CoreData referencing - objective-c

My application is CoreData based but they may be a common theory for all relational databases:
I have a Output-Input to-many relationship in my model. There are potentially an unlimited number of links under this relationship for each entity. What is the best way to identify a specific input or output?
The only way I have achieved this so far is to place an intermediate entity in the relationship that can hold an output and input name. Then an entity can cycle through its inputs/outputs to find the right relationship when required. Is there a better way?
Effectively I am trying to provide a generic entity that can have any number of relationships with other generic entity.
Apologies if my description isn't the clearest.
Edit in response to the answer below:
Firstly thank you for your response. I certainly have a two-way too-many relationship in mind. But if a widget has 2 other widgets linked to its Inputs relationship what is the best way of determining which input is supplying, say, 'Age' or 'Years Service' when both may have this property but I'm only interested in a specific value from each?

I'm as confused as Joshua - which tells me that it may be that you haven't got a clear picture of what you're trying to achieve or that it is somewhat complex (both?).
My best guess is that you have something like:
Entity Widget
outputWidgets <<->> Widget
inputWidgets <<->> Widget
(where as per standard a ->> is a to-many relationship and <<->> is a to-many relationship with a to-many reverse relationship).
So each widget will be storing the set of widgets that it has as outputs and the set of widgets it has as inputs.
Thus a specific widget maintains a set of inputWidgets and outputWidgets. Each of these relationships is also reversed so you can - for any of the widgets in the input or output - see that your widget is in their list of inputs or outputs.
This is bloody ugly though.
I think your question is how to achieve the above while labelling a relationship. You mention you want to have a string identifier (unique?) for each relationship.
You could do this via:
Where you create a new widgetNamedRelationship for each double sided relationship. Note that I'm assuming that every relationship is double sided.
Then for each widget you have a set of named inputs and named outputs. This also allows for widgets to be attached to themselves but only of there are separate input and output busses.
So then for your example "age" in your implementation class for Widget instance called aWidget you'd have something like:
NSPredicate *agePredicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:#"name='age'"];
NSSet *ageInputs = [aWidget.inputs filteredSetUsingPredicate:agePredicate];
Have I understood the question?

There really is no better way if you want to be able to take full advantage of the conveniences of fast and efficient in-store querying. It's unclear what you're asking in your additional comments, which I suppose is why you haven't gotten any answers yet.
Keep in mind Core Data supports many-to-many relationships without a "join table."
If Widget has many Inputs or Outputs (which I suspect could be the same entity), then a many-to-many, two-way relationship (a relationship with an inverse, in Core Data parlance) between Widget and Input is all you need. Then all you need to do is see if your Input instance is in the Widget instance's -inputs or if a Widget instance is in the Input instance's -widgets.
Is that what you were looking for? If not, please try to clarify your question (by editing it, not by appending comments :-)).


EAV implementation on SIlverStripe ORM with polymorphic relations

I need to implement EAV and I'm hitched on polymorphic relation.
For example models are:
How to create relations attribute-value and product-value correctly?
Every attribute can be one of few types: decimal, boolean, item from varchar list, few items from varchar list, etc...
so relations with value must be polymorphic.
I have already read this part of documentation
but still cant sort out how to implement EAV.
I'd to it the other way: have a has_one relation from the value objects back to attribute. Then add a Type enum to Attribute.
Your value tables will technically allow multiple values per attribute, but perhaps that's a feature you need?
The other, in retrospect probably better, way to handle this wood be to make BooleanAttribute a subclass of Attribute and let SilverStripe's multi-table inheritance do Bebe work for you.
You'll have to write your getters for value manually, and figure out which table to join to, but polymorphic has one isn't going to be any magic fix there - it's pretty simple.
Bigger picture I'd also challenge whether EAV is really what you need - it's going to create some really big queries and not be very good for searching. If searching doesn't matter and all need is flexible properties, maybe a JSON payload would be better?

