Accessing (read only) a Firebird database with MS Access 2007 - ms-access-2007

I would like to know how to read information stored in a Firebird Database and use it in an MS Access 2007 application that I'm about to write. The Firebird database will not be updated via MS Access 2007.

This is a real problem, and you're not the only one asking. Access has native support for ODBC, which is ok for getting things in and out, except when the ODBC driver is dodgy. Near as I can tell, there really isn't a concept of OLEDB interfaces in Access, and it appears doubtful that you "can get there from here". Believe me, if I do find an answer, I'll be back here in a heartbeat to update this post.

Thought it is very late to response...I have started learning firebird with ms access since last 6 month, as I am not a programmer nor I have any degree in computer. Finally I have successed to configure all things in firebird and link table with ms access.
Basically I created all the table with flamerobbin GUI tool, created generator and trigger. last link with obdc driver with ms access as linktable.
In ms access I created relationship of required tables and created forms as link vs child. Now everything is working fine.
Most error come due to null constraint. However if one has created all triggers and generator he will face no issue.
I am very impress by the Firebird database as it the best of the best tool and easiest as well.


Which software/framework to use to create App for Call Calibration for Quality Dept

I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask this question. If not, please direct me to the right place.
We used to have an application that was created using VB and Microsoft Access. It was an application to score calls from Agents and would then run a few calculations and grade those agents based on a few algorithms.
We replicated all that Access data onto SQL but for some reason, we were just not able to connect the VB application to the SQL Database instead. The application was also outdated and we needed a change.
Can anyone suggest software/framework that can be used to create a new application with an ability to connect to a SQL database?
EDIT: We have a Microsoft Office 365 subscription. I was thinking of using PowerApps. I've never used it before. Does anyone think this could help serve my purpose?
I have extensive experience of using PowerApps to create applications connected to SQL Server (in my case Azure SQL Database), and am mostly satisfied.
There are some constraints, but not major. Please see these posts for some further information.
I would suggest PowerApps if you have Office365.

Create a Jet Database Only using VB.Net

I want to Create a Database that i can publish with a VB.Net Program. I did it just fine Linking MS Access but the problem is what if the user doesn't have Access. So i asked around a bit and one of my teachers said to use a jet database.
Is there a better option for sending a database that the user needs to populate when i publish?
if not!
How can i create a Jet database only in
Using this option I will of course need to send 2 programs along one to Populate the data and one to Read and do its job.
Any help would be much appreciated thank you!
If it's a fairly simple database that you are going to be using then you might also want to take a look at sql compact edition. I won't say that this is superior to jet databases but you might find distribution easier.

Change of code if Database is changed (form Access to SQL Server)

I am trying to migrate from Access Database to SQL server database. Do I need to make changes (for saving, reading, deleting etc. data) to my code as well?
I understand I need to change connection but what about code?
For the most part, Access SQL Queries are very similar to SQL Server Queries. Therefore, unless you're using Access-specific constructs such as Val, CInt, etc in your queries, you can safely migrate to SQL Server.
It is recommended though, that you thoroughly test the program after migration lest you run into 'strange' errors.
I'm sure the conversion will require some time and troubleshooting. For one, Access through version 2007 uses VBA for the back-end code and SQL Server's programming is quite different from VBA. Developer's transitioning from Visual Basic 6 (very similar to VBA) to VB.NET ran into quite a few challenges.
Also, keep in mind that SQL Server is best used as the back-end storage engine. The user interface is typically written in a .NET language using Visual Studio. SQL Server (at least through 2005 -- I haven't used 2008) doesn't have user interface components like a File Open dialog box.

Moving from Microsoft Access 2007 to Sql Server 2005

I have MS Access 2007 Databases and VBA modules associated with it.
I Now want to upgrade my project so as to use Sql Server 2005 and using visual
Can any one suggest Complete details on the transfer without much hassle or data loss.?
Thanks In Advance
Per RBarry's answer...the data migration to SQL Server is easy using the SQL Server Migration wizard. Then you will have a working microsoft access application (probably but maybe it will require polishing and tweaking).
To convert the front end (ui) to there might be a converter but even if there is one you would likely have to do a lot of it manually anyway. So you treat the access version like a prototype and you start building your app in by hand.
Start with the Ms-Access SSMA site:
I am not aware of a migration guide specifically for Access -> SqlSever, however, there is a very extensive Oracle -> SqlServer Migration Guide that you could easily cherry-pick for a project plan.
I use SQL Server to import data from Access databases. Be aware that it won't import your keys or relationships- you'll need to recreate those.
Your VBA code is specific to Access. You'll need to rewrite it in VB.NET.
The Access queries are probably going to cause you the most trouble. Simple ones can be converted with the Upsizing Wizard, but the more complex ones will have to be rewritten in SQL.
Also note SQL Server objects follow different naming conventions. An Access table is typically prefixed with tbl, SQL tables typically aren't named with a prefix.

Problem with an Access 2007 Project connecting to Sql Server 2005

So I've created an Access Project for one of my users so he can connect to a reporting database. The .adp project connects to the DB and he can query data to his heart's content. The problem is, no queries can be saved. Whenever he opens the project, he is presented with the following error:
"This version of Microsoft Access does not support design changes with the version of Microsoft Sql Server to which your Access project is connected. See the Microsoft Office Update Web site for the latest information and downloads. Your design changes will not be saved."
Again, this is Access 2007 and Sql Server 2005. My googling efforts - which are coming on a day when I seem to be especially stupid - keep bringing up information regarding this error for Access 2002/2003 trying to connect to Sql Server 2005, which is clearly not my problem.
I'm seeing that one can connect to Sql Server with the normal Access databases (.accdb in 2007 or some such), but I'm seeing mixed information regarding whether I want to do this or not. And since I can't get a copy of Access 2007, I can't really test this (topic for another time).
Before I do down that road, I'd like to get to the bottom of this one. Anyone have any suggestions, useful links, or useful knowledge? Or an older developer who knows the answer that is no longer needed, so I can eat him and absorb his knowledge and powers?
The account being used to connect to the DB was only a db_reader. I changed it to DBO and that fixed the problem - user can now create and save queries, and sleep at night knowing that tomorrow will bring a new day with new querying possibilities.
I'm not super crazy about this though the reporting database has been set up on a separate install/server from impotant App databases. I'm not worried about the user (or anyone on his group) blowing anything up. I'd like to understand why this is, and don't (outside of the obvious - reader is read only! I didn't expect that to extend to work in Access), and will try to do so at a later time. One of the unfortunate aspects of working at a dev shop focused on internal app development is, "well, it's working, you have other things to see to".
I am not sure if I can be of help here.
But you can have a view inside Access which connects to SQL database and use that view.
Alternatively, you can go the other way. Have a DB project with SQL Server & create a linked server to MS-Access DB.
Did you try linking to the tables through an ODBC connection?
CodeSlave, I did not. The attitude from higher up is "it's working, move on". I'm not sure the boss really wanted to go down that road anyway, but it's a moot point. I should probably try granting the account dbreader and dbwriter access and see if that accomplishes the same thing, but it being dbo isn't really a huge deal. Or rather, it's not a big enough deal that The Powers That Be want me to seek an immediate change.
I was going to try linked tables until changing the SQl Server account permissions "fixed the problem" (quotes very deliberate; it feels like one of those solutions you arrive at without a proper understanding of what it worked, which vexes me).