Accessing property inside non-init methods gives bad access - objective-c

I've begun work on a side project, so the codebase is very small, very little that could go wrong. Something strange is happening. In viewDidLoad I initialise an array set as a property:
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSMutableArray * story_array;
And fill it with data. This printout is fine:
NSLog(#"%#", ((ArticlePreview *)[self.story_array objectAtIndex:0]).article);
I have a gesture recognizer:
UITapGestureRecognizer * openStory = [[UITapGestureRecognizer alloc] initWithTarget:self action:#selector(showStory)];
Tapping on it calls a method whose first line is this (i.e. the same NSLog):
NSLog(#"%#", ((ArticlePreview *)[self.story_array objectAtIndex:0]).article);
But this causes a bad access. Accessing story_array itself is fine (it'll say it has however many ArticlePreview objects inside) but accessing their fields is a no-no.
The story_array is init'ed as follows:
self.story_array = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];

Assignment to the fields of the ARticle Preview object were not done properly. I had:
someField = someValue;
I needed:
self.someField = someValue;
I still find that a bit crazy, but there you go. Solved.


Order of instance variable assignments freezes iOS app

In my header, I have two properties as shown below.
#interface HZCalendarDataSource : NSObject
#property (strong, nonatomic) NSMutableArray *datesOnCalendar;
#property (strong, nonatomic) HZCalendarDay *currentDay;
Then in my implementation's initializer, I have the following lines of code.
- (id)init {
self = [super init];
if (self) {
// Alloc / Init instance variables.
self.datesOnCalendar = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
self.currentDay = [[HZCalendarDay alloc] init];
HZCalendarDay *date = [[HZCalendarDay alloc] initOnDate:today withEventStore:self.eventStore];
[self.datesOnCalendar addObject:date];
// THIS line causes the app to freeze!
// If this line is above [self.datesOnCalendar addObject:date];
// Then it does not freeze. Why does this happen?
self.currentDay = date;
return self;
The issue that I have, is that as shown in the comments, the self.currentDay = date; line freezes the app on the device. However, if I move the self.currentDay = date; line above the line where the date object is added to the NSMutableArray, then the code works just fine.
So my question is, why does the order of this matter? It should just be setting self.currentDay to reference the same date object that I added to the NSMutableArray correct?
I'd appreciate it if someone could explain this to me, I'm not understanding it. The order doesn't really matter, so for now I've moved the troublesome line to be executed prior to adding the date object to the array, however for educational purposes, I'd like to know why this is an issue in the first place.
After letting the app run frozen for awhile, it finally failed in Xcode after invoking [HZCalendarDateSource setCurrentDay:] 25,827 times. It failed with EXC_BAD_ACCESSS in the debugger and -[__NSArrayM countByEnumeratingWithState:objects:count:];
Hope this helps.
So I figured it out, after re-reading the error message, it sounded like the setter was failing for some reason, even though I'm not implementing it.
However, I had wrote a helper method to loop through my array and perform some actions on an item that matches the args i provide it. I had called that helper method setCurrentDay:, thus I had a naming conflict. My code was getting stuck in a for-loop that I had wrote. The for-loop scanned the self.datesOnCalendar property, and when self.currentDay = date; was executed prior to adding the object to the array, the setCurrentDay: method would return, because the array was empty. Setting the currentDay after adding an object to the array was causing my setCurrentDay: method to get stuck in a loop.
Fix was to rename the setCurrentDay: method to something that does not conflict with the setter of the currentDay property, along with adjusting my for-loop.

