Why are an integers bytes stored backwards? Does this apply to headers only? - header

I'm currently trying to decipher WAV files. From headers to the PCM data.
I've found a PDF (http://www.tdt.com/T2Support/technical_notes/tn0132.pdf) detailing the anatomy of a WAV file, and I've been able to extract and make sense of the appropriate header data using Ghex2. But my questions are:
Why are the integers bytes stored backwards? I.e. dec. 20 is stored as 0x14000000 instead of 0x00000014.
Are the integers of the PCM data also stored backwards?

WAV files are little-endian (least significant bytes first) because the format originated for operating systems running on intel processor based machines which use the little endian format to store numbers.
If you think about it kind of makes sense because if you want to cast a long integer to a short one or even a character the starting address remains the same you just look at less bytes.
Consequently, for 16 bit encoding upwards, little-endian format will be used for the PCM as well. This is quite handy since you will be able to pull them in as integers. don't forget they will be stored as two's complement signed integers if they are 16 bit, but not if they are 8 bit. (see http://www-mmsp.ece.mcgill.ca/Documents/AudioFormats/WAVE/WAVE.html for more detail)

"Backwards" is subjective. Some machines are big-endian, others are little-endian. In byte-oriented contexts like file formats and network protocols, the order is arbitrary. Some formats like to specify big- or little-endian, others like to be flexible and accept either form, with a flag indicating which is in use.
Looks like WAV files just like little-endian.


What is the main difference between byte addressable and bit addressable?

I'm learning 8051, and find it's hard to understand byte addressable and bit addressable.
A type of hardware architecture that supports unique access to individual bytes of data.
For example, let us assume a number 0x1234 (0001001000110100). When storing the numbers on a system which is byte addressable, the first byte of the data (00010010) gets a unique address to the second byte (00110100), i.e each byte aligned in the memory will be uniquely addressable. You could manipulate the content only in chunks of 8bits.
However in case of micro-controller registers were data is stored, if you could manipulate its content bit by bit it’s called bit addressable.
They are not really using the terms right, byte addressable is what we are used to an address represents a unique byte in memory or the memory space. Bit addressable would mean that each bit in the memory space has a unique address, which is not the case. they are just showing you how to make some macros/variables that can access individual bits, is not an 8051 thing, but a generic programming thing and specifically implemented in C using variable types or keywords (or just macros) for their compiler.
What they are telling you is they have this sbit declaration which unless it is just a macro is clearly not a C standard declaration. But you can do the same things without. it is just bit manipulation that they are doing for you. Normally to set bit 5 you would do something like
variable |= (1<<5);
to clear bit 5
and you can certainly make macros from that to make it more generic. What they have done for this compiler is allow you to declare a variable that is a single bit in some other variable and then that bit sized variable you can set to a one or zero.

Writing bitarray to file vb.net

doing this in byte is easy with filestream, but I cant get it to work with a bitarray.
I want to develop file compression algorithms, just as a hobby.
The method in question checks if the combined occurence of three combination of bytes occur enough times for the filesize to benefit from adding two bits at the beginning of every byte, as to whether the next byte is one of the three pre-stored bytes, if both bits are zero it assumes no, and just continues reading the file. now writing another byte for each byte would make all of this redundant.
If someone could tell me how to do this, I would much appreciate it.
As I want to do it, it is not possible. Extra bits are inevitable as the smallest unit which by the hard drive can be written to is a byte. the extra bits have to be dealt with in the logic of decompression. a bulletproof solution is to add some extra bits at the beginning of the file (or wherever the metadata is stored for the filecompression) which represent the cutoff in the last byte. 3 bits is enough as you can represent the number 7 with it. (obviously there isn't a whole extra unnecessery byte, therefor if the compressed file is still divisible by eight these three bits should be 000 or numerically a zero, 8 does not need to be written) this way once the last byte is being read the program should ignore as many bits as the three bits equal to.

what is the packed binary data and unpacked binary data in ISO 8583 message?

