How to nest rules in HP Exstream? - formatting

I am using HP Exstream (formerly Dialogue from Exstream Software) version 5.0.x. It has a feature to define and save boolean expressions as "Rules".
It has been about 6 years since I used this, but does anybody know if you can define a rule in terms of another rule? There is a "VB-like" language in a popup window, so you are not forced to use the and/or, variable-relational expression form, but I don't have documentation handy. :-(
I would like to define a rule, "NotFoo", in terms of "Foo", instead of repeating the inverse of the whole thing. (Yes, that would be retarded, but that's probably what I will be forced to do, as in other examples of what I am maintaining.) Actually, nested rules would have many uses, if I can figure out how to do it.

I later found that what one needs to do in this case is create user defined "functions", which can reference each other (so long as you avoid indirect recursion). Then, use the functions to define the "rules" (and, don't even bother with "library" rules instead of "inline" rules, most of the time).

I'm late to the question but since you had to answer yourself there is a better way to handle it.
The issue with using functions and testing the result is that there's a good chance that you're going to be adding unnecessary processing because the engine will run through the function every time it's called. Not a big issue with a simple function but it can easily become a problem if the function is complex, especially if it's called in several places.
Depending on the timing of the function (you didn't say whether it was a run level, customer level, or specific to particular documents), it's often better to have the function set a User Boolean variable to store the result then in your library rules you can just check the value of the variable without having to run through the function every time.


language for data-driven programming

I'm wondering if there is a language that supports programming in the following style that I think of as "data driven":
Imagine a language like C or Python except that it's possible to define a function whose input parameters are bound to particular variables. Then, whenever one of those input variables changes, the function is re-run.
Alternatively, the function might only ever be run when its output is needed, regardless of when its inputs are changed.
The first option is useful when things need to be kept up to date whenever something changes. The second option is useful when the computation is expensive, and you want to run it only when needed.
In my mind, this type of programming paradigm would require many stacks, perhaps one for each function that was defined in the above manner. This would allow those functions to be run in any order, and it would allow their execution to be occassionally blocked. Execution on one stack would be blocked anytime it needs the output of a function whose inputs are not yet ready.
This would be a single-threaded application. The runtime system would take care of switching from one stack to another in an appropriate manner. Deadlocks would be possible.

Complex Boolean expression optimization, normal forms?

I'm working on a streaming rules engine, and some of my customers have a few hundred rules they'd like to evaluate on every event that arrives at the system. The rules are pure (i.e. non-side-effecting) Boolean expressions, and they can be nested arbitrarily deeply.
Customers are creating, updating and deleting rules at runtime, and I need to detect and adapt to the population of rules dynamically. At the moment, the expression evaluation uses an interpreter over the internal AST, and I haven't started thinking about codegen yet.
As always, some of the predicates in the tree are MUCH cheaper to evaluate than others, and I've been looking for an algorithm or data structure that makes it easier to find the predicates that are cheap, and that are validly interpretable as controlling the entire expression. My mental headline for this pattern is "ANDs all the way to the root", i.e. any predicate for which all ancestors are ANDs can be interpreted as controlling.
Despite several days of literature search, reading about ROBDDs, CNF, DNF, etc., I haven't been able to close the loop from what might be common practice in the industry to my particular use case. One thing I've found that seems related is Analysis and optimization for boolean expression indexing
but it's not clear how I could apply it without implementing the BE-Tree data structure myself, as there doesn't seem to be an open source implementation.
I keep half-jokingly mentioning to my team that we're going to need a SAT solver one of these days. 😅 I guess it would probably suffice to write a recursive algorithm that traverses the tree and keeps track of whether every ancestor is an AND or an OR, but I keep getting the "surely this is a solved problem" feeling. :)
Edit: After talking to a couple of friends, I think I may have a sketch of a solution!
Transform the expressions into Conjunctive Normal Form, in which, by definition, every node is in a valid short-circuit position.
Use the Tseitin algorithm to try to avoid exponential blowups in expression size as a result of the CNF transform
For each AND in the tree, sort it in ascending order of cost (i.e. cheapest to the left)
Profit!^Weval as usual :)
You should seriously consider compiling the rules (and the predicates). An interpreter is 10-50x slower than machine code for the same thing. This is a good idea if the rule set doesn't change very often. Its even a good idea if the rules can change dynamically because in practice they still don't change very fast, although now your rule compiler has be online. Eh, just makes for a bigger application program and memory isn't much of an issue anymore.
A Boolean expression evaluation using individual machine instructions is even better. Any complex boolean equation can be compiled in branchless sequences of individual machine instructions over the leaf values. No branches, no cache misses; stuff runs pretty damn fast. Now, if you have expensive predicates, you probably want to compile code with branches to skip subtrees that don't affect the result of the expression, if they contain expensive predicates.
Within reason, you can generate any equivalent form (I'd run screaming into the night over the idea of using CNF because it always blows up on you). What you really want is the shortest boolean equation (deepest expression tree) equivalent to what the clients provided because that will take the fewest machine instructions to execute. This may sound crazy, but you might consider exhaustive search code generation, e.g., literally try every combination that has a chance of working, especially if the number of operators in the equation is relatively small. The VLSI world has been working hard on doing various optimizations when synthesizing boolean equations into gates. You should look into the the Espresso hueristic boolean logic optimizer (
One thing that might drive you expression evaluation is literally the cost of the predicates. if I have formula A and B, and I know that A is expensive to evaluate and usually returns true, then clearly I want to evaluate B and A instead.
You should consider common sub expression evaluation, so that any common subterm is only computed once. This is especially important when one has expensive predicates; you never want to evaluate the same expensive predicate twice.
I implemented these tricks in a PLC emulator (these are basically machines that evaluate buckets [like hundreds of thousands] of boolean equations telling factory actuators when to move) using x86 machine instructions for AND/OR/NOT for Rockwell Automation some 20 years ago. It outran Rockwell's "premier" PLC which had custom hardware but was essentially an interpreter.
You might also consider incremental evaluation of the equations. The basic idea is not to re-evaluate all the equations over and over, but rather to re-evaluate only those equations whose input changed. Details are too long to include here, but a patent I did back then explains how to do it. See

