simple functions but more instances of more complex classes implementing their own __call_ method.
The decorator syntax is simply only a syntactic sugar. Consider the following decorator usage:
def decorated_function():
This can always be replaced by an explicit decorator call and function reassignment:
def decorated_function():
decorated_function = some_decorator(decorated_function)
However, the latter is less readable and also very hard to understand if multiple decorators are used on a single function.
Decorators can be used in multiple different ways as shown below:
As a function
There are many ways to write custom decorators, but the simplest way is to write a function that returns a subfunction that wraps the original function call.
The generic patterns is as follows:
def mydecorator(function):
def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
# do some stuff before the original
# function gets called
result = function(*args, **kwargs)
# do some stuff after function call and
# return the result
return result
# return wrapper as a decorated function
return wrapped
As a class
While decorators almost always can be implemented using functions, there are some situations when using user-defined classes is a better option. This is often true when the decorator needs complex parametrization or it depends on a specific state.
The generic pattern for a nonparametrized decorator as a class is as follows:
class DecoratorAsClass:
def __init__(self, function):
self.function = function
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
# do some stuff before the original
# function gets called
result = self.function(*args, **kwargs)
# do some stuff after function call and
# return the result
return result
Parametrizing decorators
In real code, there is often a need to use decorators that can be parametrized. When the function is used as a decorator, then the solution is simple—a second level of wrapping has to be used. Here is a simple example of the decorator that repeats the execution of a decorated function the specified number of times every time it is called:
def repeat(number=3):
"""Cause decorated function to be repeated a number of times.
Last value of original function call is returned as a result
:param number: number of repetitions, 3 if not specified
def actual_decorator(function):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
result = None
for _ in range(number):
result = function(*args, **kwargs)
return result
return wrapper
return actual_decorator
The decorator defined this way can accept parameters:
>>> #repeat(2)
... def foo():
... print("foo")
>>> foo()
Note that even if the parametrized decorator has default values for its arguments, the parentheses after its name is required. The correct way to use the preceding decorator with default arguments is as follows:
>>> #repeat()
... def bar():
... print("bar")
>>> bar()
Finally lets see decorators with Properties.
The properties provide a built-in descriptor type that knows how to link an attribute to a set of methods. A property takes four optional arguments: fget , fset , fdel , and doc . The last one can be provided to define a docstring that is linked to the attribute as if it were a method. Here is an example of a Rectangle class that can be controlled either by direct access to attributes that store two corner points or by using the width , and height properties:
class Rectangle:
def __init__(self, x1, y1, x2, y2):
self.x1, self.y1 = x1, y1
self.x2, self.y2 = x2, y2
def _width_get(self):
return self.x2 - self.x1
def _width_set(self, value):
self.x2 = self.x1 + value
def _height_get(self):
return self.y2 - self.y1
def _height_set(self, value):
self.y2 = self.y1 + value
width = property(
_width_get, _width_set,
doc="rectangle width measured from left"
height = property(
_height_get, _height_set,
doc="rectangle height measured from top"
def __repr__(self):
return "{}({}, {}, {}, {})".format(
self.x1, self.y1, self.x2, self.y2
The best syntax for creating properties is using property as a decorator. This will reduce the number of method signatures inside of the class
and make code more readable and maintainable. With decorators the above class becomes:
class Rectangle:
def __init__(self, x1, y1, x2, y2):
self.x1, self.y1 = x1, y1
self.x2, self.y2 = x2, y2
def width(self):
"""rectangle height measured from top"""
return self.x2 - self.x1
def width(self, value):
self.x2 = self.x1 + value
def height(self):
"""rectangle height measured from top"""
return self.y2 - self.y1
def height(self, value):
self.y2 = self.y1 + value
Starting with Python 3.5, the '#' is used as a dedicated infix symbol for MATRIX MULTIPLICATION (PEP 0465 -- see
# can be a math operator or a DECORATOR but what you mean is a decorator.
This code:
def func(f):
return f
func(lambda :"HelloWorld")()
using decorators can be written like:
def func(f):
return f
def name():
return "Hello World"
Decorators can have arguments.
