How to get MySql to use "[" as a quote character? - sql

I am forced to use a dumb-as-nails Windows program (called IDCentre, made by Datacard, if you have the deep misfortune to use it) that says it can deal with ODBC databases.
So, I hooked it up to my MySQL database. All is well so far.
Then I noticed that it barfs when it attempts to do an update. The SQL that MySQL deems bad contains "[" and "]" as quote characters, which, of course, is what Microsoft SQL Server and Access both use.
I don't think there's a way in this awful program to change how it quotes SQL. Can I go the other way? Is there a way to make MySQL use "[" and "]" as quote characters?
LOAD DATA INFILE. Specify the field encloser.

Thanks for all the input; I genuinely appreciate it.
I didn't have control over the IDCentre program, but I did wrangle control of the particular table it's writing to, and changed the table identifiers so that quotes of any kind aren't required. I was hoping and praying that maybe IDCentre would be smart enough to realize it didn't need quotes, and so hence wouldn't send brackets. Indeed that's what happened.


Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement

I am trying to insert some information in an MS Access database.
In my database I have the following columns and types:
log_order - Autonumber (I need this to keep the order where inserted in the db),
userID - Text,
time - Text,
date_ - text,
message - Text.
My query:
command.CommandText = "INSERT INTO logs(userID, time, date_, message) VALUES ('"+verifiedUser+"', '"+msg_time+"', '"+msg_date+"', '"+msg+"')";
OleDbDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader();
The error that I get:
System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException: 'Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement.'
I tried several posts but no post helped me. I believe there might be a problem with the autonumber column (log_order). Because of what I remember I don't have to include it in the query.
PS: I know I have to pass the values as parameters.
Thank you in advance
Probably one of your variables (msg?) contains an apostrophe
The way you've written your SQL is a massive security risk. Please immediately look up "parameterized queries" and never, ever, ever write an sql like this again (where you use string concatenation to tack the values into the query). Your code has a proliferation of issues and using parameterized queries will solve all of them; they aren't difficult to write
It seems your data in some of the variables passed in INSERT may be causing this error. Try debugging the value in command.CommandText before executing it.
If any of the variables have a single quote they must be escaped...
Ref: How do I escape a single quote in SQL Server?
Also brush up on SQL Injection Ref: SQL Injection
I totally agree with all that has been said, but to answer your question directly, I am pretty sure you will need to put square brackets around your field names. OleDb tends not to like special characters and could well be having a problem for example with date_ ; sending [date_] instead should get round the issue.
It will not like time either. Same solution
Addendum on SQL Injection
As an aside, in fact calling Access through OleDb is relatively protected from SQL Injection. This is because any attempt to execute multiple instructions in one command fails. (You get an incorrect formatted string error). So whilst you could argue that what you are doing is safe, it is not for other db providers. The sooner you get into good habits, the less likely you will be to introduce a vulnerability in a case where it could be dangerous. If it seems like you are getting a stream of abuse, it is just because everyone here wants to keep the net safe.

Can I trust in "%" to be the SQL wildcard

Hi there I'm using JPA to query a database and I should do a column like 'whatever%' query.
My DB is currently Mysql so I could do that without problem, but I was wondering if there was somewhere a method to retrieve the Wildcard character of the database.
There's little chance I change the DB but well ... I'm trying to be as generic as possible.
So is "%" the only wildcard (not talking about _) used, and will forever be ?
Thanks for info!
% is ANSI SQL. This value isn't configurable in any of the major databases, and as such there is no need for these databases to provide a method to return the wildcard character.
This should only be a concern if you think you might migrate to a non-ANSI SQL database, such as MS Access, which uses a * as a wildcard character.
If is is a possibility, I'd suggest making the wildcard character configurable in your application, and provide a variable containing the wildcard character instead of a hard-coded character.

