Identifying graphs in heap of connected nodes -- how is this called? - sql

I have a SQL table with three columns X, Y, Z. I need to split it in groups in such a way that all records with same value of X or Y or Z are assigned to the same group. I need to make sure that the records with same value X or Y or Z are never split across multiple groups.
If you think of records as nodes and values of X, Y, Z as edges, this problem is the same as finding all graphs where the nodes in each graph will be connected directly or indirectly via X, Y, or Z-edge, but each graph will have no edges in common with other graphs (otherwise it would be part of the same graph).
A few years ago I knew what this was called and even remembered the algorithm but now it escapes me. Please tell me how this problem is called so I can Google for solution. If you now a good algorithm -- please point me to it. If you have a SQL implementation -- I will marry you :)
--------- ---------------- --------- -----------
1 34 56 1
54 43 45 2
1 12 22 1
2 34 11 1
The last row is in bucket 1 because of the value of Y=34 which is the same as of the first row, which is in bucket 1.

It looks not like a graph, more like a simplicial complex.
But if we treat this complex as its skeletal graph (the numbers are treated as vertices and a row in a table means that all that three vertices are connected by an edge), then we may just use any algorithm to find connected components of this graph. I'm not sure whether there is a feasible way to do this in SQL though, perhaps it would be more prudent to use a graph database somehow.
However, for this specific problem there may be some easy solution attainable by means of SQL which I didn't look for.

to find how many nodes in each group x:
select x, count(x)
from mytable
group by x
or to find the list of sets x:
select distinct x from mytable;

Why don't you initially GROUP BY one of the colums (say X), make buckets, then do so for Y and Z, each time merging all the buckets from the previous step if you find new groups.
Repeat the process for X, Y, and Z until the buckets stop changing.
Are you working for linked-in or facebook? :)


Order-independent Deep Learning Model

I have a dataset with parallel time series. The column 'A' depends on columns 'B' and 'C'. The order (and the number) of dependent columns can change. For example:
2022-07-23 1 10 100
2022-07-24 2 20 200
2022-07-25 3 30 300
How should I transform this data, or how should I build the model so the order of columns 'B' and 'C' ('A', 'B', 'C' vs 'A', C', 'B'`) doesn't change the result? I know about GCN, but I don't know how to implement it. Maybe there are other ways to achieve it.
I want to generalize my question and make one more example. Let's say we have a matrix as a singe observation (no time series data):
col1 col2 target
0 1 a 20
1 2 a 30
2 3 b 30
3 4 b 40
I would like to predict one value 'target' per each row/instance. Each instance depends on other instances. The order of rows is irrelevant, and the number of rows in each observation can change.
You are looking for a permutation invariant operation on the columns.
One way of achieving this would be to apply column-wise operation, followed by a global pooling operation.
How that achieves your goal:
column-wise operations are permutation equivariant; that is, applying the operation on the columns and permuting the output, is the same as permuting the columns and then applying the operation.
A global pooling operation (e.g., max-pool, avg-pool) across the columns is permutation invariant: the result of an average pool does not depend on the order of the columns.
Applying a permutation invariant operation on top of a permutation equivariant one results in an overall permutation invariant function.
Additionally, you should look at self-attention layers, which are also permutation equivariant.
What I would try is:
Learn a representation (RNN/Transformer) for a single time series. Apply this representation to A, B and C.
Learn a transformer between the representation of A to those of B and C: that is, use the representation of A as "query" and those of B and C as "keys" and "values".
This will give you a representation of A that is permutation invariant in B and C.
Update (Aug 3rd, 2022):
For the case of "observations" with varying number of rows, and fixed number of columns:
I think you can treat each row as a "token" (with a fixed dimension = number of columns), and apply a Transformer encoder to predict the target for each "token", from the encoded tokens.

Dendrograms with SciPy

I have a dataset that I shaped according to my needs, the dataframe is as follows:
Index A B C D ..... Z
Date/Time 1 0 0 0,35 ... 1
Date/Time 0,75 1 1 1 1
The total number of rows is 8878
What I try to do is create a time-series dendrogram (Example: Whole A column will be compared to whole B column in whole time).
I am expecting an output like this:
I tried to construct the linkage matrix with Z = hierarchy.linkage(X, 'ward')
However, when I print the dendrogram, it just shows an empty picture.
There is no problem if a compare every time point with each other and plot, but in that way, the dendrogram becomes way too complicated to observe even in truncated form.
Is there a way to handle the data as a whole time series and compare within columns in SciPy?

