Why is setting the classloader necessary with Scala RemoteActors? - serialization

When using Scala RemoteActors I was getting a ClassNotFoundException that referred to scala.actors.remote.NetKernel. I copied someone else's example and added RemoteActor.classLoader = getClass.getClassLoader to my Actor and now everything works. Why is this necessary?

Remote Actors use Java serialization to send messages back and forth. Inside the actors library, you'll find a custom object input stream ( https://lampsvn.epfl.ch/trac/scala/browser/scala/trunk/src/actors/scala/actors/remote/JavaSerializer.scala ) that is used to serialize objects to/from a socket. There's also some routing code and other magic.
In any case, the ClassLoader used for remoting is rather important. I'd recommend looking up Java RMI if you're unfamiliar with it. In any case, the ClassLoader that Scala picks when serializing/deserializing actors is the one Located on RemoteActor which defaults to null.
This means that by default, you will be unhappy without specifying a ClassLoader ;).
If you were in an environment that controls classloaders, such as OSGi, you'd want to make sure you set this value to a classloader that has access to all classes used by all serialized actors.
Hope that helps!


Akka Remote shared classes

I have two different Java 8 projects that will live on different servers and which will both use Akka (specifically Akka Remoting) to talk to each other.
For instance, one app might send a Fizzbuzz message to the other app:
public class Fizzbuzz {
private int foo;
private String bar;
// Getters, setters & ctor omitted for brevity
I've never used Akka Remoting before. I assume I need to create a 3rd project, a library/jar for holding the shared messages (such as Fizzbuzz and others) and then pull that library in to both projects as a dependency.
Is it that simple? Are there any serialization (or other Akka and/or networking) considerations that affect the design of these "shared" messages? Thanks in advance!
Shared library is a way to go for sure, except there are indeed serialization concerns:
Akka-remoting docs:
When using remoting for actors you must ensure that the props and messages used for those actors are serializable. Failing to do so will cause the system to behave in an unintended way.
For more information please see Serialization.
Basically, you'll need to provide and configure the serialization for actor props and messages sent (including all the nested classes of course). If I'm not mistaking default settings will get you up and running without any configuration on your side, provided that everything you send over the wire is java-serializable.
However, default config uses default Java serialization, which is known to be quite inefficient - so you might want to switch to protobuf, kryo, or maybe even json. In that case, it would make sense to provide the serialization implementation and bindings as a shared library - either a dedicated one or a part of the "shared models" one that you mentioned in the question - depends if you want to reuse it elsewhere and mind/don't mind having serailization-related transitive dependencies popping all over the place.
Finally, if you allow some personal opinion, I would suggest trying protobuf first - it's binary format (read: efficient) and is widely supported (there are bindings for other languages). Kryo works well too (I have a few closed-source akka-cluster apps with kryo serialization in production), but has a few quirks with regards to collection/map handling.

Cached Java objects in C++ client

I would like to have a C++ client application that maintains a cache of objects that come from a Java server. The objects need to be compatible. I understand that Gemfire maintains them in a serializable format. This means the Java class needs to be equivalent to the C++ class.
Is there a common practice for defining the class structure in common place in a language-independent specifcation and generating the equivalent Java and C++ classes that are serializable to PDX or any other form that Gemfire uses?
Before PDX I used to create a language-neutral representation of my domain and simultaneously generate Java, C++ and .Net classes using DataSerializable. However, PDX makes this unnecessary for the most part. I enclose the sample config below.
If you encounter types that you are using that Java does not support, you still do not have to resort to generating serializers but you can focus in on serializing that one type (see page 564 of http://gemfire.docs.pivotal.io/pdf/pivotal-gemfire-ug.pdf
Consider generating your own serializers when you have an insane need for speed since the auto-serializer can produce a drag. This is usually not needed but if you do, here are the instructions: http://data-docs-samples.cfapps.io/docs-gemfire/latest/javadocs/japi/com/gemstone/gemfire/DataSerializer.html
Here is the configuration for using the pdx auto serializer:
<!-- Cache configuration configuring auto serialization behavior -->
<parameter name="classes">
If I answered your question, please give check "Answered". Thanks.

#Local and #Remote interfaces - Pass by reference vs deep copy

We have an app with the with three interfaces per bean. A *BI (business interface) which contains all the methods, a *LI, which extends BI and is annotated as #Local, and *RI, which also extends BI, but is annotated as #Remote.
I want to remove all *LI and *RI interfaces in favor of *BI, leaving they as #Remote, but there is a problem.
Local lookup pass arguments as references, while remote lookup uses deepcopy. The app is full of pass-by-reference expectations (things that only works if pass by reference works).
If I have only #Remote interfaces, the container will know when it is a local lookup and make pass-by-reference works in that case?
Container is JBoss AS 7.1.1 Final and we use EJB 3.1.
Thanks in advance.
Since the local and remote interfaces behave differently even a local client could want to use the remote interface. So it would be a problem if the container just guessed "this client is running in the same VM, let's give him a local interface".
Details on the differences were already discussed here.
If you want to keep all your interface definitions in one place simply write an interface
and let it be inherited by two (empty) interfaces annotated with #Local and #Remote.