You can see this GeeksforGeeks post:
It indicates that you are using a decorator. Here is Bruce Eckel's example from 2008.
Python decorator is like a wrapper of a function or a class. It’s still too conceptual.
def function_decorator(func):
def wrapped_func():
# Do something before the function is executed
# Do something after the function has been executed
return wrapped_func
The above code is a definition of a decorator that decorates a function.
function_decorator is the name of the decorator.
wrapped_func is the name of the inner function, which is actually only used in this decorator definition. func is the function that is being decorated.
In the inner function wrapped_func, we can do whatever before and after the func is called. After the decorator is defined, we simply use it as follows.
def func():
Then, whenever we call the function func, the behaviours we’ve defined in the decorator will also be executed.
from functools import wraps
def mydecorator(f):
def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
print "Before decorated function"
r = f(*args, **kwargs)
print "After decorated function"
return r
return wrapped
def myfunc(myarg):
print "my function", myarg
return "return value"
r = myfunc('asdf')
print r
Output :
Before decorated function
my function asdf
After decorated function
return value
To say what others have in a different way: yes, it is a decorator.
In Python, it's like:
Creating a function (follows under the # call)
Calling another function to operate on your created function. This returns a new function. The function that you call is the argument of the #.
Replacing the function defined with the new function returned.
This can be used for all kinds of useful things, made possible because functions are objects and just necessary just instructions.
# symbol is also used to access variables inside a plydata / pandas dataframe query, pandas.DataFrame.query.
df = pandas.DataFrame({'foo': [1,2,15,17]})
y = 10
df >> query('foo > #y') # plydata
df.query('foo > #y') # pandas

return a list from class object

I am using multiprocessing module to generate 35 dataframes. I guess this will save my time. But the problem is that the class does not return anything. I expect the list of dataframes to be returned from self.dflist
Here is how to create dfnames list.
for x in xrange(100,3600,100):
y = str(x)
i = y.zfill(4)
url = ""+filename
dfnames.append((filename, 'DCHB_Town_Release_'+i))
This is the class that uses the dfnames generated by above code.
import pandas as pd
import multiprocessing
class mydf1():
def __init__(self, dflist, jobs, dfnames):
def dframe_create(self, filename, dfname):
print 'abc', filename, dfname
print self.dflist
return self.dflist
def mp(self):
for f,d in self.dfnames:
p = multiprocessing.Process(target=self.dframe_create, args=(f,d))
#return self.dflist
for j in
print '%s.exitcode = %s' % (, j.exitcode)
This class when called like this...
x=mydf1(dflist, jobs, dfnames)
Prints the self.dflist correctly. But does not return anything.
I can collect all datafarmes sequentially. But in order to save time, I need to use multiple processes simultaneously to generate and add dataframes to a list.
In your case I prefer to write as less code as possible and use Pool:
import pandas as pd
import logging
import multiprocessing
def dframe_create(filename):
return pd.read_excel(filename)
except Exception as e:
logging.error("Something went wrong: %s", e, exc_info=1)
return None
p = multiprocessing.Pool()
excel_files =, dfnames)
for f in excel_files:
if f is not None:
print 'Ready to work'
print ':('
Prints the self.dflist correctly. But does not return anything.
That's because you don't have a return statement in the mp method, e.g.
def mp(self):
return self.dflist
It's not entirely clear what you're issue is, however, you have to take some care here in that you can't just pass objects/lists across processes. That's why you have special objects (which lock while they make modifications to a list), that way you don't get tripped up when two processes try to make a change at the same time (and you only get one update).
