Documentum docbase Icon is not getting refreshed - documentum

3 SP5 environment. In my custom application I have used tag to populate an icon at runtime.
I worked fine for the first time but now when I am replacing the image with another image its not picking it up. Its still showing the old image.
I have cleared the dmcl cache, cleared the Work folder and restarted the tomcat container, but no success.
If i remove the image its shows the default image t_unknown_16.gif, but when replacing the image it is showing the old image only
Does anyone has any idea what could be missing? How can we replace the gif?

If the new gif and the old gif have the same name you may just have a browser cache issue. Refresh and see what happens.


How to check if the remote image changes? (Android caches images indefinitely)

I'm losing my mind trying to get this to work.
So, it seems that, in React Native, Android will cache the image of a certain URL forever. If I change the image at that URL, it will not change in the app for Android, but iOS handles it just fine.
I know about the trick of just adding
to the end of the uri specified in source={{ uri }}
However, that will fetch a new image every time, which technically works, but then the user has to wait for the image to load every time. I could add an ActivityIndicator placeholder while the image loads, but if I could properly cache the image then that ActivityIndicator wouldn't be shown nearly as often, making for better UX.
I would like to know if there's a way to check if the remote image has changed, within the constraints of Expo SDK 33 (no react-native link). I can handle the cache busting just fine if there is such a method, it would just require incrementing a persistently saved integer whenever a change is detected, and appending that to the uri.
Maybe a different approach is necessary.
I fixed this issue in the backend. If you have access to the backend, that's great!
What I did was create an API that would take in the path to the image that I wanted, and it redirected to that image, with ?lastUpdated=<modified> appended to the URL, where <modified> is the time at which that file was last modified. This way, it automatically cache busts the image whenever the image is changed!

Binary is not optimized for iPhone 5 error message for Xcode 6.3

I've read a number of similar Q&As regarding this subject but none have provided me with a working solution.
All my images are PNG.
My deployment target is 8.3 for iPhone.
I'm using Xcode 6.3
I am using an image catalog.
I've tried using -568h in the image name and tried not using it. I tried changing the filename to "Default-568h#2x.png".
I've deleted all images from the image catalog and dragged them back in again.
I've created a new launch images catalog.
No mater what I've done, the same error message appears when I attempt to upload to the App Store:
On the off chance that lacking iPad launch images might have triggered this issue, I also added all launch images for iPad. I also renamed all the image file names, created a new launch image catalog (again) and imported all images. Still getting the same error message.
Resolved the issue but not sure on the exact reason behind it.
The Launch Screen File field had LaunchScreen selected.
The correct selection should have been Main.
This solved the issue and I was able to submit the app without the error message.

Invalid Image Path - No Image found AppIcon120x120

I'm using Xcode 6 and Assets Catalogue to manage my App Icons. Or at least so I thought!
I'm trying to validate my Archive, but keep getting this message:
I have an image of 120x120 in the Assets Catalogue under AppIcon (although labeled as CarPlay iOS8). In fact I have lots and lots of images under AppIcon. I know the 120x120 is there. I promise.
To check, I have deleted it. Added it again. Deleted all the AppIcons, added them again. Clean built.
Still the same error message.
I really am at a loss as to know what to do.
I've looked in the plist and there is no mention of CFBundleIcons in there ..
So, any help would be gratefully received.
Remove the CarPlay icon from your AppIcon image assets.
If you actually want or need a 120x120 icon anyway, this can also be fixed by including a 120x120 icon named AppIcon120x120.png in your bundle as a regular file (outside of the asset catalog), in addition to the CarPlay entry in the icon asset.

Has anyone been able to use web images with the Tiles and Badges App sample?

I've been trying to get my app's tile to display an image from the web, but couldn't get it to work. I then tried the Tiles and Badges app sample, where in scenario 3 you can send a tile notification that uses a web image. No matter which image url I paste in the text box, the tile refuses to get updated. So apparently, the sample isn't working either, or something is very wrong.
The images are all smaller than 1024x1024 and less than 200KB. Fun fact: if I download one of the images I unsuccesfully tried to feed the sample, add it to the project and then send a notification using it as a local image, the tile gets updated. So apparently the image isn't the problem.
Has anybody been able to get this working? I don't get what I'm doing wrong.
Do have internet permission ticket in app manifest? Maybe only your app dont have permission to download your image from web.

image doesn't show when I build the app

In Xcode, I am just trying to get an image to show up in my app. I tried taking an image I had previously used in the app and put that into a uiimageview and still, when I build, nothing shows up. I have tried deleting the image file from the app and putting it back in there, I have tried to clean the app and then build. Nothing I am doing works. I just want to be able to put an image in the view and have it show up!
Most propably you're just have a typo in the name of the image - in imageNamed: - it happens sometimes) And it's case-sensitive - so double check the name.
It's possible that the image is not added as a bundle resource. To do this, you should go to your target settings, and then to Build Phases and later check if this image appears in the Copy bundle resources section. If not, add it by pressing the + button at the end of the list.
I don't know why but in the latest Xcode if you add an image, delete it and then add a new one with the same name, this is not added to the Bundle resources.
Please check if your images are added to the target which you are trying to build.
Sometimes, it happens when you have two targets lets say one for DEVELOPMENT and one for TESTING and images are added only at one target.
Please re-check if that is the case.