When you write your code, do you deal with errors proactively or reactively? - error-handling

In other words, do you spend time anticipating errors and writing code to get around these potential issues, or do you write the code as you see fit and then work through any errors on an issue by issue basis?
I've been thinking a lot about this lately and I'm very much a reactive person. I write my code, give it a whirl, go back correct error and repeat until application works as expected. However a friend of mine offered that he spends time thinking how each line is interpreted and fixes errors before they occur.
I must point out that re-active is pure PRE-live. I definitely make sure my application is working before it goes live.

There should always be a balance.
Too many error checking is slow and leads to garbage code. Not enough error checking makes your program crash on edge cases which is not very good to discover after having it shipped.
So you decide how reliable some piece of code should be and implement error checking accordingly. Some test utility can be not very reliable - less error checking. A COM server meant to be used by a third party search service in deep background should be super reliable - much more error checking.

I think asking this in isolation is kinda weird, and very subjective, however there are obviously a bunch of techniques that permit you to do each. I tend to use these two:
Test-driven development (this would seem to be proactive)
Strong, static typing (reactive, but part of a tight iterative development cycle, as in, it's enforced by my ML compiler, and I compile a lot)
Very occasionally I swerve into the world of formal verification of programs. That's definitely "reactive", but if you think a little more up-front, it tends to make the verification easier.
I must also say that I value a lot of up-front thought in programming. The easiest way to avoid bugs is to not write them in the first place. Sometimes it's inevitable, but often a little more time spent thinking about the problem can lead to better-quality solutions, and then the rest can be taken care of using the kinds of automated methods I talked about above.

I usually ask myself a bunch of what-ifs when coding, like
The user clicks the button, what if they didn't select a date?
The user is typing in the search box, what if they try to type html in there?
My label text depends on a value from a shared drive, what if it's not mapped?
and so on. By doing this I've found that when the application does go live, there are a ton fewer errors and I can focus on fixing more obscure bugs instead of correcting conditions that should have been in place to begin with.

I live by a simple principle when considering error-handling: garbage in, garbage out. If you don't want any garbage (e.g. invalid input) messing up your software, you have to find all the points in your software where it can get in and handle it. Of course, the more complicated your software is, the harder it is to find every point of entry, but I feel that the more you do up front the less reactive you will need to be later on.

I advocate the proactive approach.
I try to write the code in that style which results in maintainable and reliable code
I use the defensive programming techniques to prevent stupid errors in code due to my loss of attention and similar
I design the database model according to the fortress principle, SQL code checking for results after each singular operation
I think of potential problems that can happen with that part of the code and I account for that. Not for every possibility but for major ones I can think of right now.
This usually results in software operating rather smoothly. At times it even surprises me but that was the intended goal, so here we are.

IMHO, the word "Error" (or its loose synonym "bug") itself means that it is a program behavior that was not foreseen.
I usually try to design with all possible scenarios in mind. Of course, it is usually not possible to think of all possible cases. But thinking through and allowing for as many scenarios as possible is usually better than just getting something working as soon as possible. This saves a lot of time and effort debugging and redesigning the code. I often sit down with pen and paper for even the smallest of programing tasks before actually typing any code into my editor.
As I said, this will not eliminate all errors. For me it pays off many times over in terms of time spent debugging. Another benefit is that it results in a more solid and maintainable design with fewer bugfixing hacks and special cases added on later. But in any case, you will have to do a lot of debugging after the code is done.
This does not apply when all you want is a mockup or rapid prototype. Also practical constraints such as deadlines often makes a thorough evaluation difficult or impossible.

What kind of programming? It's impossible to answer this in any general way. (It's like asking "do you wear a helmet when playing?" -- well, playing what?)
At work, I'm working on a database-backed website. The requirements are strict, and if I don't anticipate how users will screw it up, I'm going to get a call at some odd hour of the day to fix it.
At home, I'm working on a program ... I don't even know what it'll do yet. I can't deal with 'errors' because I don't know what 'an error' is in this context, because I don't know what correct behavior is going to be. The entire purpose of the program can and frequently does change on a timescale of minutes to hours, so even a couple minutes spent thinking about errors this early is a complete waste of time. (It's even worse than browsing SO, since error-handling adds lines of code.)
I guess the only general answer is "I do what makes sense in terms of saving time in the long term", which is, after all, the whole reason to use machines to do work for us.