Nested NSCollectionView With Bindings

I am trying to nest NSCollection view inside of one another. I have tried to create a new project using the Apple Quick Start Guide as a base.
I start by inserting a collection view into my nib, to the view that is automatically added I drag another collection view onto it. The sub-collection view added gets some labels. Here is a picture of my nib:
I then go back and build my models:
My second level model .h is
#interface BPG_PersonModel : NSObject
#property(retain, readwrite) NSString * name;
#property(retain, readwrite) NSString * occupation;
My First level model .h is:
#interface BPG_MultiPersonModel : NSObject
#property(retain, readwrite) NSString * groupName;
#property(retain,readwrite) NSMutableArray *personModelArray;
I then write out the implementation to make some fake people within the first level controller(building up the second level model):
(edit) remove the awakefromnibcode
/*- (void)awakeFromNib {
BPG_PersonModel * pm1 = [[BPG_PersonModel alloc] init]; = #"John Appleseed";
pm1.occupation = #"Doctor";
//similar code here for pm2,pm3
NSMutableArray * tempArray = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects:pm1, pm2, pm3, nil];
[self setPersonModelArray:tempArray];
} */
BPG_PersonModel * pm1 = [[BPG_PersonModel alloc] init]; = #"John Appleseed";
pm1.occupation = #"Doctor";
//similar code here for pm2,pm3
NSMutableArray * tempArray = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects:pm1, pm2, pm3, nil];
return tempArray;
Finally I do a similar implementation in my appdelegate to build the multiperson array
- (void)awakeFromNib {
self.multiPersonArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:1];
BPG_MultiPersonModel * mpm1 = [[BPG_MultiPersonModel alloc] init];
mpm1.groupName = #"1st list";
mpm1.personModelArray = [mpm1 setupMultiPersonArray];
(I'm not including all the code here, let me know if it would be useful.)
I then bind everything as recommended by the quick start guide. I add two nsarraycontrollers with attributes added to bind each level of array controller to the controller object
I then bind collectionview to the array controller using content bound to arrangedobjects
Finally I bind the subviews:
with the grouptitle label to representedobject.grouptitle object in my model
then my name and occupation labels to their respective representedobjects
I made all the objects kvo compliant by including the necessary accessor methods
I then try to run this app and the first error I get is: NSCollectionView item prototype must not be nil.
(edit) after removing awakefromnib from the first level model I get this
Has anyone been successful at nesting nscollection views? What am I doing wrong here? Here is the complete project zipped up for others to test:
thanks for the help
I finally contacted apple technical support to see if they could help me out.
Response from them is:
Cocoa bindings will only go so far, until you need some extra code to make it all work.
When using arrays within arrays to populate your collection view the
bindings will not be transferred correctly to each replicated view
without subclassing NSCollectionView and overriding
newItemForRepresentedObject and instantiating the same xib yourself,
instead of using the view replication implementation provided by
So in using the newItemForRepresentedObject approach, you need to
factor our your NSCollectionViewItems into separate xibs so that you
can pass down the subarray of people from the group collection view to
your inner collection view.
So for your grouped collection view your override looks like this:
- (NSCollectionViewItem *)newItemForRepresentedObject:(id)object
BPG_MultiPersonModel *model = object;
MyItemViewController *item = [[MyItemViewController alloc] initWithNibName:#"GroupPrototype" bundle:nil];
item.representedObject = object;
item.personModelArray = [[NSArrayController alloc] initWithContent:model.personModelArray];
return item;
And for your inner collection subclass your override looks like this:
- (NSCollectionViewItem *)newItemForRepresentedObject:(id)object
PersonViewController *item = [[PersonViewController alloc] initWithNibName:#"PersonPrototype" bundle:nil];
item.representedObject = object;
return item;
here is a sample project that they sent back to me -
I am still unable to get this to work with my own project. Can the project they sent back be simplified further?
Please take a closer look at this answer
Short answer:
Extracting each NSView into its own .xib should solves this issue.
The IBOutlet’s specified in your NSCollectionViewItem subclass are not connected when the prototype is copied. So how do we connect the IBOutlet’s specified in our NSCollectionViewItem subclass to the controls in the view?
Interface Builder puts the custom NSView in the same nib as the NSCollectionView and NSCollectionViewItem. This is dumb. The solution is to move the NSView to its own nib and get the controller to load the view programmatically:
Move the NSView into its own nib (thus breaking the connection between the NSCollectionViewItem and NSView).
In I.B., change the Class Identity of File Owner to the NSCollectionViewItem subclass.
Connect the controls to the File Owner outlets.
Finally get the NSCollectionViewItem subclass to load the nib:
Usefull links:
how to create nscollectionview programatically from scratch
nscollectionview tips
attempt to nest an nscollectionview fails
nscollectionview redux

