String() variable in VB -

I'm trying to modify a program where there is a variable that stores all the specified file types in a String() variable. What I would like to do is to somehow append to this variable in any way if I want to search another directory or just grab another individual file. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
//Grab files from a directory with the *.txt or *.log as specified in the Combo Box
Dim strFiles As String()
strFiles = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(txtSource.Text, cmbtype.SelectedItem, IO.SearchOption.AllDirectories)
EDIT: Edited to include code snippet used.
Dim strFiles As String()
Dim listFiles As List(Of String)(strFiles)
If (cmbtype.SelectedItem = "All") Then
//Do stuff
For index As Integer = 1 To cmbtype.Items.Count - 1
Dim strFileTypes As String() = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(txtSource.Text, cmbtype.Items(index), IO.SearchOption.AllDirectories)
//Exit Sub
listFiles.Add(System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(txtSource.Text, cmbtype.SelectedItem, IO.SearchOption.AllDirectories).ToString())
End If

Right now you're using a String() which is an array of String instances. Arrays are not well suited for dynamically growing structures. A much better type is List(Of String). It is used in very similar manners to a String() but has a handy Add and AddRange method for appending data to the end.
Dim strFiles As New List(Of String)()
strFiles.AddRange(System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(txtSource.Text, cmbtype.SelectedItem, I

dim listFiles as list(of string)
listFiles = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(txtSource.Text, cmbtype.SelectedItem, IO.SearchOption.AllDirectories).ToList()

Related Apply function to items in a list

I have a list of string containing full file paths and I'd like to apply a function to each path in that list and get the result in the same or a new list.
Dim Remove As New List(Of String)
Function FileName(spth As String) As String
'Returns filename with extension from full path
Return System.IO.Path.GetFileName(spth)
End Function
The end result I'd like is for the list Remove to contain the following. I know I could use a loop to do this but I've been learning about lambda expressions lately and feel there should be a simple solution to this.
{"045-0201.iam", "212-D017.ipt", "211-W01.iam"}
Try this
Dim Remove As New List(Of String)
Remove = Remove.Select(Function(s)
Return IO.Path.GetFileName(s)
End Function).ToList
Calling Select and ToList on the existing List is most likely fine and what most people would do. It's worth being aware, though, that that will not modify the existing collection but rather return a new one. If you only have the one reference to that list then that's not a big deal but other references to the existing list will not see the change, e.g.
Dim fileNames As New List(Of String) From {"C:\Folder\File1.ext",
Dim temp = fileNames
fileNames = fileNames.Select(Function(s) Path.GetFileName(s)).ToList()
For Each fileName In fileNames
For Each fileName In temp
If you run that then you'll see that the first loop displays just the files names but the second loop displays the full paths, because it still refers to the original list.
If that's a problem, there is another way to do this without an explicit loop:
Dim fileNames As New List(Of String) From {"C:\Folder\File1.ext",
Dim temp = fileNames
Array.ForEach(Enumerable.Range(0, fileNames.Count).ToArray(),
Sub(i) fileNames(i) = Path.GetFileName(fileNames(i)))
For Each fileName In fileNames
For Each fileName In temp
If you run that then you'll see that both loops display just the file names because there's only one list.
That said, if the first code posed a problem because of multiple references to the list, I'd just use a loop.
I know you stated that you'd want something other than a loop, but there really is no needfor anything fancy here. By the way, writing Remove.Add sounds like a riddle.
Sub Main()
Dim Remove As New List(Of String)
Console.WriteLine("Before execution")
For Each s As String In Remove
For i As Integer = 0 To Remove.Count - 1
Remove(i) = MyFunction(Remove(i))
Console.WriteLine("After execution")
For Each s As String In Remove
End Sub
Private Function MyFunction(path As String) As String
Return IO.Path.GetFileName(path)
End Function
This outputs:

