Handling Start Up Issues With NHibernate In Global.asax - wcf

I have a WCF Service, hosted inside of IIS, using NHibernate for data access.
In my Global.asax I configure NHibernate on Application_Start. This means that I only perform the expensive task of setting up all of the mappings once for my WCF Service.
The only problem with this is that if the database was unavailable during start up, the mappings will never get set up (as they will have failed to be set up during Application_Start and the event won't be called again until the app pool is recycled).
How can I handle the NHibernate set up so it occurs only once, except where there is an error (such as the database not being available) in which case it will occur on each request until it works?

What you need is a Lazy Singleton to be your SessionFactory. You call a method to get the session factory and it checks if the session already exists. So the expensive task of creating the Session Factory is done the first time someone needs it.
You could do something like this:
public ISessionFactory GetSessionFactory()
// sessionFactory is STATIC
if (sessionFactory == null)
global::NHibernate.Cfg.Configuration cfg = new NHibernateConfigurationFactory(CurrentConfiguration).GetConfiguration(sessionFactoryName);
// Now that we have our Configuration object, create a new SessionFactory
sessionFactory = cfg.BuildSessionFactory();
if (sessionFactory == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("cfg.BuildSessionFactory() returned null.");
return sessionFactory;
A complete solution is available here:
NHibernate - good complete working Helper class for managing SessionFactory/Session

I am throwing this answer into the mix in order to get comments on it - this answer was emailed to me, but I'd appreciate the view of the SO community before I decide on the final solution...
Rather than using the Application_Start event, use the Begin_Request event. Store the NHibernate session in a field and in the Begin_Request event, check if the field is null and if it is, create the NHibernate session (otherwise, continue to use the one already created).
So essentially, this would mean moving the create logic into a method I can call from Begin_Request in the event of "detecting that the session hasn't yet been created".


Risks of holding an Entity Framework dynamic proxy object in session?

So I have a fairly comprehensive activity-based access control system I built for a web app under MVC 4 using Entity Framework. Well, to be precise the access control doesn't care if it's using EF or not, but the app is.
Anyway, I'm loading the user's permissions on each request right now. I get a reference to my DbContext injected from the IoC container into my ApplicationController, and it overrides OnAuthorization to stuff the user's profile into the HttpContext.Current.Items. Seems to work fairly well, but I can't help but wonder if it's the best way.
My thought was that since the users' permissions don't change often, if ever, the better way to do it would be to load the profile of permissions into the Session instead, and then not have to change them at all until the user logs out and logs back in (pretty common in desktop OS's anyway). But I'm concerned that if I fetch using the DbContext, then the object I get back is a dynamic proxy which holds a reference to the DbContext and I certainly don't want to do that for the whole session.
Thoughts? Is this a good approach, and if so how do I ensure that my DbContext doesn't linger beyond when I really need it?
Invoke .AsNoTracking() on the Set<UserPermission> before you query out. Entities will still be proxied, but will be detached from the DbContext.
var userPermission = dbContext.Set<UserPermission>().AsNoTracking()
.SingleOrDefault(x => x.UserName == User.Identity.Name);
Thoughts? Is this a good approach?
Putting a dynamically proxied entity in session will break as soon as you load balance your code across more than 1 web server. Why? Because of the dynamic proxy class. Server A understands the type DynamicProxies.UserPermission_Guid, because it queried out the entity. However Server B through N do not, and therefore cannot deserialize it from the Session. The other servers will dynamically proxy the entity with a different GUID.
That said, you could DTO your data into a POCO object and put it in session instead. However then you do not need to worry about your entity being attached to the context when you first query it out. AsNoTracking will only make the query perform a bit faster.
// you can still call .AsNoTracking for performance reasons
var userPermissionEntity = dbContext.Set<UserPermission>().AsNoTracking()
.SingleOrDefault(x => x.UserName == User.Identity.Name);
// this can safely be put into session and restored by any server with a
// reference to the DLL where the DTO class is defined.
var userPermissionSession = new UserPermissionInSession
UserName = userPermissionEntity.UserName,
// etc.
Thoughts? Is this a good approach?
Another problem attached to this approach is when you use the common pattern that create one dbContext per http request. This pattern typically dispose dbContext when the request ends.
protected virtual void Application_EndRequest(object sender, EventArgs e)
But what happen when we try to get navigation property of a proxy entity which reference to a disposed DbContext?
We will get a ObjectDisposedException

