sql join syntax - sql

I'm kind of new to writing sql and I have a question about joins. Here's an example select:
select bb.name from big_box bb, middle_box mb, little_box lb
where lb.color = 'green' and lb.parent_box = mb and mb.parent_box = bb;
So let's say that I'm looking for the names of all the big boxes that have nested somewhere inside them a little box that's green. If I understand correctly, the above syntax is another way of getting the same results that we could get by using the 'join' keyword.
Questions: is the above select statement efficient for the task it's doing? If not, what is a better way to do it? Is the statement syntactic sugar for a join or is it actually doing something else?
If you have links to any good material on the subject I'd gladly read it, but since I don't know exactly what this technique is called I'm having trouble googling it.

You are using implicit join syntax. This is equivalent to using the JOIN keyword but it is a good idea to avoid this syntax completely and instead use explicit joins:
SELECT bb.name
FROM big_box bb
JOIN middle_box mb ON mb.parent_box = bb.id
JOIN little_box lb ON lb.parent_box = mb.id
WHERE lb.color = 'green'
You were also missing the column name in the join condition. I have guessed that the column is called id.
This type of query should be efficient if the tables are indexed correctly. In particular there should be foreign key constraints on the join conditions and an index on little_box.color.
An issue with your query is that if there are multiple green boxes inside a single box you will get duplicate rows returned. These duplicates can be removed by addding DISTINCT after SELECT.


Best way to "SELECT *" from multiple tabs in sql without duplicate?

I am trying to retrieve every data stored in 2 tabs from my database through a SELECT statement.
The problem is there are a lot of columns in each tab and manually selecting each column would be a pain in the ass.
So naturally I thought about using a join :
select * from equipment
join data
on equipment.id = data.equipmentId
The problem is I am getting the equipment ID 2 times in the result.
I thought that maybe some specific join could help me filter out the duplicate key, but I can't manage to find a way...
Is there any way to filter out the foreign key or is there a better way to do the whole thing (I would rather not have to post process the data to manually remove those duplicate columns)?
You can use USING clause.
"The USING clause specifies which columns to test for equality when
two tables are joined. It can be used instead of an ON clause in the
JOIN operations that have an explicit join clause."
select *
from test
join test2 using(id)
Here is a demo
You can also use NATURAL JOIN
select *
from test
natural join test2;

SQL Multi-Table View Joins [duplicate]

