Self hosted cross domain WCF service called from silverlight hosted in sharepoint - wcf

as the title already states I am trying to call a self hosted WCF service (hosted in a windows service) from a silverlight 4.0 application which is hosted in sharepoint 2010. I use the basicHttpBinding and I already tried a lot of things as suggested here:
or here
but none of them worked I still get the error:
An error occurred while trying to make a request to URI 'serviceuri'. This could be due to attempting to access a service in a cross-domain way without a proper cross-domain policy in place, or a policy that is unsuitable for SOAP services. You may need to contact the owner of the service to publish a cross-domain policy file and to ensure it allows SOAP-related HTTP headers to be sent. Please see the inner exception for more details.
The inner exception states:
when deploying an Office solution, check to make sure you have fullfilled all security requirements.
The two files clientaccesspolicy.xml and crossdomain.xml are accessible on http://myserver/clientaccesspolicy.xml and http://myserver/crossdomain.xml
Does anybody have an idea on how to solve this?

All these things helped me out. But the biggest thing for me was turning on Fiddler and tracing the request/responses from Sharepoint + Silverlight. I was getting a 502 error back for some reason. I noticed that my Url in my code was "http://localhost:", however the request from silverlight was "http://[servername]:" you would think that this should work, however it didn't.
I remembered I had run into issues before where "localhost" was giving me problems, thus what I did was to edit my Host file from /windows/system32/drivers/etc and simply add the line:: [servername]
I did a iisreset, I left fiddler running and I unchecked the Enable IPv6 option (Tools->Fiddler Options) and everything started working. The Clientaccesspolicy.xml could be accessed, and sharepoint + silverlight could call out into the wcf world :)!!!
There was one major issues however, when you turn Fiddler off, it stopped working... Now I have to figure this one out...
I hope this hellps you.


iisClientCertificateMappingAuthentication and WCF

I have a working WCF Service, that does what it should do, hosted by an IIS.
Now in another environment, this service shall be used as ever, but IIS should additionally require a client certificate for allowing to access.
So I generated some certificates, used iisClientCertificateMappingAuthentication to configure them and map them to users. So I can control which users can access the website and I see to what user the certificates are mapped in the FailedReqLogFiles.
Then I added a sub directory, put the WCF application in there, converted to an application with an apppool and ther the pain began.
The WCF Service is determined to demand that 'Anonymous authentication' must be activated. When I activate anonymous authenticaiton, the service can be invoked, but from then on, it doesn't matter which certificate is used for authentication.
I googled tons of articles and tried lots of configurations, but didn't success so far. I must admit, I'm not very familiar with WCF, this always drove me crazy. I do simply not understand why an application deals with the way the Webserver handles security (it's smiliar to adding SSL, when WCF is not configured properly, IIS shows 404, that's also one thing i do not understand, why the WCF is interfering with the way IIS exposes content to the world...).
Hope there's someone who could give advice, thank you very much in advance.
Regards, Chris
You could try below setting in iis to resolve the issue:
1)Open iis manager, select your site.
2)select the SSL setting from the middle pane.
3)in SSL setting check require SSL, client certificate select accept radio button.
4)click on apply and restart iis.
You could refer the below link for how to set iisclientcertificate authentication with WCF:
WCF Service Using Client Certificates Requires Anonymous Access in IIS and Therefore Doesn't Actually Work?
How do I implement Client Certificate authentication the right way?

How do I access a workflow service in silverlight?

I have one worflow service named GetDataWorkflowService.xamlx that I want to use in Silverlight.
When I add a service reference to my application, it gives a message 'This Operation is not supported for the relative URI.' It still adds the reference, however.
When I use the referece:
Servicelient proxy=new ServiceClient();
proxy.GetDataCompleted += (o, a) => Debug.WriteLine("Result is " + a.Result);
I get the following error:
An error occurred while trying to make a request to URI 'http://localhost:1234/GetDataWorkflowService.xamlx'. This could be due to attempting to access a service in a cross-domain way without a proper cross-domain policy in place, or a policy that is unsuitable for SOAP services. You may need to contact the owner of the service to publish a cross-domain policy file and to ensure it allows SOAP-related HTTP headers to be sent. This error may also be caused by using internal types in the web service proxy without using the InternalsVisibleToAttribute attribute. Please see the inner exception for more details.
I don't understand what's happening.
A few things:
What happens if you use the WCF Test Client to call GetData()? Do you get an error or does that work just fine. If you get an error here concentrate on the server parts.
What happens if you set a service reference from a console application and call your workflow service. Same error or does that work?
Is the workflow service hosted in the same web site as the Silverlight client? If not do you have the cross domain policy files setup correctly.
Assuming the WCF Test Client works. Open up fiddler and compare the request from your Silverlight client with that from the WCF Test Client. What is different?
Enable tracing on the server to see if there are any exceptions or warnings that might provide more insight to what is wrong.
Check your startup project to be sure you are starting a web project and not the Silverlight project. For more details see Troubleshooting Workflow Services / Silverlight on my blog

Why do I get a 403 error when calling a WCF Webservice?

I'm really posting this question so that others searching for the answer can find it.
WCF Service: Has worked fine at some point but currently is returning 403 errors. The web.config looks fine as far as I can tell. This machine has set the web.config to disable transport and message security and is using BasicHTTPBinding.
When I call it with my client generated from the Service Reference in Visual Studio, I get a 403 error. The error indicates there is some problem with the authentication, but as far as I can tell there is no such problem.
To solve this problem, I used Fiddler to get the actual error code - in this case, a 403.1. This indicated that the executable for the service couldn't be run.
The actual problem ended up being that the ASP.NET version was set to 1.1, not 2.0+. So setting that to 2.0 resolved the 403 permission error.
Http 403 error is "Forbidden". There is something that is blocking access.
In cases where it worked at one point and then stopped, it is often a windows update that has tightend up the security.
Where is your WCF service installed?
What are the ACL's on these files?
What is the security context of your service? (Which account will be used to access the files)
Does that user have access to the files?

Creating a simple wcf service publishing it to my webhotel, and get it to work

This seems to be a recurring problem to me. I want to get started doing wcf services. I create a new Wcf Service Library, compile it, and publish it using FTP to my providers webhotel. But its not working. I somehow cant get access. I dont want some fancy security model - i just want to get a hole through to my simple webservice. Seems that its the part when i publish it to my webhotel (in a subdomain) that breaks the webservice - its working perfectly when starting it locally.
How to proceed anyone?
Often you need confguration information to host a service. If the service is hosted in IIS, then you need that configuration in web.config. Are you updating Web.config properly? Some hosters don't allow it.
To address this problem you can set up your IIS-hosted WCF service to read its config data from elsewhere.
I wrote a bit about my findings, this solved my issue:

Silverlight WCF calls work in IE but not in FF

I'm having a WCF service deployed on one of my servers, and my Silverlight app on the other server. The problem I'm having is running it in Firefox 3.5. Opening in IE 6/7 works great, but when I open it in Firefox it loads the app, but on calling WCF service i get this:
An error occurred while trying to make a request to URI ''. This could be due to attempting to access a service in a cross-domain way without a proper cross-domain policy in place, or a policy that is unsuitable for SOAP services. You may need to contact the owner of the service to publish a cross-domain policy file and to ensure it allows SOAP-related HTTP headers to be sent.
(The connection works over VPN so don't worry about the IP address)
I have encountered a similar problem and after a lot of research I found that adding the following line of code into the constructor of my UserControl solved the problem:
bool registerResult = WebRequest.RegisterPrefix("http://", WebRequestCreator.BrowserHttp);
More information about the WebRequest member can be found here.