Release problems with Nexus + Maven + Hudson - maven-2

When using the release plug-in for Maven on Hudson(1.368), I am getting an error that my distributionManagement section is missing during the deployment phase to our Nexus Maven Repository Manager. If I deploy without using release It woks just fine so should not be a misconfiguration with the server, the section or the settings.
It is worth noting that my company uses different pom files for Hudson and have named them differently. Also the settings.xml in in the individual project directories. This has never been a problem as Hudson allows for the name of the pom and the location and name of the settings file to be specified.
The reason I note the above is that when distributionManagement is moved into the regular pom.xml it does find it (but still doesn't work because its missing the username and password in the settings file). This confuses the heck out of me since for the prior parts of the release process, it uses the correct pom and settings. It just seems to forget them later on. What is going on here?
Thank you in advance.
It seems that the maven release plug-in spins up a new instance of maven which, it seems, is using the default pom.xml rather than our differently named pom. More testing is needed.

The answer (for any lost souls who stumble upon this question) is that maven was indeed forking out a new process which was not using the correct pom file and settings. The solution was to add a section to the pom file as thus:
<goals>-f POMFILE -s SETTINGSFILE deploy</goals>
This specified those two files to the new maven process.

If I deploy without using release It woks just fine so should not be a misconfiguration with the server, the section or the settings.
Well, there is clearly a misconfiguration somewhere, be it at the Hudson level. But it will be hard to spot it without seeing the pom, the settings, the active profiles, the profiles used during the release, the Hudson setup, etc.
First step: try to reproduce the problem on the command line using the exact same configuration as Hudson.
Second step: use the Maven Help Plugin to understand and debug the issue. More specifically, the following goals:
The reason I note the above is that when distributionManagement is moved into the regular pom.xml it does find it (but still doesn't work because its missing the username and password in the settings file).
It's unclear where the distributionManagement is specified if outside the project's pom.xml (in a corporate environment, it goes typically in a corporate pom.xml, is it the case here?).
It's also unclear if you are actually providing the username and password for a server id matching the repository id of the distributionManagement.
But somehow, a wrong combination is used here. Double check what profiles/settings are active during release/deploy to spot the problem as suggested.
See also
The Maven Deploy Plugin Usage page


Arquillian Shrinkwrap provide custom settings.xml file

I have set up a arquillian project and it all works fine locally but when running the maven build on our continuous integration box it fails. I managed to get to the bottom of the problem and it is because the maven user settings.xml file on the CI box actually has some server definitions (for another project) whereas locally to my machine it is the default file (with no servers defined). The tests throw a RuntimeException because the MavenResolver goes looking for settings-security.xml file which doesn't exist on the CI box.
I would prefer not to go adding the settings-security.xml and instead would like to provide the resolver with a 'empty' settings.xml file, or even better, tell it not to use one. Is this possible?
I tried the answer from this thread which pretty much says to add the following option to the failsafe plugin:
<version>2.9</version><!-- or upper -->
If i do this and provide an xml file that doesnt exist all work fine from the command line running 'mvn clean install' but when i debug within my IDE it still fails.
Is there a way i can either:
Tell the maven resolver not to use a settings.xml / use a 'default' file
Create an empty settings.xml in my project and tell the maven resolver to use that
I did try the following line in my code to build my archive but it didnt seem to have an effect:
Thanks for any help,
ShrinkWrap resolver by default loads settings-security.xml from
DEFAULT_SETTINGS_SECURITY_PATH = userHome == null ? ".settings-security.xml" : userHome.concat("/.m2/settings-security.xml").replace('/', File.separatorChar);
but you can override this location by setting
When alternative location (non-empty string) is provided theoretically it should skip the default location. However I am not 100% sure this method will work.

