How to raise an event in Objective-C - objective-c

I'm a little confused about raising an event in Objective-C,
I came from C# (.NET) environment and I would like to learn Objective-c and Cocoa programming.
So here's my question:
I have a little application with a NSTextField that I want to use to listen to an event.
What I want to do : When I double click within this control, it raise an event and pop up ex: an NSAlert that displays "Double clicked".
So how can I do that, I'am a visual person so I need some code exemple to show how it's work; Like what should I put within the .h class and within the .m class.
Thanks in advance,

You need to read up on the Cocoa Fundamentals and the target/action mechanism. An NSControl (like its NSButton subclass) has a target to which it sends an action with itself as the sender. Not all controls support -doubleAction, but some do.
NSButton/NSButtonCell does not support a double action, so you would need to do some subclassing and override the mouse methods. NSEvent (which is passed into mouse methods) can be queried for its click count to distinguish double-clicks from singles.
Just for the record, it's usually click-and-hold that produces a context menu on OS X and this capability is announced through a down-facing arrow somewhere on the right of the button face. Few people will actually know a menu is there for double-clicking and it's hard to represent this with a symbol on the button face. Consider a click-and-hold trigger for your button's context menu.

I am not sure why you want to do this in a text field, but here is how to do it:
You need to use a subclass that overrides click behavior for double clicks. The header file would look like this:
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#interface ClassName : NSTextField {
//Any new instance variables here
//Any new methods here
and the implementation file would look like this:
#import "ClassName.h"
#implementation ClassName
- (void)mouseUp:(NSEvent *)event {
//You can also do this with mouseDown:, depending on when you prefer to handle the event
if([event clickCount] == 2) {
//Handle double click here
} else [super mouseUp:event]; //or pass to parent implementation


Click textfield and button disappears (it doesn't, but i want it to)

I have a textfield and a button. When I click inside the textfield, I want the button to disappear. I defined the textfield as both outlet and action ( with event “Did end on exit”). In the method for the textfield, I have self.testButton.hidden = YES; When I click inside the textfield, the button does not go away. Instead, it remains until I hit the return key on the keyboard – causing the keyboard to go away. I tried the same thing w/ touchup inside as the event on the text field. When you click in the text field, nothing happens to the button.
Instead of using the Target-Action mechanism ("Did end on exit" and "Touch Up Inside") use the Delegate mechanism.
First, make your class conform to the UITextFieldDelegate protocol. In your *.h (header) file add the following:
// Here I'm assuming your class is inheriting from UIViewcontroller but it
// may be inheriting from some other class. The really important part here
// is: <UITextFieldDelegate>. That's how you make your class conform to that protocol
#interface THE_NAME_OF_YOUR_CLASS : UIViewController <UITextFieldDelegate>
Second, implement the -(void)textFieldDidBeginEditing:(UITextField *)textField method. Also, remember to set yourself as the delegate too: self.textField.delegate = self. That way, the method will get called every time the user starts editing. Inside that methdod call self.testButton.hidden = YES;. In your *.m (implementation) file add the following:
-(void)viewDidLoad {
// here I'm assuming you have a 'strong' reference to your text field.
// You're going to need one to set yourself as the delegate.
self.textField.delegate = self;
// This is one of the methods defined in the UITextFieldDelegate protocol
-(void)textFieldDidBeginEditing:(UITextField *)textField {
self.testButton.hidden = YES;
Similarly, to make your button appear again, implement the - (void)textFieldDidEndEditing:(UITextField *)textField method. Inside it un-hide your button. Again, in your *.m file add the following:
// This is another method defined in the UITextFieldDelegate protocol
-(void)textFieldDidEndEditing:(UITextField *)textField {
self.testButton.hidden = NO;
Although delegates may be a mystery to you right now once you become familiar with them
you will realize they're very easy. And this is very important because iOS programming
relies heavily on delegates.
A delegate is a "notification" mechanism based on the "Hollywood" principle which is: don't call us; we'll call you.
In your case the class that contains the UITextField is interested in knowing when the UITextField begins editing and when it ends editing. But your class cannot be "polling" (that is, constantly asking) the text field to find out if the state changed. Instead you register your class with the text field and it will be the text field the one that will let you know when something happened. That will be thanks to the methods that you implemented.
Further reading: protocols and delegates
Hope this helps!
Have you made sure that testButton has its IBOutlet set before you hide it?
If you want to button to disappear when the user begins editing the text field, try UIControlEventEditingDidBegin.

Objective-C difference between resolving events and actions

Im new to Objective-C & iOS programming so Im very confused about event and action handling. I don't really understand what is the difference between connecting a button in Interface builder with its files owner method (for instance connecting button action pressed with my personal method buttonClicked) and on the other hand creating a delegate which will respond to button events? I am confused because I come from C# (.NET) and there you only handling events via delegation.
Let's create event handling programmatically first. Some assumptions ...
you have class MyViewController
this class does contain property myButton (UIButton *)
you do want to handle events in this class
First step is to create method to handle your button taps:
-(void)onMyButtonTap:(UIButton *)sender {
// My button was tapped, whoa, which one is in sender argument
Add tap event handling:
-(void)loadView {
[super loadView];
[self.myButton addTarget:self action:#selector(onMyButtonTap:) forControlEvents: UIControlEventTouchUpInside];
What this code does? self in this case is instance of MyViewController class, which is going to handle touch up inside event (addTarget). action is method which will be called when UIControlEventTouchUpInside fires.
So the addTarget:... line adds event handling and when the control event fires, this ...
[self onMyButtonTap:self.myButton];
... will be called automatically.
It's simplified example, it can be more complicated in the real world:
you can have UIButton in separate UIView (good practice, I dislike when people put them in UIViewController)
you can handle multiple buttons taps in one method (distinguish between them by sender argument)
you can create more tap handling methods, one method for one button,
And now back to outlets. Outlet is just an automatic glue for addTarget:....
UIButton is subclass of UIControl and here you can see how other events can be handled and what events you can handle.
Delegation is also common practice, but not for UIControl. There's no delegate, etc. You have to do it in this way.
Or you can enhance UIButton to handle events via blocks for example. Here's one way or you can Google for more.