Getfile with multiple extension filter and order by file name

i am working on desktop i need that files coming from directory is in with extension .txt and .sql and also need that files coming in order by folder name. in need both together how to do it?
Dim s As String = Txtfolder.Text
Dim files As List(Of String) = New List(Of String)()
For Each f As String In Directory.GetFiles(s, "*.*").Where(Function(f1) f1.EndsWith(".sql") OrElse f1.EndsWith(".txt")).OrderBy(Function(f) f.LastWriteTime).First()
For Each d As String In Directory.GetDirectories(s)
Catch excpt As System.Exception
End Try
Private Function DirSearch(ByVal sDir As String) As List(Of String)
Dim files As List(Of String) = New List(Of String)()
For Each f As String In Directory.GetFiles(sDir, "*.*").Where(Function(f1) f1.EndsWith(".sql") OrElse f1.EndsWith(".txt"))
For Each d As String In Directory.GetDirectories(sDir)
Catch excpt As System.Exception
End Try
Return files
End Function
Here is an example of option 1 from my comment, i.e. get all file paths and filter yourself:
Dim folderPath = "folder path here"
Dim filePaths = Directory.GetFiles(folderPath).
Where(Function(s) {".txt", ".sql"}.Contains(Path.GetExtension(s))).
OrderBy(Function(s) Path.GetFileName(s)).
Here's an example of option 2, i.e. get paths by extension and combine:
Dim folderPath = "folder path here"
Dim filePaths = Directory.GetFiles(folderPath, "*.txt").
Concat(Directory.GetFiles(folderPath, "*.sql")).
OrderBy(Function(s) Path.GetFileName(s)).
An alternative method, which allows searching for multiple directories and filtering the results using multiple search patterns.
It returns an ordered List(Of String):
Private Function DirSearch(ByVal sDirList As String(), SearchPatter As String()) As List(Of String)
Return sDirList.SelectMany(
Function(dir) SearchPatter.SelectMany(
Return Directory.GetFiles(dir, filter, SearchOption.AllDirectories)
End Function).OrderBy(Function(xDir) xDir)).ToList()
End Function
You can pass the method a list of paths and a list of extensions:
Dim SearchPaths As String() = New String() {"[Directory1]", "[Directory2]"}
Dim ItemSearchPattern As String() = New String() {"*.txt", "*.sql", "*.jpg"}
Dim DirListing As List(Of String) = DirSearch(SearchPaths, ItemSearchPattern)
Extract the content of a sigle directory with:
Dim FilesInDir As List(Of String) = DirListing.
Where(Function(entry) entry.ToUpper().
This is a case insensitive filter. Remove (ToUpper()) for a case sensitive one.

VB.NET - Reading a text file containing tab-separated integers/doubles and storing them in arrays

I have a text file containing tab-seperated integers and doubles, e.g.:
What I need is a convenient way to access each line as a double array in VB.NET - so that the first array would be [5.0 0.3 2.9 61.0 110.0], the second array would be [8.0 1.1 5.2 13.0 45.0], and so on...
How can this be accomplished using the StreamReader?
If it's ok to use a list of lists instead of a list of arrays, you can just do this:
Private Function LoadFile(ByVal filePath As String) As List(Of List(Of Double))
Dim records As New List(Of List(Of Double))()
For Each line As String In File.ReadAllLines(filePath)
Dim values As New List(Of Double)()
For Each field As String In line.Split(New String() {ControlChars.Tab}, StringSplitOptions.None)
Return records
End Function
Or, if it must be a list of arrays, you could do this:
Private Function LoadFileToArrays(ByVal filePath As String) As List(Of Double())
Dim records As New List(Of Double())()
For Each line As String In File.ReadAllLines(filePath)
Dim values As New List(Of Double)()
For Each field As String In line.Split(New String() {ControlChars.Tab}, StringSplitOptions.None)
Return records
End Function
If you need an array of arrays, you could just return records.ToArray(), instead, in that last example. I did not add any code to handle invalid or empty field values, because it wasn't clear, in your question, how you would want to handle those. So, you'll want to add code to handle that appropriately, otherwise, this code will throw an exception in such cases.

