Connecting to Oracle on Windows 7 - sql

I have installed Oracle Client 10g 32 bit and ODAC 11g R2 on my Windows 7 machine, but I cannot see any Oracle Providers in MS ODBC Administration or when I try to created a linked server to Oralce in SQL Server Management Studio or in Visual Studio 2010. Can anyone please help me out as what to do? I can connect to Oracle server through SQLPlus but get errors when connecting through VS 2010 using MS providers for Oracle.
Please help!

When you installed the Oracle Client, did you also install the ODBC driver? IOW, did you do a custom install and add in the ODBC driver? Unless you do a full client install the ODBC drivers are not installed.

You're not specifying if your windows 7 installation is 32 or 64 bit.
If it's 32 bit then see the previous answer, restart Oracle installer and check that ODBC is selected.
If it's 64 bit I advise you to install both the Oracle client in 32 bit (as you did) and also the Oracle 11 client in 64 bit, so that you can use the proper library.
In any case I still haven't found a proper way to perform Oracle installation on Windows 7 (64 bit) that works for every client and tool combination, good luck.

I struggled with this for a while too, best solution I found was here:


Creating a linked server for connecting to excel file

I want to create a linked server for connecting to excel file and i have used below address for doing that:
After installing (accessdatabaseengine.exe) the provider has not been added to my provider in sql server.
When i wanted to install accessdatabaseengine_x64.exe i got error because office is 32 bit.
My office is 32 bit version and my sql server is 64 bit version. I do not have permit to re-install of my office and my sql server.
Please help how i can solve my problem.
Architecture versions have to match unfortunately so you would need to install 64-bit office to make that adaptor to work.
You could possibly use SSIS to a raw table and process that way but this depends on your workload and frequency of updates required.

Lync 2010 with SQL Server 2012

As stated here or here SQL Server 2012 is not a supported platform for Lync 2010. Yet, is there any workaround?
Didn't find a full solution on the web, so will be posting one which should help some of the people that might face this situation.
Some cases should be solved simply by copying the msdb.sys.sp_dboption stored procedure, from a previous version of SQL Server, into the master database of SQL Server 2012, and marking it as a system procedure so it can be executed on any database:
USE master
EXEC sys.sp_MS_marksystemobject sp_dboption
There is still something more that can be done if the above is not enough - Install the SQL Server 2005 Backward Compatibility Components MSI (it includes the DMO feature)
32 bit, X86 Package - SQLServer2005_BC.msi
64 bit, X64 Package - SQLServer2005_BC_x64.msi
Best solution is still the one where you kept Lync 2010 running on SQL Server <= 2008R2 and didn't have to reach this page:)

Will creating a database using SQL Server Express 10 and using SQL Server Express 10.5 for running it cause any issue?

If I create my database using SQL Server Express 10 and in target system where my application needs to run SQL Server Express 10.5, will I face any problems?
On my system I have SQL Server Express 10 installed (I guess it was installed with Visual Studio 2010) after sometime I installed VS2012 and removed it couple of months later. In my application I use .\sqlexpress in the connection string, I am not sure whether this is a SQL Server 2012 Express version or a 2010 version which is being used on my system?
So I just wanted to know if moving to the new system would cause me any kind of incompatibility or weird and unpredictable results and to avoid them what do I need to install on the target machine?
And also what would be sufficient to be installed on the target system by the way?
When I search SQL Server Express, there are several versions with different sizes, which one is needed and is enough?
This is perfectly safe but you can't go back because the database will be upgraded.

POWERBUILDER 11.1 Database Profile Does Contain SNC SQL Native client

I have POWERBUILDER 11.1 installed on my workstation, however I dont see the SNC SQL Native client in the Database Profile window. I have reinstalled the IDE multiple times without succesfuly having the SNC SQL Native Client dipslaying. My OS is Windows XP 32 bit.
How do I resolve this issue so I can connect to my SQL DB?
Do you have the SQL Server Native Client runtime installed on your machine? It's a package from Microsoft that is needed to access SQL Server. You can get the SQL Server 2008 version here: (Scroll down until you find sqlncli.msi). It needs to be installed on all the client machines that will be accessing SQL Server.
It sounds like you need to do a Full install or a Custom install and select SNC. I don't recall if SNC is part of the default installation, but it sounds like not.
Good luck,
I think that you can not connect to SQL Server 2008 using PB 11.1, but I am not sure. Maybe you can but I can't remember if it is possible to use all the new features of 2008 version.
I am sure that you can connect to SQL Server 2005 cause I'm doing it every day, but you must first install SQL SNC driver as slapout answered.

SQL server setup and test

I have some basic experience using sql server 2008 R2 (server management studio). I was wondering if the express version can be installed and used on a non server computer (os = MS XP). I have a simple web app that I want to test/practice connecting to the db, and performing simple insert/delete/update commands on a table. Can this be done?
Thank you
Yes, SQL Server Express can be installed on any Windows operating system, including the "client" OSes, except Windows CE of course, but that's something else.
You can use SSMS against SQL Server Express too, although some features of SSMS will be disabled becuase the server doesn't support them.
Yes, it can be done.
Supported operating systems: Windows 7, Windows Server 2003, Windows
Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Vista, Windows XP
Check this:
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 RTM - Express
Microsoft does offer SQL express, which probably offers more functionality than you would probably need right now.
Not only would you need MSSQL, you would need to have a current version of IIS installed. Is there a reason you are particularly interested in MSSQL? There are other "package" installations available of PHP/MYSQL which are more simple in setting up such as XAMPP: