How to find range of a number where the ranges come dyamically from another table? - sql

If I had two tables:
PersonID | Count
1 | 45
2 | 5
3 | 120
4 | 87
5 | 60
6 | 200
7 | 31
SizeName | LowerLimit
Small | 0
Medium | 50
Large | 100
I'm trying to figure out how to do a query to get a result similar to:
PersonID | SizeName
1 | Small
2 | Small
3 | Large
4 | Medium
5 | Medium
6 | Large
7 | Small
Basically, one table specifies an unknown number of "range names" and their integer ranges associated. So a count range of 0 to 49 from the person table gets a 'small' designation. 50-99 gets 'medium' etc. But I need it to be dynamic because I do not know the range names or integer values. Can I do this in a single query or would I have to write a separate function to loop through the possibilities?

Try this out:
SELECT PersonID, SizeName
(SELECT MAX([LowerLimit]) FROM dbo.[Size] WHERE [LowerLimit] < [COUNT]) As LowerLimit
FROM dbo.Person
) A
INNER JOIN dbo.[SIZE] B ON A.LowerLimit = B.LowerLimit

With Ranges As
Select 'Small' As Name, 0 As LowerLimit
Union All Select 'Medium', 50
Union All Select 'Large', 100
, Person As
Select 1 As PersonId, 45 As [Count]
Union All Select 2, 5
Union All Select 3, 120
Union All Select 4, 87
Union All Select 5, 60
Union All Select 6, 200
Union All Select 7, 31
, RangeStartEnd As
Select R1.Name
, Case When Min(R1.LowerLimit) = 0 Then -1 Else MIN(R1.LowerLimit) End As StartValue
, Coalesce(MIN(R2.LowerLimit), 2147483647) As EndValue
From Ranges As R1
Left Join Ranges As R2
On R2.LowerLimit > R1.LowerLimit
Group By R1.Name
Select P.PersonId, P.[Count], RSE.Name
From Person As P
Join RangeStartEnd As RSE
On P.[Count] > RSE.StartValue
And P.[Count] <= RSE.EndValue
Although I'm using common-table expressions (cte for short) which only exist in SQL Server 2005+, this can be done with multiple queries where you create a temp table to store the equivalent of the RangeStartEnd cte. The trick is to create a view that has a start column and end column.

SELECT p.PersonID, Ranges.SizeName
FROM People P
SELECT SizeName, LowerLimit, MIN(COALESCE(upperlimit, 2000000)) AS upperlimit
SELECT rl.SizeName, rl.LowerLimit, ru.LowerLimit AS UpperLimit
FROM Ranges rl
LEFT OUTER JOIN Ranges ru ON rl.LowerLimit < ru.LowerLimit
) r
WHERE r.LowerLimit < COALESCE(r.UpperLimit, 2000000)
GROUP BY SizeName, LowerLimit
) Ranges ON p.Count >= Ranges.LowerLimit AND p.Count < Ranges.upperlimit


Nested sum loop until foreign key 'dies out'

