Programmatically make keyboard go away - objective-c

I made a text field but I didn't use Interface Builder, I did it programmatically in Xcode. So now I need a programmatic way to make it resign first responder so that the keyboard will go away when the user presses enter.

[textField resignFirstResponder];
if you want it to go away when enter is pressed, you will need to implement
- (BOOL)textFieldShouldReturn:(UITextField *)textField
in your UITextFieldDelegate

As addition to cobbal's answer, don't forget to set text field's delegate to the class that implements
- (BOOL)textFieldShouldReturn:(UITextField *)textField {
[textField resignFirstResponder];
return YES;
Adding descriptor to that class interface declaration is also a good thing.

I had this question my self and I realize that the above answer may not be what you're asking. My guess is you are adding UITextField as subviews to some view when you 'say double tap' (or some other event). It is important to make a controller the delegate of that subview.
-(void)handleDoubleTapGesture:(UITapGestureRecognizer *)gestureRecognizer{
//some other code creating the textfield
[aTextField setDelegate:self];
In this case I've used the controller itself.
Now inside that controller I can implement
-(BOOL) textFieldShouldReturn:(UITxtField *)textField
and it will work.


Click textfield and button disappears (it doesn't, but i want it to)

I have a textfield and a button. When I click inside the textfield, I want the button to disappear. I defined the textfield as both outlet and action ( with event “Did end on exit”). In the method for the textfield, I have self.testButton.hidden = YES; When I click inside the textfield, the button does not go away. Instead, it remains until I hit the return key on the keyboard – causing the keyboard to go away. I tried the same thing w/ touchup inside as the event on the text field. When you click in the text field, nothing happens to the button.
Instead of using the Target-Action mechanism ("Did end on exit" and "Touch Up Inside") use the Delegate mechanism.
First, make your class conform to the UITextFieldDelegate protocol. In your *.h (header) file add the following:
// Here I'm assuming your class is inheriting from UIViewcontroller but it
// may be inheriting from some other class. The really important part here
// is: <UITextFieldDelegate>. That's how you make your class conform to that protocol
#interface THE_NAME_OF_YOUR_CLASS : UIViewController <UITextFieldDelegate>
Second, implement the -(void)textFieldDidBeginEditing:(UITextField *)textField method. Also, remember to set yourself as the delegate too: self.textField.delegate = self. That way, the method will get called every time the user starts editing. Inside that methdod call self.testButton.hidden = YES;. In your *.m (implementation) file add the following:
-(void)viewDidLoad {
// here I'm assuming you have a 'strong' reference to your text field.
// You're going to need one to set yourself as the delegate.
self.textField.delegate = self;
// This is one of the methods defined in the UITextFieldDelegate protocol
-(void)textFieldDidBeginEditing:(UITextField *)textField {
self.testButton.hidden = YES;
Similarly, to make your button appear again, implement the - (void)textFieldDidEndEditing:(UITextField *)textField method. Inside it un-hide your button. Again, in your *.m file add the following:
// This is another method defined in the UITextFieldDelegate protocol
-(void)textFieldDidEndEditing:(UITextField *)textField {
self.testButton.hidden = NO;
Although delegates may be a mystery to you right now once you become familiar with them
you will realize they're very easy. And this is very important because iOS programming
relies heavily on delegates.
A delegate is a "notification" mechanism based on the "Hollywood" principle which is: don't call us; we'll call you.
In your case the class that contains the UITextField is interested in knowing when the UITextField begins editing and when it ends editing. But your class cannot be "polling" (that is, constantly asking) the text field to find out if the state changed. Instead you register your class with the text field and it will be the text field the one that will let you know when something happened. That will be thanks to the methods that you implemented.
Further reading: protocols and delegates
Hope this helps!
Have you made sure that testButton has its IBOutlet set before you hide it?
If you want to button to disappear when the user begins editing the text field, try UIControlEventEditingDidBegin.

