actionscript 2.0 referencing main timeline form movie clip - actionscript-2

Trying to edit as 2 file and stuck on how to tell a movie clip to gotoAndPlay the main time line.
The animation contains several tweens and I need to add a temporary tween.
I created a movie clip with tween.
Once the it gets to the Movie Clip(frame 10), I inserted the stop command so the the movieclip can run its tween.
The problem I am having is how to tell flash to resume the animation from frame 11.
I put
but doesn't work...

You could try to create a _global ref to the movie you'd like to control.
(I try to avoid using _global, but sometimes ...)
The real problem is why "parent" doesn't reference the object you expect. You could try to debug and see what the current tree is.
Another way is to pass the ref to the parent to the "to-be-caller" on creation.

It should be _parent instead of parent.
And if that doesn't work try to trace(_parent) like Milo suggested. That should give you the path to your the clips parent, and you should be able to count how many _parent._parent you should use to hit the right clip.

I tried to use this as well, but it did not work:
So instead try to use the keyword _root:
This worked for me.


How do you handle game battle combos? - Scratch 3.0

I'm new to programming, and I was wondering how you are able to handle consecutive, timed key presses in order for the character to do something different. For example, in games like 'Super Smash Bros.' you press one button for a character to punch, and if you press it again, they will do their second punch; pressing it once more will result in a kick. How am I able to program this in Scratch 3.0 (preferrably, but an explanation in another programming language might help)?
By the way, if this helps, I am using a 'state' variable in order to handle other animations such as running; I want the character to be able to animate when the timed key presses occur.
Makey makey (in the extensions) does something similar to that, but if you wanted to make your own from scratch (no pun intended) you could do something like this example that I made:
As stated earlier, makey makey is the only option...
I know, they only have a few selected options
try this:
You usually use
when (up right down left v) pressed:
// Do something
Why don't you use
when (join(up up right right left left up down)()) pressed:
// Do Something
Yes, its the join()() block. Fill up the first blank with the combos you want, separated by a space, and leave the 2nd one empty. Drag it into the selectable part of the Makey Makey hat block, and there you go!

If statement on global variable doesn't execute function gotoAndStop();

I'm making a simple concept game, in which I've made buttons which are targets, when the user clicks said targets, it executes this code:
on (release){
the global variable was declared on the frame like this:
_global.targetCount = 0;
and the buttons do disappear when I click on them like they should, but as soon as I click the final 3rd one and it disappears, it doesn't successfully check that the if(_global.targetCount==3) and proceed to the 4th frame.
I've tried declaring the variable differently like so:
var targetCount:Number = 0;
also tried doing it like this but on using the check code button it said my syntax was wrong:
var _global.targetCount:Number = 0;
and calling every instance as just targetCount, but that didn't fix it either,
I've searched and tinkered with the code, but I can't find clear examples on global variables, the little I've used here I found by reading this:
So I was wondering if anyone here could help me by letting me know the many mistakes I've done, and how to improve them.
All help is gladly appreciated!
Every keyframe on stage is new closure. If you have variable on frame 2 and you want change/set or read value of this variable on frame 3, that variable does not exist and it is undefined. If you will try increment that undefined value you get NaN and gotoAndStop(NaN) doing nothing.
Insert trace(_global.targetCount); between _global.targetCount++; and Target1._visible=false; for debug.

How to use _root and this[] in same line?

Here's a chunk of code that WORKS when it's on the main timeline:
var DysonTarget:String = "S"+(random(40)+1);
this[DysonTarget].MyType = "Dyson Sphere";
It's choosing a number between 1 and 40, adding an S before it, and going into one of forty movie clips on the main stage with instance name S1, S2. . . S40 etc. Then it will display an image in the chosen clip. But to make this truly work the way I want to, I have to put the above code inside a movie clip. So I tried this, after declaring my variable on the main stage:
_root.this[DysonTarget].MyType = "Dyson Sphere";
It didn't compile, the error message said "Expected a field name after the '.' operator. Trying it with _parent returned the same message. With _level0 didn't work at all, and placing the _root and _parent inside the bracket didn't work either. I haven't been able to find any answer online because trying to type "this" into a search is too vague to return an answer about the actual command.
. . .help me :(
A friend of mine who is a software developer helped me on this one. Here's what we figured out:
First you declare variable DysonTarget on the main timeline:
var DysonTarget:String = "S" + (random(40)+1);
Then inside the movie clip, use this:
_level0[DysonTarget].MyType = "Dyson Sphere';
I've tried this a few other ways, and the above method is the only one that works the way it's supposed to. But it works! My impression is the brackets tell it to look for an object named what the variable is set to, rather than an object with the same name as the variable.

