blender 2.54 beta command line issues - blender

When I run this command from with the dir where .blend is located:
blender -d -b test2.blend -o //output -e 1
it does not work. I tried both in linux 64 bit and vista 64bit. It does not generate rendered output file. .blend file is just very simple scene with cube and cylnder.
For vista here is some of debug info:
RNA_string_set: OperatorProperties.data_path not found.
RNA_boolean_set: OperatorProperties.reverse not found.
search for unknown operator CONSOLE_OT_execute, CONSOLE_OT_execute
search for unknown operator CONSOLE_OT_execute, CONSOLE_OT_execute
search for unknown operator CONSOLE_OT_autocomplete, CONSOLE_OT_autocomplete
read blend: C:\docs\blender\models\test2.blend
read file C:\docs\blender\models\test2.blend
Version 254 sub 0
bpy stats - tot exec: 4, tot run: 0.0000sec, average run: 0.000003sec, tot
usage 0.0026%
Blender quit
press enter key to exit...
For linux the output is:
: ref:6 ptr:0x667e170 type:type
: ref:6 ptr:0x667ede0 type:type
: ref:6 ptr:0x667f5f0 type:type
: ref:6 ptr:0x667fe90 type:type
: ref:6 ptr:0x6680390 type:type
: ref:6 ptr:0x661d640 type:RNAMeta
bpy stats - tot exec: 4, tot run: 0.0000sec, average run: 0.000000sec, tot usage 0.0005%
Blender quit
Any one with blender 3d background can help?

Replacing the option e with f fixed the problem.


vich/uploader-bundle:1.21.1 - ReplacingFile does not create directory according to configured directory_namer

I'am trying to use Vich\UploaderBundle\FileAbstraction\ReplacingFile (as described on to inject a file from the local file-system.
But the following ErrorException is thrown upon persisting the entity with the attached file:
ErrorException: Warning: copy(/var/www/var/storage/files/da/39/da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/vendor/vich/uploader-bundle/src/Storage/FileSystemStorage.php on line 25
Call Stack:
0.0037 400328 1. {main}() /var/www/bin/console:0
0.0957 406696 2. require_once('/var/www/vendor/autoload_runtime.php') /var/www/bin/console:11
0.1202 4558088 3. Symfony\Component\Runtime\Runner\Symfony\ConsoleApplicationRunner->run() /var/www/vendor/autoload_runtime.php:35
0.1202 4558088 4. Symfony\Component\Console\Application->run(...
0.1224 4567696 5. Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Console\Application->doRun(...
0.1781 15215392 6. Symfony\Component\Console\Application->doRun(...
0.2879 22494832 7. Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Console\Application->doRunCommand(...
0.2879 22494832 8. Symfony\Component\Console\Application->doRunCommand(...
0.2933 22638600 9. Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command->run(...
0.2935 22638600 10. App\Command\WatcherCommand->execute(...
5.9695 23904056 11. App\Service\FileHandler->handleEvent(...
12.2081 28132368 12. Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager->persist(...
12.2081 28132368 13. Doctrine\ORM\UnitOfWork->persist(...
12.2081 28132400 14. Doctrine\ORM\UnitOfWork->doPersist(...
12.2082 28132776 15. Doctrine\ORM\UnitOfWork->persistNew(...
12.2084 28133768 16. Doctrine\ORM\Event\ListenersInvoker->invoke($...
12.2084 28133768 17. Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\ContainerAwareEventManager->dispatchEvent(...
12.2084 28133768 18. Vich\UploaderBundle\EventListener\Doctrine\UploadListener->prePersist(...
12.2089 28144592 19. Vich\UploaderBundle\Handler\UploadHandler->upload(...
12.2135 28407936 20. Vich\UploaderBundle\Storage\AbstractStorage->upload(...
12.2152 28439984 21. Vich\UploaderBundle\Storage\FileSystemStorage->doUpload(...
19.9282 28442848 22. copy($source_file = '/var/www/var/storage/symlinks/24410740-1466-45a9-be93-cbdbde4be40a/test6.txt', $destination_file = '/var/www/var/storage/files/da/39/da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709') /var/www/vendor/vich/uploader-bundle/src/Storage/FileSystemStorage.php:25
19.9282 28444520 23. Symfony\Component\ErrorHandler\ErrorHandler->handleError(...
Link to Line in Question:
It seams that the configured directory_namer in config/packages/vich_uploader.yaml did not do it's thing:
db_driver: orm
# products:
# uri_prefix: /images/products
# upload_destination: '%kernel.project_dir%/public/images/products'
# namer: Vich\UploaderBundle\Naming\SmartUniqueNamer
uri_prefix: null
upload_destination: ''
service: App\Service\UploaderFileNamer
options: { property: 'checksum' }
service: Vich\UploaderBundle\Naming\SubdirDirectoryNamer
options: { chars_per_dir: 2, dirs: 2 }
inject_on_load: true
This is my configured upload_destination:
❯ console debug:container --parameters | grep "files_dir" /var/www/var/storage/files
The ErrorException seams to be correct because the target-directory does not exist:
php#dev-64fb4d859b-btcv9:/var/www$ ls /var/www/var/storage/files/da/39
ls: cannot access '/var/www/var/storage/files/da/39': No such file or directory
^^ directory-namer 2nd level - does not exit ^^
php#dev-64fb4d859b-btcv9:/var/www$ ls /var/www/var/storage/files/da/
ls: cannot access '/var/www/var/storage/files/da/': No such file or directory
^^ directory-namer 1st level - does not exit ^^
php#dev-64fb4d859b-btcv9:/var/www$ ls /var/www/var/storage/files/
^^ configured upload-destination - exists ^^
Is that the expected behavior and do I need to trigger the directory_namer separately when using ReplacingFile? If so - how do can i accomplish that ?
In case it's a bug, is there some way to get the target path in advance so I can create the directory myself?
I was excepting that the ReplacingFile is handled like an UploadedFile and the directory_namer would create the target-directory according to the configuration.
I've tried using UploadedFile and it all worked as expected (the directory-namer did create the target-directory)