NHibernate + WCF + Windows Service and WcfOperationSessionContext class

I have a Windows Service Application
in which i create WCF services in it.
One of the services is data
services: add, delete,
read , updatte data via
WCF use NHibernate for data manipulation
So my guestions are:
Any advice (best practice) for session management for Hibernate using with WCF?
Anybody knows anything about
WcfOperationSessionContext (hibernate 3.0) class?
how to use it with WCF?
Well to make it concrete :
Suppose that i have WCF Service called DataServices
class WCFDataService .....
void SaveMyEntity(MyEntity entity)
.....................?? // How to do? Best Way
// Should i take one session and use it all times
// Should i take session and dipsose when operation finished then get
//new session for new operations?
// If many clients call my WCF service function at the same time?
// what may go wrong?
// etc....
And I need a NHibernateServiceProvider class
class NHibernateServiceProvider ....
// How to get Session ?? Best way
ISession GetCurrentSession(){.... }
DisposeSession(){ ....}
Best Wishes
PS: I have read similiar entries here and other web pages. But can not see "concrete" answers.
The WcfOperationSessionContext, similar to ThreadStaticSessionContext and WebRequestSessionContext is an implementation for a session context. The session context is used to bind (associate) a ISession instance to a particular context.
The session in the current context can be retrieved by calling ISessionFactory.GetCurrentSession().
You can find more information about session context here.
The WcfOperationSessionContext represents a context that spans for the entire duration of a WCF operation. You still need to handle the binding of the session in the begining of the operation and the unbinding/commiting/disposal of the session at the end of the operation.
To get access to the begin/end actions in the wcf pipeline you need to implement a IDispatchMessageInspector. You can see a sample here.
Also regarding WCF integration: if you use ThreadStatic session context it will appear to work on development, but you will hit the wall in production when various components (ex: authorization, authentication ) from the wcf pipeline are executed on different threads.
As for best practices you almost nailed it: Use WcfOperationSessionContext to store the current session and the IDispatchMessageInspector to begin/complete your unit of work.
EDIT - to address the details you added:
If you configured WcfOperationSessionContext and do the binding/unbinding as i explained above, all you have to do to is inject the ISessionFactory into your service and just use factory.GetCurrentSession(). I'll post a sample prj if time permits.
Here is the sample project
The model we use for managing NHibernate sessions with WCF is as follows:
1) We have our own ServiceHost class that inherits from System.ServiceModel.ServiceHost which also implements ICallContextInitializer. We add the service host instance to each of the operations in our service as follows:
protected override void InitializeRuntime()
foreach (ChannelDispatcher cd in this.ChannelDispatchers)
foreach (EndpointDispatcher ed in cd.Endpoints)
foreach (DispatchOperation op in ed.DispatchRuntime.Operations)
public void AfterInvoke(object correlationState)
// We don't do anything after the invoke
public object BeforeInvoke(InstanceContext instanceContext, IClientChannel channel, Message message)
OperationContext.Current.Extensions.Add(new SessionOperationContext());
return null;
The BeforeInvoke simply makes sure that the OperationContext for each WCF call has it's own session. We have found problems with IDispatchMessageInspector where the session is not available during response serialisation - a problem if you use lazy loading.
2) Our SessionOperationContext will then be called to attach itself and we use the OperationCompleted event to remove ourselves. This way we can be sure the session will be available for response serialisation.
public class SessionOperationContext : IExtension<OperationContext>
public ISession Session { get; private set; }
public static SessionOperationContext Current
OperationContext oc = OperationContext.Current;
if (oc == null) throw new InvalidOperationException("Must be in an operation context.");
return oc.Extensions.Find<SessionOperationContext>();
public void Attach(OperationContext owner)
// Create the session and do anything else you required
this.Session = ... // Whatever instantiation method you use
// Hook into the OperationCompleted event which will be raised
// after the operation has completed and the response serialised.
owner.OperationCompleted += new EventHandler(OperationCompleted);
void OperationCompleted(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Tell WCF this extension is done
public void Detach(OperationContext owner)
// Close our session, do any cleanup, even auto commit
// transactions if required.
this.Session = null;
We've used the above pattern successfully in high-load applications and it seems to work well.
In summary this is similar to what the new WcfOperationSessionContext does (it wasn't around when we figured out the pattern above;-)) but also overcomes issues surrounding lazy loading.
Regarding the additional questions asked: If you use the model outlined above you would simply do the following:
void SaveMyEntity(MyEntity entity)
You are guaranteed that the session is always there and that it will be disposed once the WCF operation is completed. You can use transactions if required in the normal way.
Here is a post describing, in detail, all the steps for registering and using the WcfOperationSessionContext. It also includes instructions for using it with the agatha-rrsl project.
Ok, after few days of reading internet posts etc. all approaches shown in the internets seems to be wrong. When we are using UnitOfWork pattern with NH 3^ with nhibernate transaction this all aprochaes are producing exceptions. To test it and proof that we need to create test enviroment with MSMQ transaction queue, special interface with OneWay operation contract with transaction required set on it. This approach should works like this:
1. We put transactionally message in queue.
2. Service is getting transactionally messege from queue.
3. Everything works queue is empty.
In some cases not so obious with internet approaches this does not work properly. So here are expamples which we tested that are wrong and why:
Fabio Maulo approach: Use ICallContextInitializer - open NH session/transaction on BeforeCall, after that WCF is executing service method, on AfterCall in context initializer we call session.Flush + transaction.commit. Automaticly session will be saved when transaction scope will commit operation. In situation when on calling transaction.Complete exception will be thrown WCF service will shutdown! Question can be ok, so take transaction.Complete in try/catch clausule - great! - NO wrong! Then transaction scope will commit transaction and message will be taken from queue but data will not be saved !
Another approach is to use IDispatchMessageInspector - yesterday I thought this is best approach. Here we need to open session/transaction in method AfterReceiveRequest, after WCF invoke service operation on message dispatcher inspector BeforeSendReply is called. In this method we have info about [reply] which in OneWay operation is null, but filled with fault information if it occured on invoking service method. Great I thought - this is this ! but NOT! Problem is that at this point in WCF processing pipe we have no transaction ! So if transaction.Complete throw error or session.Flush will throw it we will have not data saved in database and message will not come back to queue what is wrong.
What is the solution?
IOperationInvoker and only this!
You need to implement this interface as a decorator pattern on default invoker. In method Invoke before call we are openning session/transaction open then we call invoke default invoker and after that call transaction.complete in finally clausule we call session.flush. What types of problem this solves:
1. We have transaction scope on this level so when complete throws exception message will go back to queue and WCF will not shutdown.
2. When invocation will throw exception transaction.complete will not be called what will not change database state
I hope this will clear everyones missinformation.
In some free time I will try to write some example.