Code readability and UI design balance

I have worked a lot on improving how my code runs (and it's "beauty"), but when is the time to stop fixing, and start working on the UI?
Microsoft (in my opinion) seems to go with the nice-code, while Apple goes with nice UI (although Apple's developer examples do have very nice code).
I'm bad at balancing, when is it the time to work on one or the other?
Make it work, then make it elegant, then make it fast.
If the user doesn't like the program, the quality of the code is irrelevant. Once the user likes the program, then code quality becomes more important. And by "like" I mean a good user experience where the program doesn't crash, fulfills the need that the user has and adhere's to the Principle of Least Surprise.
Note I say "more important" because code is not something the user sees or is interested in. Code quality and "beauty" is important to developers because it's what they see of the program and what they hand over to other developers.
I remember reading something some time ago comparing (in general terms) software developed for the windows platform and software developed for OS X. In general terms it said that windows programs tended to be developed by developers who didn't spend too much time on the UI or thinking about the user experience. Their concentration was getting every piece of functionality they could think of into the program without any thought about it making sense. Mac OS X on the other hand tended to be developed by people concentrating on the user experience first and solving their problems. So it didn't necessarily have as much functionality, but what it did have was directly associated with what the user needed and was easy to use.
So when is it time to stop and think about the UI? The fact that you have asked the question makes me think it's time to stop right now. If anything I'd suggest that even before writing any code you should have drawn out a basic UI and worked out what sort of user experience your program is going to provide If you cannot work that out, you don't want to wasting time writing code because you will never use it.
Thats not to say I think code "beauty" is irrelevant. I spend time on making sure my code is well written, easy to follow and looks "good". But that's after I've figured out the UI and because I've had a lot of experience with cleaning up other people aweful code :-)
This is an incredibly broad question, and the answer is entirely a function of what you're building, why, and for whom.
Some random bits of conventional wisdom that I agree with:
If you're building broadly-applicable consumer software (e.g. for Mac or iOS), then the UI is a critical component of the application. Spend lots of time on it. :) Work with designers. If your software looks like crap, no one will want to use it. (Assuming nobody's going to make them: see next point.)
If you're building internal or enterprise tools, UI polish is probably less important.
Even if you're a one-man (or woman) operation, think of engineering as distinct from "product management". Product management is the thought process that determines what the software should do, and how it should work (and look). Engineering creates the reality, but has different tradeoffs. These are sometimes in conflict, which is hard to handle if you're one person, but try to wear different hats.
In all cases, your code should work, for some reasonable definition of work.
If it's ugly because it's hacked together, you're likely to run into accuracy/correctness problems sooner than if you construct it methodically. It will also be harder to maintain. The tradeoff here is almost never worth it. As you gain experience, you'll more naturally write clean code from the start, even if it's "scratch" code. You'll save time in the long run this way, and not be faced with later wholesale attempts to improve its beauty.
If you're on a team, or working with others, clean code is even more important. Find out if there are any "local" coding conventions, and work closely with colleagues.
As far as improving "how code runs", if you mean performance optimization, don't do any of that until you're sure you need to. Write the simpler code first, even if it's slower. It's likely that it won't be slow enough to matter.
Special case: if you're writing a game, long-term maintainability is less important, because they tend to be "throwaway" at some level. YMMV.

Is "You break it, you buy it" the best policy?

