how to get authenticated user id from wcf in nhibernate - wcf

I have implemented NHibernate custom context (ICurrentSessionContext).
In this context I inject the NHibernate session so I have Session per call pattern setup.
Ok, now I have made an interceptor that takes userId of the current logged user.
Now I do this:
public ISession CurrentSession()
// Get the WCF InstanceContext:
var contextManager = OperationContext.Current.InstanceContext.Extensions.Find<NHibernateContextManager>();
if (contextManager == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException(
#"There is no context manager available.
Check whether the NHibernateContextManager is added as InstanceContext extension.
Make sure the service is being created with the NhServiceHostFactory.
This Session Provider is intended only for WCF services.");
var session = contextManager.Session;
AuditLogInterceptor interceptor = new AuditLogInterceptor();
if (session == null)
session = this._factory.OpenSession(interceptor);
interceptor.Session = session;
contextManager.Session = session;
return contextManager.Session;
My AuditLogInterceptor takes UserId but I don't know how (from where) to get this userId.

If your user is authenticated you can use:

I assume that the current user is being set as the principal on the current thread?
If so, something like this is what you need:
var userName = Thread.CurrentPrincipal.Identity.Name;
There is some additional information in this article that may prove helpful.


Perpetual expiry of claims in SignInWithClaimsAsync

I am using ASP.NET Core 3.1 with Identity and storing some basic user information like their full name in a claim using the code below (I am aware of checking password and stuff, ignoring it for brevity):
var user = await _userManager.FindByNameAsync(Input.Username);
var claims = new List<Claim>
new Claim("UserFullname", user.Fullname, ClaimValueTypes.String)
await _signInManager.SignInWithClaimsAsync(user, Input.RememberMe, claims);
I am accessing it in the _Layout.cshtml using the line below:
var userFullname = User.Claims.Single(c => c.Type == "UserFullname").Value;
The problem is, this seems to expire in some time even though the user is still logged in. I want this to be perpetual until the user logs out.
I am sure there has to be some way in startup.cs to control this and as far as possible, I would like to avoid overriding anything.
As mentioned in the comments for answer by #yinqiu, I tried the cookie authentication scheme using the line below:
But it did not help either.
I think you can try to override the SignInWithClaimsAsync method.
public override async Task SignInWithClaimsAsync(ApplicationUser user, AuthenticationProperties authenticationProperties, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Security.Claims.Claim> additionalClaims)
if (authenticationProperties != null && authenticationProperties.IsPersistent)
authenticationProperties.ExpiresUtc = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.AddYears(1);
await base.SignInWithClaimsAsync(user, authenticationProperties, additionalClaims);
This is the appropriate solution of your case:
If you are inheriting Identity Classes (IdentityRole,IdentityUser) into your custom classes then you need to use your inherited classes otherwise you use the default Identity Classes. You need a custom ClaimIdentity Class let assume 'ApplicationClaimsIdentityFactory' and this class should be inherited by UserClaimsPrincipalFactory<AspNetUser, AspNetRole>
Step1 Register your dependencies in Startup.cs
services.AddIdentity<AspNetUser, AspNetRole>().AddEntityFrameworkStores<ICRCOMDMSEntities>().AddDefaultTokenProviders();
services.AddScoped<IUserClaimsPrincipalFactory<AspNetUser>, ApplicationClaimsIdentityFactory>();
Override the method CreateAsync in your custom claimsIdentityFactory Calss and here you need to create your custom claims and return like
public async override Task<ClaimsPrincipal> CreateAsync(AspNetUser user)
var principal = await base.CreateAsync(user);
((ClaimsIdentity)principal.Identity).AddClaims(new[] {
new Claim("UserLastLogin", user.LastLoginDate.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt"))
return principal;
Now your claims persists until user is logged in.

How to extend and validate session in ASP.NET Core Identity?

