I Need some sort of Conditional Join - sql

Okay, I know there are a few posts that discuss this, but my problem cannot be solved by a conditional where statement on a join (the common solution).
I have three join statements, and depending on the query parameters, I may need to run any combination of the three. My Join statement is quite expensive, so I want to only do the join when the query needs it, and I'm not prepared to write a 7 combination IF..ELSE.. statement to fulfill those combinations.
Here is what I've used for solutions thus far, but all of these have been less than ideal:
LEFT JOIN joinedTable jt
ON jt.someCol = someCol
WHERE jt.someCol = conditions
OR #neededJoin is null
(This is just too expensive, because I'm performing the join even when I don't need it, just not evaluating the join)
(SELECT TOP(1) * FROM joinedTable jt
WHERE jt.someCol = someCol
AND #neededjoin is null)
(this is even more expensive than always left joining)
SELECT #sql = #sql + ' INNER JOIN joinedTable jt ' +
' ON jt.someCol = someCol ' +
' WHERE (conditions...) '
(this one is IDEAL, and how it is written now, but I'm trying to convert it away from dynamic SQL).
Any thoughts or help would be great!
If I take the dynamic SQL approach, I'm trying to figure out what would be most efficient with regards to structuring my query. Given that I have three optional conditions, and I need the results from all of them my current query does something like this:
IF condition one
SELECT from db
INNER JOIN condition one
IF condition two
SELECT from db
INNER JOIN condition two
IF condition three
SELECT from db
INNER JOIN condition three
My non-dynamic query does this task by performing left joins:
SELECT from db
LEFT JOIN condition one
LEFT JOIN condition two
LEFT JOIN condition three
WHERE condition one is true
OR condition two is true
OR condition three is true
Which makes more sense to do? since all of the code from the "SELECT from db" statement is the same? It appears that the union condition is more efficient, but my query is VERY long because of it....

joinedTable jt ON jt.someCol = someCol AND jt.someCol = conditions AND #neededjoin ...
SELECT col1, someCol, col2 FROM joinedTable WHERE someCol = conditions AND #neededjoin ...
) jt ON jt.someCol = someCol
(SELECT col1, someCol, col2 FROM joinedTable WHERE someCol = conditions AND #neededjoin ...)
jtCTE ON jtCTE.someCol = someCol
To be honest, there is no such construct as a conditional JOIN unless you use literals.
If it's in the SQL statement it's evaluated... so don't have it in the SQL statement by using dynamic SQL or IF ELSE

the dynamic sql solution is usually the best for these situations, but if you really need to get away from that a series of if statments in a stroed porc will do the job. It's a pain and you have to write much more code but it will be faster than trying to make joins conditional in the statement itself.

I would go for a simple and straightforward approach like this:
DECLARE #ret TABLE(...) ;
IF <coondition one> BEGIN ;
IF <coondition two> BEGIN ;
IF <coondition three> BEGIN ;
Edit: I am suggesting a table variable, not a temporary table, so that the procedure will not recompile every time it runs. Generally speaking, three simpler inserts have a better chance of getting better execution plans than one big huge monster query combining all three.
However, we can not guess-timate performance. we must benchmark to determine it. Yet simpler code chunks are better for readability and maintainability.