That is, you have to use multiprocessing's list.
class mydf1():
def __init__(self, dflist, jobs, dfnames):
self.dflist = multiprocessing.list() # perhaps should be multiprocessing.list(dflist or ()) = list()
self.dfnames = dfnames
However you have a bigger problem: the whole point of multiprocessing is that they may run/finish out of order, so keeping two lists like this is doomed to fail. You should use a multiprocessing.dict that way the DataFrame is saved unambiguously with the filename.
class mydf1():
def __init__(self, dflist, jobs, dfnames):
self.dfdict = multiprocessing.dict()
def dframe_create(self, filename, dfname):
print 'abc', filename, dfname
df = pd.read_excel(filename)
self.dfdict[dfname] = df

Can I restrict objects in Python3 so that only attributes that I make a setter for are allowed?

I have something called a Node. Both Definition and Theorem are a type of node, but only Definitions should be allowed to have a plural attribute:
class Definition(Node):
def __init__(self,dic):
self.type = "definition"
super(Definition, self).__init__(dic)
self.plural = move_attribute(dic, {'plural', 'pl'}, strict=False)
def plural(self):
return self._plural
def plural(self, new_plural):
if new_plural is None:
self._plural = None
clean_plural = check_type_and_clean(new_plural, str)
assert dunderscore_count(clean_plural)>=2
self._plural = clean_plural
class Theorem(Node):
def __init__(self, dic):
self.type = "theorem"
self.proofs = move_attribute(dic, {'proofs', 'proof'}, strict=False)
# theorems CANNOT have plurals:
# if 'plural' in self:
# raise KeyError('Theorems cannot have plurals.')
As you can see, Definitions have a plural.setter, but theorems do not. However, the code
theorem = Theorem(some input)
theorem.plural = "some plural"
runs just fine and raises no errors. But I want it to raise an error. As you can see, I tried to check for plurals manually at the bottom of my code shown, but this would only be a patch. I would like to block the setting of ANY attribute that is not expressly defined. What is the best practice for this sort of thing?
I am looking for an answer that satisfies the "chicken" requirement:
I do not think this solves my issue. In both of your solutions, I can
append the code t.chicken = 'hi'; print(t.chicken), and it prints hi
without error. I do not want users to be able to make up new
attributes like chicken.
The short answer is "Yes, you can."
The follow-up question is "Why?" One of the strengths of Python is the remarkable dynamism, and by restricting that ability you are actually making your class less useful (but see edit at bottom).
However, there are good reasons to be restrictive, and if you do choose to go down that route you will need to modify your __setattr__ method:
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
if name not in ('my', 'attribute', 'names',):
raise AttributeError('attribute %s not allowed' % name)
super().__setattr__(name, value)
There is no need to mess with __getattr__ nor __getattribute__ since they will not return an attribute that doesn't exist.
Here is your code, slightly modified -- I added the __setattr__ method to Node, and added an _allowed_attributes to Definition and Theorem.
class Node:
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
if name not in self._allowed_attributes:
raise AttributeError('attribute %s does not and cannot exist' % name)
super().__setattr__(name, value)
class Definition(Node):
_allowed_attributes = '_plural', 'type'
def __init__(self,dic):
self.type = "definition"
self.plural = move_attribute(dic, {'plural', 'pl'}, strict=False)
def plural(self):
return self._plural
def plural(self, new_plural):
if new_plural is None:
self._plural = None
clean_plural = check_type_and_clean(new_plural, str)
assert dunderscore_count(clean_plural)>=2
self._plural = clean_plural
class Theorem(Node):
_allowed_attributes = 'type', 'proofs'
def __init__(self, dic):
self.type = "theorem"
self.proofs = move_attribute(dic, {'proofs', 'proof'}, strict=False)
In use it looks like this:
>>> theorem = Theorem(...)
