What should I use to control input devices and more [closed] - objective-c

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I am fluent in C++, Java, and Python and can pretty much pick up any other skill given enough time (no surprise there, I'm sure 99.9% of the people reading this share the same ability).
I have an idea for a small app for Mac OS X and I was wondering what technology I should employ/learn to get it working. I need some minimal OS X integration to get this done right.
I'm thinking I should probably use objective-C with Cocoa, but if this could be done with some Java library I would prefer that.
My Mac OS X application would do the following:
Be able to intercept all keyboard and mouse input regardless of active (focused) application and select to either block it (effectively disabling input) or act on receipt of certain keyboard shortcuts.
Have a Mac OS X menu bar item (at the top right of the screen next to the battery, network adapter, etc.)
Be able to occupy the entire screen at times (with some OpenGL canvas to display animations, much like a screen saver does)
Have sound.
What technologies would you recommend?

My Mac OS X application would do the following:
Be able to intercept all keyboard and mouse input regardless of active (focused) application and select to either block it (effectively disabling input) or act on receipt of certain keyboard shortcuts.
Have a Mac OS X menu bar item (at the top right of the screen next to the battery, network adapter, etc.)
Be able to occupy the entire screen at times (with some OpenGL canvas to display animations, much like a screen saver does)
Any NSView can do this, but for OpenGL, you'll want NSOpenGLView specifically.
Alternatively to the usual full-screen method, you might prefer to put the view in a window at the screen-saver level. Try both ways and see which works best for you.
Have sound.

If you are well versed in C based languages, Cocoa is an excellent place to start and would probably be the easiest for the tasks you describe. Start here for cocoa: http://developer.apple.com/mac/library/documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/CocoaFundamentals/Introduction/Introduction.html
Python has some excellent support as well, you can look here for modules that may contain what you need: http://docs.python.org/library/mac.html
If you would prefer Java, here is where I would start looking for the functionality you need: http://developer.apple.com/mac/library/documentation/Java/Conceptual/Java14Development/05-CoreJavaAPIs/CoreJavaAPIs.html
I'm not sure honestly which to recommend, I can just say cocoa will probably have the best support for any integration you may need.

This started out as a comment but got too big.
I think you could do most of this with Java - menu icons, for instance, can be done through the SystemTray API which puts them in the relevant place on Windows or OS X. A previous specific answer on this : System Tray (Menu Extras) icon in Mac Os using Java
The key question is whether Java has APIs to grab 'raw' events from the OS, or only when focus is on the application. The standard KeyListener, for instance, is linked to a component with focus.
However, given the nature of the application, I'd suggest going with Cocoa. This would also allow you to use Core Animation (a higher level abstraction over Quartz / OpenGL).


Library style app in Cocoa

I am planning to develop my first app in Cocoa. I have been collecting ideas for the UI and have settled in with the design very similar to iPhoto (i.e. library style or 'shoebox' application as referred by Apple's programming guide). In a nutshell I need master detail kind of setup like in iOS (iPad's UISplitview).
To achieve this should I put a NSSplitview and on the left panel have a NSTableView and on the right panel have a NSCollectionView?
Are there any examples/boilerplate or tutorials for creating app in OS X?
Your instincts are correct. You might decide eventually you want something more customizable that an NSCollectionView, but it’ll get you started fast and you can do most of what iPhoto does with it. (You can’t do rows with varying #s of items on them, like Delicious Library does, unless you write your own view.)

Detecting what part of screen/application window is using OpenGL?

I am interested in identifying which part of application is making use of OpenGL.
Take an example of Chrome where Youtube video being played in Flash (get rendered via OpenGL). I am interested in detecting only the area of application where that OpenGL activity is being done?
If the condition is that I need to be inside the application, like say to inject in Chrome, I can do that too.
Let me know if I can clarify question more.
You tagged your question as MacOS X. Then you can simply assume everything on screen being drawn using OpenGL, because OpenGL is used as the graphics backend for the whole system.
Their is this private API which allow you to know the surface on which opengl is rendering.
CG_EXTERN CGError CGSGetSurfaceBounds(CGSConnectionID, CGWindowID, CGSSurfaceID, CGRect* bounds);
Using this we can detect specific area of application which makes use of OpenGL.