How to quickly analyse the impact of a program change?

Lately I need to do an impact analysis on changing a DB column definition of a widely used table (like PRODUCT, USER, etc). I find it is a very time consuming, boring and difficult task. I would like to ask if there is any known methodology to do so?
The question also apply to changes on application, file system, search engine, etc. At first, I thought this kind of functional relationship should be pre-documented or some how keep tracked, but then I realize that everything can have changes, it would be impossible to do so.
I don't even know what should be tagged to this question, please help.
Sorry for my poor English.
Sure. One can technically at least know what code touches the DB column (reads or writes it), by determining program slices.
Methodology: Find all SQL code elements in your sources. Determine which ones touch the column in question. (Careful: SELECT ALL may touch your column, so you need to know the schema). Determine which variables read or write that column. Follow those variables wherever they go, and determine the code and variables they affect; follow all those variables too. (This amounts to computing a forward slice). Likewise, find the sources of the variables used to fill the column; follow them back to their code and sources, and follow those variables too. (This amounts to computing a backward slice).
All the elements of the slice are potentially affecting/affected by a change. There may be conditions in the slice-selected code that are clearly outside the conditions expected by your new use case, and you can eliminate that code from consideration. Everything else in the slices you may have inspect/modify to make your change.
Now, your change may affect some other code (e.g., a new place to use the DB column, or combine the value from the DB column with some other value). You'll want to inspect up and downstream slices on the code you change too.
You can apply this process for any change you might make to the code base, not just DB columns.
Manually this is not easy to do in a big code base, and it certainly isn't quick. There is some automation to do for C and C++ code, but not much for other languages.
You can get a bad approximation by running test cases that involve you desired variable or action, and inspecting the test coverage. (Your approximation gets better if you run test cases you are sure does NOT cover your desired variable or action, and eliminating all the code it covers).
Eventually this task cannot be automated or reduced to an algorithm, otherwise there would be a tool to preview refactored changes. The better you wrote code in the beginning, the easier the task.
Let me explain how to reach the answer: isolation is the key. Mapping everything to object properties can help you automate your review.
I can give you an example. If you can manage to map your specific case to the below, it will save your life.
The OR/M change pattern
Like Hibernate or Entity Framework...
A change to a database column may be simply previewed by analysing what code uses a certain object's property. Since all DB columns are mapped to object properties, and assuming no code uses pure SQL, you are good to go for your estimations
This is a very simple pattern for change management.
In order to reduce a file system/network or data file issue to the above pattern you need other software patterns implemented. I mean, if you can reduce a complex scenario to a change in your objects' properties, you can leverage your IDE to detect the changes for you, including code that needs a slight modification to compile or needs to be rewritten at all.
If you want to manage a change in a remote service when you initially write your software, wrap that service in an interface. So you will only have to modify its implementation
If you want to manage a possible change in a data file format (e.g. length of field change in positional format, column reordering), write a service that maps that file to object (like using BeanIO parser)
If you want to manage a possible change in file system paths, design your application to use more runtime variables
If you want to manage a possible change in cryptography algorithms, wrap them in services (e.g. HashService, CryptoService, SignService)
If you do the above, your manual requirements review will be easier. Because the overall task is manual, but can be aided with automated tools. You can try to change the name of a class's property and see its side effects in the compiler
Worst case
Obviously if you need to change the name, type and length of a specific column in a database in a software with plain SQL hardcoded and shattered in multiple places around the code, and worse many tables present similar column namings, plus without project documentation (did I write worst case, right?) of a total of 10000+ classes, you have no other way than manually exploring your project, using find tools but not relying on them.
And if you don't have a test plan, which is the document from which you can hope to originate a software test suite, it will be time to make one.
Just adding my 2 cents. I'm assuming you're working in a production environment so there's got to be some form of unit tests, integration tests and system tests already written.
If yes, then a good way to validate your changes is to run all these tests again and create any new tests which might be necessary.
And to state the obvious, do not integrate your code changes into the main production code base without running these tests.
Yet again changes which worked fine in a test environment may not work in a production environment.
Have some form of source code configuration management system like Subversion, GitHub, CVS etc.
This enables you to roll back your changes