Try this:
LEFT JOIN joinedTable jt
ON jt.someCol = someCol
AND jt.someCol = conditions
AND #neededJoin = 1 -- or whatever indicates join is needed
I think you'll find it is good performance and does what you need.
If this doesn't give the performance I claimed, then perhaps that's because the last time I did this using joins to a table. The value I needed could come from one of 3 tables, based on 2 columns, so I built a 'join-map' table like so:
Col1 Col2 TableCode
1 2 A
1 4 A
1 3 B
1 5 B
2 2 C
2 5 C
1 11 C
LookedUpValue =
CASE M.TableCode
ValueMaster V
INNER JOIN JoinMap M ON V.Col1 = M.oOl1 AND V.Col2 = M.Col2
LEFT JOIN TableA A ON M.TableCode = 'A'
LEFT JOIN TableB B ON M.TableCode = 'B'
LEFT JOIN TableC C ON M.TableCode = 'C'
This gave me a huge performance improvement querying these tables (most of them dozens or hundreds of million-row tables).
This is why I'm asking if you actually get improved performance. Of course it's going to throw a join into the execution plan and assign it some cost, but overall it's going to do a lot less work than some plan that just indiscriminately joins all 3 tables and then Coalesce()s to find the right value.
If you find that compared to dynamic SQL it's only 5% more expensive to do the joins this way, but with the indiscriminate joins is 100% more expensive, it might be worth it to you to do this because of the correctness, clarity, and simplicity over dynamic SQL, all of which are probably more valuable than a small improvement (depending on what you're doing, of course).
Whether the cost scales with the number of rows is also another factor to consider. If even with a huge amount of data you only save 200ms of CPU on a query that isn't run dozens of times a second, it's a no-brainer to use it.
The reason I keep hammering on the fact that I think it's going to perform well is that even with a hash match, it wouldn't have any rows to probe with, or it wouldn't have any rows to create a hash of. The hash operation is going to stop a lot earlier compared to using the WHERE clause OR-style query of your initial post.

The dynamic SQL solution is best in most respects; you are trying to run different queries with different numbers of joins without rewriting the query to do different numbers of joins - and that doesn't work very well in terms of performance.
When I was doing this sort of stuff an æon or so ago (say the early 90s), the language I used was I4GL and the queries were built using its CONSTRUCT statement. This was used to generate part of a WHERE clause, so (based on the user input), the filter criteria it generated might look like:
a.column1 BETWEEN 1 AND 50 AND
b.column2 = 'ABCD' AND
c.column3 > 10
In those days, we didn't have the modern JOIN notations; I'm going to have to improvise a bit as we go. Typically there is a core table (or a set of core tables) that are always part of the query; there are also some tables that are optionally part of the query. In the example above, I assume that 'c' is the alias for the main table. The way the code worked would be:
Note that table 'a' was referenced in the query:
Add 'FullTableName AS a' to the FROM clause
Add a join condition 'AND a.join1 = c.join1' to the WHERE clause
Note that table 'b' was referenced...
Add bits to the FROM clause and WHERE clause.
Assemble the SELECT statement from the select-list (usually fixed), the FROM clause and the WHERE clause (occasionally with decorations such as GROUP BY, HAVING or ORDER BY too).
The same basic technique should be applied here - but the details are slightly different.
First of all, you don't have the string to analyze; you know from other circumstances which tables you need to add to your query. So, you still need to design things so that they can be assembled, but...
The SELECT clause with its select-list is probably fixed. It will identify the tables that must be present in the query because values are pulled from those tables.
The FROM clause will probably consist of a series of joins.
One part will be the core query:
FROM CoreTable1 AS C1
JOIN CoreTable2 AS C2
ON C1.JoinColumn = C2.JoinColumn
JOIN CoreTable3 AS M
ON M.PrimaryKey = C1.ForeignKey
Other tables can be added as necessary:
JOIN AuxilliaryTable1 AS A
ON M.ForeignKey1 = A.PrimaryKey
Or you can specify a full query:
JOIN (SELECT RelevantColumn1, RelevantColumn2
FROM AuxilliaryTable1
In the first case, you have to remember to add the WHERE criterion to the main WHERE clause, and trust the DBMS Optimizer to move the condition into the JOIN table as shown. A good optimizer will do that automatically; a poor one might not. Use query plans to help you determine how able your DBMS is.
Add the WHERE clause for any inter-table criteria not covered in the joining operations, and any filter criteria based on the core tables. Note that I'm thinking primarily in terms of extra criteria (AND operations) rather than alternative criteria (OR operations), but you can deal with OR too as long as you are careful to parenthesize the expressions sufficiently.
Occasionally, you may have to add a couple of JOIN conditions to connect a table to the core of the query - that is not dreadfully unusual.
Add any GROUP BY, HAVING or ORDER BY clauses (or limits, or any other decorations).
Note that you need a good understanding of the database schema and the join conditions. Basically, this is coding in your programming language the way you have to think about constructing the query. As long as you understand this and your schema, there aren't any insuperable problems.
Good luck...

