Loading XML Files into VB.Net Structures - vb.net

I have many, (15-20) different XML files that I need to load to VB.Net. They're designed as they would be in a database; they're designed in Access and bulk exported into XML files. Each file represents a different table in the database.
Now, I need to load this information into VB.Net. Initially, I'd love to use DAO and access the MDB directly via queries, but this won't be possible as I'm making sure the project will be easily ported to XNA/C# down the road. (Xbox 360 cannot use MDBs, so I'd rather deal with this problem now than down the road).
So, I'm stuck now trying to figure out how to wrangle together all of these XML files together. I've tried using Factories to parse each one individually. E.g., if three XML files contain data for a 'character' class, i'd pass in an instance of Character to each XML factory and the classes would apply the necessary data.
I'm trying to get past this though, as maintaining many different classes with redundant code is a pain. plus it is hard to debug as well. So I'm trying to figure out a new solution.
The only thing I can think of right now is using System.Reflection, where I parse through each member of the class/structure I'm instantiating, and then using the names of those members to read in the data from that element of the XML file.
However, this makes the assumption that each member of the structure/class has a matching element in the XML file, and vice-versa.

If you know the schema of the XML files - you could create .NET classes that can deserialize one of those XML files into an instance of a .NET object.
You can also you use xsd.exe (comes with Windows SDK download) to generate the .NET class definition for you if you have an XSD file (or can write an XSD easier than you can write a serializable .NET class).

Linq-to-XML is a good solution (and even better in VB.NET with things like XML Literals and Global Namespaces). Treating multiple XML files as DB tables can be a rough road some times, but certainly not impossible. I guess I'd start with JOIN (even though it has "C#" in the title, the samples are also in VB)..


How to write data to file in Kotlin

A little while ago, I started learning Kotlin, and I have done its basics, variables, classes, lists, and arrays, etc. but the book I was learning from seemed to miss one important aspect, reading and writing to a file, maybe a function like "fwrite" in C++
So I searched google, and yes, reading and writing bytes were easy enough. However, I being used to C++'s open personality, wanted to make a "kind of" database.
In C++ I would simply make a struct and keep appending it to a file, and then read all the stored objects one by one, by placing "fread" in a for loop or just reading into an array of the struct in one go, as the struct was simply just the bytes allocated to the variables inside it.
However in Kotlin, there is no struct, instead, we use Data Class to group data. I was hoping there was an equally easy way to store data in a file in form of Data Class and read it into maybe a List of that class, or if that is not possible, maybe some other way to store grouped data that would be easy to read and write.
Easiest way is to use a serialization library. Kotlin already provides something for that
Add KotlinX Serialization to your project, choose the serialization format you prefer (protobuf or cbor will fit, go for json if you prefer something more human readable although bigger in size), use the proper serializer for generating your ByteArray and write it to a file using Kotlin methods for that
Generating the ByteArray might be tricky, not sure as I'm telling this from memory. What I can tell for sure is that if you choose JSON you can get the string representation and write to a file. So I'm assuming the same will be valid for binary formats (but writing to a file in binary instead of strings)
What you need can be fulfilled by ROOM DATABASE
It is officially recommended by GOOGLE, It uses your Android application's internal Database which is made using SQLITE
You can read more info about ROOM at
It provided Data Object Class (DAO) and Entity Classes through which one can access the database TABLE using SQL Queries.
Also, it will check your queries at compile time for any errors in it.
Note: You need to have basic SQL Knowledge for building the queries for CRUD Operations

Create owl file from csv file

Currently I am using Protege application to add classes, sub classes for the added classes and label for each subclass/class. I have many classes and I am really fed up adding many of these manually. I have got all of these classes, sub-classes and labels in a csv file. Each row contains these three things- class,sub-class and label separated by comma.
I would like to create OWL file with all these classes. Is there any way I could automate the process?
This use case seems pretty close to what a tool named Populous does. See its description here
Populous presents users with a table based form in which columns are constrained to take values from particular ontologies. Populated tables are mapped to patterns that can then be used to automatically generate the ontology's content. These forms can be exported as spreadsheets, providing an interface that is much more familiar to many biologists.
The table/spreadsheet format is equivalent to CSV, so easy to convert. The project is Open Source, so easy to reuse the code to achieve your target.
See http://www.populous.org.uk/ for more details.

plist, sqlite3, xml?

I am wondering about the pros and cons to using different datasets.
I have working code that uses all three of the following datasets.
One pulls an .xml file off of my server
One accesses a copy of a SQLite3 database from within the app's bundle (it's a copy so that I can add to it, delete from it, and save changes
One accesses data from a .plist.
My question is, now that I have some experience creating these datasets and displaying their data in an app, why/when would I use one over the other?
xml file off your server:
Pros: You can update the XML file at any time to provide new data to the user, good to send to other platforms
Cons: Requires a network connection, have to parse the XML into Obj-C objects, there's no way to modify one value in an XML file without rewriting the entire file, XML files need extra metadata for parsing into the proper Obj-C types
sqlite file within your bundle:
Pros: Good for large datasets; you can do queries, sorts and read partial data; you can rewrite or add one row at a time; good to send to other platforms
Cons: Have to convert sqlite data into Obj-C objects (I like fmdb for this), to update the data you need to submit your app to Apple and have it approved
Pros: Good for smallish datasets, easy to read plist into an Obj-C container
Cons: Bad for large datasets (more than 1000 or so items), no way to update only one value without rewriting the entire file, hard to send to other platforms, have to submit your app to Apple and have it approved
You can also put a file (any format) within your bundle and also check your server for a more recent version.

