vb.net dynamic plugin loading question - vb.net

I'm using the following code in a vb.net 2008 project to dynamically load dll's (with forms) from a folder, all works great however I can't figure out for the life of me how to call a function or get a public variable from the plugins.
Can anyone answer this issue for me?
Dim PluginList As String() = Directory.GetFiles(appDir, "*.dll")
For Each Plugin As String In PluginList
Dim Asm As Assembly
Dim SysTypes As System.Type
Asm = Assembly.LoadFrom(Plugin)
SysTypes = Asm.GetType(Asm.GetName.Name + ".frmMain")
Dim IsForm As Boolean = GetType(Form).IsAssignableFrom(SysTypes)
If IsForm Then
Dim tmpForm As Form = CType(Activator.CreateInstance(SysTypes), Form)

You should probably create an interface in a common assembly and have your form implement it, this way you can cast you dynamically loaded object as your interface type.
Imports System.Reflection
Imports Plugin.Interfaces
Sub Main()
Dim assembly As Assembly
assembly = assembly.LoadFrom("Plugin.X.dll")
Dim type As Type
Dim found As Boolean = False
For Each type In assembly.GetTypes()
If GetType(IForm).IsAssignableFrom(type) Then
found = True
Exit For
End If
If found Then
Dim instance As IForm
instance = CType(Activator.CreateInstance(type), IForm)
Console.WriteLine(instance.Add(20, 20))
End If
End Sub
Interface Assembly
Public Interface IForm
Function Add(ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer) As Integer
End Interface
Plugin Assembly
Imports Plugin.Interfaces
Public Class Form
Implements IForm
Public Function Add(ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer) As Integer Implements IForm.Add
Return x + y
End Function
End Class


How to get access to the functions from a module

I need to get access to the public functions in a module (not a class). This is what I have tried:
Dim asm As Reflection.Assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly
Dim my_modules = asm.GetModules
For Each my_module In my_modules
Dim all_methods = my_module.GetMethods
But that doesn't even get down to the module itself, I just get the name of the executable.
As #jmcilhinney said in the comments a Module is like a Class when using reflection. You can access it using GetType or GetTypes method.
Dim asm As Assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly
Dim my_module = asm.GetType("Module_Full_Name")
Dim allMethods = my_module.GetMethods()
Module in VB.NET is nothing else than static class. You not create instance of static class, just call its members from anywhere in scope where module is declared.
Public Module Mathematics
Public Function Sum(x As Integer, y As Integer) As Integer
Return x + y
End Function
End Module
Class Form1
Public Sub New()
Dim result = Mathematics.Sum(1, 2)
End Sub
End Class

