Hosting WCF service in IIS - wcf

I am trying to host the service in IIS but I get Page Not found error.
Here is what I did to host in IIS
Created a WCF Service application (BillingService)
I have two classes called IBillSrv.cs (as Base) and BillSrvc.cs
Added a new WCFService website (BillSrvcSite) to the solution and added a reference to the above mentioned (BillingService).
In IIS created a new Virtual site and mapped it to BillSrvSite
Opened the Web.Config and changed the endpoint contract to IBillSrv
When I run it works fine in the WCF test client.
but when i paste the below url in IE I get page not found.
I am using C# 2008
Can someone please advise what is missing or where I am going wrong?

This has nothing to do with persistence. An interface member like ParseTestQues can only be implicitly implemented by a public method. Simply make ParseTestQues be public.
Isn't your service endpoint named something like "BillSrvc.svc"? Try typing http://localhost/BillingService/BillSrvc/BillSrvc.svc into the browser and see what happens.


Https WCF webservice giving Http 400 error while calling method from browser

I have created a wcf web service. When i run it for http it works fine and gives result in wcftestclient as well as browser.
But when i test for https by changing it fot https it gives result in wcftestclient but when i try to call method from url by passing parameters. i receive error.
HTTP 400 error
It’s not you, it’s this link (it appears to be broken).
I have changed configuration file for https. It is working in wcftestclient but not in browser. it gives wsdl file but error for method calling.
I call method as
Quick way is Goto project properties of your WCF Service Project in Visual studio, open Web tab/page and make sure IIS web server is selected and IIS Express not selected mention your web address like https://localhost/WcfService1 and if virtual directory is not created then Click on "Create Virtual Directory Button", visual studio will create with required SSL settings for you.
To verify open Internet Information Manager(inetmgr), select service virtual directory/website and verify binding in Actions pane on the right hand side.
It should have two browse links under Manage Application heading one for HTTP and one for HTTPS.
Hope this helps.

Renaming a WCF service hosted on IIS

I have renamed a WCF service and everything works just fine on my test/development environment. However, the service is not accessible on my production environment, which is IIS. When trying to access the service the client receives roughly the following error:
The request failed with the error: The type Old_Service_Name.Some_Type could not be found.
In other words, IIS should be informed about the renaming of the service. How do I tell IIS, preferably using IIS Manager, that the service has a new name?
In the service.svc file, change the Service attribute of the ServiceHost tag so that it suits your new service name. Namely, replace Old_Service_Name.Some_Type with New_Service_Name.Some_Type.

WCF service hosted in a managed Windows service connect using a WCF service application

Thank you in advance for any advice. I have a Windows service that is hosting a WCF service through net.tcp and this is working great. I have also created a WCF service application. I am trying to add the net.tcp service reference to the service application. Then I add it to the GAC that goes ok but if I try to RegAsm the WCF service application to allow it to be called from Server.CreateObject I get the error:
Warning: Type library exporter encountered a type that derives from a
generic class and is not marked as
[ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.None)]. Class interfaces cannot be
exposed for such types. Consider marking the type with
[ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.None)] and exposing an explicit
interface as the default interface to COM using the
ComDefaultInterface attribute.
It does not work. I have tried to call it through a class library but this does not work either as the end point is not set correctly.
Any advice?
Ok Fixed this. Was a Permissions Error the iusr account did not have access to the web.config file from the WCF Service Application. So It works now. Now another problem has arised. I need to be able to call the WCF Service Application from asp classic but it does not use a web.config.

Create WCF endpoint configurations in the client app, in code?

I am trying to consume a WCF web service from a .NET client application, and I think I need to be able to programmatically create endpoints, but I don't know how. I think I need to do this because, when I try to run the application, I am getting the following error:
Could not find default endpoint
element that references contract
'IEmailService' in the ServiceModel
client configuration section. This
might be because no configuration file
was found for your application, or
because no endpoint element matching
this contract could be found in the
client element.
While troubleshooting this error, I created a simple windows forms application, in which I try to consume the same web service. With this test application I can connect to the web service successfully, and I get a valid response. But, I can reproduce the exact error cited above within in my test app by removing the system.serviceModel node and all of its child nodes from the application's app.config file (I might not have to remove ALL of that section, I'm not sure). So, my first thought was that I need to add that section to the app.config file for the real app, and everything should be fine. Unfortunately, for ridiculous reasons that I won't get into here, that is not an option. So, I am left with having to generate this information in code, inside the client app.
I am hoping someone here can help me work through this, or can point me toward a good resource for this sort of problem.
Is it possible to create endpoint configurations in the client app, in code?
By default, when you do an Add Service Reference operation, the WCF runtime will generate the client-side proxy for you.
The simplest way to use it is to instantiate the client proxy with a constructor that takes no parameters, and just grab the info from the app.config:
YourServiceClient proxy = new YourServiceClient();
This requires the config file to have a <client> entry with your service contract - if not, you'll get the error you have.
But the client side proxy class generated by the WCF runtime also has additional constructors - one takes an endpoint address and a binding, for instance:
BasicHttpBinding binding = new BasicHttpBinding(SecurityMode.None);
EndpointAddress epa = new EndpointAddress("http://localhost:8282/basic");
YourServiceClient proxy = new YourServiceClient(binding, epa);
With this setup, no config file at all is needed - you're defining everything in code. Of course, you can also set just about any other properties of your binding and/or endpoint here in code.
An east way to consume a WCF service if you have a reference to the assembly which defines the interface, is using the System.ServiceModel.ChannelFactory class.
For example, if you would like to use BasicHttpBinding:
var emailService = ChannelFactory<IEmailService>.CreateChannel(new BasicHttpBinding(), new EndpointAddress(new Uri(";
If you don't have a reference to the service assembly, then you can use one of the overloaded constructors on the generated proxy class to specify binding settings.

Using a console application to host WCF endpoints that expose ProfileService, ProfileService and RoleService

I've got an MVC web application that is used as an interface to a Console based app that exposes a bunch of ServiceHost/s using the net.pipe protocol.
I would like to use the membership/role/profile provider to manage my users and their roles and profile information (Inside the Console Application). I've done this in quite a few apps, but normally I reference these providers directly from the web application itself.
This is a good walk-through on doing pretty much what I would like, except I don't want to host the WCF service endpoints in IIS, but inside my console app - which will eventually become a windows service. When I try and host the ServiceHost through my console application I get the following error:
This service requires ASP.NET compatibility and must be hosted in IIS.
Either host the service in IIS with ASP.NET compatibility turned on in
web.config or set the
property to a value other than Required.
Now it seems that I won't be able to set that property to anything other than Required.
I've tried another route which is using the wrapper class/interface defined here for my authentication service, which I managed to get wired into in my MVC app without too much trouble, but this doesn't cover my Authorisation (using roles) or profile needs.
Has anyone got a solution to this, I can't be the only one trying to do this? I'm not