newbie Nhibernate join query in a DetachedCriteria - nhibernate

I have a domain like this:
class Project
Unit ProjectUnit
class Unit
IList<User> Users
class User
I have to get all projects based on one user, so: each Project where Unit.Users contain query user.
How can I translate this to a DetachedCriteria?

This assumes you have an Id property on your User class and you're passing in a User user.
DetachedCriteria query = DetachedCriteria.For(typeof(Project),"Project")
.Add(Expression.Eq("Id", user.Id));


Why NHibernate create a temporary table when I call the Update method on Query?

I just want to update a column table based on a condition. Here my code :
.Where(e => [...])
.Update(c => new { Enabled = true });
This call generates the following SQL :
insert into HT_event SELECT evententit0_.Id as Id FROM event evententit0_ WHERE [...]
UPDATE event SET Enabled=? WHERE (Id) IN (select Id from HT_event)
Why NHibernate creates a temp table to store ids instead of directly generates a correct IN clause ? How can I disable this behavior ?
To give more information, I use a table per class hierarchy inheritance mapping with mapping by code. My EventEntity is an abstract class :
public abstract class EventEntity { ... }
public class EventMap : ClassMapping<EventEntity> { ... }
I have a few others entities that inherit from EventEntity
public abstract class MatchEntity { ... }
public class MatchMap : JoinedSubclassMapping<MatchEntity> { ... }
Thx for your help !
Hibernate propose a way to customize the bulk id strategy, but it's not available for NHibernate at this moment :

NHibernate 4 child collection saved, but not re-loaded

I've got an NHibernate 4 project with several collection relationships. I'm unit-testing the object model, exercising all the collections. Most work fine, but in one case, the child collection is cascade-saved properly, but on loading the parent entity and examining the collection property, the child collection is empty.
Here are the abbreviated classes. GatewayUser is the parent object, and it has a collection of Student. The collection has a private backing property, and AddStudent/RemoveStudent methods.
Further complications: I'm using the NHibernate.AspNet.Identity library for OAuth2 user management, and GatewayUser inherits from IdentityUser. That in turn inherits from the the library's internal base entity class, which is different from my project's own base class.
public class GatewayUser : IdentityUser
public GatewayUser()
public virtual string FirstName { get; set; }
// ...More value properties and OAuth stuff omitted
// students associated with this user
private IList<Student> _students = new List<Student>();
public virtual IList<Student> Students
get { return new ReadOnlyCollection<Student>(_students); }
public virtual GatewayUser AddStudent(Student s)
if (_students.Contains(s))
return this;
s.GatewayUser = this;
return this;
public virtual GatewayUser RemoveStudent(Student s)
if (_students.Contains(s))
return this;
Student is more ordinary; it inherits from my own BaseEntity class, has many value properties, and its own child collection of ProgramApplication items. Interestingly, this collection saves and loads fine; it's got the same structure (private backer, etc.) as the failing collection in GatewayUser.
The mapping is complicated, because the library internally maps its classes with NHiberante.Mapping.ByCode.Conformist classes (which I have no prior experience with).
I'm mapping my own classes with NHibernate automapping, because I have so many classes and properties to map. To get it all working, I copied the library's mapping helper class, and modified it a bit to add my base entity classes to it's list called baseEntityToIgnore. I also had to create a conformist mapping for GatewayUser, since it has a different base entity type, and my automapping wouldn't pick it up.
The unit test looks like this:
public void GatewayUserCascadesStudents()
var u = new GatewayUser() { FirstName = "Mama", LastName = "Bear", UserName = "" };
var s1 = new Student() { FirstName = "First", LastName = "Student" };
var s2 = new Student() { FirstName = "Second", LastName = "Student" };
using (var s = NewSession())
using (var tx = s.BeginTransaction())
GatewayUser fetched = null;
int count = 0;
using (var s = NewSession())
fetched = s.Get<GatewayUser>(u.Id);
count = fetched.Students.Count;
Assert.AreEqual(2, count);
The generated SQL inserts into both AspNetUsers and GatewayUser (reflecting the inheritance relationship), and inserts two records into Student. All good. On fetching, the SELECT joins the two user tables, and I get a GatewayUser object, but accessing the Students collection does not trigger a SELECT on the Student table. But if I change the mapping to Lazy(CollectionLazy.NoLazy), the SQL to select eagerly load Students appears in the log, but the collection is not populated. If I switch the database from SQLite to Sql Server, I see the student records in the table. The generated SQL (when NoLazy is applied) will fetch them. So on the database end, things look fine.
I have to think my Frankenstein mapping situation is to blame. I'm mixing the library's conformist mapping with Fluent mapping, and there are two different base entity classes. However, the generated schema looks correct, and the save cascades correctly, so I don't know if that's the issue.
Found my own answer. My mapping of the parent class's list was like this:
public class GatewayUserMap : JoinedSubclassMapping
public GatewayUserMap()
Key(g => g.Column("Id"));
Property(c => c.FirstName, m => m.Length(50));
// ... more properties
List(gu => gu.Students, map =>
map.Key(c => c.Column("GatewayUser_Id"));
map.Cascade(Cascade.All | Cascade.DeleteOrphans);
map.Index(li => li.Column("ListIndex"));
map.Access(Accessor.Field | Accessor.NoSetter);
I have a private backing field for the collection. Removing Accessor.NoSetter from the collection mapping fixed it. In fact, it still worked without Accessor.Field -- I guess the mapper does a good job of looking around for one, and using it if found. Changing the name of the private backer from "_students" to "funnyName" prevented the mapper from finding it.

Gii doesn't recognize many-to-many relationship to itself?

So I am trying to implement a friendlist, the above is the SQL diagram I made for my simple project and after generating the Models. I realized there was something wrong with the way Gii generated the model.
I wanted to make a many-to-many relationship with User to itself, but this is what I got:
class User {
public function getPosts()
return $this->hasMany(Post::className(), ['userId' => 'id']);
class Friend {
public function getFriend()
return $this->hasOne(Member::className(), ['id' => 'friendId']);
The User class doesn't have any relationship with itself, I expected something like getUsers() inside of User, but it didn't generate it. I initially thought about not making a model with the junction table, but I did so just to see what would happen. I don't think I need it. So I am not sure how to do this correctly? Do I need to get rid of my Junction Table Models and Do I need to make the relationship between User to itself and User to Message manually? I thought about doing a many-to-many in User and Message and a many-to-many in User for User. Is this the right thing? Tell me if I am wrong. Thank you.
You are on a true way. You need a junction table for implementing your goal. Easily as you done this, you must define two model: User and Friend. Now on your User model at first you must define a relation for get the list of all friends, Suppose call it getFriendsLists:
public function getFriendsLists()
return $this->hasMany(Friend::className(), ['userId' => 'id']);
This relation says that "Get me all account that are connected with me, i.e. if my id is 102, this relation return all record of friend table that their userIds are 102". Well, now we get all friends with a relation on User model, let call him getFriends:
public function getFriends()
return $this->hasMany(User::className(), ['friendId' => 'id']
Notice that 'friendsList' as is a parameter of via method, is our predefined relation on top of this answer. Now easily you can get all account that are friends of our example (User with id 102):
public FriendController extends Controller
// Some code goes here!
public function actionFriendList($id)
$user = User::findOne($id);
$friends = $user->friends;
return $this->render('friend-list', ['friendsArray' => $friends]);
And use them on your friend-list view file as $friendsArray variable. Extra note that $user->friends use friends relation that you defined on User model with getFriends method.

Which relationship type to choose in Laravel Eloquent ORM on multiple relationships case

I am new to Laravel and a bit confused about some definitions of ORM.
I am currently working on a simple Trouble ticket management system, and here is my question :
(table: column, column,...)
tickets : id, description, equipment_id
equipments: id, name, vendor_id
vendor: id, name
This is a very short resume of my tables and its relations, following Laravel's conventions. How can I build these models?
Basically I need to retrieve, for example, how many tickets were opened to a certain vendor (how many times I called the vendor for support).
Thank you in advance
What zwacky said is entirely (edit: maybe not entirely correct in the end) true for close relations, but in your situation there is nested relation:
Vendor -> Equipment -> Ticket
Then to retrieve tickets for particular vendor you would define relation on Vendor model like this:
class Vendor extends Eloquent {
public function equipment()
return $this->hasMany('Equipment');
public function tickets()
return $this->hasManyThrough('Ticket', 'Equipment');
class Equipment extends Eloquent {
public function tickets()
return $this->hasMany('Ticket');
public function vendor()
return $this->belongsTo('Vendor');
class Ticket extends Eloquent {
public function equipment()
return $this->belongsTo('Equipment');
and to get count of total tickets for the vendor (not currently open):
Vendor::find($id) // retrieve particular vendor
->tickets()->count(); // get count on tickets table
// and this way you retrieve collection of related tickets
Vendor::find($id) // retrieve particular vendor
->tickets; // get Eloquent Collection
Also you may find it helpful:
you'd need to declare these relationships within their models. e.g. your Ticket.php model could look like this:
class Ticket extends Eloquent {
public function equipment()
return $this->hasOne('Equipment');
public function vendor()
return $this->hasOne('Vendor');
for retrieval you'd do it like this:
foreach (Ticket::all() as $ticket) {
check this section of the laravel docs.
edit: for the specific query how many tickets are open to a certain vendor:
Ticket::where('open', '=', 1)->vendor()->where('id', '=', 42);

Fluent HNibernate Mapping Property Issue

i have two entities one called User and another called Membership which has a one to many mapping from User to Membership. I need to add a property on my User entity called CurrentMembership which gets the latest Membership row (ordered by the property DateAdded on the Membership Entity). I'd appreciate it if someone could show me how this can be done.
I don't think the property needs to be mapped with Fluent NHibernate unless you are planning on storing it in the database, which doesn't necessarily sound like a good idea to me. The following code is more than likely all you need:
public class User
private IList<Membership> _Membership = new List<Membership>();
public IList<Membership> Memberships
get { return _Membership; }
public Membership CurrentMembership
return Memberships
.OrderByDescending(x => x.DateAdded).FirstOrDefault();