Showing progress of ZipFiles Class

I was wondering, how can I get the percentage of this being done, so I can display it on a progress bar?
ZipFile.CreateFromDirectory("C:\temp\folder", "C:\temp\folder.zip")
and also
ZipFile.ExtractToDirectory("C:\temp\folder.zip", "C:\temp\folder")
This doesnt have any events or callbacks that you can use to report progress. Simply means you cant with the .Net version. If you used the 7-Zip library you can do this easily.
I came across this question while checking for related questions for the identical question, asked for C# code. It is true that the .NET static ZipFile class does not offer progress reporting. However, it is not hard to do using the ZipArchive implementation, available since earlier versions of .NET.
The key is to use a Stream wrapper that will report bytes read and written, and insert that in the data pipeline while creating or extracting the archive.
I wrote a version in C# for an answer to the other question, and since I didn't find any VB.NET examples, figured it would be helpful to include a VB.NET version on this question.
(Arguably, I could include both examples in a single answer and propose closing one of the questions as a duplicate of the other. But since it's doubtful the close vote would result in an actual closure, the connection between the two questions would not be as obvious as it should be. I think for best visibility to future users trying to find the solution appropriate for their needs, leaving this as two different questions is better.)
The foundation of the solution is the Stream wrapper class:
Imports System.IO
Public Class StreamWithProgress
Inherits Stream
' NOTE For illustration purposes. For production code, one would want To
' override *all* of the virtual methods, delegating to the base _stream object,
' to ensure performance optimizations in the base _stream object aren't
' bypassed.
Private ReadOnly _stream As Stream
Private ReadOnly _readProgress As IProgress(Of Integer)
Private ReadOnly _writeProgress As IProgress(Of Integer)
Public Sub New(Stream As Stream, readProgress As IProgress(Of Integer), writeProgress As IProgress(Of Integer))
_stream = Stream
_readProgress = readProgress
_writeProgress = writeProgress
End Sub
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property CanRead As Boolean
Return _stream.CanRead
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property CanSeek As Boolean
Return _stream.CanSeek
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property CanWrite As Boolean
Return _stream.CanWrite
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property Length As Long
Return _stream.Length
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Property Position As Long
Return _stream.Position
End Get
Set(value As Long)
_stream.Position = value
End Set
End Property
Public Overrides Sub Flush()
End Sub
Public Overrides Sub SetLength(value As Long)
End Sub
Public Overrides Function Seek(offset As Long, origin As SeekOrigin) As Long
Return _stream.Seek(offset, origin)
End Function
Public Overrides Sub Write(buffer() As Byte, offset As Integer, count As Integer)
_stream.Write(buffer, offset, count)
End Sub
Public Overrides Function Read(buffer() As Byte, offset As Integer, count As Integer) As Integer
Dim bytesRead As Integer = _stream.Read(buffer, offset, count)
Return bytesRead
End Function
End Class
The wrapper class can be used to implement progress-aware versions of the ZipFile static methods:
Imports System.IO
Imports System.IO.Compression
NotInheritable Class ZipFileWithProgress
Private Sub New()
End Sub
Public Shared Sub CreateFromDirectory(
sourceDirectoryName As String,
destinationArchiveFileName As String,
progress As IProgress(Of Double))
sourceDirectoryName = Path.GetFullPath(sourceDirectoryName)
Dim sourceFiles As FileInfo() = New DirectoryInfo(sourceDirectoryName).GetFiles("*", SearchOption.AllDirectories)
Dim totalBytes As Double = sourceFiles.Sum(Function(f) f.Length)
Dim currentBytes As Long = 0
Using archive As ZipArchive = ZipFile.Open(destinationArchiveFileName, ZipArchiveMode.Create)
For Each fileInfo As FileInfo In sourceFiles
' NOTE: naive method To Get Sub-path from file name, relative to
' input directory. Production code should be more robust than this.
' Either use Path class Or similar to parse directory separators And
' reconstruct output file name, Or change this entire method to be
' recursive so that it can follow the sub-directories And include them
' in the entry name as they are processed.
Dim entryName As String = fileInfo.FullName.Substring(sourceDirectoryName.Length + 1)
Dim entry As ZipArchiveEntry = archive.CreateEntry(entryName)
entry.LastWriteTime = fileInfo.LastWriteTime
Using inputStream As Stream = File.OpenRead(fileInfo.FullName)
Using outputStream As Stream = entry.Open()
Dim progressStream As Stream = New StreamWithProgress(inputStream,
New BasicProgress(Of Integer)(
currentBytes += i
progress.Report(currentBytes / totalBytes)
End Sub), Nothing)
End Using
End Using
End Using
End Sub
Public Shared Sub ExtractToDirectory(
sourceArchiveFileName As String,
destinationDirectoryName As String,
progress As IProgress(Of Double))
Using archive As ZipArchive = ZipFile.OpenRead(sourceArchiveFileName)
Dim totalBytes As Double = archive.Entries.Sum(Function(e) e.Length)
Dim currentBytes As Long = 0
For Each entry As ZipArchiveEntry In archive.Entries
Dim fileName As String = Path.Combine(destinationDirectoryName, entry.FullName)
Using inputStream As Stream = entry.Open()
Using outputStream As Stream = File.OpenWrite(fileName)
Dim progressStream As Stream = New StreamWithProgress(outputStream, Nothing,
New BasicProgress(Of Integer)(
currentBytes += i
progress.Report(currentBytes / totalBytes)
End Sub))
End Using
End Using
File.SetLastWriteTime(fileName, entry.LastWriteTime.LocalDateTime)
End Using
End Sub
End Class
The .NET built-in implementation of IProgress(Of T) is intended for use in contexts where there is a UI thread where progress reporting events should be raised. As such, when used in a console program, like which I used to test this code, it will default to using the thread pool to raise the events, allowing for the possibility of out-of-order reports. To address this, the above uses a simpler implementation of IProgress(Of T), one that simply invokes the handler directly and synchronously.
Class BasicProgress(Of T)
Implements IProgress(Of T)
Private ReadOnly _handler As Action(Of T)
Public Sub New(handler As Action(Of T))
_handler = handler
End Sub
Private Sub Report(value As T) Implements IProgress(Of T).Report
End Sub
End Class
And naturally, it's useful to have an example with which to test and demonstrate the code.
Imports System.IO
Module Module1
Sub Main(args As String())
Dim sourceDirectory As String = args(0),
archive As String = args(1),
archiveDirectory As String = Path.GetDirectoryName(Path.GetFullPath(archive)),
unpackDirectoryName As String = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()
ZipFileWithProgress.CreateFromDirectory(sourceDirectory, archive,
New BasicProgress(Of Double)(
Console.WriteLine($"{p:P2} archiving complete")
End Sub))
ZipFileWithProgress.ExtractToDirectory(archive, unpackDirectoryName,
New BasicProgress(Of Double)(
Console.WriteLine($"{p:P0} extracting complete")
End Sub))
End Sub
End Module
Additional notes regarding this implementation can be found in my answer to the related question.

