The x command does not correctly when invoked under SASWorkspaceManager.WorkspaceManager? - vba

I have written some SAS code that calls R via the x command (I am using SAS 9.1.3 so there is no native SAS interface to R).
X """&r_path."" --no-save --quiet < ""&out_code_folder.\code.r"" > ""&out_code_folder.\abba.log""";
This code works correctly when I run it in the SAS IDE but when I try to run the same code in VBA using (here strSAScode contains the above mentioned SAS code).
Dim obWM As SASWorkspaceManager.WorkspaceManager
Dim temp_dispaly_alert As Boolean
Dim sm As SAS_Management
Debug.Print strSASCode
Set sm = New SAS_Management
'Set obServerDef = New SASWorkspaceManagerServerDef
Set obWM = New SASWorkspaceManager.WorkspaceManager
Set obSAS = obWM.Workspaces.CreateWorkspaceByServer("MyServerName", VisibilityProcess, Nothing, "", "", "")
Set sm.obLS = obSAS.LanguageService
temp_dispaly_alert = Application.DisplayAlerts
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
sm.obLS.Submit strSASCode
Now every other code works, except the x command. Please Help.

By default, use of SYSTEM and X commands is disabled when accessed via techniques that use integration technologies due to potential security risks.
Have you followed the steps for 9.1.3 on Windows described in this usage note?
It describes how to enable this functionality on your SAS server; you may need to adapt what's described for the workspace, instead of the stored process, server.


How to call java object in VBA with classpath

We use a CMD to call a PowerShell script. In the PowerShell script, a Java program is called. Both files are in the same directory. I want this all replaced by VBA within Microsoft Access. I have found several related topics but I can't decide whether it is possible or not based on these topics. Topics like Launch jar file from VBA code
The CMD contains the following code:
SET CLASSPATH=.\yyyyy.jar
powershell .\startscript.ps1
The PowerShell script contains the following sample:
& java '"zzzz.keystore"' com.router.router.router.Router -user:... etc.
We also run the same Java program in a different setting, only with the use of one .CMD-file. This is made like:
SET USR=user
SET CLASSPATH=.\yyyyy.jar
java com.router.router.router.Router -user:%USR% etc.
Preferably both PowerShell and CMD become obsolete and the parameters like "-user" are fed with variables from the VBA code.
Does someone have a usable link, example or code? Please advice.
What you are trying to do is to run a command via the command line. It just happens that this command runs java, as far as the VBA code is concerned it may run anything that the shell would understand.
A sample code to run a command via a shell in VBA is the following (note there are many ways and it's super easy to find these samples on internet, I'm just using the first one I found):
Dim wsh As Object
Set wsh = VBA.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Dim waitOnReturn As Boolean: waitOnReturn = False
Dim windowStyle As Integer: windowStyle = 1
wsh.Run "cmd.exe /S /C " & yourCommand
... where yourCommand is the litteral string you would run in your command prompt. Now, it's all about string concatenation in VBA. Following your sample (and adding the username directly from VBA):
user = Environ("UserName")
yourCommand = "java com.router.router.router.Router -user:" & user
(please note that I replaced %USR% - which asks the shell to retrieve the username - with a variable user that I've defined in VBA, even though in this specific example, the function Environ is asking environment variables so it's still asking it to a shell).

SAS EG asking for credentials "randomly" when called from VB

I have the following function in an Excel sheet module, which sends SQL queries to SAS:
Function run_query(query)
Dim app ' application
Dim project ' Project object
Dim sasProgram ' Code object (SAS program)
Set app = CreateObject("SASEGObjectModel.Application.5.1")
Set project = app.New
Set sasProgram = project.CodeCollection.Add
sasProgram.Text = "PROC SQL;" + query + " QUIT;"
End Function
It sometimes works like a charm, and most often doesn't, as it asks for my credentials (triggered by command sasProgram.Run as it's where the debugger stops), I didn't find a way to make the error, or success, reproducible.
I've set my credentials persistence to Persist for user but I still have issues.
I've also tried to set my Autentification to None (attempt anonymous connection) and Windows integrated (Uses your current windows account) and none of them changed the situation.