Perl: escape sql strings without having a db connection

I know the right way to sanitize sql strings in Perl is to use a prepared statement, however, this particular Perl script is generating statements to be executed later in a different environment, not Perl. It has no database to connect to.
How can I safely escape a string for insertion into a MySQL query. The solution doesn't have to be portable.
Unfortunately the quoting function used by DBD::mysql, and the MySQL client library in general, requires an active database handle. According to the documentation, "this is needed because the escaping depends on the character set in use by the server".
I can think of a few hacky solutions, but none of them are really satisfying, so let's work with this from the docs:
Characters encoded are “\”, “'”, “"”, NUL (ASCII 0), “\n”, “\r”, and Control+Z. Strictly speaking, MySQL requires only that backslash and the quote character used to quote the string in the query be escaped.
This suggests that you can probably get away with a quoting function that does either
although I would still be wary.
You could just check for special chars in the variables you add to your query string that are required to do an SQL-Injection such as ";" or brackets and replace them or throw them out?!?

Managing and debugging SQL queries in MS Access

MS Access has limited capabilities to manage raw SQL queries: the editor is quite bad, no syntax highlighting, it reformats your raw SQL into a long string and you can't insert comments.
Debugging complex SQL queries is a pain as well: either you have to split it into many smaller queries that become difficult to manage when your schema changes or you end-up with a giant query that is a nightmare to debug and update.
How do you manage your complex SQL queries in MS Access and how do you debug them?
At the moment, I'm mostly just using Notepad++ for some syntax colouring and SQL Pretty Printer for reformatting sensibly the raw SQL from Access.
Using an external repository is useful but keeping there's always the risk of getting the two versions out of sync and you still have to remove comments before trying the query in Access...
For debugging, I edit them in a separate text editor that lets me format them sensibly. When I find I need to make changes, I edit the version in the text editor, and paste it back to Access, never editing the version in Access.
Still a major PITA.
I have a few tips that are specific to SQL in VBA.
Put your SQL code with a string variable. I used to do this:
Set RS = DB.OpenRecordset("SELECT ...")
That is hard to manage. Do this instead:
strSQL = "SELECT ..."
Set RS = DB.OpenRecordset(strSQL)
Often you can't fix a query unless you see just what's being run. To do that, dump your SQL to the Immediate Window just before execution:
strSQL = "SELECT ..."
Debug.Print strSQL
Set RS = DB.OpenRecordset(strSQL)
Paste the result into Access' standard query builder (you must use SQL view). Now you can test the final version, including code-handled variables.
When you are preparing a long query as a string, break up your code:
strSQL = "SELECT wazzle FROM bamsploot" _
& vbCrLf & "WHERE plumsnooker = 0"
I first learned to use vbCrLf when I wanted to prettify long messages to the user. Later I found it makes SQL more readable while coding, and it improves the output from Debug.Print. (Tiny other benefit: no space needed at end of each line. The new line syntax builds that in.)
(NOTE: You might think this will let you add add comments to the right of the SQL lines. Prepare for disappointment.)
As said elsewhere here, trips to a text editor are a time-saver. Some text editors provide better syntax highlighting than the official VBA editor. (Heck, StackOverflow does better.) It's also efficient for deleting Access cruft like superfluous table references and piles of parentheses in the WHERE clause.
Work flow for serious trouble shooting:
VBA Debug.Print > (capture query during code operation)
query builder > (testing lab to find issues)
Notepad++ > (text editor for clean-up and review)
query builder > (checking, troubleshooting)
Of course, trouble shooting is usually a matter of reducing the complexity of a query until you're able to isolate the problem (or at least make it disappear!). Then you can build it back up to the masterpiece you wanted. Because it can take several cycles to solve a sticky problem, you are likely to use this work flow repeatedly.
I wrote Access SQL Editor-- an Add-In for Microsoft Access-- because I write quite a lot of pass-through queries, and more complex SQL within Access. This add-in has the advantage of being able to store formatted SQL (with comments!) within your Access application itself. When queries are copied to a new Access application, formatting is retained. When the built-in editor clobbers your formatting, the tool will show your original query and notify you of the difference.
It currently does not debug; if there was enough interest, I would pursue this-- but for the time being the feature set is intentionally kept small.
It is not free for the time being, but purchasing a license is very cheap. If you can't afford it, you can contact me. There is a free 14-day trial here.
Once it's installed, you can access it through your Add-Ins menu (In Access 2010 it's Database Tools->Add Ins).
Debugging is more of a challenge. If a single column is off, that's usually pretty easy to fix. But I'm assuming you have more complex debugging tasks that you need to perform.
