What is wrong here? I'm confused... ToJSON Extension Method - vb.net

Given the following declaration:
<Extension()> Public Function ToJSON(ByVal target As Object) As String
Dim serializer = New System.Runtime.Serialization.Json.DataContractJsonSerializer(target.GetType)
Using ms As MemoryStream = New MemoryStream()
serializer.WriteObject(ms, target)
Dim bytes As Byte() = ms.ToArray()
Dim json As String = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytes, 0, bytes.Length)
Return json
End Using
End Function
And the following lines in the Page_Load of a test page:
Dim kvp = New System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair(Of String, Object)(
"date", New HttpCookie("woot", "yikes")
Put(New HttpCookie("woot", "yikes").ToJSON)
The first Put works perfect, and puts out the following JSON:
The second Put, however, throws a giant, ugly error as so:
Type 'System.Web.HttpCookie' with data contract name 'HttpCookie:http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/System.Web' is not expected. Consider using a DataContractResolver or add any types not known statically to the list of known types - for example, by using the KnownTypeAttribute attribute or by adding them to the list of known types passed to DataContractSerializer.
The third Put throws an error also, but COMPLETELY different:
Public member 'ToJSON' on type 'HttpCookie' not found.
And the fourth Put works perfect.
I am very confused why, when the first line works, and the Extension method is clearly being found on the HttpCookie object, why then in the 2nd and 3rd Puts does it NOT work, and why do I get a different error in both cases? Each of the first three Puts is trying to do the same thing - call the ToJSON extension method on the HttpCookie object.
All exposition welcome!

The problem with the third Put is that VB doesn't support extension methods on anything declared to be of type Object: VB.NET: impossible to use Extension method on System.Object instance
This will work: Put(ToJSON(kvp.Value))
And so will this:
Dim kvp = New System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair(Of String, HttpCookie)(
"date", New HttpCookie("woot", "yikes"))


How to pass a list (returned in a VB.net function) in VBScript?

I have a system function in VB.net that return a list of Strings (I've debugged this function).
And right now I need to call that system function in VBScript. How can I get that list of strings?
VB.net system function
Public Function someList As List(Of String)
Return List
End Function
Dim results
Set results = System.someList
For Each result In results
wscript.echo result
The problem is that VBScript doesn't understand Generic classes (or is it COM that is the problem?), so you'll have to convert your list to something non-generic such as ArrayList.
I had the same problem when trying to use my C# library from VBScript and I wrote a simple conversion function (in C#) to overcome this problem:
public ArrayList toArrayList(IEnumerable collection)
var arrayList = new ArrayList();
foreach (object element in collection)
return arrayList;
Some more helper functions I needed to get things working can be found here: ScriptingInteropHelper

How should I serialize a vb.NET object which has class attributes with JsonConvert?

I am trying to use Json.NET to serialize an object in vb.NET.
The object fails to serialize correctly. This seems to be because of some attributes on the class.
Below is the class definition – a very simple definition.
Here is the code to serialize:
Dim MyObject As New TestClass() With {.Property1 = "Hello", .Property2 = 3}
Dim Serialized As String = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(MyObject)
After the 2 lines above execute, the variable Serialized has the following value (which is not what I would expect or want):
When I remove the class attributes completely (just the class attributes, not the property attributes) and then execute the same 2 lines of code, the variable Serialized has the following value (which is what I would expect):
This is only an example: we have many such classes with these kinds of attributes. We need to serialize them with Json.NET.
Removing the attributes is not possible, the classes I am dealing with are part of a system of existing applications and WCF based web services (i.e. part of our system needs our current serialization system for WCF kept in place, and another part of our system needs to serialize the same class with Json .. I won't go into the "why" details, just that we are serializing thousands of such objects for database writes and have speed and space isues).
I realize also that I can use JsonTextWriter to serialize, but then we have maintenance issues – every time we add/remove a property we have to remember to maintain the serialization code appropriately.
So how must I serialize this class correctly without removing the attributes?
I have not seen anything on the NewtonSoft site, nor anywhere else, which addresses this specific problem.
Here again is the class definition, along with the attributes.
<System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute ("System.Xml", "2.0.50727.3053"), _
System.SerializableAttribute(), _
System.Diagnostics.DebuggerStepThroughAttribute(), _
System.ComponentModel.DesignerCategoryAttribute("code"), _
System.Xml.Serialization.XmlTypeAttribute ([Namespace]:="http://Namespace.com/SomePath/SomeXsd.xsd", TypeName:="TestClass"), _
System.ComponentModel.TypeConverterAttribute(GetType (System.ComponentModel.ExpandableObjectConverter))> _
Partial Public Class TestClass
Private _Property1 As String
Private _Property2 As Integer
<System.ComponentModel.Browsable(False), System.Xml.Serialization.XmlIgnoreAttribute()> _
Public Property Property1() As String
Return Me._Property1
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
If (Me._Property1 <> value) Then
Me._Property1 = value
End If
End Set
End Property
<System.ComponentModel.Browsable(False), System.Xml.Serialization.XmlIgnoreAttribute()> _
Public Property Property2() As String
Return Me._Property2
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
If (Me._Property2 <> value) Then
Me._Property2 = value
End If
End Set
End Property
End Class
The problem is the TypeConverterAttribute on your class. When Json.Net sees that, it will use the associated TypeConverter to convert the object to a string. In this case, it results in the class's type name being output.
You can override the unwanted behavior by adding a JsonObjectAttribute to the classes that have a TypeConverterAttribute applied. But since it appears that your classes are generated code, it might not be feasible to do that on an class-by-class basis unless you can modify the code generator. In that case, another alternative is to use a custom IContractResolver to force Json.Net to ignore the TypeConverter on classes that have it.
Here is the code you would need for the resolver:
Class TypeConverterIgnoringResolver
Inherits DefaultContractResolver
Protected Overrides Function CreateContract(objectType As Type) As JsonContract
If objectType.GetCustomAttributes(True) _
.OfType(Of System.ComponentModel.TypeConverterAttribute)() _
.Any() _
Return MyBase.CreateObjectContract(objectType)
End If
Return MyBase.CreateContract(objectType)
End Function
End Class
You can use the resolver like this:
Dim MyObject As New TestClass() With {.Property1 = "Hello", .Property2 = 3}
Dim Settings As New JsonSerializerSettings
Settings.ContractResolver = New TypeConverterIgnoringResolver()
Dim Serialized As String = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(MyObject, Settings)
Fiddle: https://dotnetfiddle.net/s6Ebmc
I guess you don't want to change your TestClass as it must have been generated by some tool, I would suggest to derive a new class from it:
Imports Newtonsoft.Json
Public Class OtherClass
Inherits TestClass
End Class
and use the attribute <JsonObject()>. This should do the trick:
Dim MyObject As New OtherClass() With {.Property1 = "Hello", .Property2 = 3}
Dim Serialized As String = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(MyObject)
Since you're already working with a Partial you can extend it creating a new one (in another folder):
Imports Newtonsoft.Json
Partial Public Class TestClass
End Class

Why is this Entity Framework association not loading lazily?