There is a subtle reason why it might not be good: Sometimes, the blame for breaking something really should be placed on the individual who wrote fragile code without automated tests, not the one who broke their code by making a should-be-unrelated change somewhere else.
One imaginable example is when someone programs against an interface in a way that assumes behavior specific to the implementation du jour, but not guaranteed by existing contracts. Then someone else makes a change to the implementation that fits in the contract, but breaks the depended-on code. No tests fail because no tests are written for the depended-on code. Who's really to blame?
The purpose of this isn't to blame people, but to understand responsibilities, and if "You break it, you buy it" is really such a good policy.
EDIT: I really worded this poorly. I meant it to be about how to write correct software with respect to dependencies, including hidden dependencies. I meant this to be a question of what a programmer's responsibility is to avoid bugs, not what to do when a surprise bug is found. BUT, since so many answers have been given already, I'll let the question stand as-is and indicate an answer accordingly.
I think you have nothing to gain and everything to lose by promoting an atmosphere of blaming and finger pointing. When something is broken, you should assign it to the best person to fix the problem, whether that is the last person to touch that area because he or she knows the area, or to the person who wrote it first so knows the design philosophy best, or even just the person without anything more pressing to do.
"You break it, you buy it" makes sense in terms of breaking builds, not more serious problems.
If you put the build into a state where it can't compile, or run basic tests, you are blocking other people's work. If you can't see a quick and simple fix (because you introduced a quick and simple bug) then just roll back your changes (perhaps with local copies of what you'd worked on in the meantime) and commit.
If the fact that you broke the build is ultimately due to a wider issue, then deal with that wider issue, whether by fixing it, reporting it, or assigning it.
Short term, the person who made the code-base unworkable quickly makes it workable again. Long term, the best person for the job (balancing different factors) does the job.
Fixing it is the purpose not laying the blame. Suppose the orginal author of the fragile code has moved on, who would own the problem? Suppose he or she is simply assigned to another project? The person who ran into the problem needs to be the one who owns it until it is fixed, he or she is the person currently there and currently assigned to the task of making changes to the application.
Now if you know the code was created with a problem that should be avoided in the future and the orginal developer is still there, it would be a good thing to let him or her know about the issue and why it caused a problem, but ultimately the person who ran into the problem is the one who will need to fix it to get his new code to work.
I would say that assigning ownership to the disaster prone may not always be the most productive strategy. It is likely its own reward.
The last person to touch it should be at fault, Refactoring is a large part of software development, if somebody touched the code and did not properly document, write and test the code than that is on them. As part of the estimate, the time to properly put the code in better shape than it was found should be included.
That being said, if something does not work, the whole team should take the fall.
In an environment where people have to work together, cooperation should be of greater importance than placing blame. If someone`s module is fragile and if his/her peers agree that something should be done about it, a good team-player would fix the problem; that is, he would write unit tests .etc
In any case, a programmer's own code is ultimately their responsibility, and if they can't handle the responsibility of making their code cooperate with that of others, then they rightfully must take the blame. But not before giving them a chance or two to clean up their act.

Do good tests enable sloppy coding?

Let's say you're coding, and you come across an opportunity for simple code resuse (e.g. pulling a common piece of code out to an accessible place like a Utility class or base class). You might find yourself thinking, "I know it's good to do this, but I have to get this done now, and if I need to make a change to this code, and forget to change it in the other place, my testing framework will let me know."
In other words, you let the awesome tests you (or another developer) has written to remind you to change the code in the other places too.
Is this a legitimate problem that we might find in ourselves or other developers?
You're asking whether unit tests encourage you to rely on them as a method of TODO list? Yes, but I don't think that's sloppy coding. You are, afterall, to start with unit tests failing and code to the test; if you refactor some code and then once again code to the test, that isn't sloppy coding -- it's doing what you're supposed to.
I think the problem with unit tests is simply that you can't cover every corner case in a unit test, and sometimes people assume that a working test means a working app, which isn't true.
In the example you provide, good tests are in fact enabling you to implement sloppy design, however in my experience, bad tests wouldn't have discouraged you from doing the same.
The fallacy in your argument centers around the premise that "getting this done now" means you will save time by implementing sloppy design. The truth of the matter is that you are incurring technical debt whether your tests are good or not. Making a change to that code is now a much more complex task, whether you have a good testing framework to remind you of that or not.
Although immature code may work fine
and be completely acceptable to the
customer, excess quantities will make
a program unmasterable, leading to
extreme specialization of programmers
and finally an inflexible product.
- Ward Cunningham
The strength of good testing practices may be in allowing you to incur that debt with some level of safety. As long as you continue to be aware that this area of the code is now weak, as a result of your choices, then it may be worth the tradeoff -- you ship your product sooner, at the cost of higher debt, with a lower risk of incurring bugs in the short run as a result.
If the tests are good and the code (sloppy or otherwise) pass them, all is good. It would be nice to have good code but sloppy working code is better than good broken code.
I don't use tests as my first option to finding the code that needs changes. I'll use my IDE's search (or refactoring) functionality and look for all the places that call the method in question.
The tests are just a nice addition in case I was accidentally sloppy or accidentally introduced a bug. Test don't make me sloppy from the start, they just reassure me once I think I'm done.
I would say that good tests enable you to fix sloppy coding.
You can certainly write incredibly sloppy code with or without tests. Unit testing makes it slightly easier to get away with it, but only in the short run.
If you have a set of logic copied in two places in your code (IMO the worst thing a developer can do), then you probably have inconsistent tests as well.
The most important job any programmer can do is ruthlessly refactor the code, removing ALL duplication. This almost always shows benefits on even a single iteration.
Why would you think if you had an error in copied code in 2 places that your tests would be any better?
It sounds more to me like sloppy developers and sloppy coding practices are what are leading to sloppy code in your example. The tests you described would prevent the sloppy code from ever getting to far.