I have my business-logic in ~7000 lines of T-SQL stored procedures, and most of them has next JOIN syntax:
FROM aaa AS A, bbb AS B, ccc AS C
A.B = B.ID
AND C.ID = #param
Will I get performance growth if I will replace such query with this:
AND C.ID = #param
Or they are the same?
The two queries are the same, except the second is ANSI-92 SQL syntax and the first is the older SQL syntax which didn't incorporate the join clause. They should produce exactly the same internal query plan, although you may like to check.
You should use the ANSI-92 syntax for several of reasons
The use of the JOIN clause separates
the relationship logic from the
filter logic (the WHERE) and is thus
cleaner and easier to understand.
It doesn't matter with this particular query, but there are a few circumstances where the older outer join syntax (using + ) is ambiguous and the query results are hence implementation dependent - or the query cannot be resolved at all. These do not occur with ANSI-92
It's good practice as most developers and dba's will use ANSI-92 nowadays and you should follow the standard. Certainly all modern query tools will generate ANSI-92.
As pointed out by #gbn, it does tend to avoid accidental cross joins.
Myself I resisted ANSI-92 for some time as there is a slight conceptual advantage to the old syntax as it's a easier to envisage the SQL as a mass Cartesian join of all tables used followed by a filtering operation - a mental technique that can be useful for grasping what a SQL query is doing. However I decided a few years ago that I needed to move with the times and after a relatively short adjustment period I now strongly prefer it - predominantly because of the first reason given above. The only place that one should depart from the ANSI-92 syntax, or rather not use the option, is with natural joins which are implicitly dangerous.
The second construct is known as the "infixed join syntax" in the SQL community. The first construct AFAIK doesn't have widely accepted name so let's call it the 'old style' inner join syntax.
The usual arguments go like this:
Pros of the 'Traditional' syntax: the
predicates are physically grouped together in the WHERE clause in
whatever order which makes the query generally, and n-ary relationships particularly, easier to read and understand (the ON clauses of the infixed syntax can spread out the predicates so you have to look for the appearance of one table or column over a visual distance).
Cons of the 'Traditional' syntax: There is no parse error when omitting one of the 'join' predicates and the result is a Cartesian product (known as a CROSS JOIN in the infixed syntax) and such an error can be tricky to detect and debug. Also, 'join' predicates and 'filtering' predicates are physically grouped together in the WHERE clause, which can cause them to be confused for one another.
The two queries are equal - the first is using non-ANSI JOIN syntax, the 2nd is ANSI JOIN syntax. I recommend sticking with the ANSI JOIN syntax.
And yes, LEFT OUTER JOINs (which, btw are also ANSI JOIN syntax) are what you want to use when there's a possibility that the table you're joining to might not contain any matching records.
Reference: Conditional Joins in SQL Server
OK, they execute the same. That's agreed.
Unlike many I use the older convention. That SQL-92 is "easier to understand" is debatable. Having written programming languages for pushing 40 years (gulp) I know that 'easy to read' begins first, before any other convention, with 'visual acuity' (misapplied term here but it's the best phrase I can use).
When reading SQL the FIRST thing you mind cares about is what tables are involved and then which table (most) defines the grain. Then you care about relevant constraints on the data, then the attributes selected. While SQL-92 mostly separates these ideas out, there are so many noise words, the mind's eye has to interpret and deal with these and it makes reading the SQL slower.
SELECT Mgt.attrib_a AS attrib_a
,Sta.attrib_b AS attrib_b
,Stb.attrib_c AS attrib_c
FROM Main_Grain_Table Mgt
,Surrounding_TabA Sta
,Surrounding_tabB Stb
WHERE Mgt.sta_join_col = Sta.sta_join_col
AND Mgt.stb_join_col = Stb.stb_join_col
AND Mgt.bus_logic_col = 'TIGHT'
Visual Acuity!
Put the commas for new attributes in front It makes commenting code easier too
Use a specific case for functions and keywords
Use a specific case for tables
Use a specific case for attributes
Vertically Line up operators and operations
Make the first table(s) in the FROM represent the grain of the data
Make the first tables of the WHERE be join constraints and let the specific, tight constraints float to the bottom.
Select 3 character alias for ALL tables in your database and use the alias EVERYWHERE you reference the table. You should use that alias as a prefix for (many) indexes on that table as well.
6 of 1 1/2 dozen of another, right? Maybe. But even if you're using ANSI-92 convention (as I have and in cases will continue to do) use visual acuity principles, verticle alignment to let your mind's eye avert to the places you want to see and and easily avoid things (particularly noise words) you don't need to.
Execute both and check their query plans. They should be equal.
In my mind the FROM clause is where I decide what columns I need in the rows for my SELECT clause to work on. It is where a business rule is expressed that will bring onto the same row, values needed in calculations. The business rule can be customers who have invoices, resulting in rows of invoices including the customer responsible. It could also be venues in the same postcode as clients, resulting in a list of venues and clients that are close together.
It is where I work out the centricity of the rows in my result set. After all, we are simply shown the metaphor of a list in RDBMSs, each list having a topic (the entity) and each row being an instance of the entity. If the row centricity is understood, the entity of the result set is understood.
The WHERE clause, which conceptually executes after the rows are defined in the from clause, culls rows not required (or includes rows that are required) for the SELECT clause to work on.
Because join logic can be expressed in both the FROM clause and the WHERE clause, and because the clauses exist to divide and conquer complex logic, I choose to put join logic that involves values in columns in the FROM clause because that is essentially expressing a business rule that is supported by matching values in columns.
i.e. I won't write a WHERE clause like this:
WHERE Column1 = Column2
I will put that in the FROM clause like this:
ON Column1 = Column2
Likewise, if a column is to be compared to external values (values that may or may not be in a column) such as comparing a postcode to a specific postcode, I will put that in the WHERE clause because I am essentially saying I only want rows like this.
i.e. I won't write a FROM clause like this:
ON PostCode = '1234'
I will put that in the WHERE clause like this:
WHERE PostCode = '1234'
ANSI syntax does enforce neither predicate placement in the proper clause (be that ON or WHERE), nor the affinity of the ON clause to adjacent table reference. A developer is free to write a mess like this
Customer C
ON C.CustomerID = O.CustomerID
AND C.CustomerStatus = 'Preferred'
AND O.OrderTotal > 1000.0
O.OrderID = OD.OrderID;
Speaking of query tools who "will generate ANSI-92", I'm commenting here because it generated
The only syntax that escapes conventional "restrict-project-cartesian product" is outer join. This operation is more complicated because it is not associative (both with itself and with normal join). One have to judiciously parenthesize query with outer join, at least. However, it is an exotic operation; if you are using it too often I suggest taking relational database class.

select * from a,b where a.id=b.id VS select * from a inner join b on a.id=b.id [duplicate]

