Is this some kind of referencing problem? Value not sticking -

Apologies for the appalling title.
I have mocked up this code to mimic an issue I was encountering on a project.
I want to know why the property status does not 'stick'. Stepping through the code I can even see it setting the property!
Is it something to do with Structure being a value type?
Here is the code, it is standalone.
Imports System.Diagnostics
Public Class clsTest
Public Shared Sub test()
Dim myHolder As New holder = New info(5)
Debug.Print("Initialised Status : {0}", .status)
Debug.Print("Initialised Original Status : {0}", .originalStatus)
Debug.Print("Next Status : {0}", .status)
Debug.Print("Next Original Status : {0}", .originalStatus)
End With
End Sub
End Class
Public Class holder
Private _heldInfo As info
Public Property info() As info
Return _heldInfo
End Get
Set(ByVal value As info)
_heldInfo = value
End Set
End Property
Public Sub setStatusToTen()
_heldInfo.status = 10
End Sub
End Class
Public Structure info
Private _iOriginalStatus, _iStatus As Integer
Public Sub New(ByVal iStartingStatus As Integer)
_iOriginalStatus = iStartingStatus
End Sub
Public ReadOnly Property originalStatus() As Integer
Return _iOriginalStatus
End Get
End Property
Public Property status() As Integer
Return _iStatus
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Integer)
_iStatus = value
End Set
End Property
End Structure
When I run clsTest.test I get the following output-
Initialised Status : 0
Initialised Original Status : 5
Next Status : 0
Next Original Status : 5
...even though setStatusToTen is doing exactly what it says on the tin!

This is yet another case of mutable structs being evil. Avoid using structures for this purpose. As a reference:
Why are mutable structs “evil”?

Yes, its because Structures are value types. When a struct object is assigned to another struct object, the full content of the struct is copied and duplicated. (See this C# example)
So in your code, this set:
Set(ByVal value As info)
_heldInfo = value
End Set
... effectively results in two copies of the structure being made. One is internal to holder and is represented by _heldInfo, and the other is 'external' to holder, and is represented by After the copy has been made, when you set values on one of them, the other is not affected.
If you add this method to holder:
Public Sub printStatus()
Debug.Print("Internal Status : {0}", _heldInfo.status)
End Sub
... you will find where your value of 10 went.


Cannot refer to an instance member of a class

i would like to use the second property LogoWidth to set the width on the first property but im getting the "Cannot refer to an instance member of a class from a shared method"
If there's anyone that can help i'll appreciated
<DetailViewLayoutAttribute(LayoutColumnPosition.Left, "Header Logo", LayoutGroupType.SimpleEditorsGroup, 1)>
<VisibleInListView(False), DevExpress.Xpo.DisplayName("Logo"), ImmediatePostData> '<RuleRequiredField("Logo", DefaultContexts.Save)>
DetailViewImageEditorMode:=ImageEditorMode.PictureEdit, ListViewImageEditorCustomHeight:=85, DetailViewImageEditorFixedHeight:=160, DetailViewImageEditorFixedWidth:=160)>
Public Property Logo() As Byte()
Return GetPropertyValue(Of Byte())("Logo")
End Get
' If True Then
SetPropertyValue(Of Byte())("Logo", Value)
' End If
End Set
End Property
<DetailViewLayoutAttribute(LayoutColumnPosition.Right, "Header Logo", LayoutGroupType.SimpleEditorsGroup, 1)>
<VisibleInListView(False), DevExpress.Xpo.DisplayName("Width"), ImmediatePostData> '<RuleRequiredField("LogoWidth", DefaultContexts.Save)>
Public Property LogoWidth As Integer
Return _LogoWidth
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As Integer)
SetPropertyValue(NameOf(LogoWidth), _LogoWidth, Value)
End Set
End Property}
This is not possible as instance members can be modified/called/are visible only by instances. The code below gives you a small piece of concept but here you can get more info about
Class ClassTest
Public Property TestIsCalled As Integer
Public Sub IncreaseTestByInstance()
TestIsCalled += 1
End Sub
Shared Sub IncreaseTestByEveryWhereInNameSpace()
' Error
' Error - You MUST TO increase test by an instance method not by a shared method
' as TestIsCalled not exist when you call here as is an Instance Member not a Shared Member
TestIsCalled += 1
End Sub
End Class
So based on your code the solutions are two:
Change your Method (that you want to set LogoWidth inside it) in an
instance Sub or Function (what is it)
or change those two Properties in Shared Property.
All depends by your app scenarios.