VB.NET: Properly manage data from XML

Good morning all.
I'm relatively new to the Visual Basic realm (although a traditional web based script developer), i've come to ask you a question. I am reading data from an XML file. This local XML file will be updated by another application, and I will need to periodically re-evaluate the XML file, and only import new data into a list box. Furthermore, I want to be able to click on a particular item in the listbox, and display the other values about that particular XML entry.
So, I suppose this is a multi part question. What is the proper way to import only NEW data into the program, what is the proper way to store the data, and how do I associate a value in a listbox with the data stored elsewhere?
I've considered multidimensional arrays, but have been told that strings to char arrays and then back to strings is a terrible way to manage the data, but was never offered an alternative.
I will be satisfied with a list of topics to study up on and/or an example for an answer to this question.
I would probably use classes that implement INotifyPropertyChanged and a BindingList. Then you just need to listen to ListChanged events off of the list and update the list box then.
I have a blog post that discusses binding classes and interfaces if you want to learn more about them: Data Binding Classes, Interfaces, and Attributes in Windows Forms 2.0. It might be a little dated by now, I haven't reviewed it since I wrote it in March, 2007.
As a start look at the XmlDocument and XmlReader classes.
XmlDocument helps load a document into memory and allows you to look at the document in any way you desire, depending on the size of the file there may be implications as to how long pulling in the file takes
XmlReader allows access on the fly, and gives you access very much like a DataReader. I.e. keeping track of your position in the dataset and not retaining any data once you have inspected it.
For keeping a track of updates, it depends where the XML is stored.
If it is in a file a FileSystemWatcher may help in determining when you need to update....

Object serialization practical uses?

How many software projects have you worked on used object serialization? I personally never came across a scenario where object serialization was used. One use case i can think of is, a server software storing objects to disk to save memory. Are there other types of software where object serialization is essential or preferred over a database?
I've used object serialization in a lot of my projects. Sometimes we use it to store computer-specific settings locally. I have also used XML serialization to simplify interaction and generation of XML documents. It is also very beneficial in communication protocols. Serialize on one end and re-inflate on the other end.
Well, converting objects to XML or JSON is a form of serialization that is quite common on the web. I've also worked on a project where objects were created and serialized to a binary file in one application and then imported into another custom application (though that's fragile since it uses C# and serialization has broken in the past between versions of the .NET framework). Also, application settings that have a complex structure may be useful to serialize. I also think remoting APIs use serialization to communicate. Basically, serialization in general is simply a way to store the states of your objects, and this has many different uses.
Here are few uses I can think of :
Send an object across network, the most common example is serializing objects across a cluster
Serialize object for (sort of) caching, ie save the state in a file and read it back later
Serialize passive/huge data to a file to minimize the memory consumption and read it back whenever required.
I'm using serialization to pass objects across a TCP socket. You put XmlSerializers on either side, and it parses your data into readily available objects. If you do a little ground work, you can get it so that you're basically passing objects back and forth, and it makes socket communication extremely easy, reducing it to nothing more than socket.Send(myObject);.
Interprocess communication is a biggie.
you can combine db & serialization. f.ex. when you have to store an object with a lot of attributes (often dynamic, i.e. one object attribute set will be different from another one) to the relational DB, and you don't want to create a new column per each attribute
We started out with a system that serialized all of the thousands of in-memory objects to disk every 15 minutes or so. When that started taking too long we switched over to a mixed mode of saving the objects into a relational db and pickle file (this was a python system btw). Eventually the majority of the data was stored in a relational database. Interestingly, the system was written in such a way that all of the application code couldn't care less what was going on down there. It was all done using XP and thousands of automated tests.
Document based applications such as word processors and vector graphics editors will often serialize the document model to disk when the user invokes the Save command. Serialization is often preferred over complex databases in these apps.
Using serialization saves you time each time you want to implement an import/export functionality.
Every time you need to export your system's data, create backups or store some kind of settings, you could use serialization instead and just save the state of the objects that represent the actual config, data or whatever else.
Only when you need a specific format of the exported/imported data, there is a sense in building a custom parser and exporter/importer.
Serialization is also change-proof. Whenever you change the format of the object that is involved in the exchange functionality, it is automatically exportable and you don't have to change the logic behind your export/import parts.
We used it for a backup & update functionality. It was basically serialized hibernate objects being backed up, then the DB schema is altered through the update and we delivered a helper class that "coverted" the old objects to the new DB schema. This way we had a pretty solid update mechanism that wouldnt break easily and does an automatic backup at the same time.
I've used XML serialization heavily on one project. The technique was used to persist to database data structures that had no common structure, so the data couldn't be stored directly. I also used serialization to separate application settings that could be changed at runtime.