In XUL, how do I make my listbox fill the screen? - xul

I have the following xul file:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://global/skin/" type="text/css"?>
<window id="main" title="MY TEST" width="640" height="480" xmlns="">
<listbox id="mainList">
<listitem label="Butter Pecan"/>
<listitem label="Chocolate Chip"/>
<listitem label="Raspberry Ripple"/>
<listitem label="Squash Swirl"/>
..and I would like this listbox to fill the screen (currently it is just on the top).
Any idea?

Use the flex attribute
<listbox id="mainList" flex="1">


How to set the checkbox label width in the xul file?

I am developping an zotero plugin, and would like to draw a dialog. The width of dialog, groupbox, hbox, checkbox etc have been tried, minwidth, maxwidth have also been tried, but it doesn't work. I would like to get a line break at proper position of the labels.
Many thanks!
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://global/skin/" type="text/css"?>
<?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://zotero-platform/content/preferences.css"?>
<!DOCTYPE window SYSTEM "chrome://zoteroupdateifs/locale/options.dtd">
<dialog xmlns=""
style="padding: 10px;"
ondialogaccept=" window.close();"
<stringbundleset id="stringbundleset">
<stringbundle id="updateifs-options" src="chrome://zotero-updateifs/locale/"/>
<groupbox width="200">
<caption label="&update-abbr;"/>
<separator class='thin'/>
<description style="width: 220px">&update-journal-abbr;</description>
<separator class='thin'/>
<hbox style="margin: 0" width="200">
<checkbox id="id-updateifs-add-update" label="&add-update;" />
<separator class='thin'/>
<hbox style="margin: 0" maxwidth="200">
<checkbox id="id-updateifs-en-abbr" minwidth ='200' label="&en_abbr;"/>
<separator class='thin'/>
<hbox style="margin: 0" maxwidth="200">
<checkbox id="id-updateifs-ch-abbr" minwidth ='200' label="&ch_abbr;" />
<script src="options.js"/>
<script src="chrome://zotero/content/include.js"/>
it is weird, now it works, when I set the width of checkbox by using width ='250' .

Why the "Hamburger" is not showing? I want to be able to access the Menu page by clicking on the hamburger icon

This is the code I have written to create the Master Detail Page:
Please check it out
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<MasterDetailPage xmlns="" xmlns:x="" x:Class="DemoApp.MenuPage" xmlns:local="clr-namespace:DemoApp.Views" MasterBehavior="Default">
<ContentPage Title="MenuPage" Icon="menuIcon.png" Padding="0,50,0,0">
<StackLayout VerticalOptions="Start">
<Button Text="Home" />
<Button Text="Login" />
<Button Text="Logout" />
<Button Text="Exit" />
From Xamarin 4.0, this MasterDetailPage feature can implemented much easier using Shell. David has made a video on showing how to use Shell. His Youtube video
I've checked your code in a plain project and no errors so far, to check further the Detail page code would be needed. I mean the content of

Appcelerator Alloy TableView click event is not firing up on parent tableview

Im building a app that i have a tableview inside a tableview row.
i have a click event in the main tableview, that i wish to keep.
<Collection src="orders" />
<Window onAndroidback="closeWindow" id="activeorderswindow" class="maincontainer_noactionbar">
<View class="topcontainer">
<ImageView class="topbackbutton" onClick="closeWindow"></ImageView>
<Label class="topheadinglabel">Aktive ordre</Label>
<ImageView class="topmenubutton" onClick="closeWindow"></ImageView>
<View class="maindatacontainer">
<TableView class="orderstable" id="activeorderstable" dataTransform="transformFunction" dataCollection="orders" dataFunction="updateUI" onDragEnd="refreshTable" >
<!-- Also can use Require -->
<TableViewRow class="activeordersrow" oid="{oid}" touchEnabled="true" >
<Label class="rowOid" text="{oid}"/>
<Label class="rowCust" text="{cust}"/>
<Label class="rowScode" text="{scode}"/>
<Label class="rowVehicle" text="{vehicle}"/>
<Label class="rowOrdertime" text="{ordertime}"/>
<ImageView class="imgOrdertime" image='/images/clock_green.png'/>
<ImageView class="imgDeadline" image='/images/clock_red.png'/>
<Label class="rowDeadline" text="{deadline}"/>
<View class="addresstablewrapper" backgroundColor="#000"/>
<TableView touchEnabled="false" scrollType="vertical" class="activeorders_addresses" data="{orders_addresses}" backgroundColor="yellow" />
The problem is that because i have another within the table with its own rows (without a click event) it seems like the click on the main does not fire.
Help appreciated :)
Maybe the nested TableView should have touchEnabled="true" so the click bubbles up to the parent (tableviewrow).

Add view under the tabgroup

<TabGroup backgroundColor="white" id="mainTabGroup">
<Tab id="byFav" title="fav" icon="KS_nav_views.png">
<Window title='fav'>
<TableView id="tableByFav" />
<Tab id="byLatest" title="latest" icon="KS_nav_views.png">
<Window title='latest'>
<TableView id="tableByLatest" />
Currently I have tabgroup which has two tab.
I am planning to add view at the bottom of the screen height=50 width=100%.
This view must be still however tab changes.
I have tried this
<TabGroup backgroundColor="white" id="mainTabGroup">
or this.
<TabGroup backgroundColor="white" id="mainTabGroup">
But it shows the message like this
invalid method (createwindow) passed to UIModule
I might not understand the basic thought of alloy.
Is it possible to add the view under the tablegroup?
If not, I would like to add the fixed view in each tab.
Does anyone give me the first hint?
I am suffering from the shortage of alloy documents.
you can't do such thing, because TabGroup uses windows and a "Window" in Alloy means the entire screen. I suggest making another view/controller (yourView) for your bottom view and then require it in all your tabs.
<TabGroup backgroundColor="white" id="mainTabGroup">
<Tab id="byFav" title="fav" icon="KS_nav_views.png">
<Window title='fav'>
<TableView id="tableByFav" />
<Require type="view" src="yourView"/>
<Tab id="byLatest" title="latest" icon="KS_nav_views.png">
<Window title='latest'>
<TableView id="tableByLatest" />
<Require type="view" src="yourView"/>

XAML Context Menu not closing

I've got a "popup" context menu on a list box, and there are two behaviors that would seem "out-of-the-box" but I am having a tough time getting the XAML ContextMenu to behave the way I would expect...
One is that, when I pick a sub-menu (e.g. "One" or "Two"), the initial menu continues to stay open (e.g. "Menu" does not go away once I've made a selection).
Second is that the menu margins seem odd. Left justifying Horizontally does not seem to make the main menu (e.g. "Menu") left justify... I can work around this by tweaking the margin - but thats painful for dynamic text..
<Page xmlns="">
<!-- StaysOpen="False" -->
<!-- Background="Transparent" Margin="-8,0,-8,0" -->
<!-- StaysOpenOnClick="False" -->
<MenuItem Header="Menu">
<MenuItem Header="One" />
<MenuItem Header="Two" />
<ListViewItem Content="Red" />
<ListViewItem Content="Orange" />
<ListViewItem Content="Black" />
<ListViewItem Content="Blue" />
<ListViewItem Content="Green" />
Any thoughts on how to make the Main menu of this popup behave?
Thanks in advance,
Try this:
<MenuItem Header="Menu">
<MenuItem Header="One" />
<MenuItem Header="Two" />
you are not supposed to have a menu inside a context menu.
you should put menuitem directly.