How Do I Open A PDF In Sitecore - pdf

How do I open a pdf document stored in Sitecore when a user clicks a link? The pdf document is stored in the Media Library.
Here's the code I have now:
Sitecore.Data.Fields.LinkField linkField = item.Fields["Url"];
tab.NavigateUrl = linkField.Url;

Same rules apply to a PDF media as to any other type in media library. If you need just to retrieve the media url to construct a link, do the following:
MediaItem mediaItem = linkField.TargetItem;
if(mediaItem != null)
You can also simply use web control or xsl control to render the link:
Web control:
<sc:Link Field="Url" Item="if you need to process specific item" runat="server" />
If your question concerns browser behavior when the link is clicked, set ForceDownload to true:
<mediaType name="PDF file" extensions="pdf">

Be aware of problems with Firefox on a Mac, as PDFs wont seem to work there.
For that you need to setup some stuff according to this.
if you can't access that is basically tells you to go to the web.config, find this:
<mediaType name="PDF file" extensions="pdf">
and change the


Web APIs FileReader() hide download option

I've successfully integrated the FileReader() that renders a file from a BLOB so the user can view and interact with it, however the revised criteria states that the user shouldn't be allowed to download the document now.
The requirement is that the download icon is removed from the FileReader() but I can't seem to find a way of doing this, as it's baked into the actual Web API.
I started to write my own PDF viewer using a basic Vue to PDF package and adding custom controls but this is a bit of a monster and I'd like to avoid a complete re-write to remove one action.
Is there any way of removing the download CTA before it renders the PDF?
More context..
The PDF is rendered in the DOM from a BLOB that's passed via an end point I hook into with Axios. I then readAsDataURL(blob) and finally create the FileReader() result as a URL.createObjectURL(blob) to give me the data that I render as the canvas src to enable the PDF viewer. Unfortunately this can't be a PNG as it needs multi pages. Thee issue is that it's sensitive docs that can only be viewed on the portal, so it's to prevent users from easily downloading (aware they could just print screen).

Receiver of Upload Button Vaadin

I am trying to upload a file. It uploads fine, but while uploading it shows all file. I want to restrict to only selected files like pdf,jpg and jpeg files.
I need to while uploading a file when a browser window open that time only these files are visible remaining file should be hide. So that user is not able to select wrong file.
Can anyone tell me how can I do this?
I am using Vaadin 7.5.1 and Upload component and a Receiver.
The current Vaadin Upload component does not support this. There's an enhancement request for it which would be dead easy for Vaadin Inc (or a contributor) to implement now that all the major browsers support this functionality.
Here's the technical explanation: The Vaadin Upload component creates HTML like this:
<input type="file" name="foo">
but what you would have liked it to produce would be something like this:
<input type="file" name="foo" accept=".pdf,.jpg,.jpeg">
Here's how the above HTML will look in Firefox:
Basically the accept attribute will tell the browser to open a file selection dialog with a certain filter.
Note that this is a client-side thing. It doesn't prevent a savvy end user from uploading something that doesn't match your filter to your server. That goes for any kind of filtering done on the client-side no matter how it is done. For this reason you'll still need some server-side validation as well.
Piece of cake with JavaScript - you just have to check into the HTML source of page where that button/browse field is placed to find actuall class name of generated html element - this is example for .csv, Vaadin generates class name titled "gwt-FileUpload", so you have to set it like this to see only .csv files after clicking on "Import" button:
JavaScript.getCurrent().execute("document.getElementsByClassName('gwt-FileUpload')[0].setAttribute('accept', '.csv')");
Add this dependency to your pom file
And use the following code to upload files, set filter using setAcceptFilter method:
UploadStateWindow uploadStateWindow = new UploadStateWindow();
MultiFileUpload fileUpload = new MultiFileUpload(uploadFinishedHandler,
uploadStateWindow, true);
fileUpload.getSmartUpload().setUploadButtonCaptions("upload", "upload");

generating streaming link api

i want to know how to use google api, can anyone give some example using php.
eg. use api to get picasa album rss.
Any help is appreciated!
For that you have to embed the video in your html with an iframe and a url like this:
<iframe src="{videoID}/preview" width="640" height="480"></iframe>
Just change the {videoID} for the id of you video.
To get that code from Google, you should follow the next steps:
Open the video in your Drive.
In the top right of the view, you will see an icon that says "Pop-out", Click on it.
It will open the video in a new tab.
In the new tab click on the icon of the three dots that says "More actions" (in the top-center).
Select the option that says "Embed item...". You will see a popup with html code.
In general, there is no way to "predict" or "construct" a direct link to your Drive file. The supported method of getting the link is to use the Drive API. If you make an HTTP request to the file metadata endpoint{fileId} with a valid API key, the webContentLink value should be the URL for your file.
You can try this out on the Google API Explorer - drive.files.get to see all of the information which is available through the Drive API.

How to add a custom image (<xh:img>) to PDF

We would like to add an image to our PDF in Orbeon. We explorered different tags and came up with tag. This worked the way we wanted but this tag keeps the PDF from building. We don't get any (visible) errors but a time-out occurs after couple of seconds.
To cross check: PDF build fine without the xh:img tag.
I was wondering what other options do we have. I thought about a PDF template but we would like to give the form author the option to choose his/hers own jpg from a web resource.
This is on 43PE.
User error yet we didn't change much after all.

How to download file from inside Seam PDF

In out project we are creating a pdf by using seam pdf and storing that pdf in the database.
The user can then search up the pdf and view it in their pdf viewer. This is a small portion of the code that is generated to pdf:
<a:repeat var="file" value="#{attachment.files}" rowKeyVar="row">
<s:link action="#{fileHandler.downloadById()}" value="#{}" >
<f:param name="fileId" value="#{}"/>
When the pdf is rendered, a link is generated that points to:
As you can see this link doesnt say much, and the servletpath seems to be missing.
If I change /project with the servletpath
Than the download file dialog appears. So my question is, does anyone know how I can input the correct link? And why this s:link doesnt seem to work?
If I cannot do that, then I will need to somehow do search replace and edit the pdf, but that seems like a bit of a hack.
(This is running under JBoss)
Thank you for your time....
I found a workaround for this problem.
Seems I have to use s:link together with a normal a href tag.
Only having href tag doesn't work for some reason.
<s:link action="#{fileHandler.downloadById()}" value="#{}" propagation="none">
<f:param name="fileId" value="#{}"/>
<a href="#{servletPath.path}?fileId=#{}&actionMethod=#{path.replace('/','')}%2Fstatus%2Fstatus_pdf.xhtml%3AfileHandler.downloadById()&">
The servletPath.path returns the servlet path ie
You can decide to put login-required=true on the download.seam if you want users to login before downloading a file.
public void servletPath() {
HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequest();
this.path = request.getRequestURL().toString().replace("login.seam", "download.seam");