SQL Server Compact. There was an error parsing the query - sql

I cannot figure out why this is not working. I get the same thing when I try to do an update query as well.
Here is the error " There was an error parsing the query. [ Token line number = 1,Token line offset = 43,Token in error = where ] "
Here is the actual Query INSERT INTO ads (title,price,body,enabled,where,interval,posted) VALUES('test','899','test',True,'Columbus',15,'11/25/2009 10:12:30 AM')
Where would be 'Columbus'
I am using visual studio express 2008 C#

WHERE is a reserved word, try wrapping it in brackets
INSERT INTO ads (title,price,body,enabled,[where],interval,posted)
VALUES('test','899','test',True,'Columbus',15,'11/25/2009 10:12:30 AM')

i think you should provide the value of the primary key in your insert statement,maybe SQL Server Compact databases are not generated automatically or you dont configure that.
I had the same problem this is the INSERT statement which was not working and got the same error:
INSERT INTO Customers(CustomerName,CustomerAddress,CustomerPhone)
VALUES ('Osama','Amman','656565')
this is the INSERT statement which was working fine:
INSERT INTO Customers(CustomerID,CustomerName,CustomerAddress,CustomerPhone)
VALUES ('4564','Osama','Amman','656565')
also if you have in your table columns with names have spaces like (Customer Name)
you must use brackets in your sqlCe statement as:
INSERT INTO Customers([CustomerID],[Customer Name],[Customer Address],[Customer Phone])
VALUES ('4564','Osama','Amman','656565')
also if you use SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY() to get last record inserted in INSERT Statement
INSERT INTO Customers(CustomerID,CustomerName,CustomerAddress,CustomerPhone)
VALUES ('4564','Osama','Amman','656565') SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY()
don't use it...


Insert a column with single quote or Apostrophe in Oracle

I am trying to insert into Table Users from Person table.
However, The first_name column in the person table contains apostrophe in the name (Eg- Rus'sell) which is preventing me from successful insertion. How do I fix this?
First of all, your insert statement is syntactically incorrect. It will raise ORA-00936: missing expression. The correct syntax to insert multiple records from source table is:
INSERT INTO table_name SELECT columns_list FROM source_table;
The VALUES keyword is used to insert a single record into table using following syntax:
INSERT INTO table_name(columns_list) VALUES (expressions_list);
If you already have the value stored in another table, then simple INSERT INTO..SELECT FROM should work without any issues. However, if you are trying to INSERT INTO..VALUES having single quotation marks, then the best way is to use Quoting string literal technique The syntax is q'[...]', where the "[" and "]" characters can be any of the following as long as they do not already appear in the string.
[ ]
{ }
( )
< >
You don't have to worry about the single-quotation marks within the string.
create table t(name varchar2(100));
insert into t values (q'[Rus'sell]');
insert into t values (q'[There's a ' quote and here's some more ' ' ']');
select * from t;
There's a ' quote and here's some more ' ' '
I don't think your question is showing the complete details, because I can execute the following statements without any problem:
create table person( first_name varchar2(100));
create table users( first_name varchar2(100));
insert into person values ('Rus''sell');
insert into users select first_name from person;
Apologies for the obscurity if any in the question. The query I was working with was a long insert query with multiple joins.
To sum it was a stored proc where I was doing an insert, for which the data is given by long select query with multiple joins. One of the column is the FIRST_NAME column which had some values with Apostrophe in it (Rus'sell, Sa'm).
The Insert statement values were being generated as below which was causing an 'ORA-00917: missing comma' error.
INSERT INTO TABLE_NAME values (314159,0,'Rus'sell','Parks','...........)
I fixed this by Replacing the column in the select from a single quote to two single quotes, before giving it to the insert statement which basically solved the issue.
Hope it helps.

syntax error when trying to input date and time

I just started with SQL and I'm having a problem when trying to insert an date and time.
The table structure:
DataCont DATE,
HoraCont TIME
Code I'm trying to use to insert date and time:
INSERT INTO Voo_Pac (codReserva, DataCont, HoraCont)
VALUES (1), (15-08-2019), (12:13:52);
When I try to execute the code, it gives me the following message:
Error 1: could not prepare statement (1 near ":13": syntax error)
I assume you are using MySQL/MariaDB/SQL Server because of the TIME datatype?
Your insert should be
INSERT INTO Voo_Pac (codReserva, DataCont, HoraCont)
VALUES (1, '2019-08-15', '12:13:52');
see demo
You at least need quotes. And depending on your DB maybe a CAST to the apropiated type
INSERT INTO Voo_Pac (codReserva, DataCont, HoraCont)
VALUES 1, '15-08-2019', '12:13:52';

Visual Basic 6 sql error

I am trying to insert a user into my database using the following insert statement
insert into [user] (username,password,idnumber,address,phonenumber,isAdmin,vehicleid) values ('Langton','123456','63-222-78393','3 where reaod who','999300324',False,0)
But when I run the code it tells me there is a syntax error in my insert statement, what could be the problem.
HiYou missed the quotes for 'False'
The problem lies with your vehicleid, this has to have a value and '0' is an incorrect number for a record/field. Change this to '1' or more.

Oracle SQL Syntax Error - missing comma

Below is a line of one of my insert statements, it keeps throwing a missing comma error - however Im either blind as a bat or going stupid?!
INSERT INTO barrister (barrister_id,firstname,surname,telephone,email_address)
VALUES (NEXT VALUE FOR sq_barrister, 'John', 'Smith',
'01392345465', 'john_smith#wtflawers.com');
Raul is right. NEXT VALUE FOR is from SQL Server. In Oracle, use

Insert empty string into INT column for SQL Server

A SAMPLE table has only one column ID of type int, default null.
In Oracle when I do:
insert into SAMPLE (ID) values ('');
the new record is added with blank value. But in SQL Server 2008, when I run the same insert statement, the new record has the value of 0.
Is there a way to force SQL Server 2008 to default blank string to NULL instead of 0 (for numerical type of columns)?
Assuming that your INSERT statement is part of a stored procedure re-used in many places of your application (or, perhaps, is a batch always constructed by the same part of the client code) and that the inserted value is a number passed as a string argument, you could modify the INSERT like this:
Use NULL instead.
insert into SAMPLE (ID) values (NULL);
How about another idea - define an INSTEAD OF INSERT Trigger.
Despite the fact that you're trying to insert a string, with this the operation is "intercepted", empty string is replaced by NULL, and the insert succeeds.
If you define this trigger on your table, then you can continue to insert empty string as before, with no other changes.
Edit: As Martin Smith points out, this effectively is a comparison to 0 (the equivalent of empty string as an int) meaning you won't be able to store 0 in this table. I leave this answer here in case that's acceptable to your situation - either that or re-do all your queries!
CREATE TRIGGER EmptyStringTrigger
FROM inserted
SQL Fiddle example
You can't insert a 'string' into a int column. Oracle must be just handling that for you.
Just try inserting NULL if that's what you need.
insert into SAMPLE (ID) values (NULL);
One more option
insert into SAMPLE (ID) values (DEFAULT)