I'm using a Code First Entity Framework approach, and in my OnModelCreating function I have the following code:
With modelBuilder.Entity(Of FS_Item)()
.HasKey(Function(e) e.ItemKey)
.Property(Function(e) e.ItemRowVersion).IsConcurrencyToken()
.HasMany(Function(e) e.ItemInventories) _
.WithRequired(Function(e) e.Item).HasForeignKey(Function(e) e.ItemKey)
End With
Elsewhere I have a Web API Get implementation with some diagnostic code I'm looking at in a debugger:
Public Function GetValue(ByVal id As String) As FS_Item
GetValue = If(data.FS_Item.Where(Function(i) i.ItemNumber = id).SingleOrDefault(), New FS_Item())
Dim c = GetValue.ItemInventories.Count
End Function
I expect that c should get a non-zero value by looking up rows in the FS_Inventory view where ItemKey matches the retrieved FS_Item row's ItemKey. But I'm getting 0 even though there are matching rows. Am I calling .HasMany, .WithRequired and .HasForeignKey properly?
Note that .WithRequired is operating on the return value from the previous line whereas the other lines are operating on the With block expression.
Edit This model for FS_Item has been requested. Here it is:
Partial Public Class FS_Item
Public Property ItemNumber As String
Public Property ItemDescription As String
Public Property ItemUM As String
Public Property ItemRevision As String
Public Property MakeBuyCode As String
' Many many more properties
Public Property ItemRowVersion As Byte()
Public Property ItemKey As Integer
Private _ItemInventories As ICollection(Of FS_ItemInventory) = New HashSet(Of FS_ItemInventory)
Public Overridable Property ItemInventories As ICollection(Of FS_ItemInventory)
Return _ItemInventories
End Get
Friend Set(value As ICollection(Of FS_ItemInventory))
_ItemInventories = value
End Set
End Property
End Class
Edit Learned something interesting. If I change Dim c = GetValue.ItemInventories.Count to this:
Dim c = data.FS_ItemInventory.ToList()
Dim correctCount = GetValue.ItemInventories.Count
Then correctCount gets the value of 3. It's like it understands the association between the objects, but not how to automatically query them as I'm used to coming from LINQ-to-SQL. Is EF different somehow in this regard?
Edit I have determined that I can make the associated objects load using this explicit loading code:
data.Entry(GetValue).Collection(Function(e) e.ItemInventories).Load()
What I want to understand now is what exactly determines whether an entity will load lazily or not? From all indications I can find, it should have loaded lazily. I even tried changing the declaration of ItemInventories to this, but then I got a NullReferenceException when trying to access it:
Public Overridable Property ItemInventories As ICollection(Of FS_ItemInventory)
It turns out that code which I thought was unrelated had disabled lazy loading. I have this in the constructor of FSDB:
DirectCast(Me, IObjectContextAdapter).ObjectContext.ContextOptions.ProxyCreationEnabled = False
Thanks to EF 4 - Lazy Loading Without Proxies I see that this will also disable lazy loading. The reason that code had been added was due to another error:
with data contract name
is not expected. Consider using a DataContractResolver or add any
types not known statically to the list of known types - for example,
by using the KnownTypeAttribute attribute or by adding them to the
list of known types passed to DataContractSerializer.
And according to Serialization of Entity Framework objects with One to Many Relationship, the easy solution for that was to disable proxies.

Autovivified properties?

suppose I declare a class like this:
Class tst
Public Props As New Dictionary(Of String, MyProp)
End Class
and added properties something along these lines:
Dim t As New tst
t.Props.Add("Source", new MyProp(3))
but now want to access it like this:
how can I create a getter without knowing the name of the getter?
Ok, if you insist on "auto-vivifying", the only way I know of to do something like that is to generate the code as a string, and then compile it at runtime using the classes in the System.CodeDom.Compiler namespace. I've only ever used it to generate complete classes from scratch, so I don't know if you could even get it to work for what need to add properties to an already existing class, but perhaps you could if you compiled extension methods at runtime.
The .NET framework includes multiple implementations of the CodeDomeProvider class, one for each language. You will most likely be interested in the Microsoft.VisualBasic.VBCodeProvider class.
First, you'll need to create a CompilerParameters object. You'll want to fill its ReferencedAssemblies collection property with a list of all the libraries your generated code will need to reference. Set the GenerateExecutable property to False. Set GenerateInMemory to True.
Next, you'll need to create a string with the source code you want to compile. Then, call CompileAssemblyFromSource, passing it the CompilerParameters object and the string of source code.
The CompileAssemblyFromSource method will return a CompilerResults object. The Errors collection contains a list of compile errors, if there are any, and the CompiledAssembly property will be a reference to your compiled library (as an Assembly object). To create an instance of your dynamically compiled class, call the CompiledAssembly.CreateInstance method.
If you're just generating a small amount of code, it's pretty quick to compile it. But if it's a lot of code, you may notice an impact on performance.
Here's a simple example of how to generate a dynamic class containing a single dynamic property:
Option Strict Off
Imports System.CodeDom.Compiler
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
Imports System.Text
Public Class Form3
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim code As StringBuilder = New StringBuilder()
code.AppendLine("Namespace MyDynamicNamespace")
code.AppendLine(" Public Class MyDynamicClass")
code.AppendLine(" Public ReadOnly Property WelcomeMessage() As String")
code.AppendLine(" Get")
code.AppendLine(" Return ""Hello World""")
code.AppendLine(" End Get")
code.AppendLine(" End Property")
code.AppendLine(" End Class")
code.AppendLine("End Namespace")
Dim myDynamicObject As Object = generateObject(code.ToString(), "MyDynamicNamespace.MyDynamicClass")
End Sub
Private Function generateObject(ByVal code As String, ByVal typeName As String) As Object
Dim parameters As CompilerParameters = New CompilerParameters()
parameters.GenerateInMemory = True
parameters.GenerateExecutable = False
Dim provider As VBCodeProvider = New VBCodeProvider()
Dim results As CompilerResults = provider.CompileAssemblyFromSource(parameters, code)
If results.Errors.HasErrors Then
Throw New Exception("Failed to compile dynamic class")
End If
Return results.CompiledAssembly.CreateInstance(typeName)
End Function
End Class
Note, I never use Option Strict Off, but for the sake of simplicity in this example, I turned it off so I could simply call myDynamicObject.WelcomeMessage without writing all the reflection code myself.
Calling methods on objects using reflection can be painful and dangerous. Therefore, it can be helpful to provide a base class or interface in a shared assembly which is referenced by both the generated assembly, and the fixed assembly which calls the generated assembly. That way, you can use the dynamically generated objects through a strongly typed interface.
I figured based on your question that you were just more used to dynamic languages like JavaScript, so you were just thinking of a solution using the wrong mindset, not that you really needed to or even should be doing it this way. But, it is definitely useful in some situations to know how to do this in .NET. It's definitely not something you want to be doing on a regular basis, but, if you need to support custom scripts to perform complex validation or data transformations, something like this can be very useful.

