maven, wsgen and dynamic url - maven-2

After implementing a test solution described here :
Use Maven to trigger a wsgen & wsimport in a row, using wsdlLocation
I wonder if there is a way to generate the client jar without knowing the WS URL, so that it would be usable against any similar ws deployed somewhere else.
Any idea?

I wonder if there is a way to generate the client jar without knowing the WS URL, so that it would be usable against any similar ws deployed somewhere else.
Whatever WSDL URI has been used to generate the JAX-WS client artifacts, you can override a service endpoint address from the client code by using the appropriate constructor:
URL newEndpoint = new URL("http://new/endpointaddress?wsdl");
QName serviceName = new QName("http://targetNamespaceURI","EchoService");
EchoService service = new EchoService(newEndpoint, serviceName);
Echo port = service.getEchoPort();
System.out.println("Server said: " + echo.echo(args[0]));
Related question
How to change webservice url endpoint?
See also
Changing WSDL url (endpoint) in JAX-WS client


IBM MobileFirst Platform - How to Call resource WS (JAX-RS) in navigator?

I'm trying to make a simple example of a connection to a WS (JAX-RS), when I call from the browser, I should return a string but I get the following error message:
missing_authorization, this is the URL to access the resource (REST):
When I test it directly from MobileFirst Studio using "Call MobileFirst Adapter", it works perfectly.
It seems to be a problem with HTTP authentication, apparently I have to set something in the XML file server: authenticationConfig.xml, but I do not know what I have to put and I read the following in a web:
Disabling the authentication requirement for a specific procedure.
You can do so by adding the securityTest="wl_unprotected" property to the element in the adapter XML file.
I do not know how to turn off the security to call the resource to obtain the chain. The name of the classes generated by the Java adapter are: MyAdapterResource and MyAdapterApplication.
Java Adapters are protected by default.
When you use "Call MobileFirst Adapter", a test token is automatically added to help you preview.
If you want to test your adapter outside of the wizard, you have 2 main options:
Disable security by adding #OAuthSecurity(enabled=false) before your procedure code (in MyAdapterResource). Keep in mind that your procedure will no longer be protected. See Protecting Adapters.
Generate a test token manually. You can request a test token which you will add to your HTTP headers. See In Postman
The instructions you saw regarding securityTest="wl_unprotected" are for JavaScript adapters, not Java.

Restlet HTTP Connection Pool

I am fairly new to Restlet and wrote small piece of code to make a HTTP call. It is working but I was wondering how can I add HTTP Connection pooling (apache) into it.
I am not able to find any tutorial or reference code for it.
Client client = new Client(Protocol.HTTP);
ChallengeResponse challengeResponse = new ChallengeResponse(
String url = RestHelper.createRequestURI("CCC");
Request request = new Request(Method.GET, url);
Response response = client.handle(request);
Any references or help will be appreciated.
In fact, Restlet internally manages a pool at the client connector level. Configuration of this pool can be done using the context of your client. The following example describes to configure it:
Client client = new Client(new Context(), Protocol.HTTP);
You can notice that these parameters depend on the underlying client connector you use.
Here are some helpful links:
Doc related to connectors:
Javadoc containing parameters for the HTTP client connector:
Notice that if you use ClientResource, you need to share the same client to have only one instance of the client connector under the hood. Otherwise a new one is instantiated for each request. See the way to implement this below:
Client client = new Client(new Context(), Protocol.HTTP);
ClientResource cr = new ClientResource("http://myurl");
Hope it helps,

How to retrieve headers on AppHarbor hosted WCF-applications

Currently I have a WCF-based service deployed on AppHarbor. I'm having a issue with a GET operation defined like this:
[WebGet(UriTemplate = "feedcallback")]
Stream HandleMessageGet();
And implemented like this:
public Stream HandleMessageGet()
var value = WebOperationContext.Current.IncomingRequest.Headers[""];
//Do stuff with header value
return ms;
Whenever I run this WCF application on localhost for debugging etc. it works fine; I can retrieve the header value. But whenever I deploy the project to AppHarbor, the get request doesn't function properly anymore because it can't retrieve the header from the WebOperationContext.
What could be causing this issue and how could this be solved?
In the end it seems to be an issue with the AppHarbor loadbalancer not forwarding headers with dots in them.

how to dynamic binding of web service URL

i store web service url in web.config or app.config. when i call web service like
ServiceAvailabilityTestClient.TestClient servAvailClient = new ServiceAvailabilityTestClient.TestClient();
servAvailClient.url= myapp.config url here.
the problem is the property called url is not appearing. sp please tell me what to do.
i just add wsdl file location as service reference because web service path called not being added. web service url which i try to add as web service reference is
1) i just not being able why i am not being able to add this web service url as service reference
2) why url property is not exposed in client side.
can anyone guide me what is the matter. thanks
You could do it through your generated client or ChannelFactory:
var client = ChannelFactory(IWcfService).CreateChannel(Binding, ServiceModel.EndpointAdress)
var client = New Client(binding, RemoteAdress)
EndpointAdress just takes string or uri in constructor e.g.http://yourservice.asmx
Are you using the <System.ServiceModel/> config section? If so you shouldn't have to do anything - the URL will be loaded from the <client/> section of the config when you create the channel.

Connect to TFS via API behind a Webproxy

I have to connecto TFS via API which already works fine when i am within my lan.
But now i have to connect to a TFS over a webproxy. I am able to connect to the serverstatus.asmx via browser.
I already tried to set a environment variable and added the property to app.config - but without success.
Now i tried to do the same with a httpwebrequest
System.Net.HttpWebRequest request = System.Net.WebRequest.Create(tfs_uri) as System.Net.HttpWebRequest;
request.Credentials = tfs_cred;
System.Net.WebProxy p = new System.Net.WebProxy("http://proxy.local.lan:8080/");
p.UseDefaultCredentials = true;
request.Proxy = p;
System.Net.WebResponse response = request.GetResponse();
This code can connect to the tfs. If i remove proxy definition and add the defaultProxy tag into app.config - i get the same error msg when connecting a TfsConfigurationServer object.
My assumption is: TFS API does not support web proxies. Is this correct?
Can somebody tell me that my assumption is wrong?
You can, but it is a bit more convoluted than just setting the proxy details. Because TFS makes lots of seperate calls under the hood you will not be able to use the methods above.
Try adapting Rido's post below:
I would think that you should be able to integrate this method into your own applicaiton.