New Windows installation, CLI not picking up .bigqueryrc

I had a Windows 10 machine working great with bq/gloud and gsutils all working great. Had to move to new machine and setting all of this back up. I cannot seem to get bq to recognize the entries in my .bigqueryrc file which was copied from my working machine. On my working machine, I am not using BIGQUERYRC environmental file, but just HOME, ie ~/.bigqueryrc
I say it does not seem to recognize is because if I introduce a random character I get an error about my .bigqueryrc file.
Let me first show that bq seems to be operating, overall, as expected
C:\Users\boyer>bq ls --project_id=broad-tapestry-sbx-boyer-14
SHELL> bq ls brings nothing. The contents of my .biqqueryrc file is as thus:
credential_file = C:\Users\boyer\AppData\Roaming\gcloud\legacy_credentials\\singlestore_bq.json
project_id = broad-tapestry-sbx-boyer-14
Here is showing where my .bigqueryrc file is:
:\Users\boyer>ls -ls ~/.bigqueryrc
1 -rwx------+ 1 CHARLES+boyer CHARLES+boyer 198 Dec 22 12:48 /cygdrive/c/Users/boyer/.bigqueryrc
So, I try this and nothing happens either:
C:\Users\boyer>bq ls --bigqueryrc=c:/users/boyer/.bigqueryrc
C:\Users\boyer>bq ls --bigqueryrc=c:\users\boyer\.bigqueryrc
But here is the error I purposefully introduced to see if it is actually looking at the file and it seems it is finding it.
C:\Users\boyer>bq ls --bigqueryrc=c:\users\boyer\.bigqueryrc
Unknown flag x found in bigqueryrc file in section global
The error above was introduced by adding a random 'x' character to the top of the file:
credential_file = C:\Users\boyer\AppData\Roaming\gcloud\legacy_credentials\\singlestore_bq.json
project_id = broad-tapestry-sbx-boyer-14