Entity Framework and WCF (Returning Entities Attached To Context)

I have a WCF service that calls the following method in one of my Repository objects to create a new sale object in the database
public static Sale New(Sale sale)
using (var ctx = new DBcontext())
return sale;
The WCF method calling this looks like this
public Sale SaleNew(Sale sale)
return SaleRepository.New(sale);
When I call this from a client application I get the following error
"The underlying connection was closed: The connection was closed unexpectedly."
If I step through all the code seems to run fine and the record gets insterted into the database. If I add the following line to my repository method after the SaveChanges it works fine
Is the exception happening because I'm disposing the context as soon as the method returns? Is using the entity context in this way bad practise ie disposing of it straight away? I'm only doing this because its SOA and pretty much stateless so all my repository methods create the context return the value and dispose the context. Anything that is passed in will either get added to the context or re-attached.
As advised I turned on tracing in WCF and watched what was happening. There was a proxy exception occurring. In this case as I'm using my own POCO objects I don't really want proxy objects so I set the ContextOptions.ProxyCreationEnabled property in my DatabaseContext to false and it now works fine.
1) Is using the entity context in this way bad practise ie disposing of it straight away?
No, that's how I do it - and I believe it is the proper way of doing it. But creating context can be expensive and with EF we are stuck with no ideal way of reusing the context.
2) ctx.Detach(sale);
This as far as I know should not be required for what you are doing although I have had loads of issues with attaching and detaching when I reuse the same entities. This should be only needed if you need to re-attach to context. Are you using Lazy-Loading?