>>> theorem.plural = 3
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "<stdin>", line 6, in __setattr__
AttributeError: attribute plural does not and cannot exist
Having thought about this some more, I think a good compromise for what you want, and to actually answer the part of your question about restricting allowed changes to setters only, would be to:
use a metaclass to inspect the class at creation time and dynamically build the _allowed_attributes tuple
modify the __setattr__ of Node to always allow modification/creation of attributes with at least one leading _
This gives you some protection against both misspellings and creation of attributes you don't want, while still allowing programmers to work around or enhance the classes for their own needs.
Okay, the new meta class looks like:
class NodeMeta(type):
def __new__(metacls, cls, bases, classdict):
node_cls = super().__new__(metacls, cls, bases, classdict)
allowed_attributes = []
for base in (node_cls, ) + bases:
for name, obj in base.__dict__.items():
if isinstance(obj, property) and hasattr(obj, '__fset__'):
node_cls._allowed_attributes = tuple(allowed_attributes)
return node_cls
The Node class has two adjustments: include the NodeMeta metaclass and adjust __setattr__ to only block non-underscore leading attributes:
class Node(metaclass=NodeMeta):
def __init__(self, dic):
self._dic = dic
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
if not name[0] == '_' and name not in self._allowed_attributes:
raise AttributeError('attribute %s does not and cannot exist' % name)
super().__setattr__(name, value)
Finally, the Node subclasses Theorem and Definition have the type attribute moved into the class namespace so there is no issue with setting them -- and as a side note, type is a bad name as it is also a built-in function -- maybe node_type instead?
class Definition(Node):
type = "definition"
class Theorem(Node):
type = "theorem"
As a final note: even this method is not immune to somebody actually adding or changing attributes, as object.__setattr__(theorum_instance, 'an_attr', 99) can still be used -- or (even simpler) the _allowed_attributes can be modified; however, if somebody is going to all that work they hopefully know what they are doing... and if not, they own all the pieces. ;)
You can check for the attribute everytime you access it.
class Theorem(Node):
def __getattribute__(self, name):
if name not in ["allowed", "attribute", "names"]:
raise MyException("attribute "+name+" not allowed")
return self.__dict__[name]
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
if name not in ["allowed", "attribute", "names"]:
raise MyException("attribute "+name+" not allowed")
self.__dict__[name] = value
You can build the allowed method list dynamically as a side effect of a decorator:
allowed_attrs = []
def allowed(f):
return f
You would also need to add non method attributes manually.
If you really want to prevent all other dynamic attributes. I assume there's a well-defined time window that you want to allow adding attributes.
Below I allow it until object initialisation is finished. (you can control it with allow_dynamic_attribute variable.
class A:
def __init__(self):
self.allow_dynamic_attribute = True = "hello"
self._plural = None # need to give default value
# A.__setattr__ = types.MethodType(__setattr__, A)
self.allow_dynamic_attribute = False
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
if hasattr(self, 'allow_dynamic_attribute'):
if not self.allow_dynamic_attribute:
if not hasattr(self, name):
raise Exception
super().__setattr__(name, value)
def plural(self):
return self._plural
def plural(self, new_plural):
self._plural = new_plural
a = A()
print( # fine
a.plural = "yes" # fine
print(a.plural) # fine
a.dkk = "bed" # raise exception
Or it can be more compact this way, I couldn't figure out how MethodType + super can get along together.
import types
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
if not hasattr(self, name):
raise Exception
super().__setattr__(name,value) # this doesn't work for reason I don't know
class A:
def __init__(self): = "hello"
# after this point, there's no more setattr for you
A.__setattr__ = types.MethodType(__setattr__, A)
a = A()
print( # fine = "bed" # raise exception
Yes, you can create private members that cannot be modified from outside the class. The variable name should start with two underscores:
class Test(object):
def __init__(self, t):
self.__t = t
def __str__(self):
return str(self.__t)
t = Test(2)
print(t) # prints 2
t.__t = 3
print(t) # prints 2
That said, trying to access such a variable as we do in t.__t = 3 will not raise an exception.