I am pulling my hair out over a data retrieval function I'm trying to write. In essence this query is meant to SUM up the count of all voorwerpnummers in the Voorwerp_in_Rubriek table, grouped by their rubrieknummer gathered from Rubriek.
After that I want to keep looping through the sum in order to get to their 'top level parent'. Rubriek has a foreign key reference to itself with a 'hoofdrubriek', this would be easier seen as it's parent in a category tree.
This also means they can be nested. A value of 'NULL' in the hoofdcategory column means that it is a top-level parent. The idea behind this query is to SUM up the count of voorwerpnummers in Voorwerp_in_rubriek, and add them together until they are at their 'top level parent'.
As the database and testdata is quite massive I've decided not to add direct code to this question but a link to a dbfiddle instead so there's more structure.
I got it working in some degree using this query:
SELECT R2.hoofdrubriek ,
COUNT(Vr.rubrieknummer) AS aantal
FROM Rubriek R1
RIGHT OUTER JOIN Rubriek R2 ON R1.rubrieknummer = R2.hoofdrubriek
INNER JOIN Voorwerp_in_rubriek Vr ON R2.rubrieknummer = Vr.rubrieknummer
FROM Rubriek
WHERE hoofdrubriek = R2.rubrieknummer )
AND R1.hoofdrubriek IS NOT NULL
GROUP BY Vr.rubrieknummer ,
But that doesn't get back all items and flops in general. I hope someone can help me.
If I got it right
declare #t table (
rubrieknummer int,
cnt int);
INSERT #t(rubrieknummer, cnt)
SELECT R.rubrieknummer, COUNT(Vr.voorwerpnummer)
FROM Rubriek R
INNER JOIN voorwerp_in_rubriek Vr ON R.rubrieknummer = Vr.rubrieknummer
GROUP BY Vr.rubrieknummer, R.rubrieknummer;
--select * from #t;
with t as(
select rubrieknummer, cnt
from #t
union all
select r.hoofdrubriek, cnt
from t
join Rubriek r on t.rubrieknummer = r.rubrieknummer
select rubrieknummer, sum(cnt) cnt
from t
group by rubrieknummer;
applying to your fiddle data returns
rubrieknummer cnt
<null> 42
100 42
101 26
102 6
103 10
10000 8
10100 4
10101 1
10102 3
10500 4
10501 2
10502 2
15000 18
15100 6
15101 2
15102 2
15103 2
15500 12
15501 4
15502 3
15503 5
20000 6
20001 2
20002 1
20003 1
20004 2
25000 4
25001 1
25002 1
25003 1
25004 1
30001 2
30002 1
30004 3

Identify same amounts over different users

Consider the following table Orders:
OrderID Name Amount
1 A 100
2 A 5
3 B 32
4 C 4000
5 D 701
6 E 32
7 F 200
8 G 100
9 H 12
10 I 17
11 J 100
12 J 100
13 J 11
14 A 5
I need to identify, for each unique 'Amount', if there are 2 or more users that have ordered that exact amount, and then list the details of those orders. So the desired output would be:
OrderID Name Amount
1 A 100
8 G 100
11 J 100
12 J 100
3 B 32
6 E 32
please note that user A has ordered 2 x an order of 5 (order 2 and 14) but this shouldn't be in the output as it is within the same user. Only if another user would have made a order of 5, it should be in the output.
Can anyone help me out?
I would just use exists:
select o.*
from orders o
where exists (select 1
from orders o2
where o2.amount = o.amount and <>
You can do :
select t.*
from table t
where exists (select 1 from table t1 where t1.amount = t.amount and <>;
If you want only selected field then
SELECT Amount,name,
count(*) AS c
GROUP BY Amount, name
HAVING c > 1
if you want full row
select * from table where Amount in (
select Amount, name from table
group by Amount, name having count(*) > 1)

Complex Query Involving Search for Contiguous Dates (by Month)