UITableView reloadData causes UITextField to resignFirstResponder

I have a textField that is set to change the tableView's dataSource with each letter that's entered (and call reloadData).
But for some reason, every time a letter is entered, the keyboard is dismissed.
Anyone know why?
Your text field is resigning because reloaded cells are sent a -resignFirstResponder message due to the fact that their survival is not guaranteed after a reload. See this related question for more.
Use this method textFieldShouldReturn: and add UITextFieldDelegate delegate in yourClass.h file. set delegate to yourTextfield and write following code in viewDidLoad method.
yourTextfield.delegate = self;
and also implement the textFieldShouldReturn: as following as
- (BOOL)textFieldShouldReturn:(UITextField *)theTextField {
[theTextField resignFirstResponder];
return YES;
I think it will be helpful to you.

Make "Done" button work on TextField Keyboard

When adding a textfield, the keyboard opens correctly, however I cannot get the done button to work properly. I know thee are other similar posts, however for whatever reason they do not seem to work for me.
When I say "not work" i mean the keyboard does not close.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Add this and let me know:
- (BOOL)textFieldShouldReturn:(UITextField*)aTextField
[aTextField resignFirstResponder];
return YES;
Remember to add the viewController as delegate of your text field
I believe this is what you're looking for. Its a UITextFieldDelegate callback thats called anytime the Done/Return button is used on the keyboard.
- (BOOL)textFieldShouldReturn:(UITextField *)textField
[textField resignFirstResponder];
return YES;
You'll need the delegate in your interface
#interface Class : UIViewController <UITextFieldDelegate>
If you're textfield is in a ModalViewController using the FormSheet style you need this as well.
- (BOOL)disablesAutomaticKeyboardDismissal
return NO;

Keyboard not show onload

I want the keyboad show automatically onload, but it did not work as i expect
here is the code i use:
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
[seachBar2 setDelegate:self];
- (BOOL)Searchbar2ShouldReturn:(UISearchBar *)searchBar2 {
[searchBar2 becomeFirstResponder];
return YES;
Coud somebody will point me how to fix this
thank you somuch
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
[seachBar2 setDelegate:self];
[seachBar2 becomeFirstResponder];
Just came across this, and it helped but the answers are vague.
All you need to do now in iOS 5 is make an outlet connection to your object (for example a UITextField) and then in viewDidLoad method type;
[myTextField becomeFirstResponder];
or for your search bar
[searchBar2 becomeFirstResponder];
Make sure searchBar2 in your code points (IBOutlet) to the searchBar in the Interaface Builder.
in your code:
IBOutlet UISearchBar *searchBar2;
In IB:
goto the search bar's Connections Inspector (apple-2) and drag the Referencing Outlet to File Owner and select searchBar2
Hope this helps.
You do need to override viewDidAppear:, and verify it's actually being called (put a breakpoint or an NSLog() statement in there). You should also determine the language you're coding in (it's Objective C).
Your -Searchbar2ShouldReturn: method will never be called by the system. I think you may need to go back and work through a few of Apple's tutorials here; your grasp of the frameworks seems tenuous, at best.

In Cocoa/Interface Builder, how to clear text in textfield after button click

I am making a simple Twitter update application using MGTwitterEngine
And I can't seem to get the TextField in Interface Builder to clear the text after they click the "update" button. Is there an easy method that I could do this with or something in Interface Builder?
Thanks a lot!
IBOutlet NSTextField *textField;
[textField setStringValue:#""];
[textField display];
I think you also need to define a IBAction method like:
- (IBAction) clearText:(id) sender {
[textField setStringValue:#""];
[textField display];
You can now assign a button event (e.g. button down) to this action.
Be aware that it probably isn't when the button is pressed that the NSTextField is cleared, but when the tweet is uploaded.
Else you risk losing the tweet if it couldn't be sent for some reason.
[Not a solution to the direct question, but a solution to follow-up problem...]