I am new in this field, and working on payment gateway, please tell me what is the difference between packed and unpacked binary data used in iso8583 message...!
The schema definition files for ISO8583 are available at http://dfdlschemas.github.io/ISO8583. In ISO8583_1993.xsd it says:
* This DFDL schema provides a DFDL model for ISO8583 1993 binary data
* where each bitmap in the message is encoded as 8 bytes of binary data
* (8 bits per byte). The bitmaps are said to be 'packed'.
So, the term "packed" refers to the bitmaps, which can be either packed or unpacked.
In en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8583#Bitmaps, it says
The bitmap may be transmitted as 8 bytes of binary data, or as 16 hexadecimal > characters 0-9, A-F in the ASCII or EBCDIC character sets.
In data structures, packed binary data usually means that more (if not all available) bit combinations are used to encode some values, while unpacked means that some bit combinations remain unused, either to improve readability or to make certain calculations easier (but unpacked data takes more space).
For example, one unsigned byte (8 bits) can encode numbers from 0 to 255. If the numbers are BCD encoded, only numbers from 0 to 99 can be represented, and some bit combinations remain unused. However, it is in some cases easier to base calculations on a BCD encoded number than on a binary encoded number.
In summary, ISO 8583 defines two different encodings:
packed which is 8 bytes of binary data
unpacked which is 16 bytes as hexadecimal characters (in two different encodings, but that is another aspect).
One obvious difference is, that when you dump this data to a console, you can immediately read the unpacked data as hexadecimal numbers, while the binary encoding will only print some garbage characters, depending on your console, your locale and the font which you have installed.

Adobe Air Security Aspect

Just created an application in Adobe Air.
Customer now says he wants security on the DVD (stop DVD from being copied or serial key)
Is there any way that I can provide some form of Serial Key Protection in Adobe AIR.
I was thinking something like writing a small script with say 50 or so 'serial numbers' in some for of xml or database.
When the script is run it allows for the execution of the program if correct serial number is given else aborts proces.
Urgent request, if someone can provide an answer there is a few £'s in it for them.
I would encode some info into serials for application to test validness (some kind of checksum.) This requires several tasks:
Encode bytes into readable symbols of serial numbers. Using limited alphabet of 10 digits and 22 latin chars, we get 32 variants per symbol giving 5 bit. So, 20 symbols are worth 100 bits, that's 16 bytes and a half. The hard part is to slice original 17 bytes into 5-bit chunks (nothing really hard, really, can be solved with shifts and masks, just requires careful coding.)
Decode symbols of serial into original bytes. Using our custom alphabet tables, convert each symbol into 5 bit and glue them together in 17 bytes (again shifts, masks and careful coding :)
Define serial number contents. While possibilities are countless, it can be done simple: first few bytes are 'magic' fixed ones. If application decodes them from serial, it is valid. The rest bytes are randomly varying from serial to serial.
If we leave it this way, all our valid serials will start from the same symbols - encoded 'magic' bytes. To mix things up, I suggest using symmetrical encryption. There is library as3 crypto which provides RC4 algorithm. You can test it on demo page - choose 'Secret key' section, set encryption to RC4, and formats of key, text and cipher text to 'hex'.
Now generation of serial looks like this: take 'magic' bytes, add random ones to get 16 bytes total. Encrypt this message and convert into serial.
Program will check serial so: convert symbols into 16 bytes, decrypt them with same key, and check for 'magic' bytes to be present.
If you leave four bytes for 'magic' ones, this means one valid serial to 4 billions. For common folks, this should be enough of protection (uncommon ones will just decompile your program and shortcut the checks, so look into software like SecureSWF to prevent that.)

[My]SQL VARCHAR Size and Null-Termination

Disclaimer: I'm very new to SQL and databases in general.
I need to create a field that will store a maximum of 32 characters of text data. Does "VARCHAR(32)" mean that I have exactly 32 characters for my data? Do I need to reserve an extra character for null-termination?
I conducted a simple test and it seems that this is a WYSIWYG buffer. However, I wanted to get a concrete answer from people who actually know what they're doing.
I have a C[++] background, so this question is raising alarm bells in my head.
Yes, you have 32 characters at your disposal. SQL does not concern itself with nul terminated strings like some programming languages do.
Your VARCHAR specification size is the max size of your data, so in this case, 32 characters. However, VARCHARS are a dynamic field, so the actual physical storage used is only the size of your data, plus one or two bytes.
If you put a 10-character string into a VARCHAR(32), the physical storage will be 11 or 12 bytes (the manual will tell you the exact formula).
However, when MySQL is dealing with result sets (ie. after a SELECT), 32 bytes will be allocated in memory for that field for every record.