Can't iterate through each property of a custom object

I have this class:
Public Class clsServCasam
Public ID As Long
Public CANT As Decimal
Public PRICE As Decimal
End Class
I create a variable of that type and get the object from an API result:
Dim myObj As clsServCasam()
Dim rsp As HttpWebResponse = CType(rq.GetResponse(), HttpWebResponse)
If rsp.StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.OK Then
Using sr = New StreamReader(rsp.GetResponseStream())
myObj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(Of clsServCasam())(sr.ReadToEnd())
End Using
Then I try to get the field names from the object:
For Each p As System.Reflection.PropertyInfo In myObj.GetType().GetProperties()
Debug.Print(p.Name, p.GetValue(myObj, Nothing))
But, instead of class fields (ID, PRICE, ...) I got:
- Length
- LongLength
- Rank
As Steven Doggart pointed out, the above loop won't work because it looks for properties rather than fields. So, I tried changing the loop to this:
For Each p As FieldInfo In myObj.GetType.GetFields()
But now I'm getting no results at all.
In your code, myObj is not declared as clsServCasam. Rather, it is declared as clsServCasam(), which means it's an array of clsServCasam objects. So, when you use reflection to iterate over its properties, you're getting the properties of the array rather than the actual clsServCasam type.
For instance, this would work more like you're expecting:
For Each item As clsServCasam in myObj
For Each p As PropertyInfo In item.GetType().GetProperties()
Debug.Print(p.Name, p.GetValue(item, Nothing))
However, I think you'll find that that still won't work because it iterates over the properties rather than the fields. In the definition of the clsServCasam class, all of the members are fields rather than properties, so the only properties that it have would be ones that are inherited from Object. You will need to either iterate over the fields using GetFields, like this:
For Each item As clsServCasam in myObj
For Each f As FieldInfo In item.GetType().GetFields()
Debug.Print(f.Name, f.GetValue(item))
Or you'll need to change them to properties:
Public Class clsServCasam
Public Property ID As Long
Public Property CANT As Decimal
Public Property PRICE As Decimal
End Class
Or, if you are using an older version of the VB compiler which doesn't support auto-properties:
Public Class clsServCasam
Public Property ID As Long
Return _id
End Get
Set(value As Long)
_id = value
End Set
End Property
Public Property CANT As Decimal
Return _cant
End Get
Set(value As Decimal)
_cant = value
End Set
End Property
Public Property PRICE As Decimal
Return _price
End Get
Set(value As Decimal)
_price = value
End Set
End Property
Private _id As Long
Private _cant As Decimal
Private _price As Decimal
End Class

VB: Problems with using variable from another class + what to do with not used interface`s functions