Maven is using incorrect location for downloading plugin pom

(This question is asked on Maven User mailing list too)
I have recently faced a strange problem, that I cannot even able to judge the cause or source of problem. It will be great if someone can give me some direction:
(The story may be a bit long)
I am using Nexus 1.8.0 as our company's repository manager. I use it as proxy of external repo, and hosting our own repository.
There are many repositories in Nexus. I have one repository group (let's call it PUBLIC) which groups all public repositories, including maven central, codehaus etc.
There is another repository group (let's call it EXT) which we put 3rd party artifacts.
In our project, we used org.codehaus.mojo:native2ascii-maven-plugin.
Due to a bug at that time, instead of using the publicly available org.codehaus.mojo:native2ascii-maven-plugin:1.0-alpha-1, I have fixed the bug and deploy it to our EXT repository, and called it org.codehaus.mojo:native2ascii-maven-plugin:1.0-alpha-1.1 (i.e. used a new version number 1.0-alpha-1.1 instead of 1.0-alpha-1)
This have been running fine for several years.
However recently a new developer tries to get the code and build, using Maven 2.2.1. Strange things happened: the build failed. By inspecting result of mvn -X clean install, it states that POM of native2ascii-maven-plugin:1.0-alpha-1.1 cannot be downloaded from PUBLIC, therefore it will use a default emtpy POM, which cause the build problem.
By inspecting the local repository, I found that only the JAR of native2ascii-maven-plugin:1.0-alpha-1.1 was downloaded. I am sure that there is no native2ascii-maven-plugin:1.0-alpha-1.1 in PUBLIC repository, and the SHA of the JAR matches with native2ascii-maven-plugin:1.0-alpha-1.1 in EXT. It seems that, Maven is capable to download the JAR correctly from EXT repo, but when it tries to download the POM afterwards, Maven mistakenly think that it should be downloaded from PUBLIC. Because PUBLIC do not contains 1.0-alpha-1.1, Maven assume there is no POM.
I have EXT repo defined before PUBLIC in my settings.xml. What even more strange is, I tried to block accessing in Nexus for native2ascii-maven-plugin from PUBLIC. Maven, instead of getting the POM from repository EXT, it get from central directly. At last I add PUBLIC as mirror for central, and Maven can build correctly, because EXT is the the only repo that contains native2ascii-maven-plugin. Maven seems tries to download the POM from every repository else which contains native2ascii-maven-plugin in despite of the version number, except from EXT
I simply cannot understand why this will happen. This have been used for years, and it used to be fine even several weeks before (I have other new developers, who can correctly download the plugin, several weeks ago). May anyone guide me the possible cause of the problem? I have neither changed anything in my repo, nor changed version of Maven. Why Maven's "download" behavior suddenly changed?
It's hard to say.
First my theory on why it no longer works. I am guessing this "worked for years" because at one time it worked, and afterwards everything was in your local repository (<home>/.m2/repository). Later, something broke, but you never noticed because you had everything local. The new developer did not have a populated local repository so when they built for the first time, they had failures.
Now my suggestion which may not work out for you. When using Nexus, I think its best to create a single "group" repository that links in all other repositories, and configure the group to order the priority of the linked repositories. So for you, in the group, you would list EXT first, then PUBLIC. Your POMs and/or settings would reference only the group repository. This may just duplicate what you are already doing through other means, but at least it is moving the ordering rules up into Nexus. I would rename your local repository (so you can revert back if necessary) and try re-building to see if everything resolves correctly.
You might want to consider a continuous build tool like Hudson that periodically deletes its own local repository so you can catch issues like this sooner.
At last I managed to find out the "cause" of the problem. It is due to my fault, combined with still-unknown behavior of Maven. I add this as an answer to ease future reference for other people.
They key problem is that I missed plugin version for this specific project (I did put corresponding pluginManagement for other projects, and other plugins for this project... I wonder how come I made this mistake this time)
The way to reproduce the problem:
A separate repository to store the plugin (in my case, org.codehaus.mojo:native2ascii-maven-plugin:1.0-alpha-1.1)
In project POM, add plugin, without version. For example,
in settings.xml, avoid defining mirrors (i.e. the settings.xml contains list of repositories and pluginRepositories only)
With such setup, first purge the local repository. Then build the project. After build, inspect the directory in local repository for that plugin (in my case .m2\repository\org\codehaus\mojo\native2ascii-maven-plugin\1.0-alpha-1.1), you will find only the JAR presents, without corresponding POM. (Caused by Maven successfully get the plugin JAR corresponding to the pluginRepositories in settings.xml, but trying to get the POM from a weird location)
With the same setup, put the version in project POM, clean up the local repo, and build again. Everything is fine now.
The reason for work fine even for a recently clean CI environment, is probably due to other "correct" project made the plugin downloaded correctly, which can be used by this "incorrect" project. A periodic purge in local repository in CI won't necessary help much on this too because for that many projects, the chance is always very high for other "correct" project build earlier than that "incorrect" project.
The reason behind such behavior of Maven is still unknown, but at least in a "correct" POM (with plugin version correctly declared), Maven works fine. I will raise this as a issue for Maven though.
I'd start off by agreeing with SingleShot in that Continuous Integration - even a simple smoke test where you simply compile and run unit tests on the trunk - would have prevented you getting into the situation of assuming that the because the build works on one machine, it does not work on the other.
This have been running fine for several years.
That's the kicker with Maven repositories - all you need to do is download it once succesfully, and you'll be forever good to go. Just because it's been working successfully from your local repository doesn't mean it was working.
It is fine several months ago (coz I have migrated our CI server and I have a clean env to build, and everything is fine).
Interesting. So my theory would be then to go and make sure the new developer is set up correctly - that the settings.xml file is in place and is being read (I've had instances that the settings.xml is THERE, but in the wrong place!). It's a simple one, but Maven does not fail if there's no settings.xml, it just uses a default that may have you seeing ghosts.
You mentioned that you use maven 2.2.1 and I can only ask you to doublecheck, we had some strange behavior concerning downloading jars from internal repo that was caused by OSX Lion update that comes with maven3. Our fix was to redeploy affected project.