Stable System Vs Better Design

In may Daily Job i come across this Dilemma :
"Stable System Vs Better Design"
In routine job when i am fixing some module, When i see bad design
-> Badly written code
-> Badly Written Algorithm
-> Optimization possible
I would prefer to fix these also along with issue i am fixing
But many people opposes my changes a few supports, People who opposes will say
"You should be business oriented if system is stable, If you change some thing may cause regression, Hence do not favor business"
some time :
you will see your own written code after 6 months, Always you will see some improvment opportunity in this
While who support will say:
This is continual improvement and system will be more stable
So i would like to know what you people think
If applicable, write a unit test (or several, to cover edge cases). This gives you the confidence to refactor and know that you haven't broken anything.
Of course, if the code is tightly coupled (or spaghetti!), that's going to be a problem.
If it ain't broken don't fix it - wrap it. Isolate the modules as much as you can without changing its implementation; they should be touched (fixed, improved) when / if a real need arises.
My opinion would be not to fix the old code if it looks not perfect unless the way it is written is interfering with your current task at hand.
Most of the code is written badly. It is a matter of fact. If you're not in a perfect team with the perfect understanding of quality value and the agreement on the approach to achieve and keep this quality level, your optimizations will not change the big picture. You may fix something now but the next guy will make the mess of the things again.
I have came to the conclusion that in this industry if its not broken, don't fix it unless there is a damn good reason to.
If you know the application inside out, or have comprehensive unit tests and time to test the application in a non-productive environment, go for it. Otherwise, do it just when it's necessary.
Both are correct and there is no easy way out.
If you don't fix problems as you encounter them, not all problems will be fixed.
If you break something with a fix that is not 100% related to the issue you're currently working on, then people will hate you.
On the other hand, if you fix some innocent code (or rather code that looks innocent) and it breaks in unexpected ways, you've found something valuable: Brittle code. Brittle code is usually something that no one dares to touch. But to make your product more stable, you must get rid of such code. The first step on this road is to find it.
I have to admit that such fixes cause a lot of "unnecessary" friction in the team. People will yell at you when you touch brittle code because they are afraid. Often, this code will blow into the face of your customers, so you will get heat from all kinds of directions.
So it really depends on how much pain you want to cause and what you're willing to endure. If you fix everything as you encounter it, the code will be better by the end of the year. But it often is worse by the end of the day.
I want to second all the "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" answers, but with a relevant link...
Things You Should Never Do, Part 1 - Joel Spolsky
In essence - sometimes that incomprehensible code is actually a necessary bugfix that you have no chance to understand.
On the one hand, changing code that's already more-or-less working can run the risk of breaking things, and it can easily become an all-consuming task.
On the other hand, leaving bad code alone for fear of breaking things can stifle new development, due to the burden of maintaining bad code.
Sometimes code looks bad because it has to deal with complicated corner cases, as Joel Spolsky points out, and rewriting it will create bugs by failing to cover those corner cases. Sometimes code looks bad because it really is bad, and rewriting it can fix bugs that you didn't even know were there. Experience with your code base should help you determine which code is which.
In Boy Scout Check-Ins, Jeff Moser discusses the idea of "always leaving the campground cleaner than you found it." Always leave the codebase cleaner than you found it, even if you can't fix everything; those little improvements add up over time.
As was said in this answer, unit tests are a good thing. Working Effectively with Legacy Code, by Michael Feathers, is a great resource on this topic.
I personally have a tendency to spend time fixing stuff rather than getting on with the required task. Unfortunately it is all too easy to start fixing what looks like an easy problem and unravelling a huge mess that you then wish you hadn't.
I have also worked with people who are the other way round, and can live with the bad bits as long as it gets the job done.
More often than not, you can spend ages 'getting something right' to make it easier to work with in the future and you'll find that code is never reused in the future.
I think the main thing is to have a balance of views on your team, discuss things regularly with others and ultimately, meet the requirements for your project, since it's the customer paying the bills.
Be constructive about any problems you find - don't just pick holes for the sake of it! Team code reviews help improve bad code over time as poor coders will start to understand how to make good code.
I would advise marking bad code with 'TODO' comments and then coming back to fix it later time/budget allows. At least you've got a flag for potential problem areas then, without having to (possibly) waste time on a fix that's not required there and then.