Import-Module not working from within WinForms Application

I have a app where I invoke Import-Module on a PowerShell from within my Window Application but the error says it could not find the module. Error as below.
Import-Module : The specified module 'MSOnline' was not loaded because no valid module file was found in any module directory.
When I load the same Module by launching the PowerShell externally in the usual way it works fine. Image as below.
The VB script is as below
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim procStartInfo As New ProcessStartInfo
Dim procExecuting As New Process
With procStartInfo
.UseShellExecute = True
.FileName = "powershell.exe"
.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Normal
.Verb = "runas" 'add this to prompt for elevation
Dim psscript As String = My.Resources.mymsolPS
procStartInfo.Arguments = psscript
procExecuting = Process.Start(procStartInfo)
End With
End Sub
My PowerShell Script is saved in my.resource as a txt file. My PowerShell Script is as below.
Import-Module Msonline
I replaced the PowerShell script to Get-Help and that works only it dosnt work when I use Import-Module Msonline.
One more information that can be shared is the module is stored in the below location.
Any Help is greatly appreciated.
Thanks in Advance
Update 2:
More fiddling with it found some thing which i am not sure if is relevant.
If I launch the powershell from within my and run the below command I cant see the MSOnline module.
PS C:\windows\system32>> cd $env:WINDIR\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules\
PS C:\windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules>> dir
If I run the PowerShell directly from my system and run the above script I can see the Module
d----- 11/22/2017 2:59 PM MSOnline
Still a mystery for me which I cant crack. :(
A difference I notice is when launching from your app, or locally, the directory is either your user, or system.. so maybe the way PS is being loaded it can't find the module.
What about if you provide a full path to the module?
I've had much better luck using RunSpace - I use it to pass any powershell commands - here are a snippet from one of the sites and some examples to look at:
'Create the runspace.
Using R As System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.Runspace = _
'Create the pipeline
Using P As System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.Pipeline = R.CreatePipeline()
'Open the runspace.
'Create each command (in this case just one)...
Dim Cmd As New System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.Command("C:\script.ps1", True)
'...and add it to the pipeline.
'Execute the commands and get the response.
Dim Result As System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection(Of _
System.Management.Automation.PSObject) = P.Invoke()
'Close the runspace.
'Display the result in the console window.
For Each O As System.Management.Automation.PSObject In Result
End Using
End Using
The last one provides a pretty solid breakdown of what it's doing. Let me know if you can't get it to work, I can try to see if this import works on an app.
I actually found the solution after hours of pain. This is pretty silly solution.
Went I went to my application Properties I found that the Preferred run was set to 32 bit hence when my PowerShell was launched from within it was looking for the module under SYSWOW where its suppose to look it under System32. I unchecked the "Preferred 32 BIT" and not it imports the module from system 32.
Thought I should share this silly miss so that others should not suffer the same.

SAS VBA connection

I tried to run a SAS code through VBA. I'm running SAS on a server. I have a test SAS program "" which I've kept on the server. Below is the VBA code that I've used. The SAS code is running but the output dataset is just showing the column headers and the rows are empty.Can anyone help me what could be the possible reason.
Sub Form_Load23()
Dim obObjectFactory As New SASObjectManager.ObjectFactory
Dim obObjectKeeper As New SASObjectManager.ObjectKeeper
Dim obServer As New SASObjectManager.ServerDef
Dim obSAS As SAS.Workspace
Dim cn As New ADODB.Connection
Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset
obServer.MachineDNSName = "xyz"
obServer.Protocol = SASObjectManager.Protocols.ProtocolBridge
obServer.Port = 8871
obObjectFactory.LogEnabled = True
Set obSAS = obObjectFactory.CreateObjectByServer("sas", True, obServer,"userid", "password")
obSAS.LanguageService.Submit ("options source2; %include '/abc/AFP/shikhar.gupta1/amg/****';")
End Sub'
I believe you have to change the security settings in excel. Find the security settings and protected viewing. The remove all the check marks.
This is an issue on the SAS side. It can happen when your user does not have the metadata 'read' permission on the relevant dataset. It can also happen if your program has an error, and options obs=0; is set.
As #vasilij mentions, use proc printto to write your log to a file system and check for issues, also use SMC to check your metadata permissions.

Need to generate excel using vb script?

I am trying to run test cases using driver script, which i had developed in vb script.(below is some part of code that launches QTP), and lanuched qtp script generate XLS reports. now issue is that when i invoke test suite using vb driver script, it creates files which include result rows as well blank rows (upto 65635). this problem leads to result file(.XLS) sixed in MBs which should not include blank rows and must be in KBs.i also checked running test cases using QTP directly but i did not face any issues and size were in KB.
Dim qtApp, Test_Path
Dim BasePath
Dim qtTest
BasePath = "some path"
Set qtApp = CreateObject("QuickTest.Application")
qtApp.Visible = True
Test_Path = BasePath & "\" & scriptname
qtApp.Open Test_Path, True
Set qtTest = qtApp.Test
Set qtTest = Nothing
Set qtApp = Nothing
kindly some one please let me know why the same script running using external VBs gives such huge result file?
Thanks in advance,
Priyank Shah
Implement the temp sheet creation in run time and generate the excel sheets. Also make sure that you set nothing on each excel object you declared.
Set objExcel = Nothing