Changing the color of a leader in AutoCad

I'm currently working on converting a VBA AutoCAD-application over to VB.NET, and the current command I'm working on is creating a simple leader with code like this:
Set leaderObj = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLeader(points, blockRefObj, leaderType)
leaderObj.ArrowheadType = acArrowDotSmall
leaderObj.ArrowheadSize = 2.5 * varDimscale
leaderObj.DimensionLineColor = acWhite
I've been able to create the Leader-line in .NET using
Dim l = New Leader()
For Each point In jig.LeaderPoints
l.Dimldrblk = arrId
The arrId I got from using the function found here, but I've been unable to figure out how to set the color of the leader to white (it shows up as red by default), and also how to set the size of the arrowhead. If anyone could help me out with this I would be most grateful.
Ok, after a lot of trial and error, I figured out that the solution was rather simple. I didn't have to override any dimension styles (which I honestly don't even know what is, I had a short beginners course in AutoCAD before getting handed this project), I simply had to set an obscure property on the Leader-object. For future references, and for anyone else trying to do the same, here's the properties I ended up using:
The color of the leader-line. Stands for something like "dimension line color".
The scale of the leader-head.
As type BlockReference, it should have a color property and the property should be an Autodesk.Autocad.Colors.Color or an Integer. Also the reason you are getting the object for read is, in your transaction you are opening the database with
And that is correct. But to edit the object in the database, you must retrieve the object like below
var obj = Thetransaction.GetObject(theobjectid,OpenMode.ForWrite) as BlockReferance;
This is done inside of the
using(var trans = TransactionManager.StartTransaction()){}
I'm doing this on a cell, so check the camel case and syntax because I write in c#, but it should be pretty close.
You may want to see if there is a scale property, as to change the size.
Hopefully this will move you in the right direction.
Let me know if you have any problems. :)

Show more than one Object in a NSTableView row

I'm new here at stackoverflow :) But I think, this is the right place to ask my question.
I'm a new developer with Cocoa and Objective-c & I'm trying to write my first App for Mac: a ToDo App.
At this moment, i can save ToDo's and delete them, but now, I want to add some features like CreationDate, some Tags (in mutablearray), and if the ToDo is finished or not. Im not working with an ArrayController, I'm saving the encoded NSMutableArray into a File (Library/Application Support/AppName) and reading it from there.
This all must be in one Row, because it is looking Like this:
Current appearance
Where Title is, should be the Content of the ToDo, where the Blue Box is, should be the Status (Blue = undone, Grey = Done) and where Subtitle is should be the Date and the Tags (03.01.2009 - tag1, tag2, tag3)
I now how to addObjects into an mutablearray but, if i wanna save all this 4 informations into this array, i dont know how to make this.
I've got an Model, which is initializing with this 4 infomations, but how to save this? Must I save this for informations in one array and this array in my mutablearray?
The solution is actually the opposite: Have one object per row.
This is where your model layer (the M in MVC) comes in: The object for each row is a model object, an instance of a class you construct, and the icon, title, and subtitle are properties of that object.
Then, make a custom cell for your table column to display the model object in that way. The cell is part of the View layer—the V in MVC.
The C in MVC sits in between the Model and View: It's the object that owns the model and is the data source (whether by Bindings or not) of the table view. The table view gets the model objects from this object to feed them to the cell. This middle object is a Controller.
Now i have it!
I've only one Cell for the Content with an ArrayController.
I'm setting the other Informations with -(id)init for each row.
There are 3 Objects: content, status and date, and for each status i display another image (done, undone, ...).
Thank you very much for your Help! I'm trying to finish the Beta for everyone :)