humpy.genfromtxt input fname argument from list

I have a number of text files as output from a calculation from which I wish to extract data:
(Note: Because some of the files are rather mangled, I have placed copies in my Dropbox. The URL is
PSOVina version 2.0
Giotto H. K. Tai & Shirley W. I. Siu
Computational Biology and Bioinformatics Lab
University of Macau
Visit for more information.
PSOVina was developed based on the framework of AutoDock Vina.
For more information about Vina, please visit
Output will be 14-7_out.pdbqt
Reading input ... done.
Setting up the scoring function ... done.
Analyzing the binding site ... done.
Using random seed: 768314908
Performing search ... done.
Refining results ... done.
mode | affinity | dist from best mode
| (kcal/mol) | rmsd l.b.| rmsd u.b.
1 -9.960902669 0.000 0.000
2 -8.979504781 1.651 2.137
3 -8.942611364 3.051 6.898
4 -8.915523010 2.146 2.875
5 -8.736508831 2.908 7.449
6 -8.663387139 2.188 2.863
7 -8.410739711 5.118 7.281
8 -8.389146347 2.728 3.873
9 -8.296798909 2.416 3.846
10 -8.168454106 3.809 8.143
11 -8.127990818 3.712 8.109
12 -8.127103774 3.084 4.097
13 -7.979090739 3.798 4.959
14 -7.941872682 4.590 8.294
15 -7.900766215 3.300 8.204
16 -7.881485228 2.953 4.224
17 -7.837826485 3.005 4.125
18 -7.815909505 4.390 8.782
19 -7.722540286 5.695 9.851
20 -7.720346742 3.362 4.593
Writing output ... done.
This works:
import numpy as np
data = np.genfromtxt("14-7.log", usecols=(1), skip_header=27,
skip_footer=1, encoding=None)
np.savetxt('14-7.dG', data, fmt='%12.9f', header='14-7')
which produces:
wdir='/home/comp/Apps/Python/PsoVina', current_namespace=True)
[-9.96090267 -8.97950478 -8.94261136 -8.91552301 -8.73650883 -8.66338714
-8.41073971 -8.38914635 -8.29679891 -8.16845411 -8.12799082 -8.12710377
-7.97909074 -7.94187268 -7.90076621 -7.88148523 -7.83782648 -7.8159095
-7.72254029 -7.72034674]
[-9.96090267 -8.97950478 -8.94261136 -8.91552301 -8.73650883 -8.66338714
-8.41073971 -8.38914635 -8.29679891 -8.16845411 -8.12799082 -8.12710377
-7.97909074 -7.94187268 -7.90076621 -7.88148523 -7.83782648 -7.8159095
-7.72254029 -7.72034674]
Note; the print statements are for a quick check o the output, which is:
# 14-7
Also, this bash script works:
# Run.dG.list_1
while IFS= read -r d
echo "${d}.log"
done <ligand.list
which returns the three log file names:
But, if I run this bash script:
# Run.dG.list_1
while IFS= read -r d
echo "${d}.log"
done <ligand.list
where is:
import numpy as np
data = np.genfromtxt('${d}.log', usecols=(1), skip_header=27,
skip_footer=1, encoding=None)
np.savetxt('${d}.dG', data, fmt='%12.9f', header='${d}')
I get:
(base) comp#AbNormal:~/Apps/Python/PsoVina$ sh ./
python3: can't open file '': [Errno 2] No such file
or directory
python3: can't open file '': [Errno 2] No such file
or directory
python3: can't open file '': [Errno 2] No such file
or directory
python3: can't open file '': [Errno 2] No such file
or directory
So, it would appear that the log file labels are in the workspace, but
'${d}.log' is not being recognized as fname by genfromtxt. Although I
have googled every combination of terms I can think of I am obviously
missing something.
As I have potentially hundreds of files to process, I would appreciate
pointers towards a solution to the problem.
Thanks in advance.
Python does no now know ${d} as used in the shell script.
If you want do use a command-line argument passed to your Python script you can use argparse or the sys module.
argparse is a more mighty, so you could first try sys:
sys.argv[0] # name of the Python script.
sys.argv[1] # command line arguments 1
sys.argv[n] # command line arguments n
See here.
I can create your error message with:
0029:~/mypy$ python3 foobar
python3: can't open file 'foobar': [Errno 2] No such file or directory
foobar is a random name, and clearly not present in the Python path.
So you haven't even started, much less run into problems with genfromtxt. So most of your question isn't relevant.