I have my business-logic in ~7000 lines of T-SQL stored procedures, and most of them has next JOIN syntax:
FROM aaa AS A, bbb AS B, ccc AS C
A.B = B.ID
AND C.ID = #param
Will I get performance growth if I will replace such query with this:
AND C.ID = #param
Or they are the same?
The two queries are the same, except the second is ANSI-92 SQL syntax and the first is the older SQL syntax which didn't incorporate the join clause. They should produce exactly the same internal query plan, although you may like to check.
You should use the ANSI-92 syntax for several of reasons
The use of the JOIN clause separates
the relationship logic from the
filter logic (the WHERE) and is thus
cleaner and easier to understand.
It doesn't matter with this particular query, but there are a few circumstances where the older outer join syntax (using + ) is ambiguous and the query results are hence implementation dependent - or the query cannot be resolved at all. These do not occur with ANSI-92
It's good practice as most developers and dba's will use ANSI-92 nowadays and you should follow the standard. Certainly all modern query tools will generate ANSI-92.
As pointed out by #gbn, it does tend to avoid accidental cross joins.
Myself I resisted ANSI-92 for some time as there is a slight conceptual advantage to the old syntax as it's a easier to envisage the SQL as a mass Cartesian join of all tables used followed by a filtering operation - a mental technique that can be useful for grasping what a SQL query is doing. However I decided a few years ago that I needed to move with the times and after a relatively short adjustment period I now strongly prefer it - predominantly because of the first reason given above. The only place that one should depart from the ANSI-92 syntax, or rather not use the option, is with natural joins which are implicitly dangerous.
The second construct is known as the "infixed join syntax" in the SQL community. The first construct AFAIK doesn't have widely accepted name so let's call it the 'old style' inner join syntax.
The usual arguments go like this:
Pros of the 'Traditional' syntax: the
predicates are physically grouped together in the WHERE clause in
whatever order which makes the query generally, and n-ary relationships particularly, easier to read and understand (the ON clauses of the infixed syntax can spread out the predicates so you have to look for the appearance of one table or column over a visual distance).
Cons of the 'Traditional' syntax: There is no parse error when omitting one of the 'join' predicates and the result is a Cartesian product (known as a CROSS JOIN in the infixed syntax) and such an error can be tricky to detect and debug. Also, 'join' predicates and 'filtering' predicates are physically grouped together in the WHERE clause, which can cause them to be confused for one another.
The two queries are equal - the first is using non-ANSI JOIN syntax, the 2nd is ANSI JOIN syntax. I recommend sticking with the ANSI JOIN syntax.
And yes, LEFT OUTER JOINs (which, btw are also ANSI JOIN syntax) are what you want to use when there's a possibility that the table you're joining to might not contain any matching records.
Reference: Conditional Joins in SQL Server
OK, they execute the same. That's agreed.
Unlike many I use the older convention. That SQL-92 is "easier to understand" is debatable. Having written programming languages for pushing 40 years (gulp) I know that 'easy to read' begins first, before any other convention, with 'visual acuity' (misapplied term here but it's the best phrase I can use).
When reading SQL the FIRST thing you mind cares about is what tables are involved and then which table (most) defines the grain. Then you care about relevant constraints on the data, then the attributes selected. While SQL-92 mostly separates these ideas out, there are so many noise words, the mind's eye has to interpret and deal with these and it makes reading the SQL slower.
SELECT Mgt.attrib_a AS attrib_a
,Sta.attrib_b AS attrib_b
,Stb.attrib_c AS attrib_c
FROM Main_Grain_Table Mgt
,Surrounding_TabA Sta
,Surrounding_tabB Stb
WHERE Mgt.sta_join_col = Sta.sta_join_col
AND Mgt.stb_join_col = Stb.stb_join_col
AND Mgt.bus_logic_col = 'TIGHT'
Visual Acuity!
Put the commas for new attributes in front It makes commenting code easier too
Use a specific case for functions and keywords
Use a specific case for tables
Use a specific case for attributes
Vertically Line up operators and operations
Make the first table(s) in the FROM represent the grain of the data
Make the first tables of the WHERE be join constraints and let the specific, tight constraints float to the bottom.
Select 3 character alias for ALL tables in your database and use the alias EVERYWHERE you reference the table. You should use that alias as a prefix for (many) indexes on that table as well.
6 of 1 1/2 dozen of another, right? Maybe. But even if you're using ANSI-92 convention (as I have and in cases will continue to do) use visual acuity principles, verticle alignment to let your mind's eye avert to the places you want to see and and easily avoid things (particularly noise words) you don't need to.
Execute both and check their query plans. They should be equal.
In my mind the FROM clause is where I decide what columns I need in the rows for my SELECT clause to work on. It is where a business rule is expressed that will bring onto the same row, values needed in calculations. The business rule can be customers who have invoices, resulting in rows of invoices including the customer responsible. It could also be venues in the same postcode as clients, resulting in a list of venues and clients that are close together.
It is where I work out the centricity of the rows in my result set. After all, we are simply shown the metaphor of a list in RDBMSs, each list having a topic (the entity) and each row being an instance of the entity. If the row centricity is understood, the entity of the result set is understood.
The WHERE clause, which conceptually executes after the rows are defined in the from clause, culls rows not required (or includes rows that are required) for the SELECT clause to work on.
Because join logic can be expressed in both the FROM clause and the WHERE clause, and because the clauses exist to divide and conquer complex logic, I choose to put join logic that involves values in columns in the FROM clause because that is essentially expressing a business rule that is supported by matching values in columns.
i.e. I won't write a WHERE clause like this:
WHERE Column1 = Column2
I will put that in the FROM clause like this:
ON Column1 = Column2
Likewise, if a column is to be compared to external values (values that may or may not be in a column) such as comparing a postcode to a specific postcode, I will put that in the WHERE clause because I am essentially saying I only want rows like this.
i.e. I won't write a FROM clause like this:
ON PostCode = '1234'
I will put that in the WHERE clause like this:
WHERE PostCode = '1234'
ANSI syntax does enforce neither predicate placement in the proper clause (be that ON or WHERE), nor the affinity of the ON clause to adjacent table reference. A developer is free to write a mess like this
Customer C
ON C.CustomerID = O.CustomerID
AND C.CustomerStatus = 'Preferred'
AND O.OrderTotal > 1000.0
O.OrderID = OD.OrderID;
Speaking of query tools who "will generate ANSI-92", I'm commenting here because it generated
The only syntax that escapes conventional "restrict-project-cartesian product" is outer join. This operation is more complicated because it is not associative (both with itself and with normal join). One have to judiciously parenthesize query with outer join, at least. However, it is an exotic operation; if you are using it too often I suggest taking relational database class.