Core Data ordered many-to-many relationships

Using Core Data, I have two entities that have many-to-many relationships. So:
Class A <<---->> Class B
Both relationships are set up as 'ordered' so I can track they're order in a UITableView. That works fine, no problem.
I am about to try and implement iCloud with this Core Data model, and find out that iCloud doesn't support ordered relationships, so I need to reimplement the ordering somehow.
I've done this with another entity that has a one-to-many relationship with no problem, I add an 'order' attribute to the entity and store it's order information there. But with a many-to-many relationship I need an unknown number of order attributes.
I can think of two solutions, neither of which seem ideal to me so maybe I'm missing something;
Option 1. I add an intermediary entity. This entity has a one-to-many relationship with both entities like so:
Class A <<--> Class C <-->> Class B
That means I can have the single order attribute in this helper entity.
Option 2. Instead of an order attribute that stores a single order number, I store a dictionary that I can store as many order numbers as I need, probably with the corresponding object (ID?) as the key and the order number as the value.
I'm not necessarily looking for any code so any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated.
I think your option 1, employing a "join table" with an order attribute is the most feasible solution for this problem. Indeed, this has been done many times in the past. This is exactly the case for which you would use a join table in Core Data although the framework already gives you many-to-many relationships: if you want to store information about the relationship itself, which is precisely your case. Often these are timestamps, in your case it is a sequence number.
You state: ", neither of which seem ideal to me". To me, the above seems indeed "ideal". I have used this scheme repeatedly with great performance and maintainability.
The only problem (though it is the same as with a to-one relationship) is that when inserting an item out of sequence you have to update many entities to get the order right. That seems cumbersome and could potentially harm performance. In practice, however, it is quite manageable and performs rather well.
NB: As for arrays or dictionaries to be stored with the entity to keep track of ordering information: this is possible via so-called "transformable" attributes, but the overhead is daunting. These attributes have to be serialized and deserialized, and in order to retrieve one sequence number you have to get all of them. Hardly an attractive design choice.
Before we had ordered relationships for more than 10 years, everyone used a "helper" entity. So that is the thing that you should do.
Additional note 1: This is no "helper" entity. It is a entity that models a fact in your model. In my books I always had the same example:
You have a group entity with members. Every member can belong to many groups. The "helper" entity is nothing else than membership.
Additional note 2: It is hard to synchronize such an ordered relationship. This is why it is not done automatically. However, you have to do it. Since CD and synchronizing is no fun, CD and synchronizing a model with ordered relationship is less than no fun.

Many to Many relationship for single entity

I'm currently writing my first project using core data, and am having trouble working out how to query the relationship between some of my data.
In sql language, i have a Country table, which joins to a CountryLink M-M table containing the following fields:
What would be the correct way to model this in Core Data?
So far i have set up a single Country entity and a CountryLink entity (containing only a bearing field) and have added two 1-to-Many relationships from Country to CountryLink ('CountryLink1' and 'CountryLink2').
I've run the project and looked at the Sqlite db structure produced by Core Data (found here, using this sqlite gui), and the M-M join table seems correct (it contains the bearing, CountryLink1 and CountryLink2 fields), but i'm not sure how i would go about carrying out a fetch request for a single Country NSManagedObject to return an array of related Countries and their bearings?
Any help or related links would be much appreciated.
Thanks, Ted
First a word of warning:
Core Data is not SQL. Entities are not tables. Objects are not rows. Columns are not attributes. Core Data is an object graph management system that may or may not persist the object graph and may or may not use SQL far behind the scenes to do so. Trying to think of Core Data in SQL terms will cause you to completely misunderstand Core Data and result in much grief and wasted time.
See the Tequilla advice
Now, forgetting SQL and thinking in object graphs, your entities would look something like this:
someAttribute:string // or whatever
countryID1:string // or whatever
countryID2:string // or whatever
As you add Country and CountryLink objects you add them to the relationships as needed. Then to find CountryLink objects related to a specific Country object, you would perform a fetch on the Country entity for Country objects matching some criteria. Once you have that object, you simply ask it for the CountryLink objects in its countryLinks relationship. And your done.
The important thing to remember here is that entities in combination with managedObjects are intended to model real-world objects, conditions or events and the relationship between the same. e.g. a person and his cars. SQL doesn't really model or simulate, it just stores.

Faking a dynamic schema in Core Data?

From reading the Apple Docs on Core Data, I've learned that you should not use Core Data when you need a dynamic schema. If I wanted to provide the user the ability to create their own properties, in a core data model would it work if I created some "dummy" attributes like "custom decimal 1", "custom decimal 2", "custom text 1", "custom text 2" etc that the user could name and use for their own purposes?
Obviously this won't work for relationships, but for simple properties it seems like a reasonable workaround. Will creating a bunch of dummy attributes on my entities that go unused by most users noticeably decrease performance for them? Have any of you tried something like this? Thanks!
First, see the Core Data docs on relationships. Using your example, consider something like:
A CarAttributeType entity, with a name such as "weight in pounds"
A CarAttribute entity with a value such as 2765.
A Car entity, with the required values you mentioned (such as "color", "make", etc.)
Then, have a many-to-one relationship between CarAttribute and CarAttributeType (many CarAttributes can have the same type), a one-to-many relationship between Car and CarAttribute (each car can have many attributes). This solution is a bit more complicated to setup than the hard-coded NULL fields. However, it avoids repeating groups and is hopefully more maintainable.
EDIT: Yes, I missed that. I think you would want a StringCarAttribute, StringCarAttributeType, FloatCarAttribute, FloatCarAttributeType, etc. Then, have a many-to-one between StringCarAttribute and StringCarAttributeType, etc. Car will have one-to-manys with both StringCarAttribute and FloatCarAttribute. The reason for multiple type entities is so you don't have a StringCarAttribute and FloatCarAttribute, both declaring themselves to be using a single weight attribute type.
Having one CarAttribute with all the types goes against 1NF #4.
One option is KSExtensibleManagedObject. Shove the dynamic schema bit in the extensible properties.
It would work, it would just be awful. Think using a flat table in a database, because thats exactly what you'd be doing. Instead try creating a schema that can describe a schema in a way that your application can understand. There would still be considerable code involved however, although if done correctly you could mimic as much as a SQL database. Of course, core data is built on top of SQL (or other storage types but thats not my point), but basically you'd be creating a layer to mimic something two layers down which would just be silly.

Fluent Nhibernate and Dynamic Table Name

I've got a parent and child object. Depending on a value in the parent object changes the table for the child object. So for example if the parent object had a reference "01" then it will look in the following table "Child01" whereas if the reference was "02" then it would look in the table "Child02". All the child tables are the same as in number of columns/names/etc.
My question is that how can I tell Fluent Nhibernate or nhibernate which table to look at as each parent object is unique and can reference a number of different child tables?
I've looked at the IClassConvention in Fluent but this seems to only be called when the session is created rather than each time an object is created.
I found only two methods to do this.
Close and recreate the nhibernate session every time another dynamic table needs to be looked at. On creating the session use IClassConvention to dynamically calculate the name based on user data. I found this very intensive as its a large database and a costly operation to create the session every time.
Use POCO object for these tables with custom data access.
As statichippo stated I could use a basechild object and have multiple child object. Due to the database size and the number of dynamic table this wasn't really a valid option.
Neither of my two solutions I was particularly happy with but the POCO's seemed the best way for my problem.
NHibernate is intended to be an object relational mappers. It sounds like you're doing more of a scripting style and hoping to map your data instead of working in an OOP manner.
It sounds like you have the makings of an class hierarchy though. What it sounds like you're trying to create in your code (and then map accordingly) is a hierarchy of different kinds of children:
--> SmartChild
--> DumbChild
Each child is either smart or dumb, but since they all have a FirstName, LastName, Age, etc, they all are instances of the BaseChild class which defines these. The only differences might be that the SmartChild has an IQ and the DumbChild has a FavoriteFootballTeam (this is just an example, no offense to anyone of course ;).
NHibernate will let you map this sort of relationship in many ways. There could be 1 table that encompasses all classes or (what it sounds like you want in your case), one table per class.
Did I understand the issue/what you're looking for?