Save and Load instances of objects created earlier via the Eclipse registry

I am currently experiencing a problem in my RCP application and wanted to ask, if someone stumbled over the same problem and can give me some valuable hints:
My RCP application allows plugins to provide implementations of a specific abstract class of my model (singleton) to extend my model during runtime via the update manager. I instantiate these classes via
after parsing the Eclipse registry. I can serialize the created instances using the default Java serialization API.
Now to the problem: The plugin trying to deserialize the objects cannot find the class implementations of the model extensions due to the fact, that there is no plugin dependency between the plugins. Nevertheless, it is not possible for me to create such a dependency which would make the idea of extending the model during runtime obsolete.
Is it possible to solve this problem by using the default Java serialization API or do I have to implement my own serialization (which parses the Eclipse registry and creates the instances via the line shown above if all necessary plugins are available, otherwise throw an exception) which might be based on the default Java serialization API (if possible I do not want to create the serialization completely by myself)?
You need to define a so called buddy policy.
In the bundle trying to instantiate the class add
Eclipse-BuddyPolicy: registered
to the manifest.mf.
In the bundle providing the class add
Eclipse-RegisterBuddy: <symbolic name of the bundle instantiating the class>
to the manifest.mf.

How can I implement the service locator pattern in Cocoa Touch across multiple projects?

This is a problem which has been bugging me for a while now. I'm still pretty new with some of these patterns so you'll have to forgive me (and correct me) if I use any of the terms incorrectly.
My Methodology
I've created a game engine. All of the objects in my game engine use inversion of control to get dependencies. These dependencies all implement protocols and are never accessed directly in the project, other than during the bootstrapping phase. In order to get these objects, I have the concept of a service locator. The service locator's job is to locate an object which conforms to a specific protocol and return it. It's a lot like a factory, but it should handle the dependencies as well.
In order to provide the services to the service locator, I have what I call service specifiers. The service locator knows about all of the service specifiers in the project, and when an object is requested, attempts to get an instance of an object conforming to the provided protocol from each of them. This object is then returned to the caller. What's cool about this set up is the service specifier also knows about a service locator, so if it has any dependencies, it just asks the service locator for those specific dependencies.
To give an example, I have an object called HighScoreManager. HighScoreManager implements the PHighScoreManager protocol. At any time if an instance of PHighScoreManager is required, it can be retrieved by calling:
id<PHighScoreManager> highScoreManager = [ServiceLocator resolve: #protocol(PHighScoreManager)];
Thus, inversion of control. However, most of the time it isn't even necessary to do this, because most classes are located in a service specifier, if one required PHighScoreManager as a dependency, then it is retrieved through the service locator. Thus, I have a nice flat approach to inversion of control.
My Problem
Because I want the code from my game engine to be shared, I have it compiled as a static library. This works awesome for everything else, but seems to get a little tricky with the service locator. The problem is some services change on a game to game basis. In my above example, a score in one game might be a time and in another it might be points. Thus, HighScoreManager depends on an instance of PHighScoreCreator, which tells it how to create a PScore objecct.
In order to provide PHighScoreCreator to HighScoreManager, I need to have a service specifier for my game. The only way I could think of to accomplish this was to use the Cocoa version of reflections. After digging around, I found out classes were discoverable through NSBundle, but it seems there's no way to get the current bundle. Thus, if I want to be able to search out my service specifiers, I would have to compile my game logic into its own bundle, and then have the engine search out this bundle and load it. In order to do this I'd have to create a third project to house both the engine code and the game logic bundle, when in reality I'd like to just have a game project which used the engine static library.
My Real Question
So after all of that, my question is
Is there a better way to do what I'm trying to accomplish in Cocoa Touch, or
Is there a way to discover classes which conform to my service specifier protocol from the main bundle?
Thanks for the help and taking the time to read the question.
Have a look at:
+[NSBundle mainBundle];
+[NSBundle bundleForClass:];
+[NSBundle bundleWithIdentifier:];
+[NSBundle allBundles];
+[NSBundle allFrameworks];
These allow you to interact programmatically with the various bundles at runtime. Once you have a bundle to work with there are a number of strategies you could employ to find the specific class(es) you are looking for. For example:
Retrieve the bundle identifier — this will be an NSString like #"com.example.GameEngineClient".
Transform it into a legal Objective-C class name by stripping everything before the last dot, or replacing all the dots with underscores, or whatever, and then appending a predefined protocol name. Your protocol from above, for instance, might result in a string like #"GameEngineClient_PHighScoreManager".
Get the bundle's designated class for your protocol using NSClassFromString().
Now you can create an instance of the class provided by the bundle author, that implements whatever protocol you have specified.
The Objective-C runtime is a beautiful thing!
Sounds like you need to use the functions of the Objective-C runtime. First you can get a list of all available classes via objc_getClassList. Then you can iterate over all the classes and check if they conform to your protocol with class_conformsToProtocol. You shouldn’t use +conformsToProtocol: messages here, since there are classes in the runtime that don’t support this selector.