Adding values to array

I am trying to run an event which will search through the different files in a given directory. The goal is to have it search for all files that begin with 'SP_', which are .sql files containing Stored Procedures. I would then like to add the full text of these Procedures to an array to be used later. This is causing an error when run, which I believe is because 'FullProcedureArray()', the string array I am trying to load does not have defined boundaries. When I declare it as 'FullProcedureArray(7)', or with some other value, it appears to run fine. But I don't want to have to hard-code a boundary for 'FullProcedureArray'; I would rather let it be defined by whatever the number of files in the folder is.
My question: Is there a way to declare 'FullProcedureArray' without having to give it an absolute value? I may just be missing something painfully obvious, but I haven't worked with this type of array much in the past. Thanks in advance for your help.
Dim AppDataLocation As String = "C:\Files\TestFiles\"
Dim ProcedureArray As String()
Dim ProcedureText As String
Dim FullProcedureArray() As String
Dim sourceDirectoryInfo As New System.IO.DirectoryInfo(AppDataLocation)
Dim fileSystemInfo As System.IO.FileSystemInfo
Dim i As Integer = 0
For Each fileSystemInfo In sourceDirectoryInfo.GetFileSystemInfos
If (fileSystemInfo.Name.Contains("SP_")) Then
ProcedureArray = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(AppDataLocation & fileSystemInfo.Name)
ProcedureText = Join(ProcedureArray, "")
FullProcedureArray.SetValue(ProcedureText, i)
i = (i + 1)
End If
An array by definition has a fixed upper bound. If you don't want a fixed upper bound, don't use an array. Use, for example, a List(Of String) instead:
Dim AppDataLocation As String = "C:\Files\TestFiles\"
Dim ProcedureList As New List(Of String)
Dim sourceDirectoryInfo As New System.IO.DirectoryInfo(AppDataLocation)
For Each fileSystemInfo As System.IO.FileSystemInfo In sourceDirectoryInfo.GetFileSystemInfos
If (fileSystemInfo.Name.Contains("SP_")) Then
Dim ProcedureText As String = _
System.IO.File.ReadAllText(AppDataLocation & fileSystemInfo.Name)
End If
If, for some reason, you still need the result as an array afterwards, simply convert the list to an array:
Dim myArray() As String = ProcedureList.ToArray()
If you don't want to give a size to your array or want to change at runtime, you can use "Redim Preserve"

Splitting a CSV Visual basic

I have a string like
Query_1,ab563372363_C/R,100.00,249,0,0,1,249,1,249,1e-132, 460
Query_1,ab563372356_C/R,99.60,249,1,0,1,249,1,249,5e-131, 455
in a file
in two separate lines. I am reading it from the textbox. I have to output ab563372363_C/R and ab563372356_C/R in a text box. I am trying to use the split function for that but its not working..
Dim splitString as Array
results = "test.txt"
Dim FileText As String = IO.File.ReadAllText(results) 'reads the above contents from file
splitString = Split(FileText, ",", 14)
TextBox2.text = splitString(1) & splitString(13)
for the above code, it just prints the whole thing.. What's wrong?
Try this
Private Function GetRequiredText() As List(Of String)
Dim requiredStringList As New List(Of String)
Dim file = "test.txt"
If FileIO.FileSystem.FileExists(file) Then
Dim reader As System.IO.StreamReader = System.IO.File.OpenText(file)
Dim line As String = reader.ReadLine()
While line IsNot Nothing
line = reader.ReadLine()
End While
End If
Return requiredStringList
End Function
This will read the file line by line and add the item you require to a list of strings which will be returned by the function.
Returning a List(Of String) may be overkill, but it's quite simple to illustrate and to work with.
You can then iterate through the list and do what you need with the contents of the list.
Comments welcome!!
Also this might work...
Dim query = From lines In System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(file) _
Select lines.Split(",")(1)
this will return an IEnumerable(Of String)
Since you are reading the whole text, your FileText would be ending like this:
Query_1,ab563372356_C/R,99.60,249,1,0,1,249,1,249,5e-131, 455
So when you are referencing to your splitStringwith those indexes (1, 13) your result might probably be wrong.
Try to specify what kind of type your array is, Dim splitString as Array should be Dim splitString As String()
Make your code more readable/maintainable and easy to edit (not only for you, but others)
The Code
Private const FirstIndex = 1
Private const SecondIndex = 12
Sub Main
Dim myDelimiter As Char
Dim myString As String
Dim mySplit As String()
Dim myResult1 As String
Dim myResult2 As String
myDelimiter = ","
myString += "Query_1,ab563372363_C/R,100.00,249,0,0,1,249,1,249,1e-132, 460"
myString += "Query_1,ab563372356_C/R,99.60,249,1,0,1,249,1,249,5e-131, 455"
mySplit = myString.Split(myDelimiter)
myResult1 = mySplit(FirstIndex)
myResult2 = mySplit(SecondIndex)
End Sub