Just because no one else mentioned this, here's something that you could use (not dynamic). If the syntax looks weird, it's because I tested it in Oracle.
Basically, you turn your joined tables into sub-selects that have a where clause that returns nothing if your condition does not match. If the condition does match, then the sub-select returns data for that table. The Case statement lets you pick which column is returned in the overall select.
with m as (select 1 Num, 'One' Txt from dual union select 2, 'Two' from dual union select 3, 'Three' from dual),
t1 as (select 1 Num from dual union select 11 from dual),
t2 as (select 2 Num from dual union select 22 from dual),
t3 as (select 3 Num from dual union select 33 from dual)
END SelectedNum
LEFT JOIN (SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE 1 = 1) t1 ON m.Num = t1.Num
LEFT JOIN (SELECT * FROM t2 WHERE 1 = 2) t2 ON m.Num = t2.Num
LEFT JOIN (SELECT * FROM t3 WHERE 1 = 3) t3 ON m.Num = t3.Num


Oracle: Use only few tables in WHERE clause but mentioned more tables in 'FROM' in a jon SQL

What will happen in an Oracle SQL join if I don't use all the tables in the WHERE clause that were mentioned in the FROM clause?
WHERE A.col1 = B.col1;
Here I didn't use the C and D tables in the WHERE clause, even though I mentioned them in FROM. Is this OK? Are there any adverse performance issues?
It is poor practice to use that syntax at all. The FROM A,B,C,D syntax has been obsolete since 1992... more than 30 YEARS now. There's no excuse anymore. Instead, every join should always use the JOIN keyword, and specify any join conditions in the ON clause. The better way to write the query looks like this:
INNER JOIN B ON A.col1 = B.col1
Now we can also see what happens in the question. The query will still run if you fail to specify any conditions for certain tables, but it has the effect of using a CROSS JOIN: the results will include every possible combination of rows from every included relation (where the "A,B" part counts as one relation). If each of the three parts of those joins (A&B, C, D) have just 100 rows, the result set will have 1,000,000 rows (100 * 100 * 100). This is rarely going to give the results you expect or intend, and it's especially suspect when the SELECT clause isn't looking at any of the fields from the uncorrelated tables.
Any table lacking join definition will result in a Cartesian product - every row in the intermediate rowset before the join will match every row in the target table. So if you have 10,000 rows and it joins without any join predicate to a table of 10,000 rows, you will get 100,000,000 rows as a result. There are only a few rare circumstances where this is what you want. At very large volumes it can cause havoc for the database, and DBAs are likely to lock your account.
If you don't want to use a table, exclude it entirely from your SQL. If you can't for reason due to some constraint we don't know about, then include the proper join predicates to every table in your WHERE clause and simply don't list any of their columns in your SELECT clause. If there's a cost to the join and you don't need anything from it and again for some very strange reason can't leave the table out completely from your SQL (this does occasionally happen in reusable code), then you can disable the joins by making the predicates always false. Remember to use outer joins if you do this.
Native Oracle method:
WITH data AS (SELECT ROWNUM col FROM dual CONNECT BY LEVEL < 10) -- test data
FROM data a,
data b,
data c,
data d
WHERE a.col = b.col
AND DECODE('Y','Y',NULL,a.col) = c.col(+)
AND DECODE('Y','Y',NULL,a.col) = d.col(+)
ANSI style:
FROM data a
INNER JOIN data b ON a.col = b.col
LEFT OUTER JOIN data c ON DECODE('Y','Y',NULL,a.col) = b.col
LEFT OUTER JOIN data d ON DECODE('Y','Y',NULL,a.col) = d.col
You can plug in a variable for the first Y that you set to Y or N (e.g. var_disable_join). This will bypass the join and avoid both the associated performance penalty and the Cartesian product effect. But again, I want to reiterate, this is an advanced hack and is probably NOT what you need. Simply leaving out the unwanted tables it the right approach 95% of the time.

