I have a few files that i am working on in any given moment that i would love to have at the front of my tabs at any given moment. How can I do so?
You can drag tabs in whatever order you'd like and then access them directly with Command + 1-9
I have a huge class in which I changed couple of lines in different places. Is there a way(shortcut) to navigate through changed lines of code in the file and not to scroll all the way up/down?
If you edit a file that is under version control, IntelliJ IDEA provides several ways to move back and forth with the updates. In particular, you can use the navigation commands (Navigate | Next / Previous Change.), keyboard shortcuts (⌃⌥⇧↓/ ⌃⌥⇧↑), and the change markers.
To navigate to the place of your last edit, press ⌃⇧⌫ or select Navigate | Last Edit Location from the main menu.
I'm using Control + Alt + Left|Right Arrow for current KeyMap
Refer this screen-shot for your reference in case you are having different mapping.
I am facing a problem, can anyone help me to sort this out:
Background: I have to create a backup of the code exist in the editor(Code mirror), so the use case is I have to copy the code from the editor and save it as .html file.
While using the element.getText() and writing to a file works fine but the issue is the getText()only get the code visible on the screen. Since the code lines vary so if I use javascript scrolls then it didn't work as some page on the editor (code mirror) would have 100 lines of code or some may have 2000.
Another solution I tried is to use Action class i.e mouse actions means Select all and copy i.e Keys.COMMAND, "c")).perform();
The Problem is here how can I copy the selected text to the clipboard or save the copied text to the string so that I can execute BufferedWriter class.
Would appreciate if anyone can help.
Sorry I misunderstood your question.
For the link https://codemirror.net/demo/theme.html, to get the code, I think you should first scroll to the bottom of the editor using executeScript(Scroll to bottom of div?). After that, element.getText() should give you full code.
Update: You can also select the text by clicking on the editor and then pressing Ctrl + A, after that get selected text by executing javascript on the browser (Get the Highlighted/Selected text). You can then handle the text within your test script.
My configuration indents with four spaces, and I want to keep that. Occasionally (e.g. in a Makefile) I want to input a literal TAB character.
How can I force the IntelliJ-IDEs to input a tab or space, when it would not do so when I hit tab or space in that instance?
You seem to be asking two questions here:
1. How do I force IntelliJ IDE to input a tab, when it would not do so when I hit tab?
2. How do I force IntelliJ IDE to input a space, when it would not do so when I hit space?
I don't understand how the second case can arise. However, I have provided a solution to it as well.
Case 1. Insert a tab character when an IntelliJ IDE wants to replace it with spaces due to configuration
Use search and replace.
Place the cursor where you want the tab to be
Press the X key
Select the X you just typed
From the main menu, choose Edit | Find | Replace to bring up the search and replace pane
Make sure there is an X in the search field
Enter \t in the replace field
Be sure the option Regex is checked
Be sure the option In Selection is checked
Click the Replace button
Case 2. Insert a space character when an IntelliJ IDE won't just let you type one (???)
Use search and replace.
Place the cursor where you want the space to be
Press the X key
Select the X you just typed
From the main menu, choose Edit | Find | Replace to bring up the search and replace pane
Make sure there is an X in the search field
Enter a single space into the replace field
Be sure the option In Selection is checked
Click the Replace button
Install the plugin for Makefile support: https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/9333-makefile-support
When I tried it today, this automatically use hard tabs in the editors for Makefile files.
Open another text editor, type a tab, and then copy and paste into the PyCharm editor. In MacOSX this worked for me using both Sublime Text 2 and TextEdit.
I can't think of any "direct" way. Probably the easiest way that I can think of is to write a Live Template to do it. See the help page on Live Templates for more information. When you write it, you may need to copy and paste a tab character in from another application.
However, when I tried it, IDEA saw it as just empty text and would not save it. So I used a variable with the "capitalize" function to capitalize a tab character.
Here's the template I created that you can paste into your templates. Now I type tab, hit the Tab key and I get a tab character. Of course you can change the abbreviation.
<template name="tab" value="$TAB$" description="Enter a tab Character" toReformat="false" toShortenFQNames="true">
<variable name="TAB" expression="capitalize(" ")" defaultValue=" " alwaysStopAt="false" />
<option name="OTHER" value="true" />
You could extend the idea to have multiple ones that enter multiple tabs. For example tab to enter 1 tab, tab2 for 2 tabs, etc.
Screenshot of it after use:
There may also be a way to hack a macro to do it. You could then assign the macro to a keyboard shortcut. I'll see if I can figure something out and update this if I do.
Use the menu option: Edit -> Convert Indents -> To Tabs.
Whenever I edit a makefile I do the "to tabs" conversion before I save the file.
UPDATE: Really sadly, I think the generated character still gets converted to spaces... Am checking...
There is an Action in JetBrains IDEs to enter a Tab character.