Executing runtime code parameters

The following is some code to execute code at runtime:
Dim SourceCode As String = txtCode.Text
Dim Dlls() As String = {"System.dll", "System.Core.dll", "System.Data.dll", "System.Windows.Forms.dll"} 'Any referenced dll's
Dim Compiler As New VbCompiler(SourceCode, Dlls)
Dim CodeAssembly As Assembly = Compiler.Compile
If Compiler.Successful Then
Dim instance As Object = CodeAssembly.CreateInstance("TestCode.Class1")
Dim CodeType As Type = instance.GetType
Dim Info As MethodInfo = CodeType.GetMethod("ShowMessage")
Info.Invoke(instance, Nothing)
For Each i As CompilerError In Compiler.Errors
End If
txtCode.text =:
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Namespace TestCode
Class Class1
Sub ShowMessage()
End Sub
End Class
End Namespace
This works perfectly. I am wanting to know how to pass arguments to a function. ie
txtCode.text = :
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Namespace TestCode
Class Class1
Sub ShowMessage(ByVal x As String)
End Sub
End Class
End Namespace
I would like to run the 'ShowMessage" function with a string as the parameter, ("Test") for an example.
I am pretty sure it is at the following lines:
Dim Info As MethodInfo = CodeType.GetMethod("ShowMessage")
Info.Invoke(instance, Nothing)
But I cannot get it working.
You need to pass string value.
Info.Invoke(instance, New Object(){"Test"})
EDIT: Two arguments
Info.Invoke(instance, New Object(){"First","Second"})

VB.NET CType: How do I use CType to change an object variable "obj" to my custom class that I reference using a string variable like obj.GetType.Name?