Is there a way to get push to scroll functionality in Windows 8 metro Apps?

In the Windows 8 Consumer Preview, moving the mouse towards the left or right edge in the start screen causes the content to scroll.
The standard controls (and currently released preview apps) does not seem to support this.
Is there a way to make this work?
I asked this question at TechEd North America this year, after one of the sessions given by Paul Gusmorino, a lead program manager for the UI platform.
His answer was that no, apps can't do push-against-the-edge-to-scroll. WinJS and WinRT/XAML apps don't even get the events you would need to implement it yourself. Apps get events at the level of the mouse pointer, and once the mouse pointer hits the edge of the screen, it can't move any farther and you don't get any more events. (Well, it might wiggle up and down a little bit, but not if it hit a corner. At any rate, it's not good enough to scroll the way the Start screen does.)
He mentioned that, if you were writing a C++/DirectX app, you would be able to get the raw mouse input you needed to do this yourself -- you can get low-level "device moved by DX,DY" rather than the high-level "pointer moved to X,Y". I'm guessing this is how the Start screen does it, though I didn't think to ask.
But no, it's not built-in, it's not something you can implement yourself (unless you write your app in low-level C++/DirectX), and it sounds like they have no plans to add it before Windows 8 ships.
Personally, I think it's pretty short-sighted of them to have apps feel cripped compared to the Start screen, but evidently they're not concerned about little things like usability. </rant>
You can do the following to get information on mouse moving beyond the screen and use the delta information to scroll your content.
using Windows.Devices.Input;
var mouse = MouseDevice.GetForCurrentView();
mouse.MouseMoved += mouse_MouseMoved;
private void mouse_MouseMoved(MouseDevice sender, MouseEventArgs args)
tb.Text = args.MouseDelta.X.ToString();

How can I tell if a process has a graphical interface on OSX?

Is there anyway, we can identify if the process has user interface? Anything which deals with drawing on screen.
I looked at this question, but it does not give proper answer. I am inside the process. Is there some api where i can query, or some technique?
EDIT: I am inside the process, I am doing code injection. I want to behave different for non gui apps than gui ones. I cannot use CFBundleGetValueForInfoDictionaryKey() or NSApplicationMain as I want to keep injection module light and thus I cannot link against these frameworks.
This depends heavily on what you mean by "has a graphical interface." Do you mean, "is displaying a window?" Or "has a dock icon?" Or "has access to the Aqua context such that it could display a window if it wanted to?" Or "is linked with AppKit?"
An app bundle that does not have a dock icon will have the Info.plist key LSUIElement set to "1". You can fetch this using CFBundleGetValueForInfoDictionaryKey() (or the NSBundle equivalent if you're in Objective-C). This does not mean the application has no GUI, but does mean it won't show up in the dock. Many LSUIElement apps have a status item UI.
You can also check that you actually have an Info.plist at all using CFBundleCopyBundleURL() or the like. If you don't have an Info.plist, then you're not going to be a "GUI-like" program in all likelihood. (Though again, it's possible to generate GUIs without this).
You can use weak linking to test for AppKit:
if (NSApplicationMain != NULL) {
// We're linked with AppKit
That's a fairly good indicator that you're going to have a UI. But it won't catch older Carbon apps.
Some more background on what you mean by "I am inside the process" would be helpful. I assume you're a framework and want to behave differently for GUI apps than for non-GUI apps?
To detect an application capable of drawing on the screen, I would check for whether CoreGraphics is linked. That'll only work for programs built since 10.3, but should be fairly accurate (I believe that old QuickDraw apps still link Core Graphics in 10.3+, but I don't have one handy to check). Probably the best way is to do a weak linking check against CGColorCreate() since it's been around for a long time and is unlikely to ever go away:
extern CGColorRef CGColorCreate(CGColorSpaceRef space, const CGFloat components[])
if (CGColorCreate != NULL) {
// Linked with CoreGraphics. Probably a GUI
Of course things can link with CoreGraphics and be capable of drawing on the screen, but never actually draw on the screen. They might link with CoreGraphics in order to do image processing. It might be more accurate by looking for ApplicationServices. You could test ApplicationServicesVersionNumber against NULL, but that's not documented.
This will not catch X apps, since they don't technically draw on the screen. They send commands to X11.app, which is a GUI. Do you consider /usr/X11/bin/xterm a GUI for this purpose? /usr/X11/bin/xeyes?
There is no particular flag I'm aware of in any app that says unambiguously "I draw on the screen." Drawing on the screen is not something you need to pre-declare. Apps that draw on the screen don't have to do so every time they run. Apps that are generally invisible might optionally or occasionally create a status item. It's hard to come up with a single description that includes GrowlHelperApp.app, Pages.app, and /usr/X11/bin/xeyes.