What OOP coding practices should you always make time for?

I tend to do a lot of projects on short deadlines and with lots of code that will never be used again, so there's always pressure/temptation to cut corners. One rule I always stick to is encapsulation/loose coupling, so I have lots of small classes rather than one giant God class. But what else should I never compromise on?
Update - thanks for the great response. Lots of people have suggested unit testing, but I don't think that's really appropriate to the kind of UI coding I do. Usability / User acceptance testing seems much important. To reiterate, I'm talking about the BARE MINIMUM of coding standards for impossible deadline projects.
Not OOP, but a practice that helps in both the short and long run is DRY, Don't Repeat Yourself. Don't use copy/paste inheritance.
Not a OOP practice, but common sense ;-).
If you are in a hurry, and have to write a hack. Always add a piece of comment with the reasons. So you can trace it back and make a good solution later.
If you never had the time to come back, you always have the comment so you know, why the solution was chosen at the moment.
Use Source control.
No matter how long it takes to set up (seconds..), it will always make your life easier! (still it's not OOP related).
Naming. Under pressure you'll write horrible code that you won't have time to document or even comment. Naming variables, methods and classes as explicitly as possible takes almost no additional time and will make the mess readable when you must fix it. From an OOP point of view, using nouns for classes and verbs for methods naturally helps encapsulation and modularity.
Unit tests - helps you sleep at night :-)
This is rather obvious (I hope), but at the very least I always make sure my public interface is as correct as possible. The internals of a class can always be refactored later on.
no public class with mutable public variables (struct-like).
Before you know it, you refer to this public variable all over your code, and the day you decide this field is a computed one and must have some logic in it... the refactoring gets messy.
If that day is before your release date, it gets messier.
Think about the people (may even be your future self) who have to read and understand the code at some point.
Application of the single responsibility principal. Effectively applying this principal generates a lot of positive externalities.
Like everyone else, not as much OOP practices, as much as practices for coding that apply to OOP.
Unit test, unit test, unit test. Defined unit tests have a habit of keeping people on task and not "wandering" aimlessly between objects.
Define and document all hierarchical information (namespaces, packages, folder structures, etc.) prior to writing production code. This helps to flesh out object relations and expose flaws in assumptions related to relationships of objects.
Define and document all applicable interfaces prior to writing production code. If done by a lead or an architect, this practice can additionally help keep more junior-level developers on task.
There are probably countless other "shoulds", but if I had to pick my top three, that would be the list.
Edit in response to comment:
This is precisely why you need to do these things up front. All of these sorts of practices make continued maintenance easier. As you assume more risk in the kickoff of a project, the more likely it is that you will spend more and more time maintaining the code. Granted, there is a larger upfront cost, but building on a solid foundation pays for itself. Is your obstacle lack of time (i.e. having to maintain other applications) or a decision from higher up? I have had to fight both of those fronts to be able to adopt these kinds of practices, and it isn't a pleasant situation to be in.
Of course everything should be Unit tested, well designed, commented, checked into source control and free of bugs. But life is not like that.
My personal ranking is this:
Use source control and actually write commit comments. This way you have a tiny bit of documentation should you ever wonder "what the heck did I think when I wrote this?"
Write clean code or document. Clean well-written code should need little documentation, as it's meaning can be grasped from reading it. Hacks are a lot different. Write why you did it, what you do and what you'd like to do if you had the time/knowledge/motivation/... to do it right
Unit Test. Yes it's down on number three. Not because it's unimportant but because it's useless if you don't have the other two at least halfway complete. Writing Unit tests is another level of documentation what you code should be doing (among others).
