Derived Class Shared Methods -

I have a function that 2 derived classes use, but the third doesn't, would it make sense to just leave it in the base class, even though one of the 3 derived classes doesn't use it?
The only way I could think of disallowing the third class is to basically create an intermediate class that is derived of the base, then the 2 that use the common function are derived off the second class.
Is it possible to prevent the 3rd class from using the function, while letting the two that are supposed to use it, use it?
Does that just seem to go overboard, I mean as long as I don't "try" to call the function from the 3rd class, it shouldn't be a problem, I just was interested if there was a way to prevent it all together without a lot of hassle.

There is not a way to do this directly. Basically, when you subclass, you're saying the subclass is a more specific version of the base class.
In this case, you're trying to say "the subclass is a more specific version of the base class, except for the fact that it shouldn't be able to touch XXX". That's, in essence, violating the Liskov Substitution Principle.
The best way to handle this is to add a second base class in your hierarchy, which is I believe the solution you mention.
Basically, make your hierarchy:
| \---- subclass without feature available
\--subclass one with specific feature
\--subclass two with specific feature

You can make this function virtual. Then override the function in the 3rd class and throw an exception. It will prevent developers to use the function in the 3rd class.


About methods in OOP

I'm relatively new in OOP.
I understand classes, methods, etc, etc but I'm having troubles with the philosophy.
Right now, I'm working on a project to manage projects, with project management, class, methods, variables, users, groups, log and task management.
So, starting with Project class, i've that:
public function create_project()
public function get_projects()
public function delete_project()
Then, ProjectClass class:
public class create_class()
public class get_classes()
public class delete_class()
But then, I though that is not the right way, so I've changed to:
Project class methods:
set_name, get_name (and similar methods)
ProjectClass class methods:
set_project_id (and get)
add_variables (and get)
So, in the first case, is the Project class who create new projects, the ProjectClass class who creates the clases and the Method class who creates the methods, and in the second case, is the Project class who creates and manages its classes and is the ProjectClass class who creates and manages its methods.
So, is any of theses "styles" correct?
If is the second case the correct case, who creates the projects? Itself?
Thank you so much
In the general case it is really hard to tell if a design is better than the other if you don't have clear responsibilities to assign (and by this I mean behavior outside from getters and setters). As time went by I moved away from upfront design to a iterative/incremental one, tackling one problem at a time and refactoring the design as needed. In this case I would try to lay down the basic requirements of your system and start a design-implementation cycle for each of them, re-structuring your model as you go tackling new requirements.
Just an an example consider this question: Does it make sense to have a class that is not bounded to a project? If the answer is no then it can be a good idea to have a method like Project>>createClass(aClassName), since you are explicitly stating that a class is created in the context of a project. Also you can make the proper connections between a class and the project it belongs to inside the method's implementation. However it is also a valid approach to define a constructor in the ProjectClass class that takes a project as a parameter. In that way you are saying "if you want to create a new class, then you must provide the project where it belongs to". Which approach to use depends on many things, one of them being programmer tastes :), so it is really hard to state if one is better than the other without having a specific context to evaluate them.
Finally, if it helps, there are a few things that are worth mentioning:
Assuming that public function create_project() is an instance method, why does an instance of a Project know how to create other projects? At first it doesn't make much sense, since that is basically a class-side responsibility, unless you have a specific motivation for this (e.g. like the Prototype pattern).
Why does a project answer to get_projects()? Are they related in some way? Or it just list all the projects? Then again, this sounds like a class-side responsibility.
I generally don't like to add the concept that the message receiver represents as part of the message. So, I wouldn't call the message delete_project(), since it is redundant to state $project->delete_project() (you already know the receiver of the message is a project).
You should be consistent with your class names. If you use ProjectClass to represent classes then you should use ProjectMethod to represents methods (though I personally don't like these names, IMHO they are misleading). It is quite important to chose proper names and keep them consistent in your domain model.

How to extend/decorate third-party classes in VB.NET?