Here are the steps to use the Tab character action: (discovered in PyCharm 2020.3)
Double-tap the Shift key OR Help -> Find Action...
Type the 3 characters tab
Click on the action that is called Tab and shows the icon for the Tab character...
It remembers the last action you did, so if you have several tabs to add, you can get into a quick process by doing ShiftShift then Return each time.
Answer based on #Morfic's comment to the question. I think this is the cleanest and most sensible reply here so I figured it deserves a place as an answer (and needless to say, it worked for me).
If they're different types of files you could configure File -> Settings -> Editor -> Code style -> Tabs and Indents for each one to use either space or tab depending on how you want it.
One way to do this is to copy a TAB character from another text editor, then right click in your PyCharm file and use Copy / Paste Special -> Paste as Plain Text (Ctrl+Alt+Maj+V)
I guess this was not available in older PyCharm versions, because no other answer proposed it. Regular paste (Ctrl+V) doesn't work (replaced by spaces), but this one works. The function will also bypass other automatic formatting.
Inspired of Clare's suggestion,
assign the left tab key after finding 'tab' action.
At Actions tab, search by 'tab' and move your up/down arrow key and place there.
Then type Ctrl+1, you will see a popup. Select as follows and click OK.
Then, you might be asked "Do you want to remove other assignments?" if Tab key was already assigned. Click Leave because your usage won't conflict with the existing setup.
I have a file in my project I frequently need to open, and I am forever looking for it. OK, I can usually find it via Ctrl + Tab (as it was recently accessed) or via the drop-down menu right of the file tabs, or via Ctrl + Shift + N to search for the file by name, but all of these take too long.
A Global bookmark would be awesome or a 'favourite files' tab I could float... does anything like that exist? I tried floating the file itself as well as adding it to a 'New Tab Group' (both can be done by right-clicking the file tab), but both of these options take up valuable space - you cannot have the file auto-hide in the way unpinned tabs do.
Does anyone have a trick up their sleeve?
It's a little on the nose and not the perfect "global bookmark" solution sought, but renaming the file so that it appears at the top of the drop-down tab list is half a solution. The file is still two clicks away - one would be better.
I am currently using xcode and I find it's lack of tabs quite disturbing.
I currently use command-shift-d to search through all the files, or ctrl-1 to open the history of files that were recently opened.
It works but I find it less effective than just tabbing through the few files i am currently working on.
Is there any way, third party or not, to enable some sort of tabbed organization?
If not, is there any other way to quickly navigate through a subset of files?
XCode 4 now supports tabs. You can enable by selecting "View / Show Tab Bar" menu.
Not really, but one alternative is View > Show Favorites Bar and drag five or six frequently-used source files into it. Not as flexible as tabs but satisfies your request for "quickly navigate through a subset of files".
The traditional way is to use the detail view. Get the files you want in the Detail view by one of these means:
Put them all in the same group, then select the group
Enter a filter expression in the Search Bubble that narrows the items shown
Define a Smartgroup that includes just the files you want
Get a list of the files as a Find in Project result, then select that item in Find Results
Then you can use the Detail View as your list of interesting files and navigate through it quickly with the up and down arrows.
First of all, you can use Textmate (which I believe has Xcode integration). Otherwise:
Window (Menu) -> Organizer (ctrl-command-o)
At the bottom of that window, if you don't have two panes, click the square to the right of the gear. Now drag code files of interest to the left, grey pane--a single click or arrow up/down will open the file in the editor pane.
If you do open a bunch of windows, as vog suggested, you'll need to command-~ through them--not alt-tab.
The Xcode source code editor allows you to choose the file from a list. It's two clicks instead of one (as it would be with tabbing), but it's better than nothing.
In addition, you can simply Alt-Tab through your open source code windows. This is not slower than tabbing, and has the same effect since the source code windows are usually placed exactly one in front of another.
You'll definitely want to read through this. (XCode Tips and Tricks you wish you know about two years ago - SO)
You can navigate between files using "Recent Files"
Write simple applescript:
tell application "Xcode"
tell application "System Events"
keystroke "1" using {control down} -- open "Related Files"
key code 125 -- choose "Recent Files" ("keystroke down" doesn't work)
keystroke return -- enter to "Recent Files"
key code 125 -- choose previous file
end tell
end tell
And bind it to some shortcut using for example FastScripts(free up to 10 bindings)
I have this script on "Control" + "`". (XCode 4)
Hope this will help
You may also try an Xcode plugin I've just released - it's called Code Pilot and solves a lot of issues of Xcode's navigation, making it more TextMate/Eclipse-like.
Check it out here: http://macoscope.net/en/mac/codepilot/
I hope this helps!
It is simple with XCode 7.2
GoTo View>>Show Tab Bar
This will show the tab bar.
RightClick on the New Tab and click -->"NEW TAB"
Then We can see all the files in tabs.