EclipseLink and database encoding - eclipselink

I am a developer for a global application, which was deployed in a few countries whose languages were not a problem for us. But now, we're going to Slovakia, and we're having a bit of trouble with EclipseLink.
We've setup a small web application to test the text encoding on the database for their project. We're able to read data using EclipseLink, which was inserted directly on the database (SQL server), but when trying to insert using the EntityManager, EclipseLink sends a bunch of unicode chars instead, which are not 'translated' by the database, but inserted as is.
I'm kinda clueless so far, since I've tried to search on EclipseLink for documentation regarding this topic, but had no luck. Can you guys share some of your wisdom regarding this? Anyone had to support other languages using ORM frameworks, and can share their experience?
Thanks in advance!

As it turns out, the issue is dealt with at the DBMS level. The tables that contain textual data need an appropriate type in order to handle unicode characters; in the case of SQL server, this type is 'nvarchar'.


Is it possible at all to bulk-load data from an application into Firebird?

I've been looking over various questions on loading data into Firebird, and apparently it's possible to run multiple INSERT statements in a batch... if you're running a script in ISQL and all the values are written inline.
If you're trying to do this from code, of course, you have two problems here: 1) ISQL syntax doesn't work, and 2) any developer with 20 minutes of SQL experience knows that writing data values inline into your query is an unholy abomination that will summon nasal demons, cause your hair to fall out, and oh by the way leave your system open to SQL Injection vulnerabilities.
But I haven't found any solution whatsoever about running bulk inserts from application code. I haven't even found anyone discussing it. Apparently there's a mechanism for quick-loading data from "external tables" if you write it out to a file in the right format, but there's precious little information available on how that works, and what is available claims that it has problems with concepts as simple as blobs and even nulls!
So I'm just about at my wits' end here. Does any mechanism at all exist to allow 3rd-party application code to bulk-load any and all data supported by Firebird into a FB database?
Prepared parameterized statement in loop.
IBatch class in Firebird 4 OO API.
IReplicator class in Firebird 4 OO API which is tricky but the fastest possible option.
In any case parsing of source data format and transforming values into types supported by Firebird is up to the application programmer. There is no silver bullet that "load anything".

SQL Server (T-SQL) BAIv2 Banking File Importing Nightmare

I would like to know if anyone has a good solution for importing BAIv2 banking files into SQL Server. First of all the files have "continuation records" which have to be considered along with the parent records. Also, T-SQL doesn't have a pleasant way of parsing comma-separated strings. Finally, one hierarchy in the file has a varying number of elements so that makes direct pasting into a table difficult because the columns would not line up.
This is the file from hell. If anyone has any insights into how to import and parse BAIv2 banking files I would be most appreciative.
Thank you,
You're best off handling this with a dedicated application server and a real (general-purpose) programming language. T-SQL is ill-suited for this task.
When that's not an option, you can use C# for a SQL CLR stored procedure to parse the files. I did something similar for banking flat-files when I didn't have the option of an application server.

HL7 Continuity of Care Document (CCD) Development using SQL Programming

I have been given a project to create HL7 Continuity of Care Documents (CCD) using data stored in a SQL Server 2008 database. I have intermediate to advanced knowledge in SQL programming but I have never used FOR XML statements.
Has anybody ever built a stored procedure that would successfully create CCD's strictly using only SQL programming with FOR XML?
Any tips would be greatly appreciated. If anybody used anything else besides SQL, feel free to let me know, but my background is mainly in SQL, T-SQL, with some knowledge in Java and VB.
The way that we approached this issue in our .Net application is that we first created classes from the CCD or CDA xsd (which can be obtained from several locations, including the HL7 store) using Microsoft's xsd tool.
We then wrote (a lot of) code that creates and populates the CCD classes from data in the database.
In order to present the data to the user, we first serialized the record to string using the XMLSerializer, then converted the generated XML to HTML using the ccd.xsl transform file. There are several locations for the ccd.xsl including this one.

Is there an existing piece of software that allows you to (easily) build queries throught a webpage?

I would like to build arbitrary queries to a database, by allowing the user to build queries "on the fly". For every object/table, being able to select its attributes, and then "building" the query (that would translate into a SQL statement) and finally launching it, all through a web interface.
The ticketing system "rt" does that, for example, and another example would be the webpage.
I'm currently programming in rails but any existing solution that implements this (or something similar) would be welcome.
Just be careful when creating dynamically generated queries like this that will need to be executed via sp_executesql (example: ms sql server), etc..... make sure you cover all of your bases to ensure that your application isnt vulnerable to SQL injection attacks as this type of development will essentially get one in a lot of trouble if its done incorrectly.. I would recommend storing all queries in a table and only reading queries from this table to help isolate the queries that are being ran in your application. Just identify them with a label, and allow the EU to choose the label from a dropdown list control on the frontend.
Good luck and I'm not sure of any software that will help assist
Not quite sure what your use case is here but i would say check out the
Doctrine ORM ( Object Relational Mapper )
After reading more and looking at the example. I would only suggest Doctrine for a large website.
Then use Doctrines DQL syntax with some javascript/jquery magic for the forms.
Note that the queries you're referencing aren't arbitrary: they're on a very specific problem domain, on a specific set of sql tables.
That said, if I were you I'd look into how people are building sql queries with javascript. Something like these:
That'll at least get you a good idea of the underlying data structures.

DB-side encryption via NHibernate

We're looking to encrypt a field using DB-side encryption via NHibernate (most examples we've come across are app-side, which is not what we would like). The issue has been raised a couple of times, but no answers yet it seems.
On SQL Server 2005, for instance, and forgetting key-related issues for now, this means INSERTing EncryptByKey(Key_GUID(MyKey), MyValueToEncrypt) and SELECTing DecryptByKey(MyEncryptedField). The property might be a string, whereas the field has to be a varbinary.
We've vaguely got somewhere - using upper() and lower() instead of encryption functions - by combining paired properties, one mapped with a custom user type and the other with a formula attribute.
However if anyone has any ideas on how to do this in a nicer way, we'd be most grateful for a few pointers :o)
Posted outline of nasty hack on the NHibernate forum
There is a project on SourceForge, MindLib, that has useful NHibernate utility functions and libraries. One of those is an EncryptedString library which allows you to store an encrypted string. Unfortunately, this is not doing it on the server side, as you originally requested.
I've been looking for something similar. The only thing I could come up with is to create a User Function in SQL Server to encrypt the string. Something like this.
MindLib EncryptedString
thanks for the feedback! We're keeping the MindLib approach as a last resort because it effectively displaces data ownership from the DB to the app. As far as we can tell, TDE-enabled DBs (say SQL Server 2008 or Oracle 10.2) make the problem go away, but not all our customers are willing to splash out on upgrades ;o)