I have a table that contains a list of accounts by month along with a field that indicates activity. I want to search through to find when an account has "died", based on the following criteria:
the account had consistent activity for a contiguous period of months
the account had a spike of activity on a final month (spike = 200% or more of average of all previous contiguous months of activity)
the month immediately following the spike of activity and the next 12 months all had 0 activity
So the table might look something like this:
ID | Date | Activity
1 | 1/1/2010 | 2
2 | 1/1/2010 | 3.2
1 | 2/3/2010 | 3
2 | 2/3/2010 | 2.7
1 | 3/2/2010 | 8
2 | 3/2/2010 | 9
1 | 4/6/2010 | 0
2 | 4/6/2010 | 0
1 | 5/2/2010 | 0
2 | 5/2/2010 | 2
So in this case both accounts 1 and 2 have activity in months Jan - Mar. Both accounts exhibit a spike of activity in March. Both accounts have 0 activity in April. Account 2 has activity again in May, but account 1 does not. Therefore, my query should return Account 1, but not Account 2. I would want to see this as my query result:
ID | Last Date
1 | 3/2/2010
I realize this is a complicated question and I'm not expecting anyone to write the whole query for me. The current best approach I can think of is to create a series of sub-queries and join them, but I don't even know what the subqueries would look like. For example: how do I look for a contiguous series of rows for a single ID where activity is all 0 (or all non-zero?).
My fall-back if the SQL is simply too involved is to use a brute-force search using Java where I would first find all unique IDs, and then for each unique ID iterate across the months to determine if and when the ID "died".
Once again: any help to move in the right direction is very much appreciated.
Processing in Java, or partially processing in SQL, and finishing the processing in Java is a good approach.
I'm not going to tackle how to define a spike.
I will suggest that you start with condition 3. It's easy to find the last non-zero value. Then that's the one you want to test for a spike, and consistant data before the spike.
SELECT out.*
FROM monthly_activity out
LEFT OUTER JOIN monthly_activity comp
ON out.ID = comp.ID AND out.Date < comp.Date AND comp.Activity <> 0
Not bad, but you don't want the result if this is because the record is the last for the month, so instead,
SELECT out.*
FROM monthly_activity out
INNER JOIN monthly_activity comp
ON out.ID = comp.ID AND out.Date < comp.Date AND comp.Activity == 0
Probably not the world's most efficient code, but I think this does what you're after:
declare #t table (AccountId int, ActivityDate date, Activity float)
insert #t
select 1, '2010-01-01', 2
union select 2, '2010-01-01', 3.2
union select 1, '2010-02-03', 3
union select 2, '2010-02-03', 2.7
union select 1, '2010-03-02', 8
union select 2, '2010-03-02', 9
union select 1, '2010-04-06', 0
union select 2, '2010-04-06', 0
union select 1, '2010-05-02', 0
union select 2, '2010-05-02', 2
select AccountId, ActivityDate LastActivityDate --, Activity
from #t a
--Part 2 --select only where the activity is a peak
Activity >= isnull
select 2 * avg(c.Activity)
from #t c
where c.AccountId = 1
and c.ActivityDate >= isnull
select max(d.ActivityDate)
from #t d
where d.AccountId = c.AccountId
and d.ActivityDate < c.ActivityDate
and d.Activity = 0
select min(e.ActivityDate)
from #t e
where e.AccountId = c.AccountId
and c.ActivityDate < a.ActivityDate
, Activity + 1 --Part 1 (i.e. if no activity before today don't include the result)
--Part 3
and not exists --select only dates which have had no activity for the following 12 months on the same account (assumption: count no record as no activity / also ignore current date in this assumption)
select 1
from #t b
where a.AccountId = b.AccountId
and b.Activity > 0
and b.ActivityDate between dateadd(DAY, 1, a.ActivityDate) and dateadd(YEAR, 1, a.ActivityDate)

Update column value of one row from other rows

I have the following table:
sno name pid amount total
1 Arif 0 100 null
2 Raj 1 200 null
3 Ramesh 2 100 null
4 Pooja 2 100 null
5 Swati 3 200 null
6 King 4 100 null
I want total of each person such that it gives total sum of amount of its descendants.
For ex.
for RAJ total will be : total= amount of(raj+ramesh+pooja+swati+king)
for SWATI :Total=amount of swati only.
You could try something like this:
WITH hierarchified AS (
hierarchyID = CAST(sno AS varchar(500))
FROM yourTable
WHERE pid = 0
hierarchyID = CAST(h.hierarchyID + '/' + RTRIM(t.sno) AS varchar(500))
FROM yourTable t
INNER JOIN hierarchified h ON = h.sno
UPDATE yourTable
SET total = t.amount + ISNULL(
SELECT SUM(amount)
FROM hierarchified
WHERE hierarchyID LIKE h.hierarchyID + '/%'
FROM yourTable t
INNER JOIN hierarchified h ON t.sno = h.sno;
Note that this query (which you can try on SQL Fiddle) would probably not be very efficient on a large dataset. It might do as a one-off query, and then it would likely be better to organise updating the totals each time the table is updated, i.e. using triggers.