When flummoxed, I typically start debugging with the FROM clause. I trace back to all the tables and sub-queries that comprise the larger query, and make sure that the joins are properly defined.
Then I check my WHERE clause. I run lots of simple queries on the tables, and on the sub-queries that I've already checked or that I already trust, and make sure that when I run the larger query, I'm getting what I expect with the WHERE conditions in place. I double-check the JOIN conditions at the same time.
I double-check my column definitions to make sure I'm retrieving what I really want to see, especially if the formulas involved are complicated. If you have something complicated like a coordinated subquery in a column definition
Then I check to see if I'm grouping data properly, making sure that "DISTINCT"'s and "UNION"'s without UNION ALL don't remove necessary duplicates.
I don't think I've ever encountered a SQL query that couldn't be broken down this way. I'm not always as methodical as this, but it's a good way to start breaking down a real stumper.
One thing I could recommend when you write your queries is this: Never use SELECT * in production code. Selecting all columns this way is a maintenance nightmare, and it leads to big problems when your underlying schemas change. You should always write out each and every column if you're writing SQL code that you'll be maintaining in the future. I saved myself a lot of time and worry just by getting rid of "SELECT *"'s in my projects.
The downside to this is that those extra columns won't appear automatically in queries that refer to "SELECT *" queries. But you should be aware of how your queries are related to each other, anyway, and if you need the extra columns, you can go back and add them.
There is some hassle involved in maintaining a code repository, but if you have versioning software, the hassle is more than worth it. I've heard of ways of versioning SQL code written in Access databases, but unfortunately, I've never used them.
If you're doing really complex queries in MS Access, I would consider keeping a repository of those queries somewhere outside of the Access database itself... for instance, in a .sql file that you can then edit in an editor like Intype that will provide syntax highlighting. It'll require you to update queries in both places, but you may end up finding it handy to have an "official" spot for it that is formatted and highlighted correctly.
Or, if at all possible, switch to SQL Server 2005 Express Edition, which is also free and will provide you the features you desire through the SQL Management Studio (also free).
Expanding on this suggestion from Smandoli:
NO: DoCmd.RunSQL ("SELECT ...")
YES: strSQL = "SELECT ..."
DoCmd.RunSQL (strSQL)
If you want to keep the SQL code in an external file, for editing with your favorite text editor (with syntax coloring and all that), you could do something like this pseudo-code:
// On initialization:
global strSQL
f = open("strSQL.sql")
strSQL = read_all(f)
// To to the select:
This may be a bit clunky -- maybe a lot clunky -- but it avoids the consistency issues of edit-copy-paste.
Obviously this doesn't directly address debugging SQL, but managing code in a readable way is a part of the problem.
Similar to recursive, I use an external editor to write my queries. I use Notepad++ with the Light Explorer extension for maintaining several scripts at a time, and Notepad2 for one-off scripts. (I'm kind of partial to Scintilla-based editors.)
Another option is to use the free SQL Server Management Studio Express, which comes with SQL Server Express. (EDIT: Sorry, EdgarVerona, I didn't notice you mentioned this already!) I normally use it to write SQL queries instead of using Access, because I typically use ODBC to link to a SQL Server back end anyway. Beware that the differences in the syntax of T-SQL, used by SQL Server, and Jet SQL, used by Access MDB's, are sometimes substantial.
Are you talking here about what MS-Access calls 'queries' and SQL call 'views' or about the 'MS-Access pass-through' queries which are SQL queries? Someone could get easily lost! My solution is the following
free SQL Server Management
Studio Express, where I will
elaborate and test my queries
a query table on the client
side, with one field for the query
name (id_Query) and another one
(queryText, memo type) for the
query itself.
I then have a small function getSQLQuery in my VBA code to be used when I need to execute a query (either returning a recordset or not):
Dim myQuery as string, _
rsADO as ADODB.recorset
rsADO = new ADODB.recordset
myQuery = getSQLQuery(myId_Query)
'if my query retunrs a recordset'
set rsADO = myADOConnection.Execute myQuery
'or, if no recordset is to be returned'
myADOConnection.Execute myQuery
For views, it is even possible to keep them on the server side and to refer to them from the client side
set rsADO = myADOConnection.execute "dbo.myViewName"
Well to my knowledge there are 2 options:
Notepad++ with Poor man's t-sql formatter plugin ..i know there is already a mention for SQL Pretty Printer but i haven't used my workflow is ..i create the query in Access..i copy paste it to Notepad++ ...i format it..i work on it ...back to Access..only pads in some cases spaces in this case : [Forms]![AForm].[Ctrl] and they become [Forms] ! [AForm].[Ctrl] but i am used to and it doesn't bother me..
SoftTree SQL Assistant ( bring just about everything you wanted on a SQL editor...i have worked a bit in the past(trial) but its price tag is a bit stiff