In Ruby all classes are forever open. New behavior can be added to any class at just about any time. Is there a way to do this in VB.NET?
For example, what if I want all DataRows in an existing app (a large one) to take on a new behavior. I realize I could create a custom row class that inherits from DataRow, but inheritance is not what I'm after. That would involved a lot of rework to make sure that at all places rows are instantiated, we are instantiating from our custom row class.
I had two rough ideas about how this might be done:
It occurred to me that aspects (AOP) could work here. Is there a way to layer behavior on top of existing methods?
Would it be possible to apply a given Interface to existing classes.
The primary goal here is to not have to do any large retrofit of existing code. The system should practically remain oblivious to these layered-on behaviors/aspects. It should involve a minimal change to the codebase.
Currently, we implement layered aspects using decorator classes. The problem is, the system knows the difference between a native row and a row decorator object. I want to be able to pass around something that the system thinks is a native row. Again, the system needn't be mindful of the decorations applied to the row. It should think it has a row, not some special decorator.
Specifically, I want to decorate the default set Item(colName) property of a row so that I can modify the incoming value.
Much of what you are asking for is possible with Extension Methods. See here for more info:
Here's an example from that link which adds a Print method to all String objects:
Module StringExtensions
Public Sub Print(ByVal aString As String)
End Sub
End Module
However, you can only use extension methods to add methods, not properties nor fields. Also, you can only add a new method or overload. You can't override an existing method with a new one.
Since what you are talking about, specifically, is the ability to override the indexer property on a class, extension methods won't help you in that case. The only other option that I'm aware of would be to trick your projects into using your wrapper class instead of the real one. You could create your own library that implements the same classes with the same names in the same namespace as whatever library you are trying to extend. Your wrapper library would reference the real one and would inherit all the classes from the original one. Then you could extend them all you want and your other projects could simply reference your library instead of the real one. To do this, you would of course need to use lots of namespace aliasing and quite possibly assembly reference aliasing (which is not available in VB.NET, so you might have to write the library in C#, which supports it with the extern keyword). But I suspect this may not be worth it for you.

Using functionality of one class in another

I'm trying to use ILGeoNames classes in my project. But I have problem with understanding in which way I can use this classes for my purpose. There is "simple project" in this framework. From it I want only one thing: country time zone (I already have county name). Because there are many method, variables and others staffs I can't understand what exactly I need to use. Please, help me solve this question.
If its a bunch of classes and you want to make use of a certain class's methods or properties, then you have to #import name_of_class_you_want_to_utilize; at the start of your file and then make your calls. Class methods can be called directly, whereas instance methods require you to create an instance of the class to access them.