We want to offer the users to manage their login sessions.
This worked so far pretty easy with ASP.NET Core and WITHOUT the Identity Extensions.
But how can we invoke this validation with ASP.NET Core Identity?
Problem we have:
How do we store login-session-based information like Browser Version, Device Type and User Position? Do we extend any type or what is the idea?
How do we dynamically set the cookie expiration based on a specific user?
How do we invalidate the Cookie from the backend (like the link above shows)?
How do we required additional password-prompts for special functions?
It feels the ASP.NET Core Identity is still not that extensible and flexible :(
Unfortunately, this area of ASP.NET Identity is not very well documented, which I personally see as a risk for such a sensitive area.
After I've been more involved with the source code, the solution seems to be to use the SignIn process of the SignIn Manager.
The basic problem is that it's not that easy to get your custom claims into the ClaimsIdentity of the cookie. There is no method for that.
The values for this must under no circumstances be stored in the claims of the user in the database, as otherwise every login receives these claims - would be bad.
So I created my own method, which first searches for the user in the database and then uses the existing methods of the SignInManager.
After having a ClaimsIdentity created by the SignIn Manager, you can enrich the Identity with your own claims.
For this I save the login session with a Guid in the database and carry the id as a claim in the cookie.
public async Task<SignInResult> SignInUserAsync(string userName, string password, bool isPersistent, bool lockoutOnFailure)
DateTimeOffset createdLoginOn = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow;
DateTimeOffset validTo = createdLoginOn.AddSeconds(_userAuthOptions.ExpireTimeSeconds);
// search for user
var user = await _userManager.FindByNameAsync(userName);
if (user is null) { return SignInResult.Failed; }
// CheckPasswordSignInAsync checks if user is allowed to sign in and if user is locked
// also it checks and counts the failed login attempts
var attempt = await CheckPasswordSignInAsync(user, password, lockoutOnFailure);
if (attempt.Succeeded)
// TODO: Check 2FA here
// create a unique login entry in the backend
string browserAgent = _httpContextAccessor.HttpContext.Request.Headers["User-Agent"];
Guid loginId = await _eventDispatcher.Send(new AddUserLoginCommand(user.Id, user.UserName, createdLoginOn, validTo, browserAgent));
// Write the login id in the login claim, so we identify the login context
Claim[] customClaims = { new Claim(CustomUserClaims.UserLoginSessionId, loginId.ToString()) };
// Signin User
await SignInWithClaimsAsync(user, isPersistent, customClaims);
return SignInResult.Success;
return attempt;
With each request I can validate the ClaimsIdentity and search for the login id.
public class CookieSessionValidationHandler : CookieAuthenticationEvents
public override async Task ValidatePrincipal(CookieValidatePrincipalContext context)
ClaimsPrincipal userPrincipal = context.Principal;
if (!userPrincipal.TryGetUserSessionInfo(out int userId, out Guid sessionId))
// session format seems to be invalid
IEventDispatcher eventDispatcher = context.HttpContext.RequestServices.GetRequiredService<IEventDispatcher>();
bool succeeded = await eventDispatcher.Send(new UserLoginUpdateLoginSessionCommand(userId, sessionId));
if (!succeeded)
// session expired or was killed
See also

Implementing user session in Sencha and SpringBoot

I am trying to make a web app in Sencha Touch with Springboot as my back-end. My app is going to have users and each one of them is going to have their own separate activity. How do I make my app "know" what user is logged in so it can display their specific details? I am a newbie and don't know exactly how this needs to be done, especially on the server side (Springboot). If somebody could throw some light, that would be awesome! Thanks!
Assuming you are planning to use Spring Security, the current-user data can be obtained through its principal. There are a few ways to get the principal. One way is to have a principal parameter in the controller method, and Spring will inject it. Like this:
#RequestMapping(value = "/user", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String currentUserName(Principal principal) {
return principal;
Another way would be to have a utility method like this:
public static User getUser() {
Authentication auth = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication();
if (auth != null) {
Object principal = auth.getPrincipal();
if (principal instanceof User) {
return (U) principal;
return null;
This can then be called from the controller method.