I have a problem with getting variable from another class and cannot understand what to do with interface`s functions which have already existed in another class.
What I have:
Form where clicking on a button I should see reversed string:
(I want to call pooraja.StringReverse which is below)
Private Sub btnPoora1_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles btnPoora1.Click
'Dim text As PrjTekstiPooraja.ITeisendused = New PrjTekstiPooraja.CtekstiPooraja
Dim text As PrjTekstiPooraja.ITeisendused = New PrjTekstiPooraja.CtekstiPooraja
Dim pooraja As PrjTekstiPooraja.ITeisendused = New PrjTekstiPooraja.CAlgrotimilinePooraja
text.strText = txtSisendTekst.Text
txtValjundTekst1.Text = pooraja.stringReverse
text.intStart = 1
text.intEnd = Len(txtSisendTekst.Text)
ascFSymbol.Text = text.ascFirstSymbol
ascLSymbol.Text = text.ascLastSymbol()
End Sub
(Thiss class will be used to store data.Under data I mean strPooratavText. Data will be used in CAlgoritmilinePooraja)
Public Class CtekstiPooraja
Implements ITeisendused
Public intStartSymbol As Integer
Public intEndSymbol As Integer
Public strPooratavText As String
Private Property intEnd As Integer Implements ITeisendused.intEnd
Return intEndSymbol
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Integer)
intEndSymbol = value
End Set
End Property
Private Property intStart As Integer Implements ITeisendused.intStart
Return intStartSymbol
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Integer)
intStartSymbol = value
End Set
End Property
Public Function pooraText() As String Implements ITeisendused.pooraText
Return StrReverse(strPooratavText)
End Function
Public Property strText As String Implements ITeisendused.strText
Return strPooratavText
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
strPooratavText = value
End Set
End Property
Public Sub teisendaText(ByRef strSisendText As String) Implements ITeisendused.teisendaText
strPooratavText = StrReverse(strSisendText)
End Sub
Public Function ascFirstSymbol() As String Implements ITeisendused.ascFirstSymbol
Return Asc(GetChar(strPooratavText, intStartSymbol))
End Function
Public Function ascLastSymbol() As String Implements ITeisendused.ascLastSymbol
Return Asc(GetChar(strPooratavText, intEndSymbol))
End Function
Public Function stringReverse() As String Implements ITeisendused.stringReverse
Return Nothing
End Function
End Class
(This class will be called by form button. There I need to use stringReverse function with data from CtekstiPooraja. The problem is that everywhere is used the same interface and there is some functions and procedures from this interface which isnt necessary. I dont know what value should return these unused functions/procedures. Just using "return Nothing or return 0/ "" is bad idea, may be there is possible somehow referenceto to CTekstiPooraja functions/procedures variables")
Public Class CAlgrotimilinePooraja
Implements ITeisendused
Private x As New PrjTekstiPooraja.CtekstiPooraja
Public Function stringReverse() As String Implements ITeisendused.stringReverse
Dim i As Integer = 0
Dim j As Integer
Dim characters(j) As Char
Dim newString(j) As Char
characters = x.strPooratavText.ToCharArray()
newString = x.strPooratavText.ToCharArray()
Do While i <= j - 1
newString(i) = characters(j - 1)
newString(j - 1) = characters(i)
i += 1
j -= 1
Return newString
End Function
Public Function ascFirstSymbol() As String Implements ITeisendused.ascFirstSymbol
Return x.ascFirstSymbol()
End Function
Public Function ascLastSymbol() As String Implements ITeisendused.ascLastSymbol
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Property intEnd As Integer Implements ITeisendused.intEnd
Return x.intEndSymbol
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Integer)
End Set
End Property
Public Property intStart As Integer Implements ITeisendused.intStart
Return x.intStartSymbol
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Integer)
End Set
End Property
Public Function pooraText() As String Implements ITeisendused.pooraText
Return x.pooraText()
End Function
Public Property strText As String Implements ITeisendused.strText
Return x.strPooratavText
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
End Set
End Property
Public Sub teisendaText(ByRef strSisendText As String) Implements ITeisendused.teisendaText
x.strPooratavText = StrReverse(strSisendText)
End Sub
End Class
Public Interface ITeisendused
Property intStart As Integer
Property intEnd As Integer
Property strText As String
Function pooraText() As String
Function ascFirstSymbol() As String
Function ascLastSymbol() As String
Function stringReverse() As String
Sub teisendaText(ByRef strSisendText As String)
End Interface
I cannot understand how to get variable strPooratavText from CTekstiPooraja to CAlgrotimilinePooraja. Usually that instancewhich I create worked but not now. And I cannot understand what to do with already existed function and procedures in CAlgoritmilinePooraja when the same function and procedures has in another class. Maybe, it is possible to reference them somehow to existed functions/procedures in CTekstiPooraja? Could you explain me how to id, already tired to surf Internet to find a solution for it, have already try a lot.
Well, I think you have a fundamental problem with understanding interfaces. They describe data and behavior, it should be extremely rare to want to implement part of an interface.
That said, if you do want to implement part of an interface, instead of returning bogus data, throw an exception for behavior you don't implement.
Your specific problem is that CAlgoritmilinePooraja works on an instance of CtekstiPooraja, but it creates a new instance instead of using an existing one. Add
Sub New(incomingX as CtekstiPooraja)
x = incomingX
End Sub
to CAlgoritmilinePooraja. And then in your event, use....
Dim text As PrjTekstiPooraja.CtekstiPooraja = New PrjTekstiPooraja.CtekstiPooraja
text.strText = txtSisendTekst.Text
Dim pooraja As PrjTekstiPooraja.ITeisendused = New PrjTekstiPooraja.CAlgrotimilinePooraja(text)
That is the minimum change to your design that gets what you want to happen to happen but it's problably not what you should do. Other than implementing strReverse, CtekstiPooraja seems to be what you want, CAlgrotimilinePooraja looks to do just one thing, the actual string reversal.
I would move the implementation of strReverse into CtekstiPooraja, and then eliminate CAlgrotimilinePooraja.
PS I would try to stick to English for class names as well as functions and variables.