Reasons to use private instead of protected for fields and methods

This is a rather basic OO question, but one that's been bugging me for some time.
I tend to avoid using the 'private' visibility modifier for my fields and methods in favor of protected.
This is because, generally, I don't see any use in hiding the implementation between base class and child class, except when I want to set specific guidelines for the extension of my classes (i.e. in frameworks). For the majority of cases I think trying to limit how my class will be extended either by me or by other users is not beneficial.
But, for the majority of people, the private modifier is usually the default choice when defining a non-public field/method.
So, can you list use cases for private? Is there a major reason for always using private? Or do you also think it's overused?
There is some consensus that one should prefer composition over inheritance in OOP. There are several reasons for this (google if you're interested), but the main part is that:
inheritance is seldom the best tool and is not as flexible as other solutions
the protected members/fields form an interface towards your subclasses
interfaces (and assumptions about their future use) are tricky to get right and document properly
Therefore, if you choose to make your class inheritable, you should do so conciously and with all the pros and cons in mind.
Hence, it's better not to make the class inheritable and instead make sure it's as flexible as possible (and no more) by using other means.
This is mostly obvious in larger frameworks where your class's usage is beyond your control. For your own little app, you won't notice this as much, but it (inheritance-by-default) will bite you in the behind sooner or later if you're not careful.
Composition means that you'd expose customizability through explicit (fully abstract) interfaces (virtual or template-based).
So, instead of having an Vehicle base class with a virtual drive() function (along with everything else, such as an integer for price, etc.), you'd have a Vehicle class taking a Motor interface object, and that Motor interface only exposes the drive() function. Now you can add and re-use any sort of motor anywhere (more or less. :).
There are two situations where it matters whether a member is protected or private:
If a derived class could benefit from using a member, making the member `protected` would allow it to do so, while making it `private` would deny it that benefit.
If a future version of the base class could benefit by not having the member behave as it does in the present version, making the member `private` would allow that future version to change the behavior (or eliminate the member entirely), while making it `protected` would require all future versions of the class to keep the same behavior, thus denying them the benefit that could be reaped from changing it.
If one can imagine a realistic scenario where a derived class might benefit from being able to access the member, and cannot imagine a scenario where the base class might benefit from changing its behavior, then the member should be protected [assuming, of course, that it shouldn't be public]. If one cannot imagine a scenario where a derived class would get much benefit from accessing the member directly, but one can imagine scenarios where a future version of the base class might benefit by changing it, then it should be private. Those cases are pretty clear and straightforward.
If there isn't any plausible scenario where the base class would benefit from changing the member, I would suggest that one should lean toward making it protected. Some would say the "YAGNI" (You Ain't Gonna Need It) principle favors private, but I disagree. If you're is expecting others to inherit the class, making a member private doesn't assume "YAGNI", but rather "HAGNI" (He's Not Gonna Need It). Unless "you" are going to need to change the behavior of the item in a future version of the class, "you" ain't gonna need it to be private. By contrast, in many cases you'll have no way of predicting what consumers of your class might need. That doesn't mean one should make members protected without first trying to identify ways one might benefit from changing them, since YAGNI isn't really applicable to either decision. YAGNI applies in cases where it will be possible to deal with a future need if and when it is encountered, so there's no need to deal with it now. A decision to make a member of a class which is given to other programmers private or protected implies a decision as to which type of potential future need will be provided for, and will make it difficult to provide for the other.
Sometimes both scenarios will be plausible, in which case it may be helpful to offer two classes--one of which exposes the members in question and a class derived from that which does not (there's no standard idiomatic was for a derived class to hide members inherited from its parent, though declaring new members which have the same names but no compilable functionality and are marked with an Obsolete attribute would have that effect). As an example of the trade-offs involved, consider List<T>. If the type exposed the backing array as a protected member, it would be possible to define a derived type CompareExchangeableList<T> where T:Class which included a member T CompareExchangeItem(index, T T newValue, T oldvalue) which would return Interlocked.CompareExchange(_backingArray[index], newValue, oldValue); such a type could be used by any code which expected a List<T>, but code which knew the instance was a CompareExchangeableList<T> could use the CompareExchangeItem on it. Unfortunately, because List<T> does not expose the backing array to derived classes, it is impossible to define a type which allows CompareExchange on list items but which would still be useable by code expecting a List<T>.
Still, that's not to imply that exposing the backing array would have been completely without cost; even though all extant implementations of List<T> use a single backing array, Microsoft might implement future versions to use multiple arrays when a list would otherwise grow beyond 84K, so as to avoid the inefficiencies associated with the Large Object Heap. If the backing array was exposed as protected member, it would be impossible to implement such a change without breaking any code that relied upon that member.
Actually, the ideal thing might have been to balance those interests by providing a protected member which, given a list-item index, will return an array segment which contains the indicated item. If there's only one array, the method would always return a reference to that array, with an offset of zero, a starting subscript of zero, and a length equal to the list length. If a future version of List<T> split the array into multiple pieces, the method could allow derived classes to efficiently access segments of the array in ways that would not be possible without such access [e.g. using Array.Copy] but List<T> could change the way it manages its backing store without breaking properly-written derived classes. Improperly-written derived classes could get broken if the base implementation changes, but that's the fault of the derived class, not the base.
