Get list of MySQL databases, and server version? - sql

My connection string for MySQL is:
"Server=localhost;User ID=root;Password=123;pooling=yes;charset=utf8;DataBase=.;"
My questions are :
What query should I write to get database names that exist?
What query should I write to get server version?
I have error because of my connection string ends with DataBase=.
What should I write instead of the dot?

Use INFORMATION_SCHEMA as the database.

To get the list of databases, you can use SHOW DATABASES:
| Database |
| information_schema |
| mysql |
| test |
3 rows in set (0.01 sec)
To get the version number of your MySQL Server, you can use SELECT VERSION():
| 5.1.45 |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)
As for the question about the connection string, you'd want to put a database name instead of the dot, such as Database=test.

show Databases;
Will return you all the registered databases.
show variables;
will return a bunch of name value pairs, one of which is the version number.


How to fix: cannot retrieve all fields MongoDB collection with Apache Drill SQL expression query

I'm trying to retrieve all(*) columns from a MongoDB object with Apache Drill expression SQL:
Background: I'm using Apache Drill to query MongoDB collections. By default, Drill retrieves the ObjectId values in a different format than the stored in the database. For example:
Mongo: ObjectId(“59f2c3eba83a576fe07c735c”)
Drill query result: [B#3149a…]
In order to get the data in String format (59f2c3eba83a576fe07c735c) from the object, I changed the Drill config "store.mongo.bson.record.reader" to "false".
ALTER SESSION SET store.mongo.bson.record.reader = false
Drill query result after config set to false:
select * from calc;
| _id | name |
| {"$oid":"5cb0e161f0849231dfe16d99"} | thiago |
Running a query by _id:
select `o`.`_id`.`$oid` , `o`.`name` from mongo.od_teste.calc o where `o`.`_id`.`$oid`='5cb0e161f0849231dfe16d99';
| EXPR$0 | name |
| 5cb0e161f0849231dfe16d99 | thiago |
For an object with a few columns like the one above (_id, name) it's ok to specify all the columns in the select query by id. However, in my production database, the objects have a "hundred" of columns.
If I try to query all (*) columns from the collection, this is the result:
select `o`.* from mongo.od_teste.calc o where `o`.`_id`.`$oid`='5cb0e161f0849231dfe16d99';
select * from mongo.od_teste.calc o where `o`.`_id`.`$oid`='5cb0e161f0849231dfe16d99';
| ** |
No rows selected (6.112 seconds)
Expected result: Retrieve all columns from a MongoDB collection instead of declaring all of them on the SQL query.
I have no suggestions here, because it is a bug in Mongo Storage Plugin.
I have created Jira ticket for it, please take a look and feel free to add any related info there: DRILL-7176

Hive line break issue

I have a hive table over an accumulo table (because we need cell level security):
CREATE TABLE testtable(rowid string, value string)
STORED BY 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.accumulo.AccumuloStorageHandler'
WITH SERDEPROPERTIES('accumulo.columns.mapping' = ':rowid,c:value') TBLPROPERTIES ('' = 'testtable');
If i have a value which contains "/n" it conflicts with the default hive line break property which is also "/n".
for example:
accumulo insert: insert 1 c value line\x0Abreak
hive select: select rowid, value, row_number() over (order by null) as rank from testtable;
you will get back two rows instead of one.
| rowid | value | rank |
| 2 | line | NULL |
| break | 1 | NULL |
Is there any idea how can I avoid this? Thank you for all the help!
That seems very unexpected (as the author of the AccumuloStorageHandler), but maybe I just don't know something that Hive is trying to do?
I'd file a JIRA issue for Hive over at!default.jspa. Feel free to mention me and I can try to help write a test and get to the bottom of it.