How do I deal with quotes ' in SQL [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to anticipate and escape single quote ' in oracle
(2 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
I have a database with names in it such as John Doe etc. Unfortunately some of these names contain quotes like Keiran O'Keefe. Now when I try and search for such names as follows:
I (understandably) get an error.
How do I prevent this error from occurring. I am using Oracle and PLSQL.
The escape character is ', so you would need to replace the quote with two quotes.
For example,
That said, it's probably incorrect to do this yourself. Your language may have a function to escape strings for use in SQL, but an even better option is to use parameters. Usually this works as follows.
Your SQL command would be :
Then, when you execute it, you pass in "O'Keefe" as a parameter.
Because the SQL is parsed before the parameter value is set, there's no way for the parameter value to alter the structure of the SQL (and it's even a little faster if you want to run the same statement several times with different parameters).
I should also point out that, while your example just causes an error, you open youself up to a lot of other problems by not escaping strings appropriately. See for a good starting point or the following classic xkcd comic.
Oracle 10 solution is
Parameterized queries are your friend, as suggested by Matt.
They will protect you from headaches involved with
Strings with quotes
Querying using dates
SQL Injection
Use of parameterized SQL has other benefits, it reduces CPU overhead (as well as other resources) in Oracle by reducing the amount of work Oracle requires in order to parse the statement. If you do not use parameters (we call them bind variables in Oracle) then "select * from foo where bar='cat'" and "select * from foo where bar='dog'" are treated as separate statements, where as "select * from foo where bar=:b1" is the same statement, meaning things like syntax, validity of objects that are referenced not need to be checked again. There are occasional problems that arise when using bind variables which usually manifests itself in not getting the most efficient SQL execution plan but there are workarounds for this and these problems really depend on the predicates you are using, indexing and data skew.
Input filtering is usually done on the language level rather than database layers.
php and .NET both have their respective libraries for escaping sql statements. Check your language, see waht's available.
If your data are trustable, then you can just do a string replace to add another ' infront of the ' to escape it. Usually that is enough if there isn't any risks that the input is malicious.
I suppose a good question is what language are you using?
In PHP you would do: SELECT * FROM PEOPLE WHERE SURNAME='mysql_escape_string(O'Keefe)'
But since you didn't specify the language I will suggest that you look into a escape string function mysql or otherwise in your language.
To deal quotes if you're using Zend Framework here is the code
$db = Zend_Db_Table_Abstract::getDefaultAdapter();
$db->quoteInto('your_query_here = ?','your_value_here');
for example ;
Found in under 30s on Google...
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