I just prefer private than protected in the default case because I'm following the principle to hide as much as possibility and that's why set the visibility as low as possible.
I am reaching here. However, I think that the use of Protected member variables should be made conciously, because you not only plan to inherit, but also because there is a solid reason derived classed shouldn't use the Property Setters/Getters defined on the base class.
In OOP, we "encapsulate" the member fields so that we can excercise control over how they properties the represent are accessed and changed. When we define a getter/setter on our base for a member variable, we are essentially saying that THIS is how I want this variable to be referenced/used.
While there are design-driven exceptions in which one might need to alter the behavior created in the base class getter/setter methods, it seems to me that this would be a decision made after careful consideration of alternatives.
For Example, when I find myself needing to access a member field from a derived class directly, instead of through the getter/setter, I start thinking maybe that particular Property should be defined as abstract, or even moved to the derived class. This depends upon how broad the hierarchy is, and any number of additional considerations. But to me, stepping around the public Property defined on the base class begins to smell.
Of course, in many cases, it "doesn't matter" because we are not implementing anything within the getter/setter beyond access to the variable. But again, if this is the case, the derived class can just as easily access through the getter/setter. This also protects against hard-to-find bugs later, if employed consistently. If the behgavior of the getter/setter for a member field on the base class is changed in some way, and a derived class references the Protected field directly, there is the potential for trouble.
You are on the right track. You make something private, because your implementation is dependant on it not being changed either by a user or descendant.
I default to private and then make a conscious decision about whether and how much of the inner workings I'm going to expose, you seem to work on the basis, that it will be exposed anyway, so get on with it. As long as we both remember to cross all the eyes and dot all the tees, we are good.
Another way to look at it is this.
If you make it private, some one might not be able to do what they want with your implementation.
If you don't make it private, someone may be able to do something you really don't want them to do with your implementation.
I've been programming OOP since C++ in 1993 and Java in 1995. Time and again I've seen a need to augment or revise a class, typically adding extra functionality tightly integrated with the class. The OOP way to do so is to subclass the base class and make the changes in the subclass. For example a base class field originally referred to only elsewhere in the base class is needed for some other action, or some other activity must change a value of the field (or one of the field's contained members). If that field is private in the base class then the subclass cannot access it, cannot extend the functionality. If the field is protected it can do so.
Subclasses have a special relationship to the base class that other classes elsewhere in the class hierarchy don't have: they inherit the base class members. The purpose of inheritance is to access base class members; private thwarts inheritance. How is the base class developer supposed to know that no subclasses will ever need to access a member? In some cases that can be clear, but private should be the exception rather than the rule. Developers subclassing the base class have the base class source code, so their alternative is to revise the base class directly (perhaps just changing private status to protected before subclassing). That's not clean, good practice, but that's what private makes you do.
I am a beginner at OOP but have been around since the first articles in ACM and IEEE. From what I remember, this style of development was more for modelling something. In the real world, things including processes and operations would have "private, protected, and public" elements. So to be true to the object .....
Out side of modelling something, programming is more about solving a problem. The issue of "private, protected, and public" elements is only a concern when it relates to making a reliable solution. As a problem solver, I would not make the mistake of getting cough up in how others are using MY solution to solve their own problems. Now keep in mind that a main reason for the issue of ...., was to allow a place for data checking (i.e., verifying the data is in a valid range and structure before using it in your object).
With that in mind, if your code solves the problem it was designed for, you have done your job. If others need your solution to solve the same or a simular problem - Well, do you really need to control how they do it. I would say, "only if you are getting some benefit for it or you know the weaknesses in your design, so you need to protect some things."
In my idea, if you are using DI (Dependency Injection) in your project and you are using it to inject some interfaces in your class (by constructor) to use them in your code, then they should be protected, cause usually these types of classes are more like services not data keepers.
But if you want to use attributes to save some data in your class, then privates would be better.

Define inherited class in base class library or new project

I've written a abstract base class TCPIP sever in its own namespace/library. Currently I have the derived class (more specific TCPIP server; with DataHandler) in the .exe project of the solution.
I'm almost 100% certain this is how I will go, but part of me wants to put the derived class in the base class project. What are some good reasons for/against this?
I believe YAGNI, KISS and The Rule Of Three apply here. If you don't have immediate plans to try to reuse the derived class, then keep it in the application namespace. If you find later there is a second project/application that can use something like your derived class then keep to your plan and use it as a "template" to create another similar derived class by cut and paste.
If you find a third occasion to do this again, then you can take a look and see if there is a reasonably useful subclass sitting in there. Don't get distracted trying to spot reusable abstractions too early.
"Why do I need the base class library"?
Usually because you want to use it in multiple projects.
If this is the case, do you need to use the derived class in other projects?
If you plan on having other exe's use the your derived class its helpful if it there and not in the exe.
My reasoning in favor of this approach is that if I put the dervied class in the .exe namespace, I will have access to all those classes (e.g. data queue). However, if I put the derived class in base project, I'd have to grant access to all the classes in the .exe namespace in order to use just one of them (using DotExeNamespace;).