nomencl latex won't show output

\nomenclature{$k$}{set of hourly intervals}
I am trying to run this nomenclature code using TexStudio. I get error everytime, even if I already specified the makeindex as what I read from other reviews.
Here is what I specified:
makeindex (arb).nlo -s -o (arb).nls
NOTE: where arb is the filename of my tex.
Everytime I ran the code, there are no errors. However, when I check via TOOLS/INDEX ,the errors are:
Process started: makeindex (arb).nlo -s -o (arb).nls
Input index file (arb).nlo not found. Usage: makeindex [-ilqrcgLT] [-s sty]
[-o ind] [-t log] [-p num] [idx0 idx1 ...]
Process exited with error(s)
THANKS hopefully for the help
The titlesec package does not work in combination with the IEEEtran document class. During compilation it causes the error Undefined control sequence. \ttl#extract\subparagraph. Without an successfully tex run first, makeindex will not have the necessary information to create the index.
Once this problem is fixed, the nomenclatur can be generated with
makeindex ⟨filename⟩.nlo -s -o ⟨filename⟩.nls
\nomenclature{$k$}{set of hourly intervals}
\nomenclature{$d$}{set of daily intervals}
makeindex %.nlo -s -o %.nls -t %.nlg
I have somehow solve this problem after various tries, I change the index which is above and it ran smoothly without errors in TeXStudio even if titlesec package is use.
NOTE: To add multiple nomenclatures, every time you encode the nomenclature, test index via Tools then RUN. it will solve the mentioned problems.

How to resolve the issue "Can't find import Effects" in Idris?

I was trying to compile the following "hello world" source file after some time away from Idris using a nix-shell environment (direction):
module Main
import Effects
import Effect.StdIO
hello : Eff () [STDIO]
hello = putStrLn "Hello world!"
main : IO ()
main = run hello
My output was as follows during the experimentation; despite specifying what seems to be the right library, I still get the same error at the end:
[nix-shell:~/workspace/idris_tmp]$ idris --listlibs
[nix-shell:~/workspace/idris_tmp]$ exit
$ nix-shell -p 'idrisPackages.with-packages (with idrisPackages; [ contrib effects ])' -p closurecompiler
these derivations will be built:
these paths will be fetched (1.55 MiB download, 4.37 MiB unpacked):
copying path '/nix/store/a9rjm84pbmvg6dmkdzhl9q1wliyi0q4b-idris-contrib-1.3.0' from ''...
copying path '/nix/store/1fcldlyp5n0ry22dsqfam68mpra6jky9-idris-effects-1.3.0' from ''...
building '/nix/store/j44rkb0fpxqd4qkamrg1ysf9kbx1q2qa-idris-1.3.0.drv'...
propagated-build-inputs: /nix/store/1fcldlyp5n0ry22dsqfam68mpra6jky9-idris-effects-1.3.0/nix-support/propagated-build-inputs
propagated-build-inputs: /nix/store/1fcldlyp5n0ry22dsqfam68mpra6jky9-idris-effects-1.3.0/nix-support/propagated-build-inputs
propagated-build-inputs: /nix/store/1fcldlyp5n0ry22dsqfam68mpra6jky9-idris-effects-1.3.0/nix-support/propagated-build-inputs
[nix-shell:~/workspace/idris_tmp]$ idris --listlibs
[nix-shell:~/workspace/idris_tmp]$ idris --codegen javascript hello.idr -o hello.js
Can't find import Effects
Try to add -p effects to your commandline as in
idris -p effects --codegen javascript hello.idr -o hello.js
this will load the additional library/package. You can avoid doing this by defining an ipkg file, which describes your build. See here: