CF - Button when pressed receives a focus (bold border) - compact-framework

As the question is asked ... how can i prevent that from happening?
I have ZOOM IN and ZOOM OUT button that receive focus after pressed.
The button in CF does not have focus property so im guessing im required to do another painful workaround...
Any ideas?

This is the way the system draws the buttons when clicked. If you don't want this you'll have to redraw the button (and it various states) yourself


ignore mouse event on label inside panel

I am making a custom menu. I am applying colors on panels on mouse enter and mouse leave.
I have labels on these panels, and the mouse enter and leave events work snappy, but as soon as I hover over the label (on/inside) the panel, the mouse leave event is fired. I know I can just do the same thing for the label mouse enter event, but I am doing some other visual stuff, and I need to have the label mouse events totally disregarded. Any ideas?
Thanks in advance.
I eventually just used the menu control, and styled it accordingly. Does the job better than I could with code...

How do I detect when modal title bar is done blinking with WndProc?

I have a MDI app that contains a modal window (normal window shown as modal). I have a custom title bar button that disappears if the user clicks outside the modal area.
Normally, clicking off a modal will cause the system to beep and then flash the title bar of the modal window.
I want to know how to detect when the flashing is complete (using WndProc if possible) so I can redraw the custom button.
Anyone know how this could be done? Thanks!
It's been a while, but I believe your window should be receiving a WM_NCPAINT message when the frame needs to repaint.
It turns out that I had the WndProc(m) line in the wrong spot.

VB.NET Minesweeper issue

I have fully programmed my Minesweeper; however, I was having difficulty trying to get the same result as in the original minesweeper for when a user clicks and moves the mouse around while still right clicking. You may notice that in the original Minesweeper, when a user does as explained, the tiles that the user goes to will then look blank. If the user releases the mouse, the current tile they hovered to will become the clicked tile. In my Minesweeper, the tile I click on is the only one that will look blank, and when I hover over to the next tiles, they do not get blank like the first one I clicked on. Then when I release my mouse button when over to another tile, the very first tile I clicked on is the one that gets uncovered. Here is what I already have used. I have the MouseDown event which checks to see if the game has been started to begin the game timer. It also has some color properties for tiles when I click on them and I set a boolean to true or false depending on the user left or right click. I have the MouseUp event which looks at the boolean to determin what the user had clicked on the mouse so I know if I flag or simply click to uncover. Then I have the MouseEnter and MouseLeave which are needed to yield the proper glow I want for the tiles. What should I do to get the same results as in the original Minesweeper with the MouseDown and MouseEnter into other tiles? I tried many other things such as MouseEnter, MouseMove and MouseHover, but all seem to yield the same crummy result as what I already have.
Just another piece of information, the MouseEvents are built in to a UserControl which I then use as my tile in Minesweeper. It almost as if when an event is active, another one cannot be done at the same time.
You might want to consider, DragOver and Drag related events

Simulate Winforms Button Click Animation

I have a button and inside my button I have an image control. When the users click on the image I'd like to animate the button so it appears the button was pressed. I don't really care whether the actual button press event fires or not--it's the illusion of a button press I want to see.
Note: the only options I see on the web involve writing directly to the Windows API--a level of complexity and non-upgradability I really don't want to get into.
Why not just use two different images, one for a normal state, and another for when your button is being pressed.
If you want to go for more complicated route try using GDI+. Here is a quick sample tutorial on how to do this.
Why are you using an image control inside your button control instead of using the button control's Image property?
Using the Image property of the button will give you a button with an image that the user can press and that will raise the OnClick event without doing any extra work or re-implementing features that are already available.
I ended up making my picturbox look like a button by giving it a raised border style. Then on the mouseclick event I simulate the look of a button press by changing the border style for a few hundred miliseconds.
Private Sub simulateButtonPress(ByRef pictureBox As Infragistics.Win.UltraWinEditors.UltraPictureBox)
pictureBox.BorderStyle = Infragistics.Win.UIElementBorderStyle.Inset
pictureBox.BorderStyle = Infragistics.Win.UIElementBorderStyle.Raised
End Sub

Mouse events for an NSSegmentedCell subclass?

I'm trying to implement some rudimentary tabs in a Cocoa editor I'm working on. I am using an NSSegmentedControl and adding segments to it as tabs. I'm using a custom NSSegmentedCell subclass for the tabs to draw a little 'x' icon next to the text for closing tabs and so far it's been going pretty smooth.
However, I cannot figure out how to actually process mouse events for the tabs to check if someone moused over (or clicked) the 'x' icon. I tried overriding "mouseMoved" in my NSSegmentedControl subclass, but for some odd reason it stops getting called when I add a new segment to it (I set "setAcceptsMouseMovedEvents" to yes in awakeFromNib, do I have to also set it somewhere else??). NSSegmentedCells, being NSCell subclasses seem to not have any mouse event processing, aside from mouse tracking, which gets triggered only when the control is clicked.
So the question is, how would I properly process mouse events, either in the NSSegmentedControl or in the NSSegmentedCell subclass?
Take a look at NSTrackingArea. You can add a tracking area to your NSSegmentedControl and get mouse-entered events on that to highlight the close button.
As for getting the click events, you're probably best off using a separate NSActionCell subclass for the close button and do some hit testing there.