Postgres DB Size Command

What is the command to find the size of all the databases?
I am able to find the size of a specific database by using following command:
select pg_database_size('databaseName');
You can enter the following psql meta-command to get some details about a specified database, including its size:
\l+ <database_name>
And to get sizes of all databases (that you can connect to):
You can get the names of all the databases that you can connect to from the "pg_datbase" system table. Just apply the function to the names, as below.
select t1.datname AS db_name,
pg_size_pretty(pg_database_size(t1.datname)) as db_size
from pg_database t1
order by pg_database_size(t1.datname) desc;
If you intend the output to be consumed by a machine instead of a human, you can cut the pg_size_pretty() function.
-- Database Size
SELECT pg_size_pretty(pg_database_size('Database Name'));
-- Table Size
SELECT pg_size_pretty(pg_relation_size('table_name'));
Based on the answer here by #Hendy Irawan
Show database sizes:
=> \l+
berbatik_prd_commerce | berbatik_prd | UTF8 | en_US.UTF-8 | en_US.UTF-8 | | 19 MB | pg_default |
berbatik_stg_commerce | berbatik_stg | UTF8 | en_US.UTF-8 | en_US.UTF-8 | | 8633 kB | pg_default |
bursasajadah_prd | bursasajadah_prd | UTF8 | en_US.UTF-8 | en_US.UTF-8 | | 1122 MB | pg_default |
Show table sizes:
=> \d+
public | tuneeca_prd | table | tomcat | 8192 bytes |
public | tuneeca_stg | table | tomcat | 1464 kB |
Only works in psql.
Yes, there is a command to find the size of a database in Postgres. It's the following:
SELECT pg_database.datname as "database_name", pg_size_pretty(pg_database_size(pg_database.datname)) AS size_in_mb FROM pg_database ORDER by size_in_mb DESC;
SELECT pg_size_pretty(pg_database_size('name of database'));
Will give you the total size of a particular database however I don't think you can do all databases within a server.
However you could do this...
db_size TEXT;
FOR r in
SELECT datname FROM pg_database
WHERE datistemplate = false
db_size:= (SELECT pg_size_pretty(pg_database_size(r.datname)));
RAISE NOTICE 'Database:% , Size:%', r.datname , db_size;
From the PostgreSQL wiki.
NOTE: Databases to which the user cannot connect are sorted as if they were infinite size.
SELECT d.datname AS Name, pg_catalog.pg_get_userbyid(d.datdba) AS Owner,
CASE WHEN pg_catalog.has_database_privilege(d.datname, 'CONNECT')
THEN pg_catalog.pg_size_pretty(pg_catalog.pg_database_size(d.datname))
ELSE 'No Access'
FROM pg_catalog.pg_database d
CASE WHEN pg_catalog.has_database_privilege(d.datname, 'CONNECT')
THEN pg_catalog.pg_database_size(d.datname)
END DESC -- nulls first
The page also has snippets for finding the size of your biggest relations and largest tables.
Start pgAdmin, connect to the server, click on the database name, and select the statistics tab. You will see the size of the database at the bottom of the list.
Then if you click on another database, it stays on the statistics tab so you can easily see many database sizes without much effort. If you open the table list, it shows all tables and their sizes.
You can use below query to find the size of all databases of PostgreSQL.
Reference is taken from this blog.
datname AS DatabaseName
,pg_catalog.pg_get_userbyid(datdba) AS OwnerName
WHEN pg_catalog.has_database_privilege(datname, 'CONNECT')
THEN pg_catalog.pg_size_pretty(pg_catalog.pg_database_size(datname))
ELSE 'No Access For You'
END AS DatabaseSize
FROM pg_catalog.pg_database
WHEN pg_catalog.has_database_privilege(datname, 'CONNECT')
THEN pg_catalog.pg_database_size(datname)
du -k /var/lib/postgresql/ |sort -n |tail

MySQL request WHERE ... IN

in a table "partners", i've a field "sites" which can contain values like 1,27,38,12
then, in a website which has ID n°27, i would like to get partners associated to this website.
I tried this :
SELECT * FROM partners WHERE 27 IN (partners.sites)
It works if 27 is at the beginning of the string (eg: 27,1,128) but it doesn't work if 27 is in the middle (eg: 1,27,38,12)
Have you got any idea to manage this ?
see the manual for find_in_set
This doesn't make any sense
Why not make
select * from partners where sites=27?
Or are you suggesting that sites is a varchar containing CSV?
In this case this is totally wrong from any perspective. Do a one-to-many relationship in your database.
You may want to use the FIND_IN_SET() function, because the IN() function will not expect a comma-separated string as an argument.
This does not work:
SELECT 27 IN ('1,27,5');
| 27 IN ('1,27,5') |
| 0 |
This works:
SELECT FIND_IN_SET(27, '1,27,5') > 0;
| FIND_IN_SET(27, '1,27,5') > 0 |
| 1 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
SELECT * FROM partners WHERE partners.sites like '%27%'
I would have to agree that using relationships will not only be better practice, but will optimize your database request speeds as well, even if it's non noticeable, every bit counts.
So assuming you had a separate table called sites, you could do a call like follows:
SELECT * FROM partners WHERE pid IN (SELECT spid FROM sites WHERE siteid = 27);
Your relationship could then be something like:
pid | some field |
2 | |
spid | siteid | surl
2 | 27 | http://...
Assuming sites is a field in the same table you're querying, you could try this:
SELECT * FROM partners WHERE sites LIKE %27;
SELECT * FROM partners WHERE sites LIKE 27;
Does that work?

Match a Query to a Regular Expression in SQL?

I'm trying to find a way to match a query to a regular expression in a database. As far as I can tell (although I'm no expert), while most DBMS like MySQL have a regex option for searching, you can only do something like:
Find all rows in Column 1 that match the regex in my query.
What I want to be able to do is the opposite, i.e.:
Find all rows in Column 1 such that the regex in Column 1 matches my query.
Simple example - say I had a database structured like so:
| Column 1 | Column 2 |
| [a-z]+ | whatever |
| [\w]+ | whatever |
| [0-9]+ | whatever |
So if I queried "dog", I would want it to return the rows with [a-z]+ and [\w]+, and if I queried 123, it would return the row with [0-9]+.
If you know of a way to do this in SQL, a short SELECT example or a link with an example would be much appreciated.
For MySQL (and may be other databases too):
SELECT * FROM table WHERE "dog" RLIKE(`Column 1`)
In PostgreSQL it would be:
SELECT * FROM table WHERE 'dog' ~ "Column 1";