A different approach which you can take to achieve the wanted behavior is using functions. This approach will require "accessing attributes" using functional notation, but if that doesn't bother you, you can get exactly what you want. The following demo "hardcodes" the values, but obviously you can have Theorem() accept an argument and use it to set values to the attributes dynamically.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
def Theorem():
def f(attrib):
def proofs():
return ''
def plural():
return '◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊'
if attrib == 'proofs':
return proofs()
elif attrib == 'plural':
return plural()
raise ValueError("Attribute [{}] doesn't exist".format(attrib))
return f
t = Theorem()
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/alfasi/Desktop/", line 40, in <module>
File "/Users/alfasi/Desktop/", line 32, in f
raise ValueError("Attribute [{}] doesn't exist".format(attrib))
ValueError: Attribute [wait_for_error] doesn't exist

Itertools for containers

Considder the following interactive example
>>> l=imap(str,xrange(1,4))
>>> list(l)
['1', '2', '3']
>>> list(l)
Does anyone know if there is already an implementation somewhere out there with a version of imap (and the other itertools functions) such that the second time list(l) is executed you get the same as the first. And I don't want the regular map because building the entire output in memory can be a waste of memory if you use larger ranges.
I want something that basically does something like
class cmap:
def __init__(self, function, *iterators):
self._function = function
self._iterators = iterators
def __iter__(self):
return itertools.imap(self._function, *self._iterators)
def __len__(self):
return min( map(len, self._iterators) )
But it would be a waste of time to do this manually for all itertools if someone already did this.
Do you think containers are more zen then iterators since for an iterator something like
for i in iterator:
do something
implicitly empties the iterator while a container you explicitly need to remove elements.
You do not have to build such an object for each type of container. Basically, you have the following:
mkimap = lambda: imap(str,xrange(1,4))
Now you onlky need a nice wrapping object to prevent the "ugly" function calls. This could work this way:
class MultiIter(object):
def __init__(self, f, *a, **k):
if a or k:
self.create = lambda: f(*a, **k)
else: # optimize
self.create = f
def __iter__(self):
return self.create()
l = MultiIter(lambda: imap(str, xrange(1,4)))
# or
l = MultiIter(imap, str, xrange(1,4))
# or even
def l():
return imap(str, xrange(1,4))
# and then
print list(l)
print list(l)
(untested, hope it works, but you should get the idea)
For your 2nd question: Iterators and containers both have their uses. You should take whatever best fits your needs.
You may be looking for itertools.tee()
Iterators are my favorite topic ;)
from itertools import imap
class imap2(object):
def __init__(self, f, *args):
self.g = imap(f,*args)
self.lst = []
self.done = False
def __iter__(self):
while True:
try: # try to get something from g
x = next(self.g)
except StopIteration:
if self.done:
# give the old values
for x in self.lst:
yield x
# g was consumed for the first time
self.done = True
yield x
print list(l)
print list(l)

"Pythonic" way to "reset" an object's variables?

("variables" here refers to "names", I think, not completely sure about the definition pythonistas use)
I have an object and some methods. These methods all need and all change the object's variables. How can I, in the most pythonic and in the best, respecting the techniques of OOP, way achieve to have the object variables used by the methods but also keep their original values for the other methods?
Should I copy the object everytime a method is called? Should I save the original values and have a reset() method to reset them everytime a method needs them? Or is there an even better way?
EDIT: I was asked for pseudocode. Since I am more interested in understanding the concept rather than just specifically solving the problem I am encountering I am going to try give an example:
class Player():
games = 0
points = 0
fouls = 0
rebounds = 0
assists = 0
turnovers = 0
steals = 0
def playCupGame(self):
# simulates a game and then assigns values to the variables, accordingly
self.points = K #just an example
def playLeagueGame(self):
# simulates a game and then assigns values to the variables, accordingly
self.points = Z #just an example
self.rebounds = W #example again
def playTrainingGame(self):
# simulates a game and then assigns values to the variables, accordingly
self.points = X #just an example
self.rebounds = Y #example again
The above is my class for a Player object (for the example assume he is a basketball one). This object has three different methods that all assign values to the players' statistics.