SQL Query: SUM on three columns with criteria

I have a table with columns like these :
idx | amount | usercol1 | usercol2 | usercol3 | percentage1 | percentage2 | percentage3
Data is typically like this :
0 | 1500 | 1 | null | null | 100 | null | null
1 | 3000 | 2 | 3 | null | 50 | 50 | null
I would like to make a SUM() of every user's amount.
Example :
user1= 1500*100/100 (amount*usercol1/100)
user2= 3000*50/100 (amount*usercol1/100)
user3= 3000*50/100 (amount*usercol2/100)
I tried UNION to no avail (did not sum the SUMs).
Is there a way to do this ? The problem being that it should GROUP BY the username (which I get with a LEFT OUTER JOIN usernames ON exampletable.usercol1=usernames.idx).
I know this is non standard and would be better with relations from another table. But I am not allowed to change the table structure.
Many many many thanks ! :=)
Hereby, an example that gives a wrong result (seems to give only results from the query in the middle)
SELECT SUM(projects.amount * (projects.percentage1/100)) as totalproj,
entities.idx as idx,
COUNT(projects.idx) as numproj,
FROM projects
INNER JOIN entities ON projects.usercol1=entities.idx
WHERE projects.usercol1=entities.idx
GROUP BY name ORDER BY totalproj DESC
SELECT SUM(projects.amount * (projects.percentage2/100)) as totalproj,
entities.idx as idx,
COUNT(projects.idx) as numproj,
FROM projects
INNER JOIN entities ON projects.usercol2=entities.idx
WHERE projects.usercol2=entities.idx
GROUP BY name ORDER BY totalproj DESC
SELECT SUM(projects.amount * (projects.percentage3/100)) as totalproj,
entities.idx as idx,
COUNT(projects.idx) as numproj,
FROM projects
INNER JOIN entities ON projects.usercol3=entities.idx
WHERE projects.usercol3=entities.idx
GROUP BY name ORDER BY totalproj DESC
ORDER BY totalproj DESC
You could use a derived table to simulate a first normal form table then join onto that.
SELECT SUM(P.amount * (P.percentage/100)) as totalproj,
entities.idx as idx,
COUNT(P.idx) as numproj,
SELECT idx, amount, usercol1 AS usercol, percentage1 AS percentage
FROM projects
SELECT idx, amount, usercol2 AS usercol, percentage2 AS percentage
FROM projects
SELECT idx, amount, usercol3 AS usercol, percentage3 AS percentage
FROM projects
) P
INNER JOIN entities ON P.usercol=entities.idx
WHERE P.usercol=entities.idx
ORDER BY totalproj DESC
using this data (i added some stranger data to make sure the math was working properly)
0 1500 1 NULL NULL 100 NULL NULL
1 3000 2 3 NULL 50 50 NULL
2 780 4 1 3 70 20 50
3 3800 2 4 1 30 20 10
i got these results
user commission
------- -------------
1 2036
2 2640
3 1890
4 1306
is this what you were looking for? below is my query
SELECT [user]
,SUM([commission]) AS commission
FROM ( SELECT [usercol1] AS [user]
,( [amount] * [percentage1] ) / 100 AS commission
FROM [dbo].[projects]
WHERE [usercol1] IS NOT NULL
AND [percentage1] IS NOT NULL
SELECT [usercol2]
,( [amount] * [percentage2] ) / 100
FROM [dbo].[projects]
WHERE [usercol2] IS NOT NULL
AND [percentage2] IS NOT NULL
SELECT [usercol3]
,( [amount] * [percentage3] ) / 100
FROM [dbo].[projects]
WHERE [usercol3] IS NOT NULL
AND [percentage3] IS NOT NULL
) x
GROUP BY [user]