Checkboxes in Rdlc Report - rdlc

I am creating rdlc report and i have issue that i got some bool type object fields and now i have to show checkboxes. but there is nothing i found for this solution to show checkboxes in table.
Is there anyone who know that how i can implement that thing?

Maybe you can put image there, depend on true or false, just display different pic. LOL

If checkbox is true I set Chr(254) else show unchecked checkbox using Chr(168).
Chr(254): This is decimal value for Wingdings character 254 its shows like checked check box image.
Chr(168): This is decimal value for Wingdings character 168 its shows like rectangle box like unchecked check box image.

I had a requirement that the checkboxes have a background color. I liked the simplicity of a text-based rather than image-based approach, so I used a variation of the popular Wingdings-font method: I used a small, square textbox with a thin border and the specified background color, set it to use a bold, sans-serif font, and used this expression for the text value:
=IIf(Fields!SomeBool.Value, "X", "")
If you still want a checkmark rather than an X, you can use Wingdings 2 font and this expression:
=IIf(Fields!SomeBool.Value, Chr(80), "")
In either case, you may have to adjust the font size and/or box size to keep the result square; my first take was taller than wide because it expanded vertically to accommodate the font.

Or you can set the textbox placeholder to render tags as html and then put this html in: Or you can set the Placeholder expression to support HTML and then set up the following html code:
<font face="Wingdings 2" color="green">#Html.Raw(((char)0x51).ToString())</font>
You should put in the character of the wingdings that you want.
This way, only part of the text can be wingdings.
Wingdings 2

Finally I got solution
here is the link download the project and run it.
i have developed class and then used list to set bool variable true/false. while on other hand i used image control in rdlc report To set image.
You just need to set image path which are already in image folder.


Changing Label's Image According To Variable?

I'm trying to make (using Visual Basic) a rudimentary questionnaire that measures multiple attributes and stores their values in an array and afterwards measures the attributes on a scale of 1 to 10.Now I've had the dumb idea to use a label for every single value of every attribute, and highlighting the right number by changing the label's image to yellow, instead of white(basically making the area behind the number a different color).
Now here's the issue: I can't seem to find out how to change a label's background image with code, which is what I'm asking. (I'm guessing the command should look something like "Label1.image = >image path<")
Pretty simple.
If text = No then
Label.Text = No
Label.Text = Yes
End IF
You just have to change the text value of the label which is .Text = Text you want
And if your trying to show images, you should use the image control in the tool box, not a label

SSRS Color literal not working in variable expression

I'm trying to create a custom template report so that reports inheriting from it will use corporate standards for color and font. I want to create report variables for these, so that the same color can be employed in different parts of the report.
For instance, in the report header properties, I set the RGB values for the BackgroundColor property and, when I save my changes, I see a literal value in the property text box. If I then open the dropdown for the property again, and click the "Expression..." link, I see a numeric literal - in this case, #006a4d, which is a dark green. (I'm somewhat new to SSRS expressions, but apparently expressions that represent numeric constants don't require the "=" sign at the beginning.)
This tells me the constant representing the RGB combination that I want. Now, I go into the Variables tab of the Report Properties dialog and create a variable called "BckndClr" with the same hex constant as its value.
If I then go back to the BackgroundColor property and set it to the expression:
and save it, I find that, instead of continuing to to be dark green, the report header's background color in the Design tab has changed to the Auto default (white) color.
If The Visual Studio properties dialog displays a value for a literal color expression, why can't I use that same value in a user-defined variable and set the property expression to that variable?
What you are calling the "literal color expression" (#006a4d) is the hex value of the color. You can use this website to convert your RGB values to hex. Not sure what version of SSRS you are using. I duplicated your steps in with SQL Server 2012 SP1 using SQL Server Data Tools for VS 2012.
Created a variable in the report properties. Called it test. Pasted the hex value directly into the value box without clicking the expression button.
Went to the header properties, clicked on fill, and then clicked on the expression button next to the fill color. Enter =Variables!test.Value as the expression. Click OK.
Preview report. And verify the color of the header is dark green.

How to make a part of a label bold

I want to make bold just the "name" in the string, how to do it?
Dim name As String = Environment.UserName
LabelWelcome.Text = "Welcome " + name + ", ...!"
I don't believe this is do-able on default labels since there is no style formatting.
I suggest to use 2 labels or a rich text box control.
You can use two labels and put them side by side. One having the bold part and other having the simple text.
You can use the OnPaint() method for custom drawing also
I found this : [Not made by me]
It's a class that highlights part of a label for you. It doesn't bold it, but you can highlight the important part in red or any color you want.
I'm sure you could turn this to make the highlighted part bold as well.
To use it, you create a new class and put that code in.
Build your project and there should be a new control called "Scrolling Label"
You can add that control to your project and edit the properties :
Highlight : # --> how many characters you want it to highlight from left to right
HighLightText --> The color of the highlighted text
This is a bit buggy so you might want to add "DoubleBuffer = True" in your form Load
For those who still Google this: You can make a function which replaces your characters with some unicodes. You can use most of WorksheetFunction.Unichar(119808) to WorksheetFunction.Unichar(120831)

Resizing a dynamically created label to fit the text inside it?

I'm creating a label dynamically, and then adding text to it dynamically (and the amount of text added to it will be different each time). So, the label needs to always be the same width as the text inside it.
This happens by default when creating a label in the Windows Designer. But when creating a label dynamically, it appears to be "set" at a specific width, regardless of how much text is in it (which means that it often "cuts off" some of the text).
So... any idea how I can get the dynamically created label to always stay the same width as the text inside it?
If you want to do it manually, you can do something like this, every time you change the text:
Dim g As Graphics = Label1.CreateGraphics()
Label1.Width = CInt(g.MeasureString(Label1.Text, Label1.Font).Width)
However, it's much easier to simply set the label's AutoSize property to True and let the label do the work for you.
Label1.AutoSize = True

Moving label to fit according to length

Hi I have a button which will add a string in to a label. (this can be done multiple times.) As the user can add multiple strings with each one been a different length, is there anyway I can get it to find the length of the label and those around it so that it spaces out correctly?
Label.Width will return the current width of the label control, but it sounds like you already know this. Since the label can be narrower than the text it is trying to display, you would need to measure the full text using the graphics object. This method will return the width of the text in a label:
Private Function getFullTextWidth(lbl As Label)
Using g As Graphics = Label1.CreateGraphics()
Return g.MeasureText(Label1.Text, Label1.Font).Width
End Using
End Function
Alternatively, you could just set the label's AutoSize property to true, and then just check the label's Width property after you set the Text.