Grouping nearby data in pandas

Lets say I have the following dataframe:
df = pd.DataFrame({'a':[1,1.1,1.03,3,3.1], 'b':[10,11,12,13,14]})
a b
0 1.00 10
1 1.10 11
2 1.03 12
3 3.00 13
4 3.10 14
And I want to group nearby points, eg.
a b
0 1.043333 11.0
1 3.050000 13.5
Now, I could use
#SOMETHING = pd.cut(df.a, np.arange(0, 5, 2), labels=False)
But only if I know the boundaries beforehand. How can I accomplish similar behavior if I don't know where to place the cuts? ie. I want to group nearby points (with nearby being defined as within some epsilon).
I know this isn't trivial because point x might be near point y, and point y might be near point z, but point x might be too far z; so then its ambiguous what to do--this is kind of a k-means problem, but I'm wondering if pandas has any tools built in to make this easy.
Use case: I have several processes that generate data on regular intervals, but they're not quite synced up, so the timestamps are close, but not identical, and I want to aggregate their data.
Based on this answer
df.groupby( (df.a.diff() > 1).cumsum() ).mean()

SPSS Compute Variable

Below is some data:
Test Day1 Day2 Score
A 1 2 100
B 1 3 62
C 3 4 90
D 2 4 20
E 4 5 80
I am trying to take the values from column 'day' and 'day2' and use them to select the row number for the column score. For example for Test A I would like to find the sum of 100 and 62 because that is the values of the first and second rows of score. Test B I would like to find the sum of 100, 62 and 90.
Is their anyway to do this in the Compute Variable window? Found in the menu Transform-Compute Variable?
I tried the following:
This is not the proper way to call the cell location of Score and I received an error.
Can anyone help?
Thank you!
You really have two different datasets here. One is a dataset of scores numbered 1 through 5.
The other is a dataset that includes indexes into the score dataset. So the steps would be something like this.
First take the scores dataset and transpose it so that it has one row and 5 columns (Data>Transpose)
Then match that dataset to each case in the main dataset (Data>Merge Files>Add Variables).
Next you have to resort to using syntax directly.
You would declare a vector for the scores (VECTOR)
Finally, you use COMPUTE to index into the scores.
For your real problem, I suppose that you might have batches of scores and maybe there are some gaps. The Restructure Data Wizard can help you generalize this - convert cases into variables, but let's not go there yet.
Jon Peck

How do I insert data with SQLite?

Total newbie here, regarding sqlite, so don't flame too hard :)
I have a table:
index name length L breadth B height H
1 M-1234 10 5 2
2 M-2345 20 10 3
3 ....
How do I put some tabular data (let' say ten x,y values) corresponding to index 1, then another table to index 2, and then another, etc. In short, so that I have a table of x and y values that is "connected" to first row, then another that is connected to second row.
I'm reading some tutorials on sqlite3 (which I'm using), but am having trouble finding this. If anyone knows a good newbie tutorial or a book dealing with sqlite3 (CLI) I'm all ears for that too :)
You are just looking for information on joins and the concept of foreign key, that although SQLite3 doesn't enforce, is what you need. You can go without it, anyway.
In your situation you can either add two "columns" to your table, being one x and another y, or create a new table with 3 "columns": foreign_index, x and y. Which one to use depends on what you are trying to accomplish, performance and maintainability.
If you go the linked table route, you'd end up with two tables, like this:
index name length L breadth B height H
1 M-1234 10 5 2
2 M-2345 20 10 3
3 ....
foreign_index x y
1 12 9
2 8 7
3 ...
When you want the x and y values of your element, you just use something like SELECT x, y FROM XandY WHERE foreign_index = $idx;
To get all the related attributes, you just do a JOIN:
SELECT index, name, length, breadth, height, x, y FROM MyTable INNER JOIN XandY ON MyTable.index = XandY.foreign_index;