Object alloc init irregularities

I'm seeing some disturbing irregularities concerning object allocation and initialization in an app I'm trying to write.
I have a 'root' Modelcontroller object, which in turn contains references to subcontrollers. The root controller is called modelController, and in it's init method it allocates and inits the subcontrollers like so:
- (id)init
NSLog(#"%#", #"ModelController begin init");
self = [super init];
if (self) {
LibraryController * tempLibrary = [[LibraryController alloc] init];
self.library = tempLibrary;
StoresController * tempStores = [[StoresController alloc] init];
self.stores = tempStores;
CLLocationManager * tempLocationManager = [[CLLocationManager alloc] init];
self.locationManager = tempLocationManager;
NSLog(#"%#", #"ModelController complete init");
return self;
Pretty standard. The subcontrollers' init code also contain an NSLog messages at the beginning and the end, for me to be able to see that all is well.
The properties are defined as
#property (strong) LibraryController * library;
#property (strong) StoresController * stores;
#property (strong) CLLocationManager * locationManager;
And I am using ARC.
What puzzles me is that sometimes I see the NSLogs from one of the subcontrollers, but not from the root controller. Sometimes I see the 'begin init' log message from the root controller, but not the 'complete init'. Sometimes I see no init log messages. The application launches anyway in any of these cases.
This happens seemingly at random, in one out of five launches or in one out of twenty launches. When it happens, the app acts very strange (but not every time, mind you), beachballing for no apparent reason and exhibiting general wonkiness.
As a side note, at one time I put a breakpoint in the init method of the StoreController class, which when pausing executing spit out a chunk of random data in the debugging console:
...and so on
Where should I begin to look to troubleshoot this?
The modelController is alloc init'd from the MyDocument equivalent class, and is modeled as a singleton.
The singleton implementation looks like this:
static ModelController *sharedModelController = nil;
+ (ModelController*)sharedManager
if (sharedModelController == nil) {
sharedModelController = [self new];
return sharedModelController;
Final note: I have tried removing the locationManager stuff and disabling/enabling the 'Restore state' preference in the scheme, but to no avail.
Sounds like you're doing some UI stuff not on the main thread.
This generally leads to weird behavior.
Make sure you call everything UI related on the main thread
Best guess: the ModelController object is being released. Perhaps the Singleton is faulty.

Problem adding object to NSMutableArray

I am having problems adding objects to my NSMutableArray. It seems that something gets added (object count increases by 1 in debugger), but the only thing added is a 0x0 (null) instead of the address of an object. I've read through everything somewhat relevant that I could find, but I couldn't find anything that seemed to answer this issue. Most related posts seem to revolve around memory management, but the solution is not jumping out at me.
I appreciate any help you can provide.
I've included what I think are the relevant parts of the code. Please tell me if you need to see anything more.
#interface GamePlayView : UIViewController
Player *gamePlayer;
NSMutableArray *boardObjects;
#property (retain, nonatomic) Player *gamePlayer;
#property (retain, nonatomic) NSMutableArray *boardObjects;
- (void)viewDidLoad
// Create player
Player *tempPlayer = [[Player alloc] initWithFrame: self.view.frame];
if (tempPlayer == NULL) {
NSLog(#"GamePlayView viewDidLoad: null Player");
else gamePlayer = tempPlayer;
// Create array of board objects
NSMutableArray *newArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
self.boardObjects = newArray;
[self.boardObjects addObject: gamePlayer]; // First breakpoint here
topObject = 0;
BoardObject *mine = [[BoardObject alloc] initWithFrame: self.view.frame];
[self.boardObjects addObject: mine]; // Second breakpoint here
topObject = 1;
[super viewDidLoad];
} // End viewDidLoad
I put breakpoints at the addObject lines (commented in code). When execution stops at the first breakpoint, the debugger shows a good tempPlayer, and a good gamePlayer (both with the same address). It shows 0 objects in boardObjects, like this:
boardObjects = (_NSArrayM *) 0x4b22080 0 objects
When I step over this breakpoint, the debugger shows 1 object in boardObjects, as follows:
boardObjects = (_NSArrayM *) 0x4b22080 1 objects
0 = (NSObject *) 0x0
When I continue program execution, and the debugger stops at the next breakpoint, I also see a good mine object, with boardObjects still described as above. After stepping over this breakpoint, boardObjects now looks like this:
boardObjects = (_NSArrayM *) 0x4b22080 2 objects
0 = (NSObject *) 0x0
1 = (NSObject *) 0x0
This could be the case that tempPlayer is a local variable, after returning from the function, the local variable is automatically released.
Someone suggested I display the boardObjects in the code anyway, even though it looked from the debugger that I only had null objects. I inserted this code after the last addObject:
NSLog(#"self.boardObjects is: %#", [self.boardObjects description]);
This displayed good objects: the gamePlayer and the mine!
I did verify that immediately before this NSLog statement, and immediately after, the debugger still displays two null entries in boardObjects.
It seems like the answer to my original question, then, is that the code itself is correct. However, it seems now that I have a new question: Does this mean I'll never be able to view into an NSMutableArray from within the debugger?
You should assign #property with self.
self.gamePlayer = tempPlayer;

