In Scala, is it possible to write a script which refers to another script - scripting

I am currently looking at using Scala scripts to control the life-cycle of a MySQL database instead of using MS-DOS scripts (I am on Windows XP).
I want to have a configuration script which only holds configuration information, and 1 or more management scripts which use the configuration information to perform various operations such as start, stop, show status, etc .....
Is it possible to write a Scala script which includes/imports/references another Scala script?
I had a look at the -i option of the scala interpreter, but this launches an interactive session which is not what I want.

According to Scala man, script pre-loading only works for interactive mode.
As a workaround, you can exit the interactive mode after running the script. Here's the code of child.bat (script that includes another generic one):
#echo off
call scala -i genetic.bat %0
goto :eof
def childFunc="child"
genericFunc is defined at genetic.bat
The output of child.bat:
Loading genetic.bat...
geneticFunc: java.lang.String
Loading child.bat...
childFunc: java.lang.String

I'd use Process and call the other Scala script just like any other command.

One option would be to have a script which concatenates two files together and then launches it, something like:
#echo off
type config.scala > temp.scala
type code.scala >> temp.scala
scala temp.scala
del temp.scala
or similar. Then you keep the two seperate as you wished.


How to use Bamboo plan variables in an inline script task?

When defining a Bamboo plan variable, the page has this.
For task configuration fields, use the syntax
${bamboo.myvariablename}. For inline scripts, variables are exposed as
shell environment variables which can be accessed using the syntax
However, that doesn't work in my Linux inline script. For example, I have the following defined a a plan variable
name: my_plan_var value: some_string
My inline script is simply...
echo "Plan var: $PLAN_VAR"
and I just get a blank string.
I've tried this
But I get
${bamboo.my_plan_var}: bad substitution
on the log viewer window.
Any pointers?
I tried the following and it works:
On the plan, I set my_plan_var to "it works" (w/o quotes)
In the inline script (don't forget the first line):
echo "testing: $PLAN_VAR"
And I got the expected result:
testing: it works
I also wanted to create a Bamboo variable and the only thing I've found to share it between scripts is with inject-variables like following:
Add to your bamboo-spec.yaml the following after your script that will create the variable:
- script:
- inject-variables:
file: bamboo-specs/vars.yaml
scope: RESULT
# namespace: plan
- script: echo ${bamboo.inject.GIT_VERSION} # just for testing
Note: Namespace defaults to inject.
In create the file bamboo-specs/vars.yaml:
versionStr=$(git describe --tags --always --dirty --abbrev=4)
echo "GIT_VERSION: ${versionStr}" > ./bamboo-specs/vars.yaml
Or for multiple lines you can use:
SW_NUMBER_DIGITS=${1} # Passed as first parameter to build script
cat <<EOT > ./bamboo-specs/vars.yaml
GIT_VERSION: ${versionStr}
Scope can be local or result. Local means it's only available for current job and result means it can be used in subsequent stages of this plan and releases that are created from the result.
Namespace is just used to avoid naming collisions with other variables.
With the above you can use that variable in later scripts with ${bamboo.inject.GIT_VERSION}. The last script task is just to see that it is working in other scripts. You can also see the variables in the web app as build meta data.
I'm using the above script before the build (in my case compiling C-Code) takes place so I can also create a version.h file that can be used by the source code.
This is still a bit cumbersome but I'm happy with it and I hope it will help others to configure Bamboo. Bamboo documentation could be better. (Still a lot try and error)

SCIP write best feasible solution in automated test

Based on steps in, I have managed to set up an automated test using SCIP. However, I'd like to write the solution (best feasible solution) to a file, instead of just getting the objective value. Is there anyway to do it in the automated test?
I did a hack in by replacing
OPTCOMMAND=optimize; write solution myfilename.sol;
But too bad, it doesn't seem to work, when I tried to make TEST=mytest test, this line is observed from the output
bash ./ mytest bin/scip-3.1.0.linux.x86_64.gnu.opt.spx default scip-3.1.0.linux.x86_64.gnu.opt.spx 3600 2100000000 6144 1 default 10000 false false 3.1.0 spx false /tmp optimize;
write: solution is not logged in on myfilename.sol
I know it is possible to write the solution via interactive shell, but I am trying to automate the test in order to retrieve both solution and obj value. Any help or clarification will be much appreciated!
You are getting an error because with the syntax you are using, you try to invoke a bash command called "write" because of the semicolon:
The write utility allows you to communicate with other users, by
copying lines from your terminal to theirs.
Just try without semicolon ;)
The cleaner solution would be to modify the file "check/"
and add the line
echo write solution /absolute/path/to/solutions/${INSTANCE}.sol >> $TMPFILE
before the quit command. This configuration file sets up a batch file to feed SCIP with all commands that the interactive shell should execute, and you can model arbitrary user behavior.