Refactor before you add something. This might sound like a typical "but we don't have time for it" point. But as with many of those points it usually saves more time than it costs. At least if you have at least some experience with it.
I'm aware that much of this has already been mentioned, but since it's a rather subjective matter, I wanted to add my ranking.
[insert boilerplate not-OOP specific caveat here]
Separation of concerns, unit tests, and that feeling that if something is too complex it's probably not conceptualised quite right yet.
UML sketching: this has clarified and saved any amount of wasted effort so many times. Pictures are great aren't they? :)
Really thinking about is-a's and has-a's. Getting this right first time is so important.
No matter how fast a company wants it, I pretty much always try to write code to the best of my ability.
I don't find it takes any longer and usually saves a lot of time, even in the short-term.
I've can't remember ever writing code and never looking at it again, I always make a few passes over it to test and debug it, and even in those few passes practices like refactoring to keep my code DRY, documentation (to some degree), separation of concerns and cohesion all seem to save time.
This includes crating many more small classes than most people (One concern per class, please) and often extracting initialization data into external files (or arrays) and writing little parsers for that data... Sometimes even writing little GUIs instead of editing data by hand.
Coding itself is pretty quick and easy, debugging crap someone wrote when they were "Under pressure" is what takes all the time!
At almost a year into my current project I finally set up an automated build that pushes any new commits to the test server, and man, I wish I had done that on day one. The biggest mistake I made early-on was going dark. With every feature, enhancement, bug-fix etc, I had a bad case of the "just one mores" before I would let anyone see the product, and it literally spiraled into a six month cycle. If every reasonable change had been automatically pushed out it would have been harder for me to hide, and I would have been more on-track with regard to the stakeholders' involvement.
Go back to code you wrote a few days/weeks ago and spend 20 minutes reviewing your own code. With the passage of time, you will be able to determine whether your "off-the-cuff" code is organized well enough for future maintenance efforts. While you're in there, look for refactoring and renaming opportunities.
I sometimes find that the name I chose for a function at the outset doesn't perfectly fit the function in its final form. With refactoring tools, you can easily change the name early before it goes into widespread use.
Just like everybody else has suggested these recommendations aren't specific to OOP:
Ensure that you comment your code and use sensibly named variables. If you ever have to look back upon the quick and dirty code you've written, you should be able to understand it easily. A general rule that I follow is; if you deleted all of the code and only had the comments left, you should still be able to understand the program flow.
Hacks usually tend to be convoluted and un-intuitive, so some good commenting is essential.
I'd also recommend that if you usually have to work to tight deadlines, get yourself a code library built up based upon your most common tasks. This will allow you to "join the dots" rather than reinvent the wheel each time you have a project.
An actual OOP practice I always make time for is the Single Responsibility Principle, because it becomes so much harder to properly refactor the code later on when the project is "live".
By sticking to this principle I find that the code I write is easily re-used, replaced or rewritten if it fails to match the functional or non-functional requirements. When you end up with classes that have multiple responsibilities, some of them may fulfill the requirements, some may not, and the whole may be entirely unclear.
These kinds of classes are stressful to maintain because you are never sure what your "fix" will break.
For this special case (short deadlines and with lots of code that will never be used again) I suggest you to pay attention to embedding some script engine into your OOP code.
Learn to "refactor as-you-go". Mainly from an "extract method" standpoint. When you start to write a block of sequential code, take a few seconds to decide if this block could stand-alone as a reusable method and, if so, make that method immediately. I recommend it even for throw-away projects (especially if you can go back later and compile such methods into your personal toolbox API). It doesn't take long before you do it almost without thinking.
Hopefully you do this already and I'm preaching to the choir.