Managing NHibernate ISession with Autofac

Does anyone have any tips or best practices regarding how Autofac can help manage the NHibernate ISession Instance (in the case of an ASP.NET MVC application)?
I'm not overly familiar with how NHibernate sessions should be handled. That said, Autofac have excellent instance lifetime handling (scoping and deterministic disposal). Some related resources are this article and this question. Since you're in ASP.Net MVC land make sure you also look into the MVC integration stuff.
To illustrate the point, here's a quick sample on how you can use Autofac factory delegates and the Owned generic to get full control over instance lifetime:
public class SomeController
private readonly Func<Owned<ISession>> _sessionFactory;
public SomeController(Func<Owned<ISession>> sessionFactory)
_sessionFactory = sessionFactory;
public void DoSomeWork()
using (var session = _sessionFactory())
var transaction = session.Value.BeginTransaction();
The container setup to get this to work is quite simple. Notice that we don't have to do anything to get the Func<> and Owned<> types, these are made available automatically by Autofac:
builder.Register(c => cfg.BuildSessionFactory())
builder.Register(c => c.Resolve<ISessionFactory>().OpenSession());
Update: my reasoning here is that, according to this NHibernate tutorial, the lifetime of the session instance should be that of the "unit of work". Thus we need some way of controlling both when the session instance is created and when the session is disposed.
With Autofac we get this control by requesting a Func<> instead of the type directly. Not using Func<> would require that the session instance be created upfront before the controller instance is created.
Next, the default in Autofac is that instances have the lifetime of their container. Since we know that we need the power to dispose this instance as soon as the unit of work is done, we request an Owned instance. Disposing the owned instance will in this case immediately dispose the underlying session.
Edit: Sounds like Autofac and probably other containers can scope the lifetime correctly. If that's the case, go for it.
It isn't a good idea to use your IoC container to manage sessions directly. The lifetime of your session should correspond to your unit of work (transaction boundary). In the case of a web application, that should almost certainly be the lifetime of a web request.
The most common way to achieve this is with an HttpModule that both creates your session and starts your transaction when a request begins, then commits when the request has finished. I would have the HttpModule register the session in the HttpContext.Items collection.
In your IoC container, you could register something like HttpContextSessionLocator against ISessionLocator.
I should mention that your generic error handling should locate the current session and roll back the transaction automatically, or you could end up committing half a unit of work.

NHibernate sessions - what's the common way to handle sessions in windows applications?

I've just started using NHibernate, and I have some issues that I'm unsure how to solve correctly.
I started out creating a generic repository containing CUD and a couple of search methods. Each of these methods opens a separate session (and transaction if necessary) during the DB operation(s). The problem when doing this (as far as I can tell) is that I can't take advantage of lazy loading of related collections/objects.
As almost every entity relation has .Not.LazyLoad() in the fluent mapping, it results in the entire database being loaded when I request a list of all entities of a given type.
Correct me if I'm wrong, 'cause I'm still a complete newbie when it comes to NHibernate :)
What is most common to do to avoid this? Have one global static session that remains alive as long as the program runs, or what should I do?
Some of the repository code:
public T GetById(int id)
using (var session = NHibernateHelper.OpenSession())
return session.Get<T>(id);
Using the repository to get a Person
var person = m_PersonRepository.GetById(1); // works fine
var contactInfo = person.ContactInfo; // Throws exception with message:
// failed to lazily initialize a collection, no session or session was closed
Your question actually boils down to object caching and reuse. If you load a Foo object from one session, then can you keep hold of it and then at a later point in time lazy load its Bar property?
Each ISession instance is designed to represent a unit of work, and comes with a first level cache that will allow you to retrieve an object multiple times within that unit of work yet only have a single database hit. It is not thread-safe, and should definitely not be used as a static object in a WinForms application.
If you want to use an object when the session under which it was loaded has been disposed, then you need to associate it with a new session using Session.SaveOrUpdate(object) or Session.Update(object).
You can find all of this explained in chapter 10 of the Hibernate documentation.
If this seems inefficient, then look into second-level caching. This is provided at ISessionFactory level - your session factory can be static, and if you enable second-level caching this will effectively build an in-memory cache of much of your data. Second-level caching is only appropriate if there is no underlying service updating your data - if all database updates go via NHibernate, then it is safe.
Edit in light of code posted
Your session usage is at the wrong level - you are using it for a single database get, rather than a unit of work. In this case, your GetById method should take in a session which it uses, and the session instance should be managed at a higher level. Alternatively, your PersonRepository class should manage the session if you prefer, and you should instantiate and dispose an object of this type for each unit of work.
public T GetById(int id)
return m_session.Get<T>(id);
using (var repository = new PersonRepository())
var person = repository.GetById(1);
var contactInfo = person.ContactInfo;
} // make sure the repository Dispose method disposes the session.
The error message you are getting is because there is no longer a session to use to lazy load the collection - you've already disposed it.