Mouse Down events in Objective-C

I know this question has been asked a lot before, but nothing will work for me. The following code will not do anything at all.
- (void) mouseDown:(NSEvent*)event {
NSLog(#"It worked!");
I have tried a lot of different methods to get this to work, including creating custom NSEvents in this way:
NSEvent *someEvent;
- (void) mouseDown:(NSEvent*)someEvent {
NSLog(#"It worked!");
This is my .h file:
#interface test : NSWindow <NSWindowDelegate> {
Would somebody explain how to make this do something?
Make sure your class inherits from NSWindow and conforms to the <NSWindowDelegate> protocol. Otherwise, that's just a method that happens to be named mouseDown, and nobody will ever call it.
Update: Change your header file so that it looks like this:
#interface test : NSWindow <NSWindowDelegate> {
In other words, don't put a prototype of mouseDown inside the interface definition, or anywhere else in the .h file.
In your implementation file (.m) put just the method:
- (void) mouseDown:(NSEvent*)someEvent {
NSLog(#"It worked!");
Assuming that you have logging turned on in the device (are you sure you can read NSLog output from elsewhere in your program?), you should see "It worked!" printed there.
I'm not an obj-C expert by any means, but I think by putting the mouseDown prototype inside the interface definition, you were basically creating your own custom mouseDown method which hid the "real" one. This indicated to the compiler that it should not call your mouseDown method on a window click.
Your subclass must have a parent class of NSResponder, otherwise you will not get any events.
You're overriding the NSWindow class, you should be overriding the NSView "contentView" of the NSWindow class to capture mouse events. Most of the decorations (NSViews) on the window outside of the contentView are private.
Just create a new NSView that overrides mouseDown, etc and add it as your content view to the NSWindow object.

Mouse Down events in Objective-C? [duplicate]

I know this question has been asked a lot before, but nothing will work for me. The following code will not do anything at all.
- (void) mouseDown:(NSEvent*)event {
NSLog(#"It worked!");
I have tried a lot of different methods to get this to work, including creating custom NSEvents in this way:
NSEvent *someEvent;
- (void) mouseDown:(NSEvent*)someEvent {
NSLog(#"It worked!");
This is my .h file:
#interface test : NSWindow <NSWindowDelegate> {
Would somebody explain how to make this do something?
Make sure your class inherits from NSWindow and conforms to the <NSWindowDelegate> protocol. Otherwise, that's just a method that happens to be named mouseDown, and nobody will ever call it.
Update: Change your header file so that it looks like this:
#interface test : NSWindow <NSWindowDelegate> {
In other words, don't put a prototype of mouseDown inside the interface definition, or anywhere else in the .h file.
In your implementation file (.m) put just the method:
- (void) mouseDown:(NSEvent*)someEvent {
NSLog(#"It worked!");
Assuming that you have logging turned on in the device (are you sure you can read NSLog output from elsewhere in your program?), you should see "It worked!" printed there.
I'm not an obj-C expert by any means, but I think by putting the mouseDown prototype inside the interface definition, you were basically creating your own custom mouseDown method which hid the "real" one. This indicated to the compiler that it should not call your mouseDown method on a window click.
Your subclass must have a parent class of NSResponder, otherwise you will not get any events.
You're overriding the NSWindow class, you should be overriding the NSView "contentView" of the NSWindow class to capture mouse events. Most of the decorations (NSViews) on the window outside of the contentView are private.
Just create a new NSView that overrides mouseDown, etc and add it as your content view to the NSWindow object.

keyUp event heard?: Overridden NSView method

UPDATED: I'm now overriding the NSView keyUp method from a NSView subclass set to first responder like below, but am still not seeing evidence that it is being called.
#implementation svsView
- (BOOL)acceptsFirstResponder {
return YES;
- (void)keyUp:(NSEvent *)event {
//--do key up stuff--
NSLog(#"key up'd!");
I'm new to Cocoa and Obj-C and am trying to do a (void)keyUp: from within the implementation of my controller class (which itself is of type NSController). I'm not sure if this is the right place to put it, though. I have a series of like buttons each set to a unique key equivalent (IB button attribute) and each calls my (IBAction)keyInput method which then passes the identity of each key onto another object. This runs just fine, but I also want to track when each key is released.
#implementation svsController
- (IBAction)keyInput:(id)sender {
//--do key down stuff--
- (void)keyUp:(NSEvent *)event {
//--do key up stuff--
Upon fail, I also tried the keyUp as an IBAction (instead of void), like the user-defined keyInput is, and hooked it up to the appropriate buttons in Interface Builder, but then keyUp was only called when the keys were down and not when released. (Which I kind of figured would happen.)
Pardon my noobery, but should I be putting this method in another class or doing something differently? Wherever it is, though, I need it be able to access objects owned by the controller class.
Thanks for any insight you may have.
NSResponder subclasses (such as a custom subclass of NSView) handle key events. They even handle more abstract-level events such as "move left/right", "insert newline", etc. They can then send a message to a controller to respond accordingly.
Wow! I think I've nailed it. I just needed to instantiate my subclass with a NSView/NSWindow reference to the class in IB. Wasn't actually creating an instance of it in the UI. The past several hours down the crapper! Sans that I learned a thing or two along the way. ;)