So, let's say the team has two league games and then a cup game. I'd have to make these calls:
It's obvious that when the second and the third calls are made, the previously changed statistics of the player need to be reset. For that, I can either write a reset method that sets all the variables back to 0, or copy the object for every call I make. Or do something completely different.
That's where my question lays, what's the best approach, python and oop wise?
UPDATE: I am suspicious that I have superovercomplicated this and I can easily solve my problem by using local variables in the functions. However, what happens if I have a function inside another function, can I use locals of the outer one inside the inner one?
Not sure if it's "Pythonic" enough, but you can define a "resettable" decorator
for the __init__ method that creates a copy the object's __dict__ and adds a reset() method that switches the current __dict__ to the original one.
Edit - Here's an example implementation:
def resettable(f):
import copy
def __init_and_copy__(self, *args, **kwargs):
f(self, *args)
self.__original_dict__ = copy.deepcopy(self.__dict__)
def reset(o = self):
o.__dict__ = o.__original_dict__
self.reset = reset
return __init_and_copy__
class Point(object):
def __init__(self, x, y):
self.x = x
self.y = y
def __str__(self):
return "%d %d" % (self.x, self.y)
class LabeledPoint(Point):
def __init__(self, x, y, label):
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.label = label
def __str__(self):
return "%d %d (%s)" % (self.x, self.y, self.label)
p = Point(1, 2)
print p # 1 2
p.x = 15
p.y = 25
print p # 15 25
print p # 1 2
p2 = LabeledPoint(1, 2, "Test")
print p2 # 1 2 (Test)
p2.x = 3
p2.label = "Test2"
print p2 # 3 2 (Test2)
print p2 # 1 2 (Test)
Edit2: Added a test with inheritance
I'm not sure about "pythonic", but why not just create a reset method in your object that does whatever resetting is required? Call this method as part of your __init__ so you're not duplicating the data (ie: always (re)initialize it in one place -- the reset method)
I would create a default dict as a data member with all of the default values, then do __dict__.update(self.default) during __init__ and then again at some later point to pull all the values back.
More generally, you can use a __setattr__ hook to keep track of every variable that has been changed and later use that data to reset them.
Sounds like you want to know if your class should be an immutable object. The idea is that, once created, an immutable object can't/should't/would't be changed.
On Python, built-in types like int or tuple instances are immutable, enforced by the language:
>>> a=(1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3)
>>> a[0] = 9
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: 'tuple' object does not support item assignment
As another example, every time you add two integers a new instance is created:
>>> a=5000
>>> b=7000
>>> d=a+b
>>> d
>>> id(d)
>>> d=a+b
>>> id(d)
The id() function returns the address of the int object 12000. And every time we add a+b a new 12000 object instance is created.
User defined immutable classes must be enforced manually, or simply done as a convention with a source code comment:
class X(object):
"""Immutable class. Don't change instance variables values!"""
def __init__(self, *args):
self._some_internal_value = ...
def some_operation(self, arg0):
new_instance = X(arg0 + ...)
new_instance._some_internal_operation(self._some_internal_value, 42)
return new_instance
def _some_internal_operation(self, a, b):
Either way, it's OK to create a new instance for every operation.
See the Memento Design Pattern if you want to restore previous state, or the Proxy Design Pattern if you want the object to seem pristine, as if just created. In any case, you need to put something between what's referenced, and it's state.
Please comment if you need some code, though I'm sure you'll find plenty on the web if you use the design pattern names as keywords.