In “Given-When-Then” style BDD tests, is it OK to have multiple “When”s conjoined with an “And”?

I read Bob Martin's brilliant article on how "Given-When-Then" can actual be compared to an FSM. It got me thinking. Is it OK for a BDD test to have multiple "When"s?
For eg.
GIVEN my system is in a defined state
WHEN an event A occurs
AND an event B occurs
AND an event C occurs
THEN my system should behave in this manner
I personally think these should be 3 different tests for good separation of intent. But other than that, are there any compelling reasons for or against this approach?
When multiple steps (WHEN) are needed before you do your actual assertion (THEN), I prefer to group them in the initial condition part (GIVEN) and keep only one in the WHEN section. This kind of shows that the event that really triggers the "action" of my SUT is this one, and that the previous one are more steps to get there.
Your test would become:
GIVEN my system is in a defined state
AND an event A occurs
AND an event B occurs
WHEN an event C occurs
THEN my system should behave in this manner
but this is more of a personal preference I guess.
If you truly need to test that a system behaves in a particular manner under those specific conditions, it's a perfectly acceptable way to write a test.
I found that the other limiting factor could be in an E2E testing scenario that you would like to reuse a statement multiple times. In my case the BDD framework of my choice(pytest_bdd) is implemented in a way that a given statement can have a singular return value and it maps the then input parameters automagically by the name of the function that was mapped to the given step. Now this design prevents reusability whereas in my case I wanted that. In short I needed to create objects and add them to a sequence object provided by another given statement. The way I worked around this limitation is by using a test fixture(which I named test_context), which was a python dictionary(a hashmap) and used when statements that don't have same singular requirement so the '(when)add object to sequence' step looked up the sequence in the context and appended the object in question to it. So now I could reuse the add object to sequence action multiple times.
This requirement was tricky because BDD aims to be descriptive. So I could have used a single given statement with the pickled memory map of the sequence object that I wanted to perform test action on. BUT would it have been useful? I think not. I needed to get the sequence constructed first and that needed reusable statements. And although this is not in the BDD bible I think in the end it is a practical and pragmatic solution to a very real E2E descriptive testing problem.

Returning a 'table' (without pre-defining column names) from a PL/SQL function

For your information, my question is based on this web-tutorial
As you may see, the function returns a 'table' and I need to create a new object type that contains the fields that are going to be returned. My question is that I do not want to pre-define the object type because I wan to create generic function that can generate any table.
Any idea?!!
I would strongly suspect that you don't want to do this. Dynamically creating object types and building this sort of flexibility in PL/SQL is almost always a recipe for ruin. You'll end up writing extremely complicated dynamic SQL everywhere (both in the callers and in your functions) which will make your code far, far harder to read and debug. When your code gets that complex, you're better off writing frameworks that generate the code but that leaves you with the much, much harder problem of writing code that generates code that solves your problem rather than just writing code that solves your problem.
That said, if you are truly, truly determined, it is possible to build a completely generic pipelined table function. That involves some deep, deep wizardry using the Oracle Data Cartridge framework. It's quite cool. But the number of people that could realistically support and extend this sort of code is very small.
With slightly less wizardry (but still way, way more than I would suggest for virtually any organization), you can build a flexible pipelined table function that relies on returning types from a pre-defined type hierarchy. That's more likely to be supportable but it assumes that you can build your type hierarchy up front.