The code below works for the class that I hard coded "XCCustomers" in my RetrieveIDandName method where I use CType. However, I would like to be able to pass in various classes and property names to get the integer and string LIST returned. For example, in my code below, I would like to also pass in "XCEmployees" to my RetrieveIDandName method. I feel so close... I was hoping someone knew how to use CType where I can pass in the class name as a string variable.
Note, all the other examples I have seen and tried fail because we are using Option Strict On which disallows late binding. That is why I need to use CType.
I also studied the "Activator.CreateInstance" code examples to try to get the class reference instance by string name but I was unable to get CType to work with that.
When I use obj.GetType.Name or obj.GetType.FullName in place of the "XCCustomers" in CType(obj, XCCustomers)(i)
I get the error "Type 'obj.GetType.Name' is not defined" or "Type 'obj.GetType.FullName' is not defined"
Thanks for your help.
Imports DataLaasXC.Business
Imports DataLaasXC.Utilities
Public Class ucCustomerList
'Here is the calling method:
Public Sub CallingSub()
Dim customerList As New XCCustomers()
Dim customerIdAndName As New List(Of XCCustomer) = RetrieveIDandName(customerList, "CustomerId", " CustomerName")
'This code below fails because I had to hard code “XCCustomer” in the “Dim item...” section of my RetrieveEmployeesIDandName method.
Dim employeeList As New XCEmployees()
Dim employeeIdAndName As New List(Of XCEmployee) = RetrieveIDandName(employeeList, "EmployeeId", " EmployeeName")
'doing stuff here...
End Sub
'Here is the method where I would like to use the class name string when I use CType:
Private Function RetrieveIDandName(ByVal obj As Object, ByVal idPropName As String, ByVal namePropName As String) As List(Of IntStringPair)
Dim selectedItems As List(Of IntStringPair) = New List(Of IntStringPair)
Dim fullyQualifiedClassName As String = obj.GetType.FullName
Dim count As Integer = CInt(obj.GetType().GetProperty("Count").GetValue(obj, Nothing))
If (count > 0) Then
For i As Integer = 0 To count - 1
'Rather than hard coding “XCCustomer” below, I want to use something like “obj.GetType.Name”???
Dim Item As IntStringPair = New IntStringPair(CInt(CType(obj, XCCustomers)(i).GetType().GetProperty("CustomerId").GetValue(CType(obj, XCCustomers)(i), Nothing)), _
CStr(CType(obj, XCCustomers)(i).GetType().GetProperty("CustomerName").GetValue(CType(obj, XCCustomers)(i), Nothing)))
End If
Return selectedItems
End Function
End Class
' Below are the supporting classes if you need to see what else is happening:
Namespace DataLaasXC.Utilities
Public Class IntStringPair
Public Sub New(ByVal _Key As Integer, ByVal _Value As String)
Value = _Value
Key = _Key
End Sub
Public Property Value As String
Public Property Key As Integer
End Class
End Namespace
Namespace DataLaasXC.Business
Public Class XCCustomer
Public Property CustomerId As Integer
Public Property CustomerName As String
End Class
End Namespace
Namespace DataLaasXC.Business
Public Class XCCustomers
Inherits List(Of XCCustomer)
Public Sub New()
End Sub
Public Sub New(ByVal GetEmpty As Boolean)
End Sub
End Class
End Namespace
Namespace DataLaasXC.Business
Public Class XCEmployee
Public Property EmployeeId As Integer
Public Property EmployeeName As String
End Class
End Namespace
Namespace DataLaasXC.Business
Public Class XCEmployees
Inherits List(Of XCEmployee)
Public Sub New()
End Sub
Public Sub New(ByVal GetEmpty As Boolean)
End Sub
End Class
End Namespace
CType(expression, typename)
. . .
typename : Any expression that is legal
within an As clause in a Dim
statement, that is, the name of any
data type, object, structure, class,
or interface.
This is basically saying you can't use CType dynamically, just statically. i.e. At the point where the code is compiled the compiler needs to know what typename is going to be.
You can't change this at runtime.
Hope this helps.
Since List(Of T) implements the non-generic IList interface, you could change your function declaration to:
Private Function RetrieveIDandName(ByVal obj As System.Collections.IList, ByVal idPropName As String, ByVal namePropName As String) As List(Of IntStringPair)
And then your troublesome line would become (with also using the property name parameters):
Dim Item As IntStringPair = New IntStringPair(CInt(obj(i).GetType().GetProperty(idPropName).GetValue(obj(i), Nothing)), _
CStr(obj(i).GetType().GetProperty(namePropName).GetValue(obj(i), Nothing)))
Of course, you could still have the first parameter by Object, and then attempt to cast to IList, but that's up to you.
ctype is used to convert in object type.

Implementing my own interface in VBA - Error: Object module needs to implement 'x' for interface 'y'

How do I implement my class ClsInterface, which has this code:
Public Function add(x As Integer, y As Integer) As Integer
End Function
in my class Class2, which has this code:
Implements ClsInterface
Public Function add(x As Integer, y As Integer) As Integer
add = x + y
End Function
My test code is
Public Sub test()
Dim obj As New Class2
MsgBox obj.add(5, 2)
End Sub
This always comes up with the following error:
Microsoft Visual Basic
Compile error:
Object module needs to implement 'add' for interface 'ClsInterface'
but there is no help on Microsoft help (when I press on Help button).
Any Ideas?
Your Class2 must look like:
Implements ClsInterface
Private Function ClsInterface_add(x As Integer, y As Integer) As Integer
ClsInterface_add = x + y
End Function
Check out the drop-down boxes at the top of Class2's code window, you can see what base object you can refer to; Class or ClsInterface.
In your test code you want:
Dim obj As New ClsInterface
If you want to call across the interface.
I would also recommend naming interfaces in the form ISomeDescription and using Dim then Set rather than Dim As New.