Active Directory Web Services (ADWS) SDK - wcf

I recently come to know that there are web services by WCF for Active Directory. I presume this is not about LDAP.
Are there any documentations or blogs about it as to what the default endpoints are or what the API looks like or does it even talk in SOAP? or can you please shed some light on how to connect to Active Directory Web Services? or just where to find out the WSDL?
I googled/binged around without any luck. The closest page I could get is
However, it doesn't tell me where and how to connect to the web service.
Thanks in advance.

Look at and the answer from MSFT Moderator "As far as I know, ADWS doesn't support the HTTP-Binding."


Secure Web API With Azure AD

Can anyone provide me with instructions on how to setup and secure a Web API project using Azure AD? I can create the project but when I navigate to /api/values/, I get a 401 response. The application has been added to the list of applications in my Azure AD directory.
I found a blog post here that appears to address this topic but the steps do not match my environment. Perhaps this is because it is a bit outdated?
What am I missing?
Take a look at the Web API examples at, specifically WebApp-WebAPI-OAuth2-AppIdentity-DotNet and AzureADSamples/WebApp-WebAPI-OAuth2-UserIdentity-DotNet.

Implementaion of ACS for WCF Service Application

I'm trying to implement ACS for WCF Service Application(For using Google, Facebook for Authentication). I configured my ACS in Azure Portal and I tried the way of adding STS Reference for WCF Service Application(This is the way generally used of web application). Is this the correct way or do we need to add any more specifications for it?
I have gone through many samples but couldn't understand..
If possible can any one provide a small example with snapshots..
Please help me in right path...
Thanks in Advance...

How to access from the web a method of Windows Service?

i've created simple windows service which gets some xml information once in a hour. I want to have access to this xml information from a website. I know i should create WCF service for that but where do i host the WCF service same application as Windows Service or elsewhere?
If someone knows about blog post or tutorial how to make this work, i would be glad to know.
Store your XML information in a database and have your website get it from there.
you can host wcf services inside a windows service if you want, just manually create a ServiceHost.

Uploading documents via services in Sitefinity

Does anyone know how to upload documents to a sitefinity site hosted remotely from my desktop machine, via the API or services?
For any others interested in this, here are some references.
I found some information on a Falafel Software blog post regarding the topic.
...and also on the Sitefinity forums.

WCF over MSMQ not working

I have been tasked to implement a WCF service that makes use of NetMsmqBinding. I wrote the service and it works fine. The problem is that in the last minute they told me that there will be no Active Directory integration. So I don't know how to configure the security of the service. There is a VPN tunnel between the service's and the client's machines but they do not use the same active directory. Please advice. Any kind of help or tutorials would be appreciated.
The problem is that the service is not always online. That is why using WCF over MSMQ is preferred for this scenario. So I am sending one way messages through MSMQ - which works fine. My only problem is that I am new to WCF and am not familiar with WCF security. I would like to be able to sign and encrypt the messages since the information to be sent to the service is confidential. I would like to make sure that only authorized clients call the service. Any suggestions?
I'm not sure I understand your question so correct me, if I'm wrong. I have recently been woring on a WCF service that was hosted on a computer with no Active Directory available. We secured it using certificates. Is it an option for you? It's pretty painless (if you get past the 'put the certificate in the store and give the correct user access to it' part).
You should be able to take advantage of network transparency.
Use webservices to communicate from one system to the other. You might have to deal with extra latency, but it should still be usable.
Well first, you can use WCF's security, the WS-* stuff. Some info here:
Second, you might find this blog to be helpful:
One of the articles there about cross-domain sending mentions this article (Cross-Enterprise Support):
Which might help you configure it in general.
Thank you, Michael, but this information wasn't helpful...
I found this: - a book from "Microsoft Pattern & Practices" which describes in detail the security in WCF - a must-read for every WCF developer.