Maven Checkstyle Plugin - Test XREF

My maven reports are working great, all except Checkstyle and test xref. My test source is still being cross referenced at xref and not the test xref. So, when I click on the xref from within a Checkstyle report, I naturally get an error, the file isn't found. If I click on a source file, it works perfectly.
I tried testXrefLocation in the configuration to no avail. Is this by design, or am I missing a configuration?
mvn clean install site
In my target directory where all this stuff is generated, I have both xref and xref-test. However, my checkstyle reports for my test source code are still linked to target/xref and not target/xref-test.
Also, FYI, I am using a lot of inheritance to reduce the amount of configuration in a single Maven POM. Therefore, this plugin belongs to a parent pom which declares which plugins I want to use for testing. I have another that says I want to generate javadoc and source in addition to the compiled code.
I actually ended up removing this configuration in favor of using Sonar since it gives me much more information with a nicer UI.

Publishing POMs via Maven and inserting build version info

I'm building Maven projects via TeamCity/Git and trying to insert the TeamCity build numbers in the pom.xml that gets published to my repository upon a successful build. Unfortunately I can't determine how to publish a pom.xml with the substitutions inserted.
My pom.xml contains info like:
where build.number is provided by TeamCity. That all builds ok, and if (say) build.number = 0.1, then the deployment is a pom.xml to a directory with 0.1. All well and good.
However, the pom.xml that is deployed is the pom.xml without the substitutions made. i.e. Maven is running with a pom.xml with appropriate substitutions, but deploys the initial version and so I get
in the final pom.xml. How can I get the build version number in the pom.xml ?
I wouldn't use this approach because it makes building a project checked out from the SCM not possible without providing the build.number property. I don't think that this is a good thing. Maybe I'm missing something though.
Actually, I don't get what you are trying to achieve exactly (why don't you write the build number in the manifest for example). But, according to the Maven Features on the Teamcity website:
By default, it also keeps TeamCity build number in sync with the Maven version number (...).
Couldn't that be helpful? There is another thread about this here.
Try to use generateReleasePoms property of maven-realease-plugin, maybe that helps a little.

Maven and Spring

Hi i am studying Spring In Action 2.0 and i am new to maven.
I am walking through the chapters and codes but i i got following error when i imported project through pom.xml on the pom editor in eclipse.
6/21/09 3:19:42 AM CDT: Missing
indirectly referenced artifact
6/21/09 3:19:42 AM CDT: Missing
indirectly referenced artifact
I downloaded the jar file and added to the library. still it does not work.
I am stuck what to do next? Can anyone help me with this?
Thanks in advance.
The referenced jars aren't available on the Maven2 central repository, so unless you have an additional repository declaration in your POM or an active profile in your settings, Maven will not know where to obtain the artifacts from.
There are a few public repositories like here and here hosting these artifacts.
To use these repositories you could add the relevant repository declaration to your POM or settings. See here for an example configuration.
Alternatively if you don't trust the repositories you could manually download the jars and put them into your local Maven repository, though you'd need to be careful to replicate the structure Maven expects, and you may well encounter the same problem for different jars.
Another alternative is to use a Maven repository manager like Nexus or Artifactory, to manage Maven's interactions with external repositories, though that is almost certainly too much information if you're just starting out.
For general help/information on Maven, check out the Maven book.