SQL Join between tables with conditions

I'm thinking about which should be the best way (considering the execution time) of doing a join between 2 or more tables with some conditions. I got these three ways:
select * from
TABLE A inner join TABLE B on A.KEY = B.KEY
select * from
TABLE A inner join TABLE B on A.KEY = B.KEY
select * from
TABLE A inner join (Select * from TABLE B where B.PARAM=VALUE) J ON A.KEY=J.KEY
Consider that tables have more than 1 milion of rows.
What your opinion? Which should be the right way, if exists?
Usually putting the condition in where clause or join condition has no noticeable differences in inner joins.
If you are using outer joins ,putting the condition in the where clause improves query time because when you use condition in the where clause of
left outer joins, rows which aren't met the condition will be deleted from the result set and the result set becomes smaller.
But if you use the condition in join clause of left outer joins ,no rows deletes and result set is bigger in comparison to using condition in the where clause.
for more clarification,follow the example.
create table A
aname VARCHAR2(10),
rdate DATE
----A data
insert into A
select 1,'Amand',to_date('20130101','yyyymmdd') from dual;
insert into A
select 2,'Alex',to_date('20130101','yyyymmdd') from dual;
insert into A
select 3,'Angel',to_date('20130201','yyyymmdd') from dual;
create table B
bname VARCHAR2(10),
rdate DATE
insert into B
select 3,'BOB',to_date('20130201','yyyymmdd') from dual;
insert into B
select 2,'Br',to_date('20130101','yyyymmdd') from dual;
insert into B
select 1,'Bn',to_date('20130101','yyyymmdd') from dual;
first of all we have normal query which joins 2 tables with each other:
select * from a inner join b on a.ano=b.bno
the result set has 3 records.
now please run below queries:
select * from a inner join b on a.ano=b.bno and a.rdate=to_date('20130101','yyyymmdd')
select * from a inner join b on a.ano=b.bno where a.rdate=to_date('20130101','yyyymmdd')
as you see above results row counts have no differences,and According to my experience there is no noticeable performance differences for data in large volume.
please run below queries:
select * from a left outer join b on a.ano=b.bno and a.rdate=to_date('20130101','yyyymmdd')
in this case,the count of output records will be equal to table A records.
select * from a left outer join b on a.ano=b.bno where a.rdate=to_date('20130101','yyyymmdd')
in this case , records of A which didn't met the condition deleted from the result set and as I said the result set will have less records(in this case 2 records).
According to above examples we can have following conclusions:
1-in case of using inner joins,
there is no special differences between putting condition in where clause or join clause ,but please try to put tables in from clause in order to have minimum intermediate result row counts:
2-In case of using outer joins,whenever you don't care of exact result row counts (don't care of missing records of table A which have no paired records in table B and fields of table B will be null for these records in the result set),put the condition in the where clause to delete a set of rows which aren't met the condition and obviously improve query time by decreasing the result row counts.
but in special cases you HAVE TO put the condition in the join part.for example if you want that your result row count will be equal to table 'A' row counts(this case is common in ETL processes) you HAVE TO put the condition in the join clause.
3-avoiding subquery is recommended by lots of reliable resources and expert programmers.It usually increase the query time and you can use subquery just when its result data set is small.
I hope this will be useful:)
1M rows really isn't that much - especially if you have sensible indexes. I'd start off with making your queries as readable and maintainable as possible, and only start optimizing if you notice a perforamnce problem with the query (and as Gordon Linoff said in his comment - it's doubtful there would even be a difference between the three).
It may be a matter of taste, but to me, the third way seems clumsy, so I'd cross it out. Personally, I prefer using JOIN syntax for the joining logic (i.e., how A and B's rows are matched) and WHERE for filtering (i.e., once matched, which rows interest me), so I'd go for the first way. But again, it really boils down to personal taste and preferences.
You need to look at the execution plans for the queries to judge which is the most computationally efficient. As pointed out in the comments you may find they are equivalent. Here is some information on Oracle execution plans. Depending on what editor / IDE you use the may be a shortcut for this e.g. F5 in PL/SQL Developer.

SQL conditional join with deifferent fields

In my query i want to join two tables based on the value of a field (say field1). Depending on the value of the field1 the join would EITHER be:
field3 = field4 OR field5 = field6
Something like
join on
I am doing something like this at the moment
.... join on (field1=1 AND field2=field3) OR (field1=2 AND field4=field5)
but it takes ages to run the query. The two conditions individually take less than 7 secs each
How can i do this?
I would highly recommend against this approach. You are forcing the db to run a query it can't do anything to optimise. Instead look at your tables and see if there isn't something that can be done to split the data so this conditional isn't needed.
Alternatively if you really need to do this then the fastest way to do it is run two queries and union the results:
select * from table as x where x.field1 = 1 AND x.field2 = x.field3
union [ALL]
select * from table as y where x.field1 = 2 AND y.field4 = y.field5
This should be far faster.
It takes ages because the or will not let you use indexes. The simplest solution what I can think of, is to make 2 selects and union them.
select ...
from ...
join ...
on (field1=1 AND field2=field3)
select ...
from ...
join ...
on (field1=2 AND field4=field5)
The problem with "or" in a join condition is that it impedes the use of indices and tends to encourage nested loop joins. I would recommend doing the join twice:
from A left outer join
B b1
on a.field2 = b2.field3 left outer join
B b2
on a.field4 = b2.field5
The left outer joins make sure you keep all rows. You can do additional logic in the SELECT or WHERE clauses to get the full logic you want.
"it takes ages to run the query. The two conditions individually take
less than 7 secs each"
When you run the individual queries the database can figure out a clear-cut execution path. But they will be different execution paths for each condition. When you attempt to combine the two conditions the database has no easy to reconcile them, so it does something slow - probably a full table scan.
How you solve this depends on your flavour of RDBMS and a whole host of other factors. I will let other people give you sonme guesses about how to solve this.
FROM data_parent
WHERE pid =
WHEN pid =1
FROM data_parent, test
WHERE data_parent.pid = test.id
data_parent and test are two tables
data_parent has column pid and test has an column rpid as foreign key.
This works and gives me the output.

INNER JOIN with complex condition dramatically increases the execution time

I have 2 tables with several identical fields needed to be linked in JOIN condition. E.g. in each table there are fields: P1, P2. I want to write the following join query:
SELECT ... FROM Table1
ON Table1.P1 = Table2.P1
OR Table1.P2 = Table2.P2
OR Table1.P1 = Table2.P2
OR Table1.P2 = Table2.P1
In the case I have huge tables this request is executing a lot of time.
I tried to test how long will be the request of a query with one condition only. First, I have modified the tables in such way all data from P2 & P1 where copied as new rows into Table1 & Table2. So my query is simple:
SELECT ... FROM Table1 INNER JOIN Table2 ON Table1.P = Table2.P
The result was more then surprised: the execution time from many hours (the 1st case) was reduced to 2-3 seconds!
Why is it so different? Does it mean the complex conditions are always reduce performance? How can I improve the issue? May be P1,P2 indexing will help? I want to remain the 1st DB schema and not to move to one field P.
The reason the queries are different is because of the join strategies being used by the optimizer. There are basically four ways that two tables can be joined:
"Hash join": Creates a hash table on one of the tables which it uses to look up the values in the second.
"Merge join": Sorts both tables on the key and then readsthe results sequentially for the join.
"Index lookup": Uses an index to look up values in one table.
"Nested Loop": Compars each value in each table to all the values in the other table.
(And there are variations on these, such as using an index instead of a table, working with partitions, and handling multiple processors.) Unfortunately, in SQL Server Management Studio both (3) and (4) are shown as nested loop joins. If you look more closely, you can tell the difference from the parameters in the node.
In any case, your original join is one of the first three -- and it goes fast. These joins can basically only be used on "equi-joins". That is, when the condition joining the two tables includes an equality operator.
When you switch from a single equality to an "in" or set of "or" conditions, the join condition has changed from an equijoin to a non-equijoin. My observation is that SQL Server does a lousy job of optimization in this case (and, to be fair, I think other databases do pretty much the same thing). Your performance hit is the hit of going from a good join algorithm to the nested loops algorithm.
Without testing, I might suggest some of the following strategies.
Build an index on P1 and P2 in both tables. SQL Server might use the index even for a non-equijoin.
Use the union query suggested in another solution. Each query should be correctly optimized.
Assuming these are 1-1 joins, you can also do this as a set of multiple joins:
from table1 t1 left outer join
table2 t2_11
on t1.p1 = t2_11.p1 left outer join
table2 t2_12
on t1.p1 = t2_12.p2 left outer join
table2 t2_21
on t1.p2 = t2_21.p2 left outer join
table2 t2_22
on t1.p2 = t2_22.p2
And then use case/coalesce logic in the SELECT to get the value that you actually want. Although this may look more complicated, it should be quite efficient.
you can use 4 query and Union there result
SELECT ... FROM Table1
ON Table1.P1 = Table2.P1
SELECT ... FROM Table1
ON Table1.P1 = Table2.P2
SELECT ... FROM Table1
ON Table1.P2 = Table2.P1
SELECT ... FROM Table1
ON Table1.P2 = Table2.P2
Does using CTEs help performance?
;WITH Table1_cte
[P] = P1
FROM Table1
[P] = P2
FROM Table1
, Table2_cte
[P] = P1
FROM Table2
[P] = P2
FROM Table2
SELECT ... FROM Table1_cte x
Table2_cte y
ON x.P = y.P
I suspect, as far as the processor is concerned, the above is just different syntax for the same complex conditions.

Formatting Clear and readable SQL queries

I'm writing some SQL queries with several subqueries and lots of joins everywhere, both inside the subquery and the resulting table from the subquery.
We're not using views so that's out of the question.
After writing it I'm looking at it and scratching my head wondering what it's even doing cause I can't follow it.
What kind of formatting do you use to make an attempt to clean up such a mess? Indents perhaps?
With large queries I tend to rely a lot on named result sets using WITH. This allows to define the result set beforehand and it makes the main query simpler. Named results sets may help to make the query plan more efficient as well e.g. postgres stores the result set in a temporary table.
cubed_data AS (
SUM(value) value
CUBE(dimension1, dimension2, dimension3),
dimension1_label AS(
object = 'dimension1'
), ...
JOIN dimension1_label USING (dimension1_id)
JOIN dimension2_label USING (dimension2_id)
JOIN dimension3_label USING (dimension3_id)
JOIN measure_label USING (measure_id)
The example is a bit contrived but I hope it shows the increase in clarity compared to inline subqueries. Named result sets have been a great help for me when I've been preparing data for OLAP use. Named results sets are also must if you have/want to create recursive queries.
WITH works at least on current versions of Postgres, Oracle and SQL Server
Boy is this a loaded question. :) There are as many ways to do it right as there are smart people on this site. That said, here is how I keep myself sane when building complex sql statements:
customer c
inner join
order o
on c.customer_id = o.customer_id
inner join
order_detail od
on o.order_id = od.order_id
inner join
product p
on od.product_id = p.product_id
inner join
product_type pt
on p.product_type_id = pt.product_type_id
o.order_date between '1/1/2011' and '1/5/2011'
pt.product_type_name = 'toys'
pt.product_type_name like '%kids%'
order by
If you're interested, I can post/send layouts for inserts, updates and deletes as well as correlated subqueries and complex join predicates.
Does this answer your question?
Generally, people break lines on reserved words, and indent any sub-queries:
FROM tablename
WHERE value in
FROM tablename2
WHERE condition)
ORDER BY column
In general, I follow a simple hierarchical set of formatting rules. Basically, keywords such as SELECT, FROM, ORDER BY all go on their own line. Each field goes on its own line (in a recursive fashion)
B.TYPE = 4
Table aliases and simple consistency will get you a long, long way
What looks decent is breaking lines on main keywords SELECT, FROM, WHERE (etc..).
Joins can be trickier, indenting the ON part of joins brings out the important part of it to the front.
Breaking complicated logical expressions (joins and where conditions both) on the same level also helps.
Indenting logically the same level of statement (subqueries, opening brackets, etc)
Capitalize all keywords and standard functions.
Really complex SQL will not shy away from comments - although typically you find these in SQL scripts not dynamic SQL.
EDIT example:
SELECT a.name, SUM(b.tax)
FROM db_prefix_registered_users a
INNER JOIN db_prefix_transactions b
ON a.id = b.user_id
LEFT JOIN db_countries
ON b.paid_from_country_id = c.id
WHERE a.type IN (1, 2, 7) AND
b.date < (SELECT MAX(date)
FROM audit) AND
c.country = 'CH'
So, at the end to sum it up - consistency matters the most.
I like to use something like:
SELECT col1,
MyTable as T1
MyOtherTable as T2
ON t1.col1 = t2.col1
AND t1.col2 = t2.col2
SELECT 1,2,3
FROM Someothertable
WHERE somestuff = someotherstuff
) as T3
ON t1.field = t3.field
The only true and right way to format SQL is:
SELECT t.mycolumn AS column1
,t.othercolumn AS column2
,SUM(t.tweedledum) AS column3
FROM table1 t
,(SELECT u.anothercol
,u.memaw /*this is a comment*/
FROM table2 u
,anothertable x
WHERE u.bla = :b1 /*the bla value*/
AND x.uniquecol = :b2 /*the widget id*/
) v
WHERE t.tweedledee = v.anothercol
AND t.hohum = v.memaw
GROUP BY t.mycolumn
Seriously though, I like to use WITH clauses (as already suggested) to tame very complicated SQL queries.
Put it in a view so it's easier to visualize, maybe keep a screenshot as part of the documentation. You don't have to save the view or use it for any other purpose.
Indenting certainly but you can also split the subqueries up with comments, make your alias names something really meaningful and specify which subquery they refer to e.g. innerCustomer, outerCustomer.
Common Table Expressions can really help in some cases to break up a query into meaningful sections.
An age-old question with a thousand opinions and no one right answer, and one of my favorites. Here's my two cents.
With regards to subqueries, lately I've found it easier to follow what's going on with "extreme" indenting and adding comments like so:
SELECT mt.Col1, mt.Col2, subQ.Dollars
from MyTable1 mt
inner join (-- Get the dollar total for each SubCol
select SubCol, sum(Dollars) Dollars
from MyTable2
group by SubCol) subQ
on subQ.SubCol = mt.Col1
order by mt.Col2
As for the other cent, I only use upper case on the first word. With pages of run-on queries, it makes it a bit easier to pick out when a new one starts.
Your mileage will, of course, vary.
Wow, alot of responses here, but one thing I haven't seen in many is COMMENTS! I tend to add a lot of comments throughout, especially with large SQL statements. Formatting is important, but well placed and meaningful comments are extremely important, not just for you but the poor soul who needs to maintain the code ;)