Multiple sessions with Fluent NHibernate and Ninject

I am working on setting up a multi-tenant, seperate database application and have made some good progress from reading this post below on stackoverflow.
Multitenancy with Fluent nHibernate and Ninject. One Database per Tenant
I see two sessions being setup. One is the 'master' session that will be used to get the tenant information and then the tenant session which is specific to the subdomain. I have the app switching nicely to the specified database based on domain and have questions on how to setup the 'master' database session and how to use it.
I tried registering a new session specifically for the master session be get an error regarding having already registered an ISession.
I'm new to nHibernate and not sure the best route to take on this.
kernel.Bind<ISession>().ToMethod(c => c.Kernel.Get<WebApplication1.ISessionSource>().CreateSession());
public Tenant GetCurrentTenant()
var host = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url != null ? HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Host : string.Empty;
var pattern = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["UrlRegex"];
var regex = new Regex(pattern);
var match = regex.Match(host);
var subdomain = match.Success ? match.Groups[1].Value.ToLowerInvariant() : string.Empty;
Tenant tenant = null;
if (subdomain != null)
// Get Tenant info from Master DB.
// Look up needs to be cached
DomainModel.Master.Tenants tenantInfo;
using (ISession session = new NHibernateMasterSessionSource().CreateSession())
tenantInfo = session.CreateCriteria<DomainModel.Master.Tenants>()
.Add(Restrictions.Eq("SubDomain", subdomain))
var connectionString = string.Format(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["TenanatsDataConnectionStringFormat"],
tenantInfo.DbName, tenantInfo.DbUsername, tenantInfo.DbPassword);
tenant = new Tenant();
tenant.Name = subdomain;
tenant.ConnectionString = connectionString;
return tenant;
Thanks for you time on this.
Add another session binding and add some condition. E.g.
.ToMethod(c => c.Kernel.Get<NHibernateMasterSessionSource>().CreateSession())

Varying WCF Security Roles/Claims by Method Parameter

I have a class that implements IAuthorizationPolicy. I set up a custom Principal object based on the logged in user which has all of my base level roles (I have also done this using claims). Now I would like to change the roles that a particular principal has depending on a key value passed in as a message parameter.
The problem I am having is that the request message cannot be read in the authorization policy class because I don't have access to write the message back to the request context. I can copy and read the message in a ServiceAuthorizationManager derived class using an override of the CheckAccess method. However, I have to ensure that the GetAuthorizationPolicies method has already been called prior to doing that.
I am looking for suggestions on how I can vary the roles on a principal, based on whether or not the message contains a particular parameter. Basically, when the Evaluate method id called on the policy I want to do something like this:
string myObjectId = null;
if (!messageCopy.IsEmpty)
System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader xdr = messageCopy.GetReaderAtBodyContents();
if (xdr.Read())
myObjectId = xdr.ReadContentAsString();
ClaimSet claims = (myObjectId != null) ?
MapClaims(identity, myObjectId) : MapClaims(identity);
DefaultPrincipal principal = new DefaultPrincipal(identity, claims);
After an entire day of attempted failures, I gave up on trying to read the message body and used an easier method, adding a SOAP message header. When calling the service I now perform the following:
using (new OperationContextScope((IContextChannel)myService)) {
MessageHeader.CreateHeader("objectId", "", "object value"));
myService.BeginMyOperation(parm, callback, state);
Then in my service authorization policy's Evaluate method I do this:
int index = OperationContext.Current.IncomingMessageHeaders.FindHeader(
"objectId", "");
string myObjectId = (index < 0) ? null :
ClaimSet claims = (myObjectId != null) ?
MapClaims(identity, myObjectId) : MapClaims(identity);
DefaultPrincipal principal = new DefaultPrincipal(identity, claims);
I run into the same situation while developing WebAPI security and I choosen the next approach:
Method that recieves argument creates AuthorizationContext where it passes the argument as Resource claim
My custom ClaimsAuthorizationManager then can get argument from AuthorizationContext.Resource and use it from authorization.