Proper Memory Management for Objective-C Method

I'm programming an iPhone app and I had a question about memory management in one of my methods. I'm still a little new to managing memory manually, so I'm sorry if this question seems elementary.
Below is a method designed to allow a number pad to place buttons in a label based on their tag, this way I don't need to make a method for each button. The method works fine, I'm just wondering if I'm responsible for releasing any of the variables I make in the function.
The application crashes if I try to release any of the variables, so I'm a little confused about my responsibility regarding memory.
Here's the method:
FYI the variable firstValue is my label, it's the only variable not declared in the method.
-(IBAction)inputNumbersFromButtons:(id)sender {
UIButton *placeHolderButton = [[UIButton alloc] init];
placeHolderButton = sender;
NSString *placeHolderString = [[NSString alloc] init];
placeHolderString = [placeHolderString stringByAppendingString:firstValue.text];
NSString *addThisNumber = [[NSString alloc] init];
int i = placeHolderButton.tag;
addThisNumber = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%i", i];
NSString *newLabelText = [[NSString alloc] init];
newLabelText = [placeHolderString stringByAppendingString:addThisNumber];
[firstValue setText:newLabelText];
//[placeHolderButton release];
//[placeHolderString release];
//[addThisNumber release];
//[newLabelText release];
The application works fine with those last four lines commented out, but it seems to me like I should be releasing these variables here. If I'm wrong about that I'd welcome a quick explanation about when it's necessary to release variables declared in functions and when it's not. Thanks.
Yes, you need to release them, but you need them just a little longer than beyond the end of your function.
The solution is called autorelease. Just replace release with autorelease and the objects stay around until the program gets back to the runloop.
When the program gets back there, everybody interested in one of the objects should have sent a retain message to it, so the object will not be deallocated when released by the NSAutoreleasePool.
edit actually, looking at your code, there's a lot more wrong with it. E.g. this:
UIButton *placeHolderButton = [[UIButton alloc] init];
placeHolderButton = sender;
doesn't make sense. First you allocate an object, then assign (a pointer to) it to variable placeHolderButton. That's fine.
Then you assign sender to that same variable. The reference to the object you just created is now lost.
Not sure if I get what you want, but this would be better:
-(IBAction)inputNumbersFromButtons:(id)sender {
UIButton *placeHolderButton = sender; // this is still a little useless, but ok
int i = placeHolderButton.tag;
NSString *addThisNumber = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%i", i];
NSString *placeHolderString = firstValue.text;
NSString *newLabelText = [placeHolderString stringByAppendingString:addThisNumber];
[firstValue setText:newLabelText];
No allocs, so no releases necessary. The strings returned by those functions are already added to the autoreleasepool, so they will be deallocated automatically (if needed).
Well. Release them when you are done with them. The sooner the better. Some objects are tricky if you are new to memory management.
Release them in the dealloc method then.
The auto release pool can be handy, some people might disagree according to the performance issues.
you need to release anything containing the word new, alloc/init or copy.
also, you don't need to alloc/init this:
UIButton *placeHolderButton = [[UIButton alloc] init];
placeHolderButton = sender;
another way of doing this is:
UIButton *placeHolderButton = (UIButton *)sender;
in your version, it is allocating an instance with a retain count of +1, but you are immediately replacing the reference, so there is no way of releasing the memory later.
you are creating a lot of instances with alloc/init, and then replacing their references with autoreleased instances.
you could use
NSString *placeHolderString = [placeHolderString stringByAppendingString:firstValue.text];
instead of
NSString *placeHolderString = [[NSString alloc] init];
placeHolderString = [placeHolderString stringByAppendingString:firstValue.text];
which is again replacing a manually managed instance created on the first line, with an autoreleased instance on the second.
infact you could replace every alloc/init in this with the factory method and not have to deal with memory at all in it as they would be autoreleased instances.
-(IBAction)inputNumbersFromButtons:(id)sender {
//cast sender as a UIButton to suppress compiler warning, and allow us to reference it as placeholder button
UIButton *placeHolderButton = (UIButton *) sender;
int i = placeHolderButton.tag;
NSString *addThisNumber = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%i", i];
[firstValue setText:[firstValue.text stringByAppendingString:addThisNumber]];
If you look at the class docs for NSString, any method with a + next to it(ie +stringWithString:(NSString *)string) is a class method, don't use these methods on a reference after you have called alloc/init on it.
I find it puzzling that you use alloc/init on a UIButton.
I always use the factory methods, e.g.
UIButton* aButton = [UIButton buttonWithType:UIButtonTypeCustom];
This returns an autoreleased button which I immediately add to its intended parent view.
Can't confirm it right now, but it looks as if the SDK caches UIButton instances and performs some optimizations behind the scenes. Every time I tried to retain a UIButton ivar, performance has degraded (especially when there is many sub views on screen)