# The Memento design pattern
class Scores(object):
class Player(object):
def __init__(self,...):
self.scores = None
self.history = []
def reset(self):
if (self.scores):
self.scores = Scores()
It sounds like overall your design needs some reworking. What about a PlayerGameStatistics class that would keep track of all that, and either a Player or a Game would hold a collection of these objects?
Also the code you show is a good start, but could you show more code that interacts with the Player class? I'm just having a hard time seeing why a single Player object should have PlayXGame methods -- does a single Player not interact with other Players when playing a game, or why does a specific Player play the game?
A simple reset method (called in __init__ and re-called when necessary) makes a lot of sense. But here's a solution that I think is interesting, if a bit over-engineered: create a context manager. I'm curious what people think about this...
from contextlib import contextmanager
def resetting(resettable):
yield resettable
class Resetter(object):
def __init__(self, foo=5, bar=6): = foo = bar
def setdef(self):
self._foo =
self._bar =
def reset(self): = self._foo = self._bar
def method(self):
with resetting(self): +=
r = Resetter()
r.method() # prints 11
r.method() # still prints 11
To over-over-engineer, you could then create a #resetme decorator
def resetme(f):
def rf(self, *args, **kwargs):
with resetting(self):
f(self, *args, **kwargs)
return rf
So that instead of having to explicitly use with you could just use the decorator:
def method(self): +=
I liked (and tried) the top answer from PaoloVictor. However, I found that it "reset" itself, i.e., if you called reset() a 2nd time it would throw an exception.
I found that it worked repeatably with the following implementation
def resettable(f):
import copy
def __init_and_copy__(self, *args, **kwargs):
f(self, *args, **kwargs)
def reset(o = self):
o.__dict__ = o.__original_dict__
o.__original_dict__ = copy.deepcopy(self.__dict__)
self.reset = reset
self.__original_dict__ = copy.deepcopy(self.__dict__)
return __init_and_copy__
It sounds to me like you need to rework your model to at least include a separate "PlayerGameStats" class.
Something along the lines of:
PlayerGameStats = collections.namedtuple("points fouls rebounds assists turnovers steals")
class Player():
def __init__(self):
self.cup_games = []
self.league_games = []
self.training_games = []
def playCupGame(self):
# simulates a game and then assigns values to the variables, accordingly
stats = PlayerGameStats(points, fouls, rebounds, assists, turnovers, steals)
def playLeagueGame(self):
# simulates a game and then assigns values to the variables, accordingly
stats = PlayerGameStats(points, fouls, rebounds, assists, turnovers, steals)
def playTrainingGame(self):
# simulates a game and then assigns values to the variables, accordingly
stats = PlayerGameStats(points, fouls, rebounds, assists, turnovers, steals)
And to answer the question in your edit, yes nested functions can see variables stored in outer scopes. You can read more about that in the tutorial:
thanks for the nice input, as I had kind of a similar problem. I'm solving it with a hook on the init method, since I'd like to be able to reset to whatever initial state an object had. Here's my code:
import copy
_tool_init_states = {}
def wrap_init(init_func):
def init_hook(inst, *args, **kws):
if inst not in _tool_init_states:
# if there is a class hierarchy, only the outer scope does work
_tool_init_states[inst] = None
res = init_func(inst, *args, **kws)
_tool_init_states[inst] = copy.deepcopy(inst.__dict__)
return res
return init_func(inst, *args, **kws)
return init_hook
def reset(inst):
class _Resettable(type):
"""Wraps __init__ to store object _after_ init."""
def __new__(mcs, *more):
mcs = super(_Resetable, mcs).__new__(mcs, *more)
mcs.__init__ = wrap_init(mcs.__init__)
mcs.reset = reset
return mcs
class MyResettableClass(object):
__metaclass__ = Resettable
def __init__(self):
self.do_whatever = "you want,"
self.it_will_be = "resetted by calling reset()"
To update the initial state, you could build some method like reset(...) that writes data into _tool_init_states. I hope this helps somebody. If this is possible without a metaclass, please let me know.