In Lua, how to print the console output into a file (piping) instead of using the standard output?

I workin' with Torch7 and Lua programming languages. I need a command that redirects the output of my console to a file, instead of printing it into my shell.
For example, in Linux, when you type:
$ ls > dir.txt
The system will print the output of the command "ls" to the file dir.txt, instead of printing it to the default output console.
I need a similar command for Lua. Does anyone know it?
[EDIT] An user suggests to me that this operation is called piping. So, the question should be: "How to make piping in Lua?"
[EDIT2] I would use this # command to do:
$ torch 'my_program' # printed_output.txt
Have a look here ->
io.write seems to be what you are looking for.
Lua has no default function to create a file from the console output.
If your applications logs its output -which you're probably trying to do-, it will only be possible to do this by modifying the Lua C++ source code.
If your internal system has access to the output of the console, you could do something similar to this (and set it on a timer, so it runs every 25ms or so):
dumpoutput = function()
local file = io.write([path to file dump here], "w+")
for i, line in ipairs ([console output function]) do
Note that the console output function has to store the output of the console in a table.
To clear the console at the end, just do os.execute( "cls" ).

How to interact with an external command in vimscript?

I have a script which interacts with user (prints some questions to stderr and gets input from stdin) and then prints some data to stdin. I want to put the output of the script to a variable in vimscript. It probably should look like this:
let a = system("./script")
The supposed behavior is that script runs, interacts with user, and after all a is assigned with its output to stdout. But instead a is assigned both with outputs to stdout and stderr, so user seed no prompts.
Could you help me fixing it?
Interactive commands are best avoided from within Vim; especially with GVIM (on Windows), a new console window pops up; you may not have a fully functional terminal, ...
Better query any needed arguments in Vimscript itself (with input(); or pass them on from a custom Vim :command), and just use the external script non-interactively, feeding it everything it needs.
What gets captured by system() (as well as :!) is controlled by the 'shellredir' option. Its usual value, >%s 2>&1 captures stdout as well as stderr. Your script needs to choose one (e.g. stdout) for its output, and the other for user interaction, and the Vimscript wrapper that invokes it must (temporarily) change the option.
:let save_shellredir = &shellredir
:set shellredir=>
:let a = system('./script') " The script should interact via stderr.
:let &shellredir = save_shellredir
Call the script within the other as,
. ./
I think this is what you meant.

How to provide vsdbcmd deploy command line target dbschema sql command variables?

The Visual Studio (2010) gui provides options for specifying second command variable file for target. I however cant find this option for the command line implementation - vsdbcmd.exe.
Running vsdbcmd deploy for dbschema to dbschema with only source model command variables given results that objects that implement the variables are treated as having changes. Resulting in incorrect(improper) update script.
The command i use currently:
vsdbcmd.exe /a:deploy /dd:- /dsp:sql /model:Source.dbschema /targetmodelfile:Target.dbschema /p:SqlCommandVariablesFile=Database.sqlcmdvars /manifest:Database.deploymanifest /DeploymentScriptFile:UpdateScript.sql /p:TargetDatabase="DatabaseName"
What im looking for is the /p:TargetSqlCommandVariablesFile, if such thing exists ...
The result script is the same as running so GUI compare without specifying the sqlcmd vars for target
I found what looks like full documentation for VSDBCMD.EXE at this link.
I think you may be looking for something like:
In the end i found no info on the possibility to do what I required - checked vsdbcmd libs with IL spy for hidden parameters - didn't find any.
Reached my goal by parsing the dbschema files for both target and current and parsing the cmd variable values directly into them - then doing the compare on modified dbschemas. This approach no longer allows to change sql cmd vars in resulting script (as the values are already baked into code), however this was deemed as acceptable loss.
Not the most beautiful solution but so far i have had no issues with it.