Access variable of child form

Using VB.Net
I have about 60 Child forms
Each have a variable with same name.
In Main form I want to set the value of the variable of the active child.
One way of doing that is like
Select Case Me.ActiveMdiChild.Name
Case "formName"
I donot want to do that as it involves writing many cases and I may miss some.
Is there some other way of doing it .
I tried
Dim O as Object = Me.ActiveMdiChil
O.VariableName= 0
and its various variants but its not working
Another way to do that is with an Interface, example:
Public Interface IChildVariable
Property Variable() As Integer
End Interface
Public Class Form1
Implements IChildVariable
Private _MyVariable As Integer
Public Property Variable() As Integer Implements IChildVariable.Variable
Return _MyVariable
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Integer)
_MyVariable = value
End Set
End Property
End Class
Then you can just have a single check point:
If TypeOf Me.ActiveMdiChild Is IChildVariable Then
DirectCast(Me.ActiveMdiChild, IChildVariable).Variable = 0
''Throw Exception
End If

How to make several similar properties call one generic one

I'm wondering if it's possible in VB.NET to make similar properties call one generic one?
A sentence doesn't explain it well so here's a code example.
I have a bit field defined like this:
<Flags()> _
Enum E_Operation As Integer
Upload = 1
Download = 2
Overwrite = 4
End Enum
Now my class has one property per bit in the bit field. Each property just returns the value or sets the corresponding flag. e.g.
Public Property IsUpload() As Boolean
Return ((Operation And E_Operation.Upload) = E_Operation.Upload)
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Boolean)
SetBit(E_Operation.Upload, value)
End Set
End Property
Now I have quite a lot of properties and I would like to simplify them (ideally just one line) by calling a generic property with the bit number to Set or Get.
Public Property IsUpload() As Boolean
End Property
Is there any way to achieve this in VB.NET?
You can make the enumeration a parameter in a private property:
Private Property OperationFlag(Flag As E_Operation) As Boolean
Return ((Operation And Flag) = Flag)
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Boolean)
Operation = (Operation And Not Flag) Or (value And Flag)
End Set
End Property
And make a public property wrapper:
Public Property IsUpload As Boolean
Return OperationFlag(E_Operation.Upload)
End Get
Set(value As Boolean)
OperationFlag(E_Operation.Upload) = value
End Set
End Property