SQL join syntax, when do you use "AS"?

I am working on an SQL statement and just wanted to clarify my understanding of join syntax in MS SQL.
Say I have the SQL...
select t.year from HOUSE AS h
ON H.Name = K.Name
Sorry for the confusing example but basically - why am I able to use LEFT OUTER JOIN SUBJECT K without the keyword AS whereas with an INNER JOIN, I need to use a keyword of AS for INNER JOIN TESTCASE AS T?
'AS' is not required in either of these cases, but I prefer it personally from the point of view of readability, as it conveys exactly what you were meaning to do.
As far as I know the AS is only for easy coding. You can create a smaller or more clear name for the table. So House as H and further in the query you can use H.Name instead of typing House.Name
I believe 'AS' used to be a required keyword, but is no longer needed, only for readability. I find 'As' is often used when creating a name for a data item in the SELECT, but not when giving a name to a table in a JOIN. For example:
SELECT t.ID as TestID FROM [House] h JOIN [TestCase] t ON t.ID=h.TestID
I think this is probably because a set of data items displayed with no 'As' could become confusing as to how many items there are, and how many are just names applied to them.
interesting though where the AS keyword is useful... lets say two tables have name and you get this back from a query in code then it is cool to change the column name to something unique.

Mixing "USING" and "ON" in Oracle ANSI join

I wrote an Oracle SQL expression like this:
FROM mc_current_view a
JOIN account_master am USING (account_no)
JOIN account_master am_loan ON (am.account_no = am_loan.parent_account_no)
JOIN ml_client_account mca USING (account_no)
When I try to run it, Oracle throws an error in the line with "ON" self-join saying: "ORA-25154: column part of USING clause cannot have qualifier".
If I omit the "am" qualifier, it says: "ORA-00918: column ambiguously defined".
What's the best way to resolve this?
The error message is actually (surprise!) telling you exactly what the problem is. Once you use the USING clause for a particular column, you cannot use a column qualifier/table alias for that column name in any other part of your query. The only way to resolve this is to not use the USING clause anywhere in your query, since you have to have the qualifier on the second join condition:
FROM mc_current_view a
JOIN account_master am ON (a.account_no = am.account_no)
JOIN account_master am_loan ON (am.account_no = am_loan.parent_account_no)
JOIN ml_client_account mca ON (a.account_no = mca.account_no);
My preference is never to use USING; always use ON. I like to my SQL to be very explicit and the USING clause feels one step removed in my opinion.
In this case, the error is coming about because you have account_no in mc_current_view, account_master, and ml_client_account so the actual join can't be resolved. Hope this helps.
The using is cleaner (imo) but it is still desirable to externally refererence the join fields as in the org example or an example like this:
select A.field,
(select count(C.number)
from tableC C
where C.join_id = join_id -- wrong answer w/o prefix, exception with.
) avg_number
from tableA A
join tableB B using (join_id);
It gives the wrong answer because the join_id within the subquery implies C.join_id (matching all records) rather than A or B. Perhaps the best way to resolve might be just to allow explicit references with using, having the best of both worlds. Seems like there is a need because of cases like these.