How to load a class into the current instance within Sub New

Long term lurker, first time poster here.
I have written a class to model an object in vb.net, using vs2008 and framework 2.0. I am serializing the class to an XML file for persistent storage. I do this with a method in the class like this:
Public Sub SaveAs(ByVal filename As String)
Dim writer As New Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(GetType(MyNamespace.MyClass))
Dim file As New System.IO.StreamWriter(filename)
writer.Serialize(file, Me)
End Sub
I now want to do a similar thing but reading the class from file to the current instance, like this:
Public Sub New(ByVal filename As String)
Dim reader = New Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(GetType(MyNamespace.MyClass))
Dim file = New System.IO.StreamReader(FullPath)
Me = CType(reader.Deserialize(file), MyNamespace.MyClass)
End Sub
However, I cannot assign anything to “Me”. I’ve tried creating a temporary object to hold the file contents then copying each property and field over to the current instance. I iterated over the properties (using Reflection), but this soon gets messy, dealing with ReadOnly collection properties, for example. If I just copy each property manually I will have to remember to modify the procedure whenever I add a property in the future, so that sounds like a recipe for disaster.
I know that I could just use a separate function outside the class but many built-in .NET classes can instantiate themselves from file e.g. Dim bmp As New Bitmap(filename As String) and this seems very intuitive to me.
So can anyone suggest how to load a class into the current instance in the Sub New procedure? Many thanks in advance for any advice.
I'd put a shared load function on the class, that returned the newly de-serialised object.
Public Class MyClass
Public shared Function Load(ByVal filename As String) as MyClass
Dim reader = New Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(GetType(MyNamespace.MyClass))
Dim file = New System.IO.StreamReader(FullPath)
Return CType(reader.Deserialize(file), MyNamespace.MyClass)
End Sub
End Class
Dim mine as MyClass = MyClass.Load("MyObject.Xml");
Hope this helps
Encapsulate the data of your class in an inner, private class.
The properties on your outer visible class delegate to the inner class.
Then Serialising and De-serialising happens on the inner class, you can then have a ctor that takes the file name, de-serialises the inner hidden object, and assigns it to the classes data store.
The "New" method in VB.Net is a constructor for the class. You can't call it for an existing instance, as the whole purpose of the method is to create new instances; it's just not how the language works. Try naming the method something like "ReadFrom" or "LoadFrom" instead.
Additionally, given those methods, I would try to implement them using a Factory Pattern. The ReadFrom method would be marked Shared and return the new instance. I would also make the method more generic. My main ReadFrom() method would accept an open textreader or xmlreader or even just a stream, rather than a file name. I would then have overloads that converts a file name into a stream for reading and calls the main method.
Of course, that assumes I use that pattern in the first place. .Net already has great support for xml serialization built into the platform. Look into the System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer class and associated features.