Keyboard shortcuts in iOS?

Is it possible to capture command-key sequences in 3rd party iPad/iPhone apps?
Long version:
On my excellent journey of discovery vis-a-vis my new iPad with it's gleaming keyboard dock, I discovered, much to my joy, that when editing text in standard issue text views; commands ranging from ⌘C/⌘P for copy-paste and ^A, ^B, ^E and friends for line and character jumping works.
So far so good, yeah? Problem is, this enthralling behaviour seems limited to text fields, and more specifically, standard issue text fields. What I would really like is to capture events like these for my own use.
An issue I often find with a lot of apps is that they tend to either be close to useless, or at least cumbersome, without the keyboard dock (e.g. the iWork Suite), or close to useless, or at least cumbersome, with the keyboard dock (most other applications that don't rely heavily on text input, but rather touch gestures [that is to say, most other applications period]).
Many games, for instance Civilization Revolutions, and similar, would benefit massively from just the simple addition of the ability to use the arrow keys to move units and the enter key to end turn.
So the question, then, as stated above: Is there a way to capture and respond to these events in order to offer an alternative to touch commands for those that desire this and have the hardware?
Disclaimer: I have no intention of developing applications that rely exclusively on keyboard input, of course, and nor should anyone else. The touch interface is paramount. It's just not always completely practical.
The only way (that I know of) to get input from the keyboard in iOS is using the UITextInput protocol. Unfortunately, the protocol doesn't give you the raw keys that were pressed, and instead sends you messages like "insert this string" and "move the caret to this position." So in order to know that an arrow key was pressed would require you to do some digging.
As for shortcuts with modifier keys, like copy/paste or undo/redo, Apple only seems to support the basics, and doesn't allow you to create custom ones. They use methods in UIResponder: –canPerformAction:withSender: and undoManager.
So if I were writing a game and wanted to take advantage of the keyboard I would subclass UIResponder and have it conform to the UITextInput protocol. And then make it the first responder. This however will probably bring up the software keyboard if a physical one is not present.
My own disclaimer: I haven't done all the hard work to use UITextInput in a way it wasn't meant to be used, so I don't know how feasible it would be to actually get it working. And I don't really want to. Rather, let's all file bug reports to get Apple to create an API that allows us to get more precise input from the keyboard.
In iOS 7, the UIResponder property keyCommands and the class UIKeyCommand were added to support shortcuts. Simply override keyCommands to return an array of UIKeyCommand and you should be good to go.
Worth mentioning: Though the details are currently under NDA, Apple is adding support for keyboard shortcuts/events in iOS 7.
I suspect it will work